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Dear Sir

I have good news for Cha-Am Jamal (No hassle or nonsense Postbag 13 February). From 20 March the Hua Hin immigration post will no longer be in Soi 102!

It will be in Muang PrachuapKhiriKhan from 20 March, a small notice at the office informs me. Helpfully the notice has no map, phone number, or address more specific than the Tambon, but assuming it is at the Dan Singkhon office, and assuming Cha-Am Jamal lives in Cha-Am (an amazing coincidence I know) his return journey will be increased by approximately 200km. However no doubt the additional passenger vehicle travel has been carefully assessed and the contribution to oil imports, pollution, global warming, additional deaths and injury, caused by road traffic accidents are sustainable.

Whilst I was at the office on the morning of Friday 13th February there were never few than ten vehicles with people reporting at any one time and more vehicles arriving every couple of minutes. A considerable proportion of these were from the large hotels bringing piles of registration details, no doubt the hotel management will be pleased to lose a staff member and vehicle for half a day, and the extra fuel costs will make then grin with pleasure.

Just an off the wall idea for a bit of business process re-engineering. Why not provide a process for 90 day reports and guest registrations via the web, for 90 day reports an e-receipt would be issued, for guest registrations the data would be less subject to transcription error. With modern Hardware and Sofware, blade servers and LAMP in particular the project could be done for 1-2 million Baht I believe. The benefits are considerable and the ROI huge. No doubt some enterprising soul could produce an interface from popular guest registration software, to ease the hotels costs. Immigration officers could be reassigned to chase bad guys. I am aware of two precedents for this scheme, airline e-tickets from the early 1990s and the Australian e-visa scheme from the mid 1990s.

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Another reason to reconsider a long term stay in Hua Hin or in the rest of Thailand. It seems they are making it more and more difficult staying here.

For me this and other (new) regulations are a final push finding a new Country to live.

Maybe there are some where Foreigners are welcome to Invest and Work without getting ripped off regulary.


They want more farangs to live in Prachuabkhirkhan City so the place gets developed....But, This idea to shut down the immigration office sounds like a stupid plan since the Govt. is ready to group Pranburi, Hua Hin and Cha-am together..............


A little further west I suspect.

However my point was to emphasise the lack of customer care and lack of common-sense -- even the Tailor shops put a map up when they move.


No supposedly you can mail -- if you trust the mail.

But what about re-entry permits, visa extensions, confirming address for driving licence and etc. These do require a visit.


Okay, so I have hardly been that far south of Hua Hin since I scared the holy heck out of a bad bar boy from the Malaysia hotel, who hopped off my bike when I tried to do a U turn in front of oncoming traffic back around late 2005. Then, that road from Hua Hin to Prachuap Kirikin was a two lane highway with horrendously dangerous traffic. Is it even a four lane highway yet? It will be no picnic of a drive even if it is four lanes with a dividing median. Well, maybe the new location will not be at the end of a soi designed for motorcross and hippo baths.

Can we get confirmation on this serious inconvenience? I loved it when they were in downtown HHin at the police station.



Okay, so I have hardly been that far south of Hua Hin since I scared the holy heck out of a bad bar boy from the Malaysia hotel, who hopped off my bike when I tried to do a U turn in front of oncoming traffic back around late 2005. Then, that road from Hua Hin to Prachuap Kirikin was a two lane highway with horrendously dangerous traffic. Is it even a four lane highway yet? It will be no picnic of a drive even if it is four lanes with a dividing median. Well, maybe the new location will not be at the end of a soi designed for motorcross and hippo baths.

Can we get confirmation on this serious inconvenience? I loved it when they were in downtown HHin at the police station.

Here it comes - this is from the Immigration Office



I've been to the Dan Singkhon, office, before they were in the police station the road Hua Hin- Pranburi is dangerous two lanes with buses in the middle lane. The road 1039 up to the office not bad but 200km is 200km

I've been to the Dan Singkhon, office, before they were in the police station the road Hua Hin- Pranburi is dangerous two lanes with buses in the middle lane. The road 1039 up to the office not bad but 200km is 200km

Then travel on the main highway and turn off to :-

Dan Singkhon, Prachuap Khiri Khan is a Myanmar-Thailand border pass situated in Tambon Khlong Wan. This pass is located at a distance of 4 km from Khao Hin Thoen Stone Park. It is few kilometers in the southern part of Prachuabkirikhan, beyond the main highway towards the western directionand is bang right on the Burmese border.

What attracts about Dan Singkhon, Prachuap Khiri Khan is that it is the thinnest point of Thailand ensconced The Gulf and the Burmese border.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :o


The rumour is that the immigration 2 year lease runs out in march and the gov't does not want to spend the money on another office.

You can mail in your 90 day report, but be sure and read the regulations on all the things they want sent with the form. Like a copy of every page in your passport. But it is most likely better than the drive to the immigration office.


This is getting really interesting. I scrolled down some more on the website of the Singkhon Immigration office (http://singkhon.immigration.go.th/area%20s...n%20huahin.html) and if I understand this corrctly there are two immigration offices in Prachuap Khiri Khan province, both named Singkhon Immigration office, one in Hua Hin Soi 102, open until 19 March 2009, and the other in T. Khlong Wan, open from 20 March 2009. So Singkhon in the name of the immigration office is not a geographical location?


Soi 102, A. Hua Hin: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source...038624&z=15


T. Khlon Wan, A. Prachuap Khiri Khan: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source...235962&z=10

Is this correct?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Yes, turn west just south of km marker 331, then about 8 km. The intersection has a traffic light and is clearly marked. I just hope that the inevitable influx of whining expats doesn't change the attitudes of a very nice staff .. but I guess the wait may be longer now. :o

As I understand things (correct/incorrect ?), only your passport has to go to the immigration office. If that is correct, this looks like an opportunity for enterprising and TRUSTWORTHY person(s) .. probably pub owners?

BANGKOK POST - Prachuap Khirikhan. Royal Thai Police are still searching for the last of hundreds of passports strewn across Highway 4 after a motorcyle and bus collision ...
Another reason to reconsider a long term stay in Hua Hin or in the rest of Thailand. It seems they are making it more and more difficult staying here.

For me this and other (new) regulations are a final push finding a new Country to live.

Maybe there are some where Foreigners are welcome to Invest and Work without getting ripped off regulary.

Well, some of us who have been in Thailand a while appreciate a "one visit" renewal of a "retirement visa". I can remember gong back to the immigration office and hearing, "Not ready yet," getting another 30-day stamp and ..

I have personally had to make as many as 3 trips. I've heard of more.

Okay, so I have hardly been that far south of Hua Hin since I scared the holy heck out of a bad bar boy from the Malaysia hotel, who hopped off my bike when I tried to do a U turn in front of oncoming traffic back around late 2005. Then, that road from Hua Hin to Prachuap Kirikin was a two lane highway with horrendously dangerous traffic. Is it even a four lane highway yet? It will be no picnic of a drive even if it is four lanes with a dividing median. Well, maybe the new location will not be at the end of a soi designed for motorcross and hippo baths.

Can we get confirmation on this serious inconvenience? I loved it when they were in downtown HHin at the police station.

It's actually a pretty nice drive in a car. I usually make a day of it. The office is near (4 km?) the border, and although the border is "closed", there is one very nice wooden furniture shop there.

One nice restaurant (with western toilets) just up the road. Another "open style" also looks nice.

.. late 2005. Then, that road from Hua Hin to Prachuap Kirikin was a two lane highway ..

Sounds like you never got to the 'highway'. I drove that highway numerous times before 2005 .. it's 4 lane. Actually, it's almost worn out now with so many patch jobs.

They want more farangs to live in Prachuabkhirkhan City so the place gets developed....But, This idea to shut down the immigration office sounds like a stupid plan since the Govt. is ready to group Pranburi, Hua Hin and Cha-am together..............

This will never be, Hua Hin and Pranburi are in the province of Prachuab Khiri Khan, Cha Am is in the province of Phetchaburi.

What you have heard or wishfull thinking on your part is baloney.

enterprising and TRUSTWORTHY person(s) .. probably pub owners?

thats a joke , right?

They are looking for a place in Market Village......

if they are short of money then why would they be looking in a place with such high rents ?

Maestro - you got it correct. This office further south of HH is where we did our visa extensions before the office in HH opened 6-7 years ago.

So it's back to the future for the people in Hua Hin. The immigration office was in T. Khlong Wan, A. Prachuap Khiri Khan until 6-7 years ago, then in Soi 102, A. Hua Hin, and from 20 March onward again in Khlong Wan.

As I understand things (correct/incorrect ?), only your passport has to go to the immigration office...

If true, this would be good news for elderly people who are less mobile. Sign the application form and send it by messenger with the passport and everything else that is needed. That's for the retirement extension, I guess, not for the marriage extension.


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Maestro - you got it correct. This office further south of HH is where we did our visa extensions before the office in HH opened 6-7 years ago.

So it's back to the future for the people in Hua Hin. The immigration office was in T. Khlong Wan, A. Prachuap Khiri Khan until 6-7 years ago, then in Soi 102, A. Hua Hin, and from 20 March onward again in Khlong Wan.

As I understand things (correct/incorrect ?), only your passport has to go to the immigration office...

If true, this would be good news for elderly people who are less mobile. Sign the application form and send it by messenger with the passport and everything else that is needed. That's for the retirement extension, I guess, not for the marriage extension.


Sorry, I was referencing the 90 day reporting .. should have made that clearer. I seriously doubt if a proxy would work for the renewal.

They want more farangs to live in Prachuabkhirkhan City so the place gets developed....But, This idea to shut down the immigration office sounds like a stupid plan since the Govt. is ready to group Pranburi, Hua Hin and Cha-am together..............

This will never be, Hua Hin and Pranburi are in the province of Prachuab Khiri Khan, Cha Am is in the province of Phetchaburi.

What you have heard or wishfull thinking on your part is baloney.

The version of this I head from a usually reliable Thai friend, Hua Hin will become a Changwat (not sure if Pran Buri is included). I can't see it including Cha am.


And now I guess we need to be prepared for a new catastrophe - "Minibus visa runs to Immigration, guaranteed to get you there and back in 1/2 day" !!!!!!!

I can see the headlines now - "Minibus overturns on Highway in Prachuap Khiri Khan - numerous foreigners killied and injured, driver runs from scene"

Tourists requiring extensions and the elderly who maybe do not want (or cannot) undertake a 350 kilometre round trip will be the target market.

Seems to me that the "think tank" has long run dry!

And now I guess we need to be prepared for a new catastrophe - "Minibus visa runs to Immigration, guaranteed to get you there and back in 1/2 day" !!!!!!!

I can see the headlines now - "Minibus overturns on Highway in Prachuap Khiri Khan - numerous foreigners killied and injured, driver runs from scene"

Tourists requiring extensions and the elderly who maybe do not want (or cannot) undertake a 350 kilometre round trip will be the target market.

Seems to me that the "think tank" has long run dry!

There must not be a translation for the word "think" in Thai language. There certainly isn't one for "logic"!


must be hundreds of empty properties in hua hin , new shophouses , offices etc.

why cant one of the local or foreign developers who are always mouthing off about community involvement and public spiritedness offer immigration a decent , above board rental deal on a local property.

stick immigration in the middle of one of your empty rows of 3 story shophouses and see how quickly your other shophouses get taken by a photocopy shop , a photo booth , a noodle shop , a coffee shop ,

Another reason to reconsider a long term stay in Hua Hin or in the rest of Thailand. It seems they are making it more and more difficult staying here.

For me this and other (new) regulations are a final push finding a new Country to live.

Maybe there are some where Foreigners are welcome to Invest and Work without getting ripped off regulary.

U.K. New Zealand, Australia, U.S. Europe take your pick :o

You don't have to do the 90 day registration thing in person.

Right I read that, it said a representative from the office can take your passport down for a small fee, I can just see the small fee now, somewhere around 5000 THB or so, plus you are entrusting them with your passport no thanks what total BS!!!

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