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Pattaya's Economy May Suffer With Less Russians?


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I think we all know the Pattaya local economy has been helped considerably

by our Russian friends in recent times but with these developments ( below )

I'm curious if anyone thinks this will dramatically reduce the number of

visitors and possibly even investors from a part of the world. After all

their recent wealth was based almost entirely on oil revenue which has

been slashed.

Russia’s Government yesterday threw a $40 billion (£27.6 billion) lifeline to its banks as the rouble suffered another pounding, prompting further speculation that the country would be forced into a formal devaluation.

In London, Alexei Kudrin, Russia’s Finance Minister, hinted at budget cuts as his country grapples with high inflation, a depreciating currency and the collapse in value of oil and gas, Russia’s main exports.

The dollar value of the Russian currency fell to within a few kopecks of 41 roubles, the floor at which the central bank is committed to defend the currency by selling dollars. The rouble has plunged by almost 40 per cent in six months, despite the expense of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign currency in its defence.

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Your a bit naive if you think that nearly all of their wealth is based on oil revenue , Russian Mafia money has been pouring into Thailand in recent years due to the lack of controls and the greed of corrupt poloticians and governments who turn a blind eye as to where the money is comming from.

As for Russian tourists, take a seat in a bar in Walking st and see them do just that, walk and walk, up and down buying the odd copy t shirt, the only time that I see them buying anything more substancial is in Tesco lotus on Sukhumvit where the cheap clothing goes down a treat with them, maybe the Thai's can stop calling people Cheap Charlies and call them Cheap Boris instead.

Edited by pattayaGaz
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I see them buying anything more substancial is in Tesco lotus on Sukhumvit where the cheap clothing goes down a treat with them, maybe the Thai's can stop calling people Cheap Charlies and call them Cheap Boris instead.


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I observe Russians doing big spending in town. I also find them more cosmopolitan than your average European. You will see them eating bird's nest soup and Indian curries, they do not stick to their own borscht unlike some other stick in the mud nationalities. They also include many Russian young adults and many Russian families. Yes, they are very thick on the ground this high season and Pattaya business loves them. I have to admit I am tiring of seeing all the Russian script ads around though. As of right now, the Russki tourists still are spending money (maybe they shouldn't for their own good though). These slurs about their cheapness are based on stupid bigotry and not direct observation and reports from local business owners who find Russians are the BIGGEST spending local tourists, booking the most expensive hotel rooms on average more than other nationalities. They are also now buying local real estate, who else is doing that right now? Its hard to say about next year though. The meltdown ain't over.

Edited by Jingthing
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Dunno most thai(s) (business owners) I have talked to - call them cheap and do not care for them too much. I never seen them spend dosh, basically package tourists similarly to the chinese that run into town by the coach load.

Edited by britmaveric
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I observe Russians doing big spending in town. I also find them more cosmopolitan than your average European. You will see them eating bird's nest soup and Indian curries, they do not stick to their own borscht unlike some other stick in the mud nationalities. They also include many Russian young adults and many Russian families. Yes, they are very thick on the ground this high season and Pattaya business loves them. I have to admit I am tiring of seeing all the Russian script ads around though. As of right now, the Russki tourists still are spending money (maybe they shouldn't for their own good though). These slurs about their cheapness are based on stupid bigotry and not direct observation and reports from local business owners who find Russians are the BIGGEST spending local tourists, booking the most expensive hotel rooms on average more than other nationalities. They are also now buying local real estate, who else is doing that right now? Its hard to say about next year though. The meltdown ain't over.

Good post Sir! about time someone stuck up for the Russians, easy to generalise, "All Brits are shaven headed tattoed thugs!" were all different, the days when only poor Russians came to Pattaya are long gone - accept it :o

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IRussia's Government yesterday threw a $40 billion (£27.6 billion) lifeline to its banks as the rouble suffered another pounding, prompting further speculation that the country would be forced into a formal devaluation.

In London, Alexei Kudrin, Russia's Finance Minister, hinted at budget cuts as his country grapples with high inflation, a depreciating currency and the collapse in value of oil and gas, Russia's main exports.

The dollar value of the Russian currency fell to within a few kopecks of 41 roubles, the floor at which the central bank is committed to defend the currency by selling dollars. The rouble has plunged by almost 40 per cent in six months, despite the expense of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign currency in its defence.

some good news then, at last. <snip> :o:D

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All that matters is that the Thais are welcoming them, and the Thais are welcoming them. Something to consider when you get carried away with your nationalistic prejudices.What do you do? Are you a plumber? You have more in common with a RUSSIAN plumber than a LAWYER of your nationality. Get the point?

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To all you haters out there. Leaving out all the personal bigotry, ignorance, anecdotal tales and sensational local 'media' stories, name any significant bad thing that the Russian tourist market had done for;

A ) Pattaya, and

B ) you personally?

Answers on a postcard please....

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I'd always choose to spend my holidays where they have less of a presence; too noisy & boisterous for my liking. I've been on several flights where drunken Russians have been shouting up & down the aircraft to their friends, on one occasion wandering down the aisle & standing talking to his girlfriend even when the flight crew were trying to serve meals; I've seen them behaving similarly in Cairo museum; they seem to be even more adept than Germans at reserving the pool beds; I could go on, but I'll only add that many of them don't seem to have any respect for the 'situation' which they find themselves whatsoever.

Whenever I'm looking to visit a new destination in any country; I always check Trip Advisor for the number of Russian Tourists.

These days, my visits to Pattaya are very seldom, nor will I visit the Egyptian Red Sea resorts; Russians are the prime cause. <snip> :o

PS I accept the women are lookers, but that's no good if you're married; especially if she's with you.

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Tourism needs tourists. When I spent 4 or 5 nights in Moscow in 2007, I noticed that almost all Russians resemble...Caucasians. I was nearly lost in a sea of blondes.

Old habits and hatreds die hard. We were taught to hate Russians, and many of us learned our lessons too well. Sting wrote a song, "The Russians love their children, too."

Fewer tourists of all nationalities loom on the horizon.

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What's the problem with the Russians? The Russian women on WS are, in the main, lookers, and dress to please.

We could do with a lot of them in boring ol' London, where most women wear trousers, and you're lucky to see a bit of leg.

YEAH! who cares if they are are big spenders or not,.....as long as they have nice legs,....corrr! :o

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Pattaya without Russians - one can dream...

And what sir makes you a superior visitor?

Russians are great for this town. The more of them the better. Non-tattooed decent looking Caucasion tourists and families of any nationality help to improve the image of this town and bring it closer to being a real tourist town.

Thumbs up for the Russians!

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YEAH! who cares if they are are big spenders or not,.....as long as they have nice legs,....corrr! :o

They can certainly make a difference to one's beach experience.

Excuse the blurriness of the image...this was taken at maximum zoom.


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Pattaya without Russians - one can dream...

Russians are great for this town. The more of them the better. Non-tattooed decent looking Caucasion tourists and families of any nationality help to improve the image of this town and bring it closer to being a real tourist town.

Mister, what's wrong about tattoos? :o

And about Russians...well I do not care about them, as long as they are not in front of me at the local 7/11 counter.

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Russians were the second biggest volume of tourists in 2007-2008,only bettered by thais,in Pattaya.Brits are number 8 so i think the russians will be treated well.I here most are russian police or army,hence their slightly aggressive behaviour.

I went to Pattaya north last week for the first time in months and noticed few Germans and many Russians,who were mainly families which is great to me.

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I went to Pattaya north last week for the first time in months and noticed few Germans and many Russians,who were mainly families which is great to me.

Not to me as their "entertainment" is not mine...

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YEAH! who cares if they are are big spenders or not,.....as long as they have nice legs,....corrr! :o

They can certainly make a difference to one's beach experience.

Excuse the blurriness of the image...this was taken at maximum zoom.


Not being picky here, but at maximum zoom how do you know that she was Russian?

Cheers, Rick

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