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Start A Bail Fund I'm Going To Need It


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There is a point when enough is enough I have arrived. Now normally I'm real Jai Yen about trafffic. I'm used to being crowded by cars ect, just goes with the territory.

Today I'm going down ring road. Almost pulled into his car saw him my mirror at the last secondand he avoided me. Good Driver, definetly my fault.

However, the guy behind him aims his pickup right at me and chased all the way across the lane trying to hit me. Where I stand that is an Assualt with a Deadly Weapon. I'm taking that anymore it's happened before I sucked it up.

Well as luck would have we get to a red light, problem the pickup that tried to hit me was a gray pickup. There were four in a row at the light and I don't know which one.

But I see a guy laughing his head off, well I parked the bike in the middle of the lane with every intention of dragging that guy out of that pickup and kick his butt for as long as I could. Turns out he was the guy I cut off.

Light turned green wife hanging on my shirt I was lucky, truth is I'm 62 years old with a bad back. Not a real good idea. but when the adrenline is going you don't feel pain.

If I had succeeded I probably would have gotten my butt kicked but I guarantee he would have know I had been there. Then of course I would have went to jail.

You know I dont get upset about accidents no one is intending to harm anyone stuff happens.

But an intentional act is different I will no longer tolerate anyone trying to do harm to me or mine being stupid with a car. If I can get to them I'm going to jail.

I know whats norm are here and what is not this was not. Felt bad about the farrang I challenged he was a nice guy.

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Nah heck I was over the angry in hours, normaly don't get angry this guy just went a bit to far. I have a trip planned next month playing tourist Surin BuriRam and the Cambo Border, checking out Khmer ruins. Khon Kean bike week next week, And a great ride today. I'm fine but thanks for the advice. Just got no place I want to go except Australia and they are trying to burn that down. right now.

I want to rent a bike there and ride the coast, that should keep me busy and around people who speak english a well as us American's

Ordered a cool vest from the states so tha might riding in the heat a bit better. If not I will lock myself away in air conditioned cave and start working on learing Thai again. Things are preetty intens in Udon thsi week, the Pad and the Red shirts are v both hving concers today about six blocks away fro ewach othre. That mihjt have had something to do with it. This wasn't the normal stuff yuo run into.

Really not that bad guys one dog, one jerk in six years :o

This economic thing is hitting the Thai's in the area hard and they are on edge. Still the friendly soles in the village that like to practise their english on you.

I hang in there until next year for Australlia or Malayasia, want some english for a while. But no desire to go to the west at all.

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Dear Ray,

We are very selective on who we let into Oz, you know? Its also custom to pay money to me.....not much, about 2 or 3 million baht will do it.....that way, I will call off the Aussie goons from running you into a ditch somewhere.

If you think I am kidding, maybe you should hire one of my favourite Aussie films.....'Wolf Creek'.

:o ....don't worry too much, one you become a head on a stick, you won't feel anything at all :D

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Dear Ray,

We are very selective on who we let into Oz, you know? Its also custom to pay money to me.....not much, about 2 or 3 million baht will do it.....that way, I will call off the Aussie goons from running you into a ditch somewhere.

If you think I am kidding, maybe you should hire one of my favourite Aussie films.....'Wolf Creek'.

:D ....don't worry too much, one you become a head on a stick, you won't feel anything at all :D

Yes,yes i see the resemblance to the main character,it wasn't your story,was it? :D And while i'm on the subject,Ivan says hello!Oh,Joanne Lees would like her BF back,or at least a payout from the government,so she can go back and see her other Bf(That she lied about having,under oath) :o

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Dear Ray,

We are very selective on who we let into Oz, you know? Its also custom to pay money to me.....not much, about 2 or 3 million baht will do it.....that way, I will call off the Aussie goons from running you into a ditch somewhere.

If you think I am kidding, maybe you should hire one of my favourite Aussie films.....'Wolf Creek'.

:D ....don't worry too much, one you become a head on a stick, you won't feel anything at all :wai:

Yes,yes i see the resemblance to the main character,it wasn't your story,was it? :D And while i'm on the subject,Ivan says hello!Oh,Joanne Lees would like her BF back,or at least a payout from the government,so she can go back and see her other Bf(That she lied about having,under oath) :o

I like to slowly torture and kill the british....thats when they really start to whinge :D:D

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Dear Ray,

We are very selective on who we let into Oz, you know? Its also custom to pay money to me.....not much, about 2 or 3 million baht will do it.....that way, I will call off the Aussie goons from running you into a ditch somewhere.

If you think I am kidding, maybe you should hire one of my favourite Aussie films.....'Wolf Creek'.

:D ....don't worry too much, one you become a head on a stick, you won't feel anything at all :wai:

Yes,yes i see the resemblance to the main character,it wasn't your story,was it? :D And while i'm on the subject,Ivan says hello!Oh,Joanne Lees would like her BF back,or at least a payout from the government,so she can go back and see her other Bf(That she lied about having,under oath) :o

I like to slowly torture and kill the british....thats when they really start to whinge :D:D

Slip in the ear plugs buddy,best way so u don't hear them begging for mercy.... :P

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