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19 Soldiers Injured In Friendly Fires In War Exercise


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19 soldiers injured in friendly fires in war exercise

LOPBURI: -- Nineteen soldiers were injured, four severely, when they were shot at by a helicopter supposed to provide them air backup during a raid as part of a war exercise here Wednesday.

Sources said the mishap happened at about 10 am during an exercise on raiding by a battalion of the Lop Bur-based Special Warfare Command.

Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong Paochinda witnessed the war exercise.

As part of the exercise, some 20 soldiers were flown on a helicopter to mount an attack on the enemies.

The soldiers were supposed to run to their destination while another helicopter was supposed to fire at the enemies to cover them. However, the friendly fires from the helicopter hit the soldiers.

They were rushed to the Ananda Mahidol Hospital.

-- The Nation 2009-01-28

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God, this could only happen here!!!!!!!! I know someones going to come up with other cases, but are these guys for real, this was done in front of the Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong himself, what a joke!!!!!!!!

With so much work to be done in his army job maybe he should stop getting involved in other areas.

I wonder who will be to blame? Did a Burmese fisherman hide in the helicopter 'spoters' seat...

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God, this could only happen here!!!!!!!! I know someones going to come up with other cases, but are these guys for real, this was done in front of the Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong himself, what a joke!!!!!!!!

This is the same "professional" Thai army that was responsible for the "mistakes" at the Tak Bai "incident" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tak_Bai_Incident) and still haven't managed to figure out who was in charge at the time :o

/ Priceless

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God, this could only happen here!!!!!!!! I know someones going to come up with other cases, but are these guys for real, this was done in front of the Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong himself, what a joke!!!!!!!!

Actually happens everywhere (USA, Europe, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc)

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This reminds me of the Ban Rom Klao border incident when there were rumours that the air force bombed their own troops by mistake. Doesn't inspire much admiration for their military prowess.

With the history between the Thai armed forces I wouldn't wannna be a foot soldier when the air support or naval support turned up...

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God, this could only happen here!!!!!!!!

uuhhhhhh - no

I believe the US army has achieved these goals as well. ( just one example, I think FDR's ship was almost torpedo-ed when he was on it )

Wish I could find the reference, but I remember that the US killed more Brit and Coalition personnel than the Iraqi army ever managed....

Still, the Thai troops have luckily survived and they have a story to tell their grandchildren - about the day that they faced someone who actually fired at them too.

Edited by bangon04
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Incidents such as this, with this many casualties, are not common in a training exercise. Friendly fire may account for about 30% of the casualties on a battlefield, but training exercises with live fire are usually highly choreographed events with safety officers in attendance.

Edited by Johpa
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Only happen in Thailand :D US are notorious for their friendly fire blue on blues with British troops,it was always factored in! on Nato manouvers in germany, maybe some of the readers here remember the incident on Bergen Hohne Ranges in the 60,s when US tanks were loaded with Armour piercing rounds by mistake and they accidentally shot up some of the Bundeswehr married quarters in the vicinity, or on Desert storm, US Tankbusters strafed a Well identifiable British army column, why do you think , The US never goes into war without the support of UK and Australiaif they cant find an enemy to shoot at!! they have always got their allies nearby who are easier targets :o

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God, this could only happen here!!!!!!!! I know someones going to come up with other cases, but are these guys for real, this was done in front of the Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong himself, what a joke!!!!!!!!

Actually happens everywhere (USA, Europe, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc)

Not in Italy though, where the tanks only have reverse gears. :o

On a serious note, this shouldn't happen in a training exercise like this. Yep, has happened in the past but you have to admit that this is a big cock up.

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Note to Americans. The Thai armed forces are trained by and have numerous exercises with the other great friendly fire 'professional' army. The US armed forces.


Yeah... when the AT-10 anti-tank planes came out, I was driving near an AFB in Arizona - and got buzzed by one of those things. Yup, no tanks to practice against, so they used civilian cars. Scared the living s*it out of me. But I was lucky. A few days later, a pilot put the plane through the ultimate test of American engineering and flew into a car. They stopped buzzing cars after that. So if the Thai troops are US-trained, hmmm... every month or so I see the Thai jets running low-level flights here in Issan. Now, it makes me wonder :D

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God, this could only happen here!!!!!!!! I know someones going to come up with other cases, but are these guys for real, this was done in front of the Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong himself, what a joke!!!!!!!!

An old world war 2 vet & friend of mine said during the War.

If the Germans Shot we duck,if the Brits Shot the Germans Duck, If the Yanks shot everybody bloody ducked.

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This is an unfortunate incident, and it is amazing that with that many casualties, no one died (thank goodness).  But this does happen everywhere. In my first week as a 2ndLt in the US Marines, we had a hang fire on the 81 mm mortars, and due to various circumstances, the round cooked off and went straight into the air to come down back on top of us. I was able to get everyone down before impact, so only four of us suffered minor injuries.  But within a month, a fellow 2ndLt was seriously injured when an artillery round hit his jeep at 29 Palms, and he was medically retired a short time later.

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Wish I could find the reference, but I remember that the US killed more Brit and Coalition personnel than the Iraqi army ever managed....

You cannot compare a situation from the battlefield and a choreographed show.

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