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Pattaya's Economy May Suffer With Less Russians?


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Not being picky here, but at maximum zoom how do you know that she was Russian?

Cheers, Rick

A very good question and it goes to show that some members on this board are really on the ball. :o

When they (the girl in the photo was part of a group of four - 3 girls and a guy) came past my deck chair on the way out to swim I heard them talking and as you may know, Russians don't tend to whisper in public.

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Thank goodness, the less Mafia guys I have to worry about the better.

You worry about them? Why? Do you have a business or revenue stream that they could be interested in? Possible business conflict?

I don't trust a one of them

I reckon that's a given but... why?

Them more money they have the more they had to do to get it.

I worked 10 days more in 2008 than I did in 2007 and I made more money. Bugger! I guess in your book that makes me mafia too.

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Them more money they have the more they had to do to get it.

I worked 10 days more in 2008 than I did in 2007 and I made more money. Bugger! I guess in your book that makes me mafia too.

Oh no, you had to work longer to make more money. Isn't that weird?

Why are people so intimidated by Russians with money?

They were kept behind a curtain for decades, now bigots from the free world get upset when they want to get out and see the world. I don't think there's a country on earth that has endured more hardship. I say leave them alone and let them play.

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Off-topic posts have been deleted.

Back on-topic, there were plently of Russian tourists at Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens on Monday... and they were all spending big on food and beverages as well.

I must admit that some of the younger Russian women were wearing clothing that was considered too revealing by many of the Thais also visiting NN at the same time... some outfits really got a good laugh.

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All that matters is that the Thais are welcoming them, and the Thais are welcoming them. Something to consider when you get carried away with your nationalistic prejudices.What do you do? Are you a plumber? You have more in common with a RUSSIAN plumber than a LAWYER of your nationality. Get the point?

I think it's great that posts like this one remind us Farangs that we may be a bit " Nationalistic" lets face it the Thai people are so different, what was that guy Thaksins party called that won two elections by a landslide, oh I remember "Thais love Thais".

One thing that has become apparent in this thread is the way that we see the Russian tourists in two distinctly different ways either low class small spenders or high class high spenders but one thing is for sure the local economy will suffer with a global recession going on and a local council that can't finish it's great projects like the cables under beach rd and the prolonged saga of the widening of the road between Pattaya and Jomtien, also the failure to provide a pedestrian safe enviroment for any nationality visiting or living here doesn't help.

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Tourism needs tourists. When I spent 4 or 5 nights in Moscow in 2007, I noticed that almost all Russians resemble...Caucasians. I was nearly lost in a sea of blondes.

Old habits and hatreds die hard. We were taught to hate Russians, and many of us learned our lessons too well. Sting wrote a song, "The Russians love their children, too."

Fewer tourists of all nationalities loom on the horizon.

I was actually taught not hate anybody, especially when it is based on prejudice or stereotyping, and I don't hate Russians. I work with a Russian gentleman, and he's a fine person who inputs intelligent ideas into conversations and shows respect for those around him. Unfortunately, he is not typical of the Russians I have encountered in Pattaya. Those ones are generally loud and aggressive (compared to most other nationalities) and I'm sorry to say that I'd be very happy to see their numbers decline greatly in Pattaya. Interestingly, my Russian colleague also finds that most Russian tourists who make their way to Pattaya are not desirable company to keep, either.

BTW, is there any chance that the title of this thread can be changed to "...FEWER Russians". It's one of those common grammar mistakes that bothers me (being an English teacher in a past life).

Edited by Beacher
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I was actually taught not hate anybody, especially when it is based on prejudice or stereotyping, and I don't hate Russians. I work with a Russian gentleman, and he's a fine person who inputs intelligent ideas into conversations and shows respect for those around him. Unfortunately, he is not typical of the Russians I have encountered in Pattaya. Those ones are generally loud and aggressive (compared to most other nationalities) and I'm sorry to say that I'd be very happy to see their numbers decline greatly in Pattaya. Interestingly, my Russian colleague also finds that most Russian tourists who make their way to Pattaya are not desirable company to keep, either.

It's interesting you mention this; I previously had a Russian colleague & he wasn't like them either. Unfortunately, he wasn't typical of the Russians I've met holidaying anywhere; the obnoxious type of Russian is not exclusive to Pattaya.

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It's interesting you mention this; I previously had a Russian colleague & he wasn't like them either. Unfortunately, he wasn't typical of the Russians I've met holidaying anywhere; the obnoxious type of Russian is not exclusive to Pattaya.

If Pattaya were to lose "obnoxious types" it would really be in trouble.

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It's interesting you mention this; I previously had a Russian colleague & he wasn't like them either. Unfortunately, he wasn't typical of the Russians I've met holidaying anywhere; the obnoxious type of Russian is not exclusive to Pattaya.

If Pattaya were to lose "obnoxious types" it would really be in trouble.

Not being rude or mean here,but i have great difficulty in communicating with Russians.They seem to either not want to be friendly,or who knows?I tried to help a Russian lady when she was ordering drinks,as this Russian family spoke no English and no Thai,so i leaned over to the waiter and told her what they asked for.Instead of thank you,it was a rude glare,as if i just violated their chosen one. :o My best friend is marrying a Russian lady,so i learnt some Russian to communicate.They seem to be a hard nut to crack,those Ruskies! :D

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Well I've just had my three monthly soujourn through Pattaya and I did notice quite a lot of people speaking a language that may or may not have been Russian. As I'm not enough of a cunning linguist to tell the difference I can't say for sure whether they were Russians, Ukranians, Latvians, Kazakhs or any of a multitude of nationalities. What I can say is that they never caused me any bother nor did they strike me as particularly loud nor aggresively pushy. They went about their business and I went about mine. Personaly it seemed to me that there was more of them than previous times as for their spending habits could someone tell me what people have more money to burn these days?

What I can say is that walking down Beach Road amongst Russians was a lot more pleasurable than slip sliding up to my ankles in snow to the pub for a pint last Monday. Sheesh can I ever pick the time to go visit the UK........NOT! :o

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I reckon the ones that beat their gums about Russians are the same haters that whine about the tailor touts, the katoeys and all those low-life foreigners invading their homeland. These xenophobic punters must positively drool at the growing quantity of 'why do the Thai's hate us?' posts from those unfortunate newb retirees and jaded resident tourists alike.

I feel for ya Phil.... I am offshore South Island New Zealand. Even the bloody kiwi's say they only come down here for the skiing!

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Pattaya without Russians - one can dream...

And what sir makes you a superior visitor?

Russians are great for this town. The more of them the better. Non-tattooed decent looking Caucasion tourists and families of any nationality help to improve the image of this town and bring it closer to being a real tourist town.

Thumbs up for the Russians!

"Caucasian" tourists, huh? Interesting.

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They were kept behind a curtain for decades, now bigots from the free world get upset when they want to get out and see the world. I don't think there's a country on earth that has endured more hardship. I say leave them alone and let them play.

A few years after German Unification, I was discussing the topic with a German (West German), he told me that in his opinion; they didn't build the Berlin Wall high enough. On many occasions, I can't help but wish that the Iron Curtain still isn't well & truly drawn. :o

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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Pattaya without Russians - one can dream...

And what sir makes you a superior visitor?

Russians are great for this town. The more of them the better. Non-tattooed decent looking Caucasion tourists and families of any nationality help to improve the image of this town and bring it closer to being a real tourist town.

Thumbs up for the Russians!

"Caucasian" tourists, huh? Interesting.

Oh NO! An anal-retentive!

Let me make it easy for you. I used the term loosely to refer to WHITE or fair-skinned people.

Of course you already knew that.

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This thread smacks of racism :o (which probably goes against frorum rules)

I forgot to check back on responses to my original post which only sought

a response regarding the possible economic effects on Pattaya of this particular group of travelers

perhaps not being able to afford to travel here as much as they have in the past.

I had no idea the thread had degenerated like this I am sad and surprised at such negative

responses. I cannot understand this reaction. I have traveled to Russia many times

and I think considering what they have been through in the past they are people who deserve

nothing but the utmost respect. I wonder how many who have criticized them

in this thread have actually visited their country and experienced their hospitality?

The moderator should feel free to close this thread

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I think we all know the Pattaya local economy has been helped considerably

by our Russian friends in recent times but with these developments ( below )

I'm curious if anyone thinks this will dramatically reduce the number of

visitors and possibly even investors from a part of the world. After all

their recent wealth was based almost entirely on oil revenue which has

been slashed.

Russia's Government yesterday threw a $40 billion (£27.6 billion) lifeline to its banks as the rouble suffered another pounding, prompting further speculation that the country would be forced into a formal devaluation.

In London, Alexei Kudrin, Russia's Finance Minister, hinted at budget cuts as his country grapples with high inflation, a depreciating currency and the collapse in value of oil and gas, Russia's main exports.

The dollar value of the Russian currency fell to within a few kopecks of 41 roubles, the floor at which the central bank is committed to defend the currency by selling dollars. The rouble has plunged by almost 40 per cent in six months, despite the expense of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign currency in its defence.

oh what a shame!!join the rest of the world up the creek with no paddle.

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I observe Russians doing big spending in town. I also find them more cosmopolitan than your average European. You will see them eating bird's nest soup and Indian curries, they do not stick to their own borscht unlike some other stick in the mud nationalities. They also include many Russian young adults and many Russian families. Yes, they are very thick on the ground this high season and Pattaya business loves them. I have to admit I am tiring of seeing all the Russian script ads around though. As of right now, the Russki tourists still are spending money (maybe they shouldn't for their own good though). These slurs about their cheapness are based on stupid bigotry and not direct observation and reports from local business owners who find Russians are the BIGGEST spending local tourists, booking the most expensive hotel rooms on average more than other nationalities. They are also now buying local real estate, who else is doing that right now? Its hard to say about next year though. The meltdown ain't over.

It amazes me how you know so much about so much :o In my many years of being in Pattaya I cant help but see many Russsians drinking cheap beer from a bottle, whilst on the street.

Conceit, Gods gift to little men

PS Cosmopolotin - Soviet derogatory epithet during Joseph Stalin's anti-Semitic campaign of 1949–1953

Edited by misterman21
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I had no idea the thread had degenerated like this I am sad and surprised at such negative

responses. I cannot understand this reaction. I have traveled to Russia many times

and I think considering what they have been through in the past they are people who deserve

nothing but the utmost respect. I wonder how many who have criticized them

in this thread have actually visited their country and experienced their hospitality?

The moderator should feel free to close this thread

Behaviour at home & behaviour away are often poor comparisons; my comments regarding Russian tourists stand firm.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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