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Sleepless Nights Ahead For Bohpud & Gecko Fire & Threads


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Why all this.....simple


Mr. Gary Gecko himself put this on Facebook. That's the reason a lot of people doesn't trust him and his words!!

I'm a neighbour, like Roo, and yes we don't like sleepless nights. But, we don't have any problem with music on a 'normal' level on 'normal' houres! And YES, we love parties also! But, not for 24 hours or more. So please.................................................................... a near neighbour is better than a distant cousin!

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GECKOVILLAGE (Is this a shout?) said:
I asked Adam to keep out of this because he was only making matters worse.

I am not sure what relationship you have with someone who wishes to post on a public forum, but it's slightly odd to me that you would "cancel" his Thaivisa posting "privileges." Is he your son?

I don't buy into this, "It's only once a week," or something idea of disturbing your neighbors. It's as if you are the only one subject to this "law." What if everyone in the area thought the same? It would only take seven households to hold parties at supersonic volumes one every day of the week to create a noise war.

I also find it hard to understand others' reasoning on deafeningly loud music parties in the middle of the night being tolerable because they are only irregularly held. Do the people cranking up the tunes at 3am think: "God that's loud (read: cool)! You must be able to hear this for miles. Bet someone's pacing the floor in interrupted sleep-rage. But hey, fck it, I gotta right to do whatever I want from time to time." Do the words selfish and inconsiderate come to mind?

I mean if you pulled your big truck with the monster stereo system up in front of some mountain neighborhood area -- on a public road -- and started a tailgate party at 3am you'd probably be in for some extra excitement from the locals, both foreign and local. "But hey, it's a public road, I'm the public and I like this little stretch of paving. And I'm charging my friends a few baht to come along for the entertainment. I got rights too!"

Maybe someone should start replying to these innocent music-blaring venues by holding "Indecent Oratory Parties." Open mic for people to say whatever they like using whatever language they wish -- hey, it's freedom of expression -- at 125 decibels in the middle of the night. Maybe hold really awful poetry-readings. Have drinking contests and amplify the vomiting noises, farting sounds, and who can think of the worst things to say to insult (insert nationality here). Have sound-truck wars! Whatever you can think of, it's all in the interest of freedom -- to speak, to play tunes, to make a few baht and to annoy the neighbors (but only on occasion).

By the way, why is it that every time I hear of this thing I get the, "Oh, it was a birthday party"? What? It's acceptable to annoy everyone in a three-kilometer radius on your birthday? Where did this "tradition" come from?

Spot on! :o

Excuse me??

I've come on here to try and put the record straight. <deleted> else do you want me to do???

All you're doing is making pathetic jokes about our family and calling me a liar.

Who do you think you are?

You're obviously trying to provoke a reaction... Well here's one

Why don't you come and say all that to our faces???

You know where we are!!!

As for your "Wild West".. Get off your horse and drink yer milk!!!

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GECKOVILLAGE (Is this a shout?) said:
I asked Adam to keep out of this because he was only making matters worse.

I am not sure what relationship you have with someone who wishes to post on a public forum, but it's slightly odd to me that you would "cancel" his Thaivisa posting "privileges." Is he your son?

I don't buy into this, "It's only once a week," or something idea of disturbing your neighbors. It's as if you are the only one subject to this "law." What if everyone in the area thought the same? It would only take seven households to hold parties at supersonic volumes one every day of the week to create a noise war.

I also find it hard to understand others' reasoning on deafeningly loud music parties in the middle of the night being tolerable because they are only irregularly held. Do the people cranking up the tunes at 3am think: "God that's loud (read: cool)! You must be able to hear this for miles. Bet someone's pacing the floor in interrupted sleep-rage. But hey, fck it, I gotta right to do whatever I want from time to time." Do the words selfish and inconsiderate come to mind?

I mean if you pulled your big truck with the monster stereo system up in front of some mountain neighborhood area -- on a public road -- and started a tailgate party at 3am you'd probably be in for some extra excitement from the locals, both foreign and local. "But hey, it's a public road, I'm the public and I like this little stretch of paving. And I'm charging my friends a few baht to come along for the entertainment. I got rights too!"

Maybe someone should start replying to these innocent music-blaring venues by holding "Indecent Oratory Parties." Open mic for people to say whatever they like using whatever language they wish -- hey, it's freedom of expression -- at 125 decibels in the middle of the night. Maybe hold really awful poetry-readings. Have drinking contests and amplify the vomiting noises, farting sounds, and who can think of the worst things to say to insult (insert nationality here). Have sound-truck wars! Whatever you can think of, it's all in the interest of freedom -- to speak, to play tunes, to make a few baht and to annoy the neighbors (but only on occasion).

By the way, why is it that every time I hear of this thing I get the, "Oh, it was a birthday party"? What? It's acceptable to annoy everyone in a three-kilometer radius on your birthday? Where did this "tradition" come from?

Spot on! :o

Excuse me??

I've come on here to try and put the record straight. <deleted> else do you want me to do???

All you're doing is making pathetic jokes about our family and calling me a liar.

Who do you think you are?

You're obviously trying to provoke a reaction... Well here's one

Why don't you come and say all that to our faces???

You know where we are!!!

As for your "Wild West".. Get off your horse and drink yer milk!!!


Hi Adam, why do we have to say it to all "your" faces, why not your face, as I did! Sounds like a threat......hows your eye by the way??? :D

Edited by SamuiJens
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concerned - take a joke, that mid-life crisis is taking it's toll on you - all defensive about your age.

philthebook - exactly, one party, all this fuss. The skys falling!

GECKOVILLAGE - Don't listen to the internet warriors. You put on a good show and I have always had a good time at your well organised, infrequent functions.

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concerned - take a joke, that mid-life crisis is taking it's toll on you - all defensive about your age.

philthebook - exactly, one party, all this fuss. The skys falling!

GECKOVILLAGE - Don't listen to the internet warriors. You put on a good show and I have always had a good time at your well organised, infrequent functions.

You lot really need to chill out. So far there has only been 1 party and your moaning! And yes I live in the area and could hear the music. What's next to moan about? The thunder is too loud, the toads are too loud, the cockrels are too loud, the geckos are too loud.

If the parties start happening every week/night then you might have something to moan about! Until then chill the fxxx out.

Thanks guys, at last some people with some common sense..

I'm only trying to listen to peoples concerns but it's just got rude and insulting so basically.. They'll just have to wait and see won't they!!!

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Well, lose internet for one day and it seems that aggressive posting, threats and trolls take over the Samui forum.

Drop the aggressive tone, geckovillage, threats are not acceptable on this forum in any way, shape or form.

Baiting, insults, threats, etc are not going to be tolerated. Posts have been deleted. If we can't keep this civil then warnings will be handed out.

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One last time.


If you can't keep this discussion on the discussion then its gone. Period. I don't have the time or the internet to watch this thread 24/7 and to make sure everyone behaves like adults.

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On April 1, GECKOVILLAGE (is that shouting?) posted the following:


But then just could not resist posting more and more. :o

Your reaction to my post is very curious. You seem agitated and I don't know why. If Adam is your son and you forbade him from posting then that was a very lucky guess on my part. I was being facetious.

If you actually read my post, I was talking in generalities, albeit this thread has to do with your "thing," apparently. If you have a specific point to refute in my post, by all means, fire away.


All you're doing is making pathetic jokes about our family and calling me a liar.

Who do you think you are?

You're obviously trying to provoke a reaction... Well here's one

Why don't you come and say all that to our faces???

"Who do you think you are?" I love that...I can hear the voice and see the clenched fist shaking.

Please do me the honor of pointing out where in my post I called you a liar. I do not see anything even remotely like this.

Sigh...when someone says: "Why don't you come and say all that to our faces???" it's pretty clear what the subtext is. I am not "trying to provoke a reaction," I am voicing an opinion. I assume you have no trouble reading what I wrote and don't really need me to drive all the way out there and read my post aloud to you, do I? I mean seriously, what is your point? Do you want to punch me in the face for having the opinion that very loud music played throughout the night is an annoyance to the people trying to sleep around you?

Just out of curiosity, what is your feeling about holding an all-night event with music that is surely loud enough to keep awake the neighbors? Do you feel guilty about this? Do you think it's collateral damage, in that some innocents must suffer for you to turn a baht? Are you morally conflicted -- it's a way to make money and have fun but it is also at the expense of others' peace of mind and comfort? Or do you think, "The hel_l with all of you. I can do what I dam_n well please"?

I wonder if, as I extemporized earlier, some youths set up a party down the road from wherever you live and blasted the trance all night, making it impossible for you to sleep, whether you would say, "Ah well, kids will be kids. No point making a mountain out of a molehill; let them have their fun. I can miss a night's sleep." By your "<deleted>" aggressive posting, I am guessing that you might not be so magnanimous. But you tell me.

Two more things: One, if you, GECKOVILLAGE, are actually some sort of manager or boss, you might consider taking a more zen-like approach to dealing with detractors. You sound threatening and like you've blown a gasket. Two, I just want to say again that this all boils down, in my mind, to each of us being respectful of others. Willingly annoying your neighbors isn't acceptable because you only do it infrequently ("Well, I only run over your flowerbed once in a while. Why the fuss?"). I think people are just trying to say that you and all those hosting all-night music events should be considerate and keep the volume to a reasonable level.

Or is this an attitude I deserve to be socked in the mouth for?

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concerned - take a joke, that mid-life crisis is taking it's toll on you - all defensive about your age.

philthebook - exactly, one party, all this fuss. The skys falling!

GECKOVILLAGE - Don't listen to the internet warriors. You put on a good show and I have always had a good time at your well organised, infrequent functions.

yes but do you live up at bophut hills 24/7 or do you,after having a good night up there, go home and have a quiet nights sleep?

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Do any of you stop to think that you may have blown this way out of proportion. Was it not just one night? I would hate to see the majority of you after long flights, sleep deprived and out for blood. The owner has said that he has a sound system which isn't of the club variety (ampless) and that he will be only opening during days with very very seldomly the odd night party. Still the pack are still biting and forgetting what he has stated as his business plan. Why not just chill out and when I am proven wrong I will be happy to eat my words. Untill then this discussion could go on and on, round and round and in the meantime all is quiet up the hill...........

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You may be right. But the promotion material online for the "Gecko" indicates that they blared the hel_l out of their beach venue (and are proud of it) and have moved up to the hills to continue the tradition.

And I am not sure what not having amps means. Without amplification, recorded sound cannot be played through speakers. Maybe he means he isn't going to use the cast-off sound system from the last Kiss tour....

There seems to be some discrepancy -- either the Gecko parties from the beach will continue up the hill, as advertised on the Web, or the Gecko will be a quiet, daytime affair harmonious with the surroundings, as GECKOVILLAGE posts here.

Which is it?

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OK, I've stayed out of this but since I live in Bophut and have some past experience with this type of thing which may or may not give a hint to how this whole "music all night" thing could go, I'll give my 2 cents...

When I lived in Estonia there was a bar across the narrow, cobblestone street that would play pounding music all night. Along with the neighbors and a guy I know (Tony) who ran the business in the cellar beneath the bar we got them closed down. Tony then soon told me that they would now open a lounge bar in the space. Given our experience with loud music he assured me that it would only be light jazz. Well, that also included live events with f$%#rs sometimes pounding drums - but it was jazzy. Then the music moved to more of a thump! thump! modern style presumably because they could bring in more customers that way. Next thing you know, it's going on until 07:00 (long after bars are supposed to be closed). Myself, neighbors (including a French diplomat), the owners of my building took them to the city council & police but in the end they had better connections (the hot, blond manager got a ride with the chief of police after the meeting) and to this day they are still keeping neighbors awake and bringing down property prices. I'm 90% sure that if I had the same options then as I would here the results would have been much different.

Moral of the story: In the end making a profit is the only thing that matters and if all-night parties bring in the money then that's what they'll do despite what their original, (seemingly) good intentions might have been.

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today i noticed a lot of Gecko orange flags on the old monkey theatre road, i followed the signs dreading another late night party like dreamfeilds last year. when i got there it was worse, its a purpose built out door nightclub and its a big one. the owner came over talking to us about how proud he was of his new venture. i asked how many times per week, reply every night, i asked what time he going to close, when last farang go was the reply. last straw for me i cannot tolerate that noise every night. he reckons fully open in 3 months, worth a look if you are out that way. i would have thought sound bar, solo, bamboo, monkey bar, ark bar, lake party etc were enough without sticking one on the side of a mountain in the jungle thats going to keep hundreds awake every night and morning.

Hua Hin here i come finally...

I stumbled across this thread with great interest and am somewhat confused... I've lived in Thailand for a while and I put on some outragous parties, then, funnily enough I ended up living right next to a venue where the bass shaked my house all night which was kind of a funny sort of justice because it started to piss me off. When I spoke to the owners they denied all knowledge but ironically one day I also found out that these same people put quite alot back in to the local community... How I found out, the school next door is funded by them - yep, the kids, so ok I moved but I actually ended up supporting them because few people do this stuff... anyway..... I decided to do some investigation in to the Gecko thing and have found out that the Gecko did the Tsumani charity and raised god knows how much money for those poor people that no other expat had done, on such a scale and not only that but mad it public - hence the promotions and I guess that's why their proud, wouldn't you be, is that bad to help when you can?

So I'm not sure about all this bad vibe stuff, have you actually met these guys yet?

These people could well be the ones who lend a hand, they sound like ok to me, I mean everyone is reasonable and in my opinion any club/bar/ etc that has ever done something like that deserves some respect.

I do hear what you're saying but I bet why not have a chat and see what they're doing next, in fact (get involved) I bet they're doing something similar again... I think you guys should speak direct, peace x

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today i noticed a lot of Gecko orange flags on the old monkey theatre road, i followed the signs dreading another late night party like dreamfeilds last year. when i got there it was worse, its a purpose built out door nightclub and its a big one. the owner came over talking to us about how proud he was of his new venture. i asked how many times per week, reply every night, i asked what time he going to close, when last farang go was the reply. last straw for me i cannot tolerate that noise every night. he reckons fully open in 3 months, worth a look if you are out that way. i would have thought sound bar, solo, bamboo, monkey bar, ark bar, lake party etc were enough without sticking one on the side of a mountain in the jungle thats going to keep hundreds awake every night and morning.

Hua Hin here i come finally...

I stumbled across this thread with great interest and am somewhat confused... I've lived in Thailand for a while and I put on some outragous parties, then, funnily enough I ended up living right next to a venue where the bass shaked my house all night which was kind of a funny sort of justice because it started to piss me off. When I spoke to the owners they denied all knowledge but ironically one day I also found out that these same people put quite alot back in to the local community... How I found out, the school next door is funded by them - yep, the kids, so ok I moved but I actually ended up supporting them because few people do this stuff... anyway..... I decided to do some investigation in to the Gecko thing and have found out that the Gecko did the Tsumani charity and raised god knows how much money for those poor people that no other expat had done, on such a scale and not only that but mad it public - hence the promotions and I guess that's why their proud, wouldn't you be, is that bad to help when you can?

So I'm not sure about all this bad vibe stuff, have you actually met these guys yet?

These people could well be the ones who lend a hand, they sound like ok to me, I mean everyone is reasonable and in my opinion any club/bar/ etc that has ever done something like that deserves some respect.

I do hear what you're saying but I bet why not have a chat and see what they're doing next, in fact (get involved) I bet they're doing something similar again... I think you guys should speak direct, peace x

You say you "hear what we are saying" but you just don't seem to " get it". You have already admitted that you had to move because even though you were once a perpretator, even you became so pissed off that you had to move. Well maybe it has not crossed your mind that most of us do not have the option of just moving. We don't just rent these places! We have invested millions of bahts of our life savings into to them and some of us try to make a living out of renting them out so that we can exist here too.

I and I'm sure many others are not so stupid as to imagine that just because you disturb the lives of people around you, that you are not capable of individual acts of kindness that benefit the community, but that is simply just not the point! Disturbing thousands of people in the local community for the benefit of a few IS the point. Supporting a school next door to your noisy venue sounds more like a bribe to not object than an act of kindness! On a grander scale, ask people like the oil and mining companies how this theory works! Don't be so naive. Also do not denegrate the huge generosity of billions of people around the World who gave billions to the Tsunami victims quietly, as if Gecko shine out like a beacon and nobody else did anything! Get real!

People keep talking about " threats and warnings" on here. There is no need for them. There is only a need for everyone to believe what the Gecko people are saying about their "no disturbance" policy and for the Gecko people to be telling the truth and acting in accordance with what they are saying. That's it. Their cause has not been helped by the fact that one of their party stated that there were never going to be any all night parties up their excluding possibly New Year, and then putting on an "all nighter" that went on well into the following day! Not too smart.

So maybe we should all just calm down (me included) and do what Gecko says. "We'll just have to wait and see!"

So that's what we should do, and then act accordingly.

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Post questioning moderation deleted. As per Forum rules.

5) Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.

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I've been following this thread since the start..............

so I made the trip up there, you don't know what your'e missing, it's not a club, it's a trendy chilled out bar. I've seen where the pool is going and can't wait to get in it.

I advise all to make the effort to see for yourselves, you will not be disappointed, this is a unique place that anyone would want to visit.

It's not the easiest place to get to, but once you get there u will not want to leave.

By the way the Mojitos are superb!!!!

Some of you need to get out more...................

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I've been following this thread since the start..............

so I made the trip up there, you don't know what your'e missing, it's not a club, it's a trendy chilled out bar. I've seen where the pool is going and can't wait to get in it.

I advise all to make the effort to see for yourselves, you will not be disappointed, this is a unique place that anyone would want to visit.

It's not the easiest place to get to, but once you get there u will not want to leave.

By the way the Mojitos are superb!!!!

Some of you need to get out more...................

Perhaps, instead of "following this thread", you should have READ it!

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I've been following this thread since the start..............

so I made the trip up there, you don't know what your'e missing, it's not a club, it's a trendy chilled out bar. I've seen where the pool is going and can't wait to get in it.

I advise all to make the effort to see for yourselves, you will not be disappointed, this is a unique place that anyone would want to visit.

It's not the easiest place to get to, but once you get there u will not want to leave.

By the way the Mojitos are superb!!!!

Some of you need to get out more...................

Perhaps, instead of "following this thread", you should have READ it!

Do you ever follow the news?


I think you will find the correct internet terminology is "lurked" the thread............. ie. I'm a lurker.

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i've done walks for mencap, does that entitle me to have all night parties in residential areas whenever i want? (yes i know nobody has done that yet...well only once but that doesn't count cos it was some doris's 40th)

i do actually own a plot of land up there, but left samui a few years ago mainly due to what alot of people class as paradise i would class as a toliet full of bs. but that is not the point here....

i have read this thread but my memory is not so good, will the villas be rented out? will the 5 partners be living in them? ("working" nights?) or is it more work for charity and they'll be supplying cut-price luxury villas in "paradise" to the BDA*?

interested to see how this unfolds.....

*british deaf association

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Gary(withever user name is used), is the owner of said bar (from the video at beach). I was wondering WHY, a bar would open in the hills, and Not play music? This don't sound like a profitable venue.

If I wasn't confused before it seems to get worse....my last 2 cents.

May peace be with the lovers of quite nights!

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We have NO plans to be a nightclub at all!

Our sound sytem is an active studio system and not a club stystem. We don't even have amplifiers!

While we are still building, we have to open in the evenings because people don't want to sit

here in the daytime and look at a building site!

We still have to make money just like anyone and if that means having the odd party to bring people in

then that's what we'll do. I'm sorry if this causes you any inconvience but it won't be often and as soon as

the buiding is finished we'll concentrate on the daytimes!...

There are Villas being built all around us which we will be managing and we will be the clubhouse, restaurant for these villas

which will all be inside the walled off 6 rai "GECKO VILLAGE"

I think the trouble here is that the promotion online paints a very different story. The above sounds like the "parties" are to be no more, or that the parties will be held in the day (which begs the question of non-amplified club parties and what that might be). Either way you look at it, this is at odds with the information on YouTube, for example. I think it would be even clearer for the owner to come forward and say, "All the material that said we were going to continue the 'tradition' up the hill was wrong and we will not be holding such parties, even during the day. We are a clubhouse in the middle of a residential cluster and playing music very loud next to houses is out of the question."

If, however, the parties will be held in the day, what about the people living next to the venue? What about those in earshot on or down the hill? Listening to THUMP THUMP THUMP all night is horrible, but during the day would be terribly annoying.

So I guess the question is: Are the Web promotions incorrect regarding the transplantation of Gecko?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I usually just lurk here but this thread has really got my back up. Now... I'm not averse to a party or two but what I am averse to is this... After a member of the established ex-pat community on the island has raised a couple of concerns, the two louts involved with the Gecko bar have responded with lies (by all accounts), veiled threats and generally aggressive attitudes. Although it's widely accepted that popping too many happy pills makes the taker aggressive long term so their replies are understandable.

To be entirely honest I haven't heard the "come & say it to my face" & "my friends & family" lines since I was at school & even then it was lame. If you really want to sort things out in a physical manner then you should be man enough to meet away from your own territory and go alone.

To you guys who are close enough to hear their "un-amplified stereo system" (oh my god... whoever invented that technology is in line to be the next Bill Gates), invest in a pair of earplugs for the short term and just make sure you don't end up like that poor german guy on Phangan. To the fanboys... it's very obvious that you're just friends of the owner & here to blindly defend. To the Gecko... I really do hope that you see how much damage you've done to yourselves on this site. You'll get nowhere on this island without the support of the ex-pats here & you've already made a whole lot of enemies with your responses. Very nasty tempers both of you, a couple of weeks in the local Wat might help you out.

To the thaivisa samui collective... i believe an experiment in word of mouth marketing in in order.

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I'm assuming the unamplified reference is referring to an active (amps built into the speakers) monitor system, commonly used for music production / accurate sound referencing - whilst these pack a punch, they are not the same scale as a standard club PA.

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