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The Suspense Is Killing Me


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This years Premiership is sending me nuts. How I'd love to be a fly on the Ref's Assossiation wall, when they decide who's going to win which match, most of all, who they going to let win the Premiership. I know it's all done and dusted, but are they going to give the title to Liverpool this year, or are they sticking to their favourite team? Of course Lampard's red card has been recinded. They only wanted to keep him out of that match. Same when the Ref booked Lamps after two minutes in the United match for nothing but a strong tackle, That kept him quiet.

Edited by lampard10
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This years Premiership is sending me nuts. How I'd love to be a fly on the Ref's Assossiation wall, when they decide who's going to win which match, most of all, who they going to let win the Premiership. I know it's all done and dusted, but are they going to give the title to Liverpool this year, or are they sticking to their favourite team? Of course Lampard's red card has been recinded. They only wanted to keep him out of that match. Same when the Ref booked Lamps after two minutes in the United match for nothing but a strong tackle, That kept him quiet.

Suspense, let there be none.

As for Lamp's red card, even your greatest rivals said from the moment it happened that it shouldn't have been.

So just to be clear, are you chuffed because Chelsea is not making the grade this year or mad that its been a few years since you were the ref's darlings?

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This years Premiership is sending me nuts. How I'd love to be a fly on the Ref's Assossiation wall, when they decide who's going to win which match, most of all, who they going to let win the Premiership. I know it's all done and dusted, but are they going to give the title to Liverpool this year, or are they sticking to their favourite team? Of course Lampard's red card has been recinded. They only wanted to keep him out of that match. Same when the Ref booked Lamps after two minutes in the United match for nothing but a strong tackle, That kept him quiet.

erm, bosingwa's jackie chan impression?

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This years Premiership is sending me nuts. How I'd love to be a fly on the Ref's Assossiation wall, when they decide who's going to win which match, most of all, who they going to let win the Premiership. I know it's all done and dusted, but are they going to give the title to Liverpool this year, or are they sticking to their favourite team? Of course Lampard's red card has been recinded. They only wanted to keep him out of that match. Same when the Ref booked Lamps after two minutes in the United match for nothing but a strong tackle, That kept him quiet.

erm, bosingwa's jackie chan impression?

:o More like Charlie Chan. At least he could have done what Cantona did, and launched himself properly, rather than like a limp wristed Hong Kong Phooey.

Edited by mrtoad
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Call it bitterness or sour grapes if you like, but I am sick and tired of the poor refereeing in the Premier League and inconsistency of the FA, who are clearly a bunch of spineless individuals who have more interest in what they are getting out of the game than what they are putting back in the game in terms of fairness and regulations.

Fair enough, kick a non-league team out of the FA Cup for playing an ineligible player, but come on, if Boswinga can get away with his 'Jackie Chan' antics even after the video has been reviewed, what kind of message does that send out to the rest of the league?

It doesn't only happen to Sunderland, but unjust decisions do tend to go against teams outside the top four more often than against those in the 'elite' group. I thought last season we were just a bit unlucky and that this season things would even themselves out. Fat chance!

An interesting table put together by former referee Jeff Winter sees a few movers in the league placings if the 'correct decisions' had been awarded.


I'm off to find my slippers, a pipe and some cocoa.


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Totaly agree that the lower premiership teams are cannon fodder to the refs

1/ stoke v manu------- rooney should have had straight red--not even yellow

Ronaldo------ straight red for kicking wilkinson,then he gets sent off for second yellow

2/ stoke--- man city--- delap gets straight red for kicking ball at shawn wright phillips,the dwarf--- then Gerrard does the same v Chelsea and gets a talking too.

Chelsea v stoke------ref plays 4 mins injury time when there was no stoppages in second half as Chelsea were camped out in Stokes half.

there are many many incidents of top teams diving and conning refs too and refs ignore it mainly.

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Another terrible decision made the officials at Sunderland-Stoke yesterday. Danny Pugh (Stoke) clearly blocked a goalbound header by Malbranque (Sunderland) with his arm. The outcome? No penalty or red card ... a goal kick to Stoke! :o Honestly, the officials seem to be worse than when they worked on a part-time basis.

Cricket has it. American football has it. Even tennis has it. When are those in charge of the most popular sport in the world going to wake up and realize that it's time to introduce technology to assist with these kind of important decisions? The ball went out of play after the incident. It would have taken 5 seconds for a 4th official to review the incident and see it was a clear and intentional handball.

The Premier League is going down the gutter big time!

And to Rob Styles and his 'assistant': Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

ooooooooo :D

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2/ stoke--- man city--- delap gets straight red for kicking ball at shawn wright phillips,the dwarf---

It was definately a red card. SWP was lucky admittedley for retaliating but you also got away with a penalty on Micah Richards.

Never in this world was that a penalty! Richards if anything fouled Griffin before falling over alone - however I would not of been surprised if that incompetant tosser of a referee had given it.

As for the Danny Pugh thing I didn't see the game when it happen only the highlights and read all the reports say 100% penalty etc etc but to be honest I don't think it was deliberate. Pugh was running to close down Malbranque and at basically point blank range the ball was headed directly at head height where was naturally and instinctively protecting his face - it also his it trailing arm not the one which he had in front of his face. He probably knew nothing about it until it hit his arm - ball to arm in my opinion opposed to arm to ball. Either way Styles had his own interpretation of how he wanted the game to finish. :o

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This years Premiership is sending me nuts. How I'd love to be a fly on the Ref's Assossiation wall, when they decide who's going to win which match, most of all, who they going to let win the Premiership. I know it's all done and dusted, but are they going to give the title to Liverpool this year, or are they sticking to their favourite team? Of course Lampard's red card has been recinded. They only wanted to keep him out of that match. Same when the Ref booked Lamps after two minutes in the United match for nothing but a strong tackle, That kept him quiet.


You cynical Oldgit....!



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2/ stoke--- man city--- delap gets straight red for kicking ball at shawn wright phillips,the dwarf---

It was definately a red card. SWP was lucky admittedley for retaliating but you also got away with a penalty on Micah Richards.

Never in this world was that a penalty!

Yeah, OK tech, you look through your glasses, i'll look through mine :o

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