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Saudi Donation


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Tight Gits- some of the richest countries in the muslim world have short arms.

Not surprised...most of them lose a hand when they nick a loaf of bread :o

Maybe they consider it's not their problem?

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My guess is the Saudi Royal Family see no advantage is makeing a large contribution.

Japan has made the largest as it desires maximum market penetration in southeast Asia. The U.S. upped its contribution once the Pres figured he could make points with the people of Asia and further his anit-terrorism gains.

I haven't seen one package of aid without a country flag of origin or other large lettered sign indicating which country was the giver. It that be the cost to get the aid to the people, I am not one to look the "gift horse in the mouth", however I am cynical about the motives.

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My guess is the Saudi Royal Family see no advantage is makeing a large contribution.

Japan has made the largest as it desires maximum market penetration in southeast Asia.  The U.S. upped its contribution once the Pres figured he could make points with the people of Asia and further his anit-terrorism gains.

I haven't seen one package of aid without a country flag of origin or other large lettered sign indicating which country was the giver.  It that be the cost to get the aid to the people, I am not one to look the "gift horse in the mouth", however I am cynical about the motives.

Yes I figure that's about right. What I like is that the 'real' people of the world acted on their own in what can only be described as phenomenal outpouring (never seen before by the way..forget Band Aid and all those - they pale in comparison). No one waited for Govts or the UN. Money flooded into the NGOs. It was xmas/new year and the UN/Govt people were all on holiday. Is this a new movement of the "Public Sphere"? (surf for Public Sphere and Habermas) related to the Internet society and frustration of citizens at the old political-economic order?? Maybe..Those or you in power beware (your educated cronies will be looking at this one for sure..).

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I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

The Saudis gave a portion of their GDP that isn't totally out of kilter with what the US donated. The Saudi GDP is about 3% of the size of the US. If you look at their gift proportionally, it would be the equivalent of the US laying out $300 million. Given that the US has pledged $350 million, it's premature to write off the Saudi's as being cheap.

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I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

Kuwait $10million <deleted> Even Portugal beat that amount.

The Saudis gave $50 million to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

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I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

Kuwait $10million <deleted> Even Portugal beat that amount.

The Saudis gave $50 million to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Wow ... I might become a bomber. Virgins and money ... sounds good

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I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

Kuwait $10million <deleted> Even Portugal beat that amount.

The Saudis gave $50 million to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Wow ... I might become a bomber. Virgins and money ... sounds good

They got the virgins thing wrong. On the other side they meets up with 72 Virginians. And they are PO'ed!

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Saudi Arabians aren't all that fussed about other Arabs - not even other Saudi Arabians.

It is a hopelessly dysfunctional society, with a few thousand whoremongering Princelings hogging the wealth, and maintaining their relations with foreign powerbrokers and politicans by bribing them with sweetheart deals.

On the other hand you have religious police who won't let schoolgirls out of a burning building unveiled, and push them back in to fry.

Thirdly, Saudi has an underclass of fed up underdogs - who can't vote, change anything and so turn to a extreme form of their own religion. One day these soured folk will hijack a plane and fly it into something

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I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

The Saudis gave a portion of their GDP that isn't totally out of kilter with what the US donated. The Saudi GDP is about 3% of the size of the US. If you look at their gift proportionally, it would be the equivalent of the US laying out $300 million. Given that the US has pledged $350 million, it's premature to write off the Saudi's as being cheap.

The Saudis contribute 7% of all inward investment to the US,hardly are poor country.There oil reserves are massive.

I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

Kuwait $10million <deleted> Even Portugal beat that amount.

I worked in London in casinos when the Saudi's first started to visit London in a big way. Those Princes and there seem to be endless numbers of them, had money form birth and LOTS of it... more than they could ever spend in several lifetimes... They did not seem to understand, or realise, that people 'need' money. It has always been there for them. Something akin to Buddha leaving the royal palace and shocked at the poverty outside the palace grounds. Once the Saudi's learned about 'tipping' it became ridiculous. 50 pound tips for cups of coffee, or 50 for parking thier car, or 100 to drive them around the corner to the Hilton etc etc were commonplace. They have no sense of the value for money whatever!

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I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

Kuwait $10million <deleted> Even Portugal beat that amount.

The Saudis gave $50 million to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.


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How many of the Indonesians who were affected were from Aceh, and isn't Aceh a Christian area? If a lot of Muslim Indonesians were killed as well, then my idea is wrong. I do not know. Most Saudi charity is in the form of building mosques and sending korans. Or, if something rational is done, like handing out food, then it is done after prayer from the mosques. Mosques provide some form of education for the poor muslim men of the world.

I lived there for 8 1/2 years. Kuwaitis are even worse. There is a reason that the Palestinians took the side ofthe Iraqis whent he invaded Kuwait.

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The Saudis contribute 7% of all inward investment to the US,hardly are poor country.There oil reserves are massive.

There are definitely wealthy Saudis, and wealthy Saudis invest heavily in the US. However, the vast majority of Saudis are quite poor (and this is one of the reasons that radical Wahhabism gains ground well in Saudi Arabia, and why Osama Bin Laden is so critical of the House of Saud).

That doesn't change the fact that they are donating a portion of their GDP which is on par with that of many western countries.

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How many of the Indonesians who were affected were from Aceh, and isn't Aceh a Christian area? If a lot of Muslim Indonesians were killed as well, then my idea is wrong. I do not know. Most Saudi charity is in the form of building mosques and sending korans. Or, if something rational is done, like handing out food, then it is done after prayer from the mosques. Mosques provide some form of education for the poor muslim men of the world.

I lived there for 8 1/2 years. Kuwaitis are even worse. There is a reason that the Palestinians took the side ofthe Iraqis whent he invaded Kuwait.

:o [/qThe Saudis and Kuwaitis were told during Friday prayers that the tsunami was a 'punishment from God because of the evil lives of the people who live in those areas' :D

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I haven't seen one package of aid without a country flag of origin or other large lettered sign indicating which country was the giver. It that be the cost to get the aid to the people, I am not one to look the "gift horse in the mouth", however I am cynical about the motives.

It is in fact some Countries which will blend in with the "Top 5 donors" but maybe without other motiv than help.

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I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

Kuwait $10million <deleted> Even Portugal beat that amount.

perhaps - this is where their money will go ? see :

Concern over radical relief group

after all they'd rather try to re-inforce islamic values than help West almighty to improve their position in biggest muslim nation in the whole world?

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Arab News

JEDDAH, 8 January 2005 — Saudis responded enthusiastically to a telethon staged to raise money for victims of the Asian tsunami disaster, donating more than SR300 million ($82 million). The Saudi leadership gave SR35 million at the telethon which lasted from Thursday afternoon until the early hours of yesterday.

The Kingdom had earlier pledged $30 million to assist the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that ravaged large areas of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India and Maldives with the tidal wave striking as far away as the coast of Somalia.

Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal, chairman of Kingdom Holding Company, announced an SR70 million ($19 million) donation to the telethon organized by Saudi Arabian Television and carried live by Channel One and Channel Two. A number of Arab satellite stations also joined in airing the telethon.

The contribution of Prince Alwaleed comprised $4 million in cash, with the remaining amount including one million worth of clothes and 10,000 tents, the Kingdom Holding Company said in a statement.

“Our donation is to ease the suffering of our brothers and sisters in South Asia. We believe that humanitarian aid is a responsibility shared by all and transcends religion, race and geographic boundaries,” the statement said.

The construction company, Saudi Oger, owned by former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri, pledged $6.7 million.

As part of the telethon Saudi Aramco made a corporate donation of $2 million, the company announced yesterday.

Abdallah S. Jum’ah said in a statement that the donation was part of Saudi Aramco’s tradition of social responsibility.

“The Saudi Aramco family is deeply saddened by this tragic event, as it has destroyed the lives of so many fellow humans, and the challenges faced by the survivors touch us all,” Jum’ah said. “Our prayers are with those who lost their loved ones in this tragedy, as well as with those who were injured or lost their homes. May God ease the heavy burden on the victims and their families, and may He grant them the power of patience to cope with the difficult days ahead.”

Whole families came out to donate. Long queues could be seen outside donation centers with people waiting in the cold to give something to help the victims. Goods ranging from crates of fruits and sacks of rice to luxury cars and wide-bodied passenger buses were brought to the donation centers in all major cities.

An Indonesian worker in Dammam in the Eastern Province gave away half of his monthly wage to help his fellow citizens back home. A large number of the donors were schoolchildren who gave their pocket money to help the affected Asian children. A small child brought a number of air balloons saying he saw people drowning under the massive wave and wanted to help by providing something to help others swim to safety.

A group of Muslim scholars sat in the television studios inviting viewers to donate, saying that giving aid is one of the pillars of Islam.

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