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So do any Jewish people here agree/disagree with what my Jewish friend said?

Seems these folks are a repeated target for actual mass slaughter which more than turns my stomach. I just wondered why?

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So do any Jewish people here agree/disagree with what my Jewish friend said?

Seems these folks are a repeated target for actual mass slaughter which more than turns my stomach. I just wondered why?

I dont know but i dont believe the leaders of two countries within the space of 70 years

expressed their desire to wipe them from the face of the earth ..........' because they value education and hard work ' :)

Might be bullish I suppose. Personally, I'm against war, but no one asked me.

I don't really follow the news but since destabilizing the Middle East is the goal of the US, I would think they'd be pretty pleased no mattter which country attacked the other.

Lots of people like to say that the US is a stooge/tool of the Israelis. I think they've got it backwards. Either way, no American should be proud of that.

We are all against war surely ! But we need to understand the real issues...........

I was actually a bit surprised you asked me what relevance this has to the Financial Crisis

because as far as global equity markets you aint seen nothing yet if this happens

This type of action will be like rubbing salt on a festering wound and we may just wake

up one morning to find this attack is in progress...................................

And its not so much to do with destabilizing the Middle East by US it is more to do

with the fanatic obsession of Ahmadinejad. Yes he may be crazy but he is still the President and in charge................

so he can do anything he wants.

I know many people on this thread ridicule what is being said as part of conspiracy theories etc

but just take one minute to read the paragraph

" The 12th Imam: Why Is This Especially Important Now? " in the following link


and you will see why Ahmadinejad is so single minded about attacking Israel.

You will also then see why in turn Israel must carry out this pre- emptive strike.

This is why they repeatedly say they cant afford to gamble with their future with a nuclear

armed Iran when Ahmadinejad has this grand plan and this is why I am convinced this attack ( completely foolish as it will be ) will take place soon. :)

Then we will really have a financial crisis on our hands..

Might be bullish I suppose. Personally, I'm against war, but no one asked me.

I don't really follow the news but since destabilizing the Middle East is the goal of the US, I would think they'd be pretty pleased no mattter which country attacked the other.

Lots of people like to say that the US is a stooge/tool of the Israelis. I think they've got it backwards. Either way, no American should be proud of that.

We are all against war surely ! But we need to understand the real issues...........

I was actually a bit surprised you asked me what relevance this has to the Financial Crisis

because as far as global equity markets you aint seen nothing yet if this happens

This type of action will be like rubbing salt on a festering wound and we may just wake

up one morning to find this attack is in progress...................................

And its not so much to do with destabilizing the Middle East by US it is more to do

with the fanatic obsession of Ahmadinejad. Yes he may be crazy but he is still the President and in charge................

so he can do anything he wants.

I know many people on this thread ridicule what is being said as part of conspiracy theories etc

but just take one minute to read the paragraph

" The 12th Imam: Why Is This Especially Important Now? " in the following link


and you will see why Ahmadinejad is so single minded about attacking Israel.

You will also then see why in turn Israel must carry out this pre- emptive strike.

This is why they repeatedly say they cant afford to gamble with their future with a nuclear

armed Iran when Ahmadinejad has this grand plan and this is why I am convinced this attack ( completely foolish as it will be ) will take place soon. :)

Then we will really have a financial crisis on our hands..

Maybe it's an issue, I don't know. I've known lots of Israelis and lots of Arabs and they seem more like each other than any two other peoples I can think of.

The US interests are to keep the Shi-ites and Sunnis apart and saddle the EU with Turkey. Israel? Check back in 100 years and things will sound much the same there IMO.

My dear fellow TV members, I have been tortured by the Chinese, you all know what that means, yes I gave some info, but not all, activate the cells!


It is worth to die for something and not for nothing.



The US spent the better part of a year preparing for the invasion of Iraq. It was hardly a surprise, to anyone.

So why isn't this any less credible.............?

Recent developments in Israel could certainly give the impression of a nation preparing for war: the Home Front command, one of four regional divisions of the Israeli army, has just announced the largest defense exercise in the country's history. It will last an entire week and is intended to prepare the civilian population for missile strikes from both conventional warheads and unconventional ones (whether chemical, biological or nuclear). Meanwhile, the country is accelerating its testing of missile defense systems, having just announced the successful launch of the Arrow II interceptor.


What's that have to do with the Financial Crisis?

And you don't for one minute think a possible attack of this nature and the unforeseen consequences would seriously jeopardize the global markets that you so actively participate in ?

Might be bullish I suppose. Personally, I'm against war, but no one asked me.

I don't really follow the news but since destabilizing the Middle East is the goal of the US, I would think they'd be pretty pleased no mattter which country attacked the other.

Lots of people like to say that the US is a stooge/tool of the Israelis. I think they've got it backwards. Either way, no American should be proud of that.

USA give israel 20% of there foreign aid per year, which way around is that?

I just want to know all about- who really owns the US Federal Reserve ?

they wont answer you midas because........................they havent got a clue..................?????????????

So do any Jewish people here agree/disagree with what my Jewish friend said?

Seems these folks are a repeated target for actual mass slaughter which more than turns my stomach. I just wondered why?

what? what? what u talking about?? zionists control the federal reserve!!!!


I saw on the news last night that the Terminator :aka Arnold The Gov Of California

Was selling things like the L.A. Coliseum & cutting health care for kids & a bunch of other nice things.

Wow ,,,,,,,,,,Would be interesting if mmmmmm China? Came & bought all these fire sales with the

toilet paper fiat they hold now.

At least that would be something or would it?



It's getting hot in here :)

One thing I really miss about TL is the lack of news I had there.

I only had Thai TV & Internet. I didn't spend much time on either.

Here it is 24/7 news ....all bad

So do any Jewish people here agree/disagree with what my Jewish friend said?

Seems these folks are a repeated target for actual mass slaughter which more than turns my stomach. I just wondered why?

what? what? what u talking about?? zionists control the federal reserve!!!!

Sorry BK,

No, I'm just asking exactly that. Why these people are so easy turned into the focus of such hatred, that they are slaughtered, men, women and children, by whole nation states?

I think it's no wonder the Israelis are, how should I put this? Security aware.

So do any Jewish people here agree/disagree with what my Jewish friend said?

Seems these folks are a repeated target for actual mass slaughter which more than turns my stomach. I just wondered why?

what? what? what u talking about?? zionists control the federal reserve!!!!

Sorry BK,

No, I'm just asking exactly that. Why these people are so easy turned into the focus of such hatred, that they are slaughtered, men, women and children, by whole nation states?

I think it's no wonder the Israelis are, how should I put this? Security aware.

So yet again the people of the virtual-concentration camp, known officially as 'Gaza', are being bombarded from the sky and from the ground by the bully-boys of Tel Aviv.

State-of-the art Israeli jets and tanks, paid for by the United States, strike civilian targets in this tragic, poverty-stricken wasteland which acts as a holding camp for the human beings the Israeli government would rather be dead.

The world watches as a nation of people, the Palestinians, is systematically crushed and destroyed by the tyrants who call the shots in Israel on behalf of that country's real power structure - the House of Rothschild.

And, taxpayers of America (and elsewhere), you are paying for this calculated slaughter.


The Palestinian 'territories' of Gaza and the West Bank

American aid to Israel accounts for something like a third of all US overseas aid when Israel is home to just .001 per cent of the global population and has one of the highest incomes per head in the world. This is without all the 'private' donations from US corporations and individuals which are tax-deductible even when given to the Israeli military, unlike any other foreign power.

According to 2007 figures, the United States government gave more than $6.8 million to wealthy Israel every day while to the desperate and devastated Palestinians of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank they gave just $300,000.

US military 'aid' to Israel increased by more than a quarter to an average $3 billion a year in 2007 - a figure guaranteed for ten years. This and other support makes Israel the biggest recipient of United States foreign military funding since the Second World War.


The United States is also Israel's biggest supplier of fighter planes, weapons and other military technology. As a result, Israel has the world's largest F-16 fleet outside the US Air Force. In their book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt write:

'Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing the amounts provided to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct U.S. economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War ll. Total direct U.S. aid to Israel amounts to well over $140 billion in 2003 dollars.

Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America's entire foreign aid budget. In per capita terms, the United States gives each Israeli a direct subsidy worth about $500 per year. This largesse is especially striking when one realizes that Israel is now a wealthy industrial state with a per capita income roughly equal to South Korea or Spain.'

Why do they do this? Because the House of Rothschild controls Israel and the House of Rothschild controls the political system of the United States. The network that links the two is called 'Zionism', a Rothschild creation - just like Israel itself.

The might of this Zionist cabal spanning Israel, the United States, Europe and beyond is yet again, like the playground bully that it is, attacking the little kid in the callipers - the people of Gaza.


At the time of writing the death toll is more than 800 Palestinian men, women and children with thousands injured, many disabled for life. They are bombing the unarmed innocent knowing there will be no credible response - the way all bullies operate. Oh, brave men of Israel; oh how Yahweh would be so proud:

'When the LORD your God hands these nations over to you and you conquer them, you must completely destroy them. Make no treaties with them and show them no mercy.'

Deuteronomy 7:1-4

What we are seeing in Gaza, and have seen so many times, both there and in the Lebanon, is merciless Old Testament slaughter: cold, calculated, heartless slaughter.


'So they sent twelve thousand warriors to Jabesh-gilead with orders to kill everyone there, including women and children. "This is what you are to do," they said. "Completely destroy all the males and every woman who is not a virgin".'

Judges 21:10-24


'Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all - old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple".'

Ezekiel 9:5-7


'So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told.'

Ezekiel 9:5-7

The parallels are endless between the bloodthirsty 'God' of the Old Testament and the actions of the heartless, soulless, Artificial Intelligence that controls Israel, most notably the biological robots of the House of Rothschild who thus have no soul, no empathy, no more mercy for the consequences of their actions than a desktop computer.

Imagine if Iran or anyone else outside Israel and the United States (both Rothschild assets) was doing what the Israeli military is doing in Gaza. There would be global condemnation, not least from Israel and the United States, resolutions passed in the UN Security Council fiercely attacking the country involved and talk of the need for sanctions or military intervention to 'save the innocent'.

But when Israel does it we have vacuous calls for a truce, an end to the violence while 'understanding Israel's position', and, in terms of soon-to-be President 'Change' Obama, silence. It's all a fraction of what others would face because Israel is a wholly-owned asset of the Rothschilds and so is not subject to the same rules as anyone else. As former Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, said:

'Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.'

And Prime Minister Golda Meir betrayed the same Zionist arrogance:

'This country exists as the fulfilment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy.'

Ah, it's all in the Old Testament? Gotcha, right, well do as you like then.

The 'Jewish homeland' was from the start a Rothschild fiefdom orchestrated through the global secret society network of interbreeding families known as the Illuminati.


During the Israeli military attacks on the Lebanon in 2006, the Israeli writer, Barry Chamish, told of a meeting with Evelyn Rothschild's grandson, who abandoned the family to be a Mormon (so actually he didn't, even if he thought he did).

Chamish said he learned that just seven families were enjoying the 'fruits of the war' with the Lebanon. The grandson had said of the Rothschilds: 'They created Israel as their personal toy. It makes them richer and gives them more control. It's not going to be destroyed.'

The Rothschilds funded the early European settlers in Israel, manipulated events in Germany that led to the horrific treatment of Jewish people and others, and then used that as the excuse to reach their long-term goal - a Rothschild-Illuminati stronghold in Palestine using the Jewish population as fodder to be used and abused as necessary.

They called their plan 'Zionism'. This term is often used as a synonym for Jewish people when it is actually a political movement devised and promoted through the House of Rothschild and opposed by many Jews.


Poster for the Irgun terrorist group

The Israeli bully-boys spend most of their time condemning the terrorism of others and yet their very State was created through terrorism of the most grotesque kind via groups like Irgun, Haganah and the Stern Gang, which bombed and terrorised Israel into being and from which came the Israel Defence Forces, the IDF, which is bombing Gaza today.

Among the leading lights in these and other terrorist groups were Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon, butchers who became Israeli Prime Ministers and had the nerve to condemn Arab terrorism. And to this day the butchery goes on with the goal of destroying the Palestinian people.

After the Rothschild-controlled Zionist terrorists had bombed the State of Israel into existence in 1948, an estimated 800,000 Palestinians were made refugees and fled what had been their own country. Their descendents are said to number some four million.

And the world simply looked on - just as it does to this day - because Israel is a law unto itself and so terms like justice, fairness, decency and mercy do not apply.


Palestinian families fleeing the newly-imposed Israel after their country was occupied by Zionist terrorism in 1948.

The idea was always to destroy the Palestinian people step-by-step long before Israel was even created. The Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which the Rothschild-controlled British government supported the establishment of a 'Jewish' homeland in Palestine, said that 'nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'.

But the Rothschild sidekick Chaim Weizmann would later say: 'With regard to the Arab question - the British told us that there are several hundred thousand Negroes there but this is a matter of no consequence'. Nor have they been ever since and the goal of destroying them is closer today than ever before.

The first Prime Minister of Israel, yet another terrorist called David Ben-Gurion, made no secret of this fact within his inner circle. Former Israel Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, said in an uncensored version of his memoirs, published in the New York Times on 23 October 23rd, 1979:

'We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question - What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said "Drive them out!"'

The current bombing campaign against the Gaza Palestinians is just the latest step to that end. They have forced Palestinians into a Gaza Strip that is little more than a massive concentration camp in which they control all that goes in and out, people or supplies of food, medicines and other essentials.


When the Israelis close the border posts, that's it, the Palestinians are trapped and at the mercy of the soulless and heartless that control the Tel Aviv government and military under Rothschild direction.

One writer recently described conditions in Gaza:

' ... Israel nails shut the coffin that is Gaza under a siege that has lasted nearly three years, steadily intensifying so that malnutrition rates rival those of sub-Saharan Africa, sewage runs raw in the streets and pollutes the ocean, homes are still being bulldozed to super-add collective punishment upon collective punishment; men, women and children are still being sniped at and killed; children are deafened by continuing sonic booms, the vast majority of them suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome, and many of that majority have no ambition other than becoming "martyrs" ...'

And it's a whole lot worse now.

How can anyone inflict such a lack of mercy on an entire people? The question can only be answered when we understand that Zionist extremists really do believe they are God's Chosen People and that therefore the Palestinians are little more than cattle.

The Israel Prime Minister and terrorist, Menachem Begin, described the Palestinians in a speech to the Israeli parliament as 'beasts walking on two legs'. Another Prime Minister and terrorist, Yitzhak Shamir, told Jewish settlers in 1988 that the Palestinians 'would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls.'

Prime Minister and terrorist, Ariel Sharon, then Israeli Foreign Minister, confirmed in 1998 what the plan really was for the Palestinians:

'It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialisation, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.'

The plan is to kill or drive out the Palestinian people using poverty, hunger and war and so allow the Zionists to expand into 'Greater Israel'. That plan is now well advanced.

In early 2008, the United Nations' leading humanitarian affairs official said he was 'shocked' by the 'grim and miserable' conditions in Gaza. Undersecretary General John Holmes blamed this on Israel closing the border crossings and so limiting the supply of food and other materials - just as they are doing today.


He said: 'All this makes for a grim human and humanitarian situation here in Gaza, which means that people are not able to live with the basic dignity to which they are entitled'.

But they are just 'beasts walking on two legs', right?

Richard Falk, the UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur on the occupied territories, has also condemned Israel for its actions in Gaza. He is Jewish and therefore much more dangerous to the Israel government because he can't be dismissed as the old favourite 'anti-Semitic'. Or maybe he is a 'self-hater', the tag given by these sick people to those Jews who speak out against Israel.

Falk's punishment for daring to criticise the Promised Land as a UN official was to be held for 20 hours and then denied entry to the country and so he is prevented from doing his job of reporting on conditions for the Palestinian people during the current air and ground attacks.

His entry was denied in mid-December - perfect timing not to be there for the latest bombing that they knew was coming. Click here for an interview with Richard Falk ...

The Bush administration for the last eight years has been dominated by the Neo-conservative, or 'Neocon', network which is, itself, dominated by US/Israeli duel citizens and/or Zionists like Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Dov Zackheim, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Elliot Abrams, Douglas Feith, John Bolton, Robert B Zoellick, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and others. The neo-con godfather is the late Leo Strauss, a German-born Jewish 'philosopher', who believed that people must be governed by a 'pious elite'.

But surely those days of Zionist dominance are over because 'Mr. Change' is coming to 'power' now. Er, if only. Barack Obama has packed his 'new' administration with Zionists like Rahm Emanuel, his White House Chief of Staff.

Emanuel's father, Benjamin, is a Zionist extremist who was a member of the Irgun terrorist group in Palestine that I mentioned earlier and we can clearly expect the Obama administration to be balanced and fair on its Israel/Palestinian policy. No wonder Obama has kept quiet on the Israeli bombing of Gaza.


Obama speaks out on Gaza crisis: 'Hey, I got nothin' to say, I got the chance of a par here ... ask my Chief of Staff, he's a rabid Zionist and his dad helped bomb Israel into existence. He'll know what's goin' on.'

The Obama government is going to be slavishly pro-Israel because he needed the sanction of the truly massive Zionist lobby in the United States to secure the presidency. His vice-president, Joe Biden, is a long-time bag-carrier for Israel. He said on Israeli television: 'I am a Zionist - you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist'. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is another Israel puppetess who pledged to 'obliterate' Iran if it launched a nuclear attack on God's chosen country.

Would she say she would obliterate Israel if it launched a nuclear attack on Iran? No way.

The Palestinians have never had a chance because the table is weighted, the game is rigged and it always has been. At the time of the First World War, the Rothschild-controlled British government told the Palestine Arabs that if they fought the Ottoman Turks and forced them to leave Palestine and other lands they would be rewarded with an independent Palestine.

The Palestinian Arabs agreed and with support from the British through Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence - 'Lawrence of Arabia' - the Ottoman Empire was defeated. But their reward was not independence. It was first rule by a British 'Mandate' and then occupation by Zionist Israel.

The Arabs were lied to, as Lawrence later admitted, and they have been lied to ever since. All these 'road maps' and 'peace processes' are always designed to lead nowhere. They are just holding positions to maintain the status quo until the Palestinians are basically no more.


The Israelis always say they are killing people in 'retaliation' for attacks by the Palestinian group, Hamas, which officially controls the Gaza 'authority', although control is hardly the word with Israel deciding what and who goes in and out.

Hamas operatives are firing seriously low-tech rockets that have so far killed four people. Terrible, yes, and it should not be happening. I have no brief for Hamas, which is another tyranny in its own way, but ask yourself this: What would you do if you were faced with the situation the Palestinians are in after sixty years of oppression and persecution while the world does nothing?

If you remove the injustice, you remove the motivation for a violent response to that injustice. Put people in a position where they either accept their pathetic plight or open fire and some are bound to choose the latter.

But instead of tackling the root cause, injustice, Israel responds with a state-of-the-art bombardment that kills more than 800 and injures thousands in a few days, at least 90% of which are men, women and children who have nothing whatsoever to do with the rocket attacks. In 2007, 25 Palestinians were killed for every Israeli. That's more than just 'protecting yourself'.


As Jewish UN representative, Richard Falk, said in the last two weeks even before the ground offensive:

'The Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war ...

Those violations include:

  • Collective punishment: The entire 1.5 million people who live in the crowded Gaza Strip are being punished for the actions of a few militants.
  • Targeting civilians: The airstrikes were aimed at civilian areas in one of the most crowded stretches of land in the world, certainly the most densely populated area of the Middle East.
  • Disproportionate military response: The airstrikes have not only destroyed every police and security office of Gaza's elected government, but have killed and injured hundreds of civilians; at least one strike reportedly hit groups of students attempting to find transportation home from the university.'

This savagery towards Palestinians has been going on since the Zionist terror groups began their campaign of violence to secure the State of Israel and the scale of this ongoing evil has often been suppressed by the fear of being called 'anti-Semitic'.

The Rothschild dynasty has created a highly-funded network of 'anti-hate' groups, like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and so many others, to label as 'anti-Semitic' or 'racist' anyone who dares to expose or condemn Israel or its networks of manipulation within the United States and elsewhere.

Politicians (though all but are a few are terrified or rewarded into silence), university professors, people like me, and anyone with any kind of public stage, are immediately condemned by the ADL and smeared as 'racist' with support from the Robot Radicals of the Robot 'Left' if they expose Israel or anyone who happens to be Jewish.

The irony of those claiming to be the chosen people and above all others accusing anyone else of racism boggles the bloody mind.


Jewish people who challenge the tyranny, like the superb Norman Finkelstein, are dubbed 'self-haters' and often lose their jobs and livelihoods as a result. The Rothschild 'anti-hate' groups put any Big Brother to shame.

But we can't - and MUST NOT - stay silent on the plight of the Palestinians because we fear the consequences for ourselves. What are we, mice??

This is not about racism; it is about fascism and the daily onslaught against a helpless and tragic people. I don't give a shit what the ADL thinks about what I say, nor those on the 'Left' who parrot its propaganda like the juveniles that they are.

It needs saying and therefore someone needs to say it.

And, by the way, those that are running the Zionist agenda, which is part of much bigger global agenda in league with the Illuminati families, don't give a dam_n for Jewish people in general. They, too, are just an expendable irrelevance to the greater goal.

As the first Israeli Prime Minister, the terrorist, David Ben-Gurion, said:

'If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.'

What kind of sick mind does it take to say that? The kind that has run Israel since 1948 would appear to be the answer.

We need to drop the ludicrous, childish, labels of Jew and Gentile and Muslim and all this illusory crap and come together in the name of peace and justice for all. There is not a Jewish injustice or a Palestinian injustice, there is simply injustice.

Justice for one and no justice for another is 'justice' for no-one. For justice has no meaning unless it applies to all, and it will never apply to the Palestinians while the world stays silent and looks the other way.


You have just proved me point with those previous 2 posts, Thanks

Obviously you believe nothing is planned and always believe no one can predict the future, well the well informed/educated can. However you seem to be to set in your cloud cuckoo land ways.

It's impossible to have a rational debate with this person because he never provides an ounce of material

to support his point of view but simply says everything is a wet dream to him. :D

For the skeptics I would like to ask did they have the same skepticism in January

2003 ( 2 months before the invasion ) as to whether USA would invade Iraq ? Or was that

different- if it was different why was it different?

at that time only a brain-amputated person could have doubts that the US would not invade Iraq. and if you think what is marked above in red is worth an ounce of material to support your views then i pity you :)


You have just proved me point with those previous 2 posts, Thanks

Obviously you believe nothing is planned and always believe no one can predict the future, well the well informed/educated can. However you seem to be to set in your cloud cuckoo land ways.

It's impossible to have a rational debate with this person because he never provides an ounce of material

to support his point of view but simply says everything is a wet dream to him. :D

For the skeptics I would like to ask did they have the same skepticism in January

2003 ( 2 months before the invasion ) as to whether USA would invade Iraq ? Or was that

different- if it was different why was it different?

at that time only a brain-amputated person could have doubts that the US would not invade Iraq. and if you think what is marked above in red is worth an ounce of material to support your views then i pity you :)

That's me that is! :D

Knew it, had to be the Jews. Don't you have a Klan meeting that you should be going to?

ok but why would being a member of the " Klan " as you put it be any worse

than being a Jew ? what we need is open discussion -who owns the Fed

and other issues which involve these people :)

If you need to ask the question, you wouldn't understand the answer.

it goes without saying that we have to discuss "who owns the FED and the other issues in which these people are involved". after all we need more than one good reason to justify our failure in life and compensating the frustration why we live miserable life in Thailand (or anywhere else). as we are envious of others who made their way in life we'd like nothing else better than thinking of a global big bang which (hopefully) would place the successful ones on our low level. it won't change our lifestyle but at least we would get rid of the envy that is eating our hearts out.

basically we follow a tradition which is nearly two millenia old and worked till recently... we blame the Jews.

disclaimer: my views on Israel and Palestine are identical with those of "BygonKeaw" and there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that influential Jews, especially in the "Greatest Nation on Earth™" support politically and moneywise the fascist and criminal discrimination of a whole people in the Middle East. but whether this belongs into a thread concerning the global financial crisis is a matter of perception and i am afraid that some of our postings (including mine) might be deleted as politically incorrect.

Knew it, had to be the Jews. Don't you have a Klan meeting that you should be going to?

ok but why would being a member of the " Klan " as you put it be any worse

than being a Jew ? what we need is open discussion -who owns the Fed

and other issues which involve these people :)

If you need to ask the question, you wouldn't understand the answer.

it goes without saying that we have to discuss "who owns the FED and the other issues in which these people are involved". after all we need more than one good reason to justify our failure in life and compensating the frustration why we live miserable life in Thailand (or anywhere else). as we are envious of others who made their way in life we'd like nothing else better than thinking of a global big bang which (hopefully) would place the successful ones on our low level. it won't change our lifestyle but at least we would get rid of the envy that is eating our hearts out.

basically we follow a tradition which is nearly two millenia old and worked till recently... we blame the Jews.

disclaimer: my views on Israel and Palestine are identical with those of "BygonKeaw" and there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that influential Jews, especially in the "Greatest Nation on Earth™" support politically and moneywise the fascist and criminal discrimination of a whole people in the Middle East. but whether this belongs into a thread concerning the global financial crisis is a matter of perception and i am afraid that some of our postings (including mine) might be deleted as politically incorrect.


Its not about failure in ones life naam its about who controls a private company that controls the most "so called" powerful country on planet earth. Also the country that has created a never ending make believe war on terror.



Can we please make the critical distinction between a Jewish person and a elite Zionist, please?

Thank You :)

Its not about failure in ones life naam its about who controls a private company that controls the most "so called" powerful country on planet earth. Also the country that has created a never ending make believe war on terror.

my statement is in principle valid BK. over the years i experienced disgruntled people over and over who put the blame of their failure on others or the circumstances. if it weren't the Jews it was that they did not belong to the political party in power, or the superiors midjudged their professional capabilities as well as dozens of other excuses. but there was a common denominator. all of those i am talking about had an extremely negative and pessimistic outlook as far as the future was concerned and the tenor was nearly always "just wait, you will be cut down to size too!" but my posting was more or less meant in an ironic way to pull some legs :)

nice reading Flying but... WHERE'S THE BEEF? :)

Gotta agree with you.......

I posted those links then went & read them.

Pretty bad especially the first 2

But all lacked any real beef as you say.....

nice reading Flying but... WHERE'S THE BEEF? :)

Gotta agree with you.......

I posted those links then went & read them.

Pretty bad especially the first 2

But all lacked any real beef as you say.....

lack of beef is appreciated by doom&gloomers as it enables them to develop their conspiracy theories without being impaired by facts :D

lack of beef is appreciated by doom&gloomers as it enables them to develop their conspiracy theories without being impaired by facts :D

Well on the other hand you have to admit....... The apparent lack of beef for all these years now in itself is very odd isn't it? I mean there are obviously very high powered folks at these meetings. Yet even after many many years very little has been leaked to the common folks :)

That in itself is pretty odd in this day & age when folks are paid so well for juicy info. Then again if half the speculation is accurate I guess none could offer enough to turn these since they probably would think it a tiny bribe at best.

This book as it seems to be the best written reference on it.


I do have a small portion of it but just the section that describes the Mandrake Mechanism ( attached if interested )

Also this link to a MP3 that I have to listen to..........


Anyway not much here but a lil history I guess.



Knew it, had to be the Jews. Don't you have a Klan meeting that you should be going to?

ok but why would being a member of the " Klan " as you put it be any worse

than being a Jew ? what we need is open discussion -who owns the Fed

and other issues which involve these people :D

If you need to ask the question, you wouldn't understand the answer.

it goes without saying that we have to discuss "who owns the FED and the other issues in which these people are involved". after all we need more than one good reason to justify our failure in life and compensating the frustration why we live miserable life in Thailand (or anywhere else). as we are envious of others who made their way in life we'd like nothing else better than thinking of a global big bang which (hopefully) would place the successful ones on our low level. it won't change our lifestyle but at least we would get rid of the envy that is eating our hearts out.

basically we follow a tradition which is nearly two millenia old and worked till recently... we blame the Jews.

disclaimer: my views on Israel and Palestine are identical with those of "BygonKeaw" and there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that influential Jews, especially in the "Greatest Nation on Earth™" support politically and moneywise the fascist and criminal discrimination of a whole people in the Middle East. but whether this belongs into a thread concerning the global financial crisis is a matter of perception and i am afraid that some of our postings (including mine) might be deleted as politically incorrect.

" basically we follow a tradition which is nearly two millenia old and worked till recently... we blame the Jews."?????????? :D

Another total red herring ! :)

What does this have to do with asking such questions as " who owns the Fed " and why and how did Israel

become the only country on earth to have a secret nuclear weapons stockpile. Why does asking these types of question

equate to " blaming the Jews " ?

The US spent the better part of a year preparing for the invasion of Iraq. It was hardly a surprise, to anyone.

So why isn't this any less credible.............?

Recent developments in Israel could certainly give the impression of a nation preparing for war: the Home Front command, one of four regional divisions of the Israeli army, has just announced the largest defense exercise in the country's history. It will last an entire week and is intended to prepare the civilian population for missile strikes from both conventional warheads and unconventional ones (whether chemical, biological or nuclear). Meanwhile, the country is accelerating its testing of missile defense systems, having just announced the successful launch of the Arrow II interceptor.


What's that have to do with the Financial Crisis?

And you don't for one minute think a possible attack of this nature and the unforeseen consequences would seriously jeopardize the global markets that you so actively participate in ?

Might be bullish I suppose. Personally, I'm against war, but no one asked me.

I don't really follow the news but since destabilizing the Middle East is the goal of the US, I would think they'd be pretty pleased no mattter which country attacked the other.

Lots of people like to say that the US is a stooge/tool of the Israelis. I think they've got it backwards. Either way, no American should be proud of that.

USA give israel 20% of there foreign aid per year, which way around is that?

I think you'll find no greater ROI than a gift/campaign donation/bribe to a US congressman/senator. They do a lot on the Saudis as well. Both major arms buyers. Sigh!

nice reading Flying but... WHERE'S THE BEEF? :)

Gotta agree with you.......

I posted those links then went & read them.

Pretty bad especially the first 2

But all lacked any real beef as you say.....

lack of beef is appreciated by doom&gloomers as it enables them to develop their conspiracy theories without being impaired by facts :D

skip to the part in here about bilderberg or even better watch the whole lot


So do any Jewish people here agree/disagree with what my Jewish friend said?

Seems these folks are a repeated target for actual mass slaughter which more than turns my stomach. I just wondered why?

I dont know but i dont believe the leaders of two countries within the space of 70 years

expressed their desire to wipe them from the face of the earth ..........' because they value education and hard work ' :)

And I repeat, you are jackbooted piece of filth. Sieg Heil!

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