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Police Check Needed

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My wife is living in uk on a 2 year settlement visa & has applied for a job working at a school only to be told she neds a police check which i can understand working with children etc

has anyone come across this before?

would she need to contact Thailand for this?

any help would be appreciated



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The normal "police check" in the UK which has to be made on employees in many different organisations, but particularly on anybody working in schools or with children, is made by the Criminal Records Bureau. The page from their website relating to applications for a check is:-


but I would have thought that the school would supply her with a form and submit it on her behalf. That's the way my employers did it.

How they deal with people whose previous life and any potential record is outside the UK, I don't know, but I would have thought it was worthwhile using the link provided in the previous post.

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my wife worked in hospitals and nursing homes, she always had to have a criminal record check but the emplyees always took care of it. once she worked through an agency and they charged her £30 for the check. never had to contact Thai police at all. daft thing was she always started work before the checks came back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys for all your help!!!!

The headmaster at the school has said it's the employee responsibility to get a good code of ondut ie police clearence before the employer used to do but the rules have changed ..

but anyway the links supplied are enough

again thanks for all your help guys


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