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Eeepc Extra Ram Module


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Hi all

I've had one of these for over a year now. I'm teaching in a WiFi environment, and it's quite useful.

However, the M$oft automatic upgrade has been pestering me for some time to install WinXP SP3, and the poor little machine doesn't have enough RAM to do the job.

I know I can install another memory module inside, but can anyone tell me where to get one in Bangkok?


- Roger -

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...I've had one of these for over a year now...

However, the M$oft automatic upgrade has been pestering me for some time to install WinXP SP3, and the poor little machine doesn't have enough RAM to do the job.

I know I can install another memory module inside, but can anyone tell me where to get one in Bangkok?

I haven't seen them all, but every Eee I have seen only has one memory slot. Which Eee do you have?

Are you sure you need memory, or could to need more storage (SSD or HDD)?

A good question for others is, are the Runcore SSD units available in Thailand?

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  • 4 weeks later...
...I've had one of these for over a year now...

However, the M$oft automatic upgrade has been pestering me for some time to install WinXP SP3, and the poor little machine doesn't have enough RAM to do the job.

I know I can install another memory module inside, but can anyone tell me where to get one in Bangkok?

I haven't seen them all, but every Eee I have seen only has one memory slot. Which Eee do you have?

Are you sure you need memory, or could to need more storage (SSD or HDD)?

A good question for others is, are the Runcore SSD units available in Thailand?


The machine has a memory slot in the side, into which I have plugged an 8G chip. However, this slot is not recognised as main memory by M$soft. The machine (a 701) has a plate in the base which unscrews, and allows for expansion of the main memory. This facility was removed from later models. It is this memory which I wish to increase.


- Roger -

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The machine (a 701) has a plate in the base which unscrews, and allows for expansion of the main memory. This facility was removed from later models. It is this memory which I wish to increase.
My 701 runs on 1GB RAM now, no pagefile, all cleanups from the manual performed. Drive D: is a SDHC-Card with 4GB, which is more than enough storage for what the machine is doing (playing music in a restaurant). I am not sure if you really want to install SP3 on the 701...

The 901 is upgraded to 2GB RAM, SSD still the same. XP on the internal (fast) SSD, programs and data are stored on the secondary drive and on a SDHC card.

In both cases the upgrade took about three minutes. Most important: After the upgrade don't forget to go to the Bios (F2 on startup) and just hit F10 (save and exit), otherwise the EeePC will not recognize the additional memory. Oh, by the way, every reasonable computer store should have the memory modules in stock, just go for the Kingston ones, they are the best (in my opinion). Good Luck!

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