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9/11 was blatantly a set up. Show me 1 building anywhere ever that collapsed like that from the bottom because of being on fire at the top; That alone, never mind all the 3rd building going down or numerous other following dodgey dossiers etc etc, is enough evidence in its self.

Markets are all manipulated; why would geo political events not be also? Look at all that's taken place since on the terror excuses

Were you there?

The people who were there saw the jets hit the buildings. They saw the jet fuel fires that would melt the steel structure. When that steel structure of a couple of floors melted, it allowed the upper stories to drop like a sledgehammer, crushing all floors beneath, one at at time in rapid succession. Gravity pulls straight down in case you didn't know.

Part of the debris from one of the huge buildings hit a third smaller building and destroyed it.

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9/11 was blatantly a set up. Show me 1 building anywhere ever that collapsed like that from the bottom because of being on fire at the top; That alone, never mind all the 3rd building going down or numerous other following dodgey dossiers etc etc, is enough evidence in its self.

Markets are all manipulated; why would geo political events not be also? Look at all that's taken place since on the terror excuses

Oh dear, tell me you've posted in jest!


I have to agree here. It was a mass hallucination. The us military have been planning mind control for a few years!

What you never heard the story about LSD in the 60/70s.

So basically the water supply was spiked by the government. A few seeds planted here and there about planes then oh , oh my oh me big planes crashing into these towers. then the 'footage' was posted on news all over the us then over the rest of the world.

Its all a way to attack Iran and take complete control of the oil resources before the Russians can. simple as,


9/11 was blatantly a set up. Show me 1 building anywhere ever that collapsed like that from the bottom because of being on fire at the top; That alone, never mind all the 3rd building going down or numerous other following dodgey dossiers etc etc, is enough evidence in its self.

Markets are all manipulated; why would geo political events not be also? Look at all that's taken place since on the terror excuses

Were you there?

The people who were there saw the jets hit the buildings. They saw the jet fuel fires that would melt the steel structure. When that steel structure of a couple of floors melted, it allowed the upper stories to drop like a sledgehammer, crushing all floors beneath, one at at time in rapid succession. Gravity pulls straight down in case you didn't know.

Part of the debris from one of the huge buildings hit a third smaller building and destroyed it.

Even the fuel melts the steel structure on top and the top falls down wards would logic not tell you the top would start collapsing first, not the bottom, and the strength of all beneath it = a loose top following the path of least resistance as in down and to a side.

3rd building- a l bit of debris falling on it would not bring the whole building down From the bottom.

Impartial architects the world over have said the same as above.

It seems that even an obvious lie is preferable to believe for many more than the truth of things because the implications are too much to stomach.


"coup d'état" = sad but true! that's what my redneck friends forecasted in november 2008.

LOSER!!! Get a grip on reality. The world is just dandy and your redneck friends are, sadly, more in the know than yourself. Show us the humor and don't waste energy on illogical crap! At least you don't post insane links like your idol Midas.

crawled out of your dark corner? would you like me to post my last electricity bills for your comments?

"my idol Midas" = a good one! laugh.png

wow sounds like siam forgot to take his medication today



Q: Are You Printing Money?

Bernanke: Not Literally

And a FTW follow up from the Chairman:.................................

If the Fed were to tighten policy, the economy "would tank"facepalm.gif


"coup d'état" = sad but true! that's what my redneck friends forecasted in november 2008.

LOSER!!! Get a grip on reality. The world is just dandyblink.png and your redneck friends are, sadly, more in the know than yourself. Show us the humor and don't waste energy on illogical crap! At least you don't post insane links like your idol Midas.


we live in an insane world - call it the "post-reason era."

It's a world full of irrational people, criminal corporations, deceptive government, the abandonment of law and even the "dogmatizing" of the sciences which once claimed to be based on reason. In popular culture, we've got the insanity of the Trayvon Martin drama in which the abandonment of law is now institutionalized in the justice system itself, where prosecutors are allowed to commit crimes as part of a "trial," and state attorneys are encouraged to misapply the justice system so that it might be used as a political weapon.

In the realm of medicine, we've got patients being routinely poisoned with deadly chemicals in cancer clinics, infants being injected with deadly methyl mercury via vaccines, "preventive" double mastectomies being promoted as a women's rights issue, and now the new "bioethics" idea that parents have the right to abort newborn babies up to the age of three.

The mind-warping linguistic engineers in the media have infected the population with wild delusions while the banksters get subsidized by the government to keep stealing -- and losing -- your money over and over again. A toxic chemical variety of fluoride is dripped into the water supply to keep people in a never-ending state of mental stupor, and television is scripted to foment hatred, violence, division and paranoia so that the rise of the surveillance police state can continue relentlessly.

Terror events are plotted by the FBI, pedophiles run rampant throughout the culture and television is now sexualizing children and depicting six-year-olds dressed as prostitutes as "normal." Meanwhile, anyone who cites American history -- Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Thomas Payne -- is immediately branded a possible terrorist and then electronically stalked by the NSA which we now know is reading all our emails and listening to all our phone calls.

At every turn, our sanity is being sucker-punched by a culture gone mad. We are watching the downfall of civilization right before our very eyes,


I have to agree here. It was a mass hallucination. The us military have been planning mind control for a few years!

What you never heard the story about LSD in the 60/70s.

So basically the water supply was spiked by the government. A few seeds planted here and there about planes then oh , oh my oh me big planes crashing into these towers. then the 'footage' was posted on news all over the us then over the rest of the world.

Its all a way to attack Iran and take complete control of the oil resources before the Russians can. simple as,

ajarnpot = nomen est omen? wink.png


10 years to the day almost that Dr David Kelly was bumped off. A group of prominent medics are calling for an inquiry in to his "suspicious death" again. The whitewash that has been every inquiry to do with the post 9/11 wars and the fabricated evidence / lies from government, there is no reason to have any faith in results of such investigations any way.

That markets are all manipulated was called conspiracy until the evidence came out and it was no longer deniable. The corruption of EU politicians was until exposed by journalists. How about the illegal secret rendition and torture / prison network; or PRISM most recently?

The tearing up of the bill of rights and arming Homeland Security ready for a civil war, FEMA camps network and legalised indefinite detention with out trail if deemed a threat to nation security. If I were an American these things would be at the forefront of my mind. As a foreigner its still worrying to see the metamorphism away from rule of law towards what amounts to a power grab, a coup effectively, in the most powerful nation on earth and then see their lackies potitioned in control of all the key national banks of the west. Controlling the money supply and effectively a nations economy and national politics. The media / propaganda machine in the hands of a few billionaire cronies. There has been a take over of the whole western world. Look at what is happening all around.

Its classic empire control tactics; Soviet or collonial or Roman even- control the money- prop up the local regimes so long as the stick to the masters will. US ran this policy through the developing world last decades; well documented support of terrible fascists and communists, Islamic extremists- really looked like they preferred to support who ever were the worse most horrific butchering lunatics over any more moderate forces; endless examples just read the modern history books or google or its even detailed in the history sections of the lonely planet of some countries!

Open eyes can't miss it.

Every educated person I know realises how the world really is; it just comes down to the question of what is acceptable, what can be done about it (unanimous vote of nothing) or what is in the interests of whom (ie we know it, think its <deleted> up, but realise best to just get on with life, baring the knowledge in mind, as best we can. How one does that is of course a very subjective choice)

Blind denial of historical facts and present day evidence is either plain ignorance or a mental disconnect like that which an abused child or wife may have, still believing the beast to be their love and really have their best interests at heart the whole time. Pity the fools.


"""U.S. regulators and J.P. Morgan Chase are close to a monster settlement over allegations that the banking giant tampered with electricity markets in California and the Midwest, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Sources told the Journal the deal could come in close to a staggering $1 billion, the largest payout in the history of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which overseas power trading markets."""""

-biz insider


10 years to the day almost that Dr David Kelly was bumped off. A group of prominent medics are calling for an inquiry in to his "suspicious death" again. The whitewash that has been every inquiry to do with the post 9/11 wars and the fabricated evidence / lies from government, there is no reason to have any faith in results of such investigations any way.

That markets are all manipulated was called conspiracy until the evidence came out and it was no longer deniable. The corruption of EU politicians was until exposed by journalists. How about the illegal secret rendition and torture / prison network; or PRISM most recently?

The tearing up of the bill of rights and arming Homeland Security ready for a civil war, FEMA camps network and legalised indefinite detention with out trail if deemed a threat to nation security. If I were an American these things would be at the forefront of my mind. As a foreigner its still worrying to see the metamorphism away from rule of law towards what amounts to a power grab, a coup effectively, in the most powerful nation on earth and then see their lackies potitioned in control of all the key national banks of the west. Controlling the money supply and effectively a nations economy and national politics. The media / propaganda machine in the hands of a few billionaire cronies. There has been a take over of the whole western world. Look at what is happening all around.

Its classic empire control tactics; Soviet or collonial or Roman even- control the money- prop up the local regimes so long as the stick to the masters will. US ran this policy through the developing world last decades; well documented support of terrible fascists and communists, Islamic extremists- really looked like they preferred to support who ever were the worse most horrific butchering lunatics over any more moderate forces; endless examples just read the modern history books or google or its even detailed in the history sections of the lonely planet of some countries!

Open eyes can't miss it.

Every educated person I know realises how the world really is; it just comes down to the question of what is acceptable, what can be done about it (unanimous vote of nothing) or what is in the interests of whom (ie we know it, think its fuc_ked up, but realise best to just get on with life, baring the knowledge in mind, as best we can. How one does that is of course a very subjective choice)

Blind denial of historical facts and present day evidence is either plain ignorance or a mental disconnect like that which an abused child or wife may have, still believing the beast to be their love and really have their best interests at heart the whole time. Pity the fools.



The saga continues:


Greece's parliament has narrowly approved a new batch of austerity measures that will see thousands of public-sector job cuts.

The country has been kept out of bankruptcy since it started receiving rescue loans in 2010 from the International Monetary Fund and other euro nations.

However, austerity measures demanded in return have caused a dramatic increase in poverty and unemployment.

Greece 10-Year Economic Growth

The new legislation will put 12,500 public-sector staff, mostly teachers and municipal workers, in a programme that subjects them to involuntary transfers and possible dismissals.

It will also pave the way for 15,000 layoffs by the end of next year.

City halls across the country have been closed this week, with uncollected rubbish piling up on the streets, and unions held a general strike on Tuesday against the proposed cuts.


-sky news


The Greek government has banned all protests with out prior approval (they keep protest anyway); what kind of democracy is that?


On a less-conspiratorial note, watched some of Bernanke last night. Seems like he struck the chord he wanted. Markets response is fairly subdued, even slightly positive. Doesn't matter how much you dislike him, the guy could have said one wrong sentence and the markets could have crashed today. He didn't, he kept it together throughout the hours of questioning and didn't crack, even when dumbass Maxine Waters just asked prepared statements that she didn't even understand that weren't even questions.

I don't agree with all the bailouts he orchestrated, but the fact of the matter is the US economy HAS improved over the past couple years and inflation/the dollar HAVENT spun out of control.

Now the whole part about him saying he can reduce bond purchases and still keep rates down is ridiculous in my view, and a bit of a slap in the face of anyone paying attention.


The Greek government has banned all protests with out prior approval (they keep protest anyway); what kind of democracy is that?

When you have got the begging bowl out (again) you hardly want riots in the streets.


The saga continues:


Greece's parliament has narrowly approved a new batch of austerity measures that will see thousands of public-sector job cuts.

The country has been kept out of bankruptcy since it started receiving rescue loans in 2010 from the International Monetary Fund and other euro nations.

However, austerity measures demanded in return have caused a dramatic increase in poverty and unemployment.

Greece 10-Year Economic Growth

The new legislation will put 12,500 public-sector staff, mostly teachers and municipal workers, in a programme that subjects them to involuntary transfers and possible dismissals.

It will also pave the way for 15,000 layoffs by the end of next year.

City halls across the country have been closed this week, with uncollected rubbish piling up on the streets, and unions held a general strike on Tuesday against the proposed cuts.


-sky news

The Greek parties have been systematically padding the public sector employment rolls for decades in addition to paying out 14 months of monthly salaries and at the same time colluding in not collecting taxes and subsequently cheating on the stats both before and after entering the Euro. They can riot all they want, but must enter restructuring of restrictive and labour practices in order to provide some foundation of growth and recovery. The process has started. No backsliding chaps.


The saga continues:


Greece's parliament has narrowly approved a new batch of austerity measures that will see thousands of public-sector job cuts.

The country has been kept out of bankruptcy since it started receiving rescue loans in 2010 from the International Monetary Fund and other euro nations.

However, austerity measures demanded in return have caused a dramatic increase in poverty and unemployment.

Greece 10-Year Economic Growth

The new legislation will put 12,500 public-sector staff, mostly teachers and municipal workers, in a programme that subjects them to involuntary transfers and possible dismissals.

It will also pave the way for 15,000 layoffs by the end of next year.

City halls across the country have been closed this week, with uncollected rubbish piling up on the streets, and unions held a general strike on Tuesday against the proposed cuts.


-sky news

The Greek parties have been systematically padding the public sector employment rolls for decades in addition to paying out 14 months of monthly salaries and at the same time colluding in not collecting taxes and subsequently cheating on the stats both before and after entering the Euro. They can riot all they want, but must enter restructuring of restrictive and labour practices in order to provide some foundation of growth and recovery. The process has started. No backsliding chaps.

It might help if some of Germany's industry invested more in Greece , to help the young unemployed , and so buffer the needed restructuring ...


On a less-conspiratorial note, watched some of Bernanke last night. Seems like he struck the chord he wanted. Markets response is fairly subdued, even slightly positive. Doesn't matter how much you dislike him, the guy could have said one wrong sentence and the markets could have crashed today. He didn't, he kept it together throughout the hours of questioning and didn't crack, even when dumbass Maxine Waters just asked prepared statements that she didn't even understand that weren't even questions.

I don't agree with all the bailouts he orchestrated, but the fact of the matter is the US economy HAS improved over the past couple years and inflation/the dollar HAVENT spun out of control.

Now the whole part about him saying he can reduce bond purchases and still keep rates down is ridiculous in my view, and a bit of a slap in the face of anyone paying attention.

Keep believing kblaze thumbsup.gif

Leaked IMF Report Shows Dangers for US Economy

A confidential internal International Monetary Fund report was recently leaked to the Wall Street Journal, with the contents later being made public by the IMF. The contents of this report have major implications for Europe, but even greater implications for the United States.

Most of the press attention is being paid to the legalities associated with the report, and revolve around what the International Monetary Fund knew, when it knew it, and whether it properly acted within its charter at various points. However, what is being overlooked is the truly explosive information that comes in the form of what the IMF admitted (in this internal report to itself) when it came to miscalculations about "austerity", and closing budget deficits.



Good link Midas.

I signed up for the mini course

Opening is:

""Inflation is not an even game, it is not a fair game, and we are not all in this boat together. For inflation is not about destroying everyone’s wealth – it is about redistributing that wealth. If you don’t understand the specifics, then it will likely be your wealth that will be getting redistributed.""



Former US President Jimmy Carter lambasted US intelligence methods as undemocratic and described Edward Snowdens NSA leak as beneficial for the country.

Carter lashed out at the US political system when the issue of the previously top-secret NSA surveillance program was touched upon at the Atlantic Bridge meeting on Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia.

"America has no functioning democracy at this moment," Carter said, according to Der Spiegel. """

When even a former president can say something like this does it not make you Americans wake up and wonder- what the fxxx is going on here?!


Was just reading about this bloke in Italy who lost 5000 euros on slot machines in this one bar; upset obviously he went home, got an axe and returned to smash them all up, then waited calmly to for police to come and arrest him-

Sky news story continues (via app)

"""Bregu was immediately sent for trial at a local court and jailed for six months for criminal damage and possession of an offensive weapon. He was released immediately because prison terms under two years are not enforced in Italy to reduce overcrowding."""

No jail for offences under two years??!!


Is this an austerity driven policy? First I've heard of it.

This case is not so bad but I can't imagine there is any deterrent for muggers or thieves and other petty criminals anymore.?



Former US President Jimmy Carter lambasted US intelligence methods as undemocratic and described Edward Snowdens NSA leak as beneficial for the country.

Carter lashed out at the US political system when the issue of the previously top-secret NSA surveillance program was touched upon at the Atlantic Bridge meeting on Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia.

"America has no functioning democracy at this moment," Carter said, according to Der Spiegel. """

When even a former president can say something like this does it not make you Americans wake up and wonder- what the fxxx is going on here?!

I don't believe Der Spiegel's quote, I know enough about the US to know that Carter would not say that.


Good link Midas.

I signed up for the mini course

Opening is:

""Inflation is not an even game, it is not a fair game, and we are not all in this boat together. For inflation is not about destroying everyone’s wealth – it is about redistributing that wealth. If you don’t understand the specifics, then it will likely be your wealth that will be getting redistributed.""





Former US President Jimmy Carter lambasted US intelligence methods as undemocratic and described Edward Snowdens NSA leak as beneficial for the country.

Carter lashed out at the US political system when the issue of the previously top-secret NSA surveillance program was touched upon at the Atlantic Bridge meeting on Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia.

"America has no functioning democracy at this moment," Carter said, according to Der Spiegel. """

When even a former president can say something like this does it not make you Americans wake up and wonder- what the fxxx is going on here?!

I don't believe Der Spiegel's quote, I know enough about the US to know that Carter would not say that.

Then if Carter hadn't said it surely by now with his quote being featured in so many other news outlets he would have formally requested that the quote be retracted ?huh.png

"America has no functioning democracy at this moment," Carter said at a closed-door event in Atlanta covered by a German newsmagazine.

No American outlets covered the eventrolleyes.gif , but the quote published by Der Spiegel is in line with opinions Carter has expressed previously.


It’s not the first time Carter has criticized US intelligence policies. In a previous interview with

CNN, he said the NSA leaks signified that “the invasion of human rights and American privacy has gone too far." He added that although Snowden violated US law, he may have ultimately done good for the country.



Was just reading about this bloke in Italy who lost 5000 euros on slot machines in this one bar; upset obviously he went home, got an axe and returned to smash them all up, then waited calmly to for police to come and arrest him-

Sky news story continues (via app)

"""Bregu was immediately sent for trial at a local court and jailed for six months for criminal damage and possession of an offensive weapon. He was released immediately because prison terms under two years are not enforced in Italy to reduce overcrowding."""

No jail for offences under two years??!!


Is this an austerity driven policy? First I've heard of it.

This case is not so bad but I can't imagine there is any deterrent for muggers or thieves and other petty criminals anymore.?

My pet budgie is looking very poorly lately and I am sure also that this is linked to the financial crisis.


I don't believe Der Spiegel's quote, I know enough about the US to know that Carter would not say that.


Former US President Jimmy Carter lambasted US intelligence methods as undemocratic and described Edward Snowdens NSA leak as beneficial for the country.

Carter lashed out at the US political system when the issue of the previously top-secret NSA surveillance program was touched upon at the Atlantic Bridge meeting on Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia.

"America has no functioning democracy at this moment," Carter said, according to Der Spiegel. """

When even a former president can say something like this does it not make you Americans wake up and wonder- what the fxxx is going on here?!

Then if Carter hadn't said it surely by now with his quote being featured in so many other news outlets he would have formally requested that the quote be retracted ?huh.png alt=huh.png>

"America has no functioning democracy at this moment," Carter said at a closed-door event in Atlanta covered by a German newsmagazine.

No American outlets covered the eventrolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20> , but the quote published by Der Spiegel is in line with opinions Carter has expressed previously.


It’s not the first time Carter has criticized US intelligence policies. In a previous interview with

CNN, he said the NSA leaks signified that “the invasion of human rights and American privacy has gone too far." He added that although Snowden violated US law, he may have ultimately done good for the country.


I've read the links and I continue to believe he didn't say what is quoted, but that's just my belief. I do however continue to believe that ex-US Presidents are supportive of each other and of the incumbent and that they tow the party line, it's what happens and the way it works.

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