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"black Man" Toilet Cleaner, Mops, Dusters Etc Etc


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I am sure this must of comed up before, but i am fairly new to this. So i just have to ask what you guys think of this "Black Man" toliet brush , mops, etc etc????? What is that about? i am not black but still offended by this, ay more racist comments about thais, pls feel free to post>


(It actually has a picture of a black "slave" looking man holding a duster etc) WOW :o

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it has come up here time and time again, what burns me is the 200 baht cover charge to bring a these "cleaning supplies" into gullivers

hmmm so vote with your feet and don't go to Gullivers.

If a company has problems with groups of people and takes action then good on them!

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it has come up here time and time again, what burns me is the 200 baht cover charge to bring a these "cleaning supplies" into gullivers

hmmm so vote with your feet and don't go to Gullivers.

If a company has problems with groups of people and takes action then good on them!

perhaps you are immune to humour, perhaps just thick. would a smilie have helped?

Edited by t.s
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My (Thai) wife gave a black golliwog doll to my (Australian) niece last time she travelled to Australia...My niece took one look at it,and burst into tears,running away because it scared her... :D I couldn't stop laughing,but my wife was upset."Why she no like doll,why she cry,why she run?"The bottom line was,this type of doll was long ago banned in Australia,but in Thailand,no one gives a crap.It's just a doll! Anyway,after some reasuring,she drags this doll around everywhere now,certainly draws some looks... :o I personally think the world has gone mad,overly sensitive to everything that could be construed as racist. :D

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Darlie toothpaste used to show a black man with shiny white teeth.

and it was called "Darkie". I took several tubes back to the UK for black friends, none were remotely offended (and they're still friends) :o

EDIT 555 tritex :D and agree 100%

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I am sure this must of comed up before, but i am fairly new to this. So i just have to ask what you guys think of this "Black Man" toliet brush , mops, etc etc????? What is that about? i am not black but still offended by this, ay more racist comments about thais, pls feel free to post>


(It actually has a picture of a black "slave" looking man holding a duster etc) WOW :o

Some people come here because its not so PC as the west.

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Darlie toothpaste used to show a black man with shiny white teeth.

and it was called "Darkie". I took several tubes back to the UK for black friends, none were remotely offended (and they're still friends) :D

EDIT 555 tritex :D and agree 100%

I mean,if it had a picture of a dark skinned chap hanging from a noose,and was called some derogatory name,then that's different,we would expect to pay extra... :D ....Just kidding,i'm not racist,i hate everybody equally. :o

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I am sure this must of comed up before, but i am fairly new to this. So i just have to ask what you guys think of this "Black Man" toliet brush , mops, etc etc????? What is that about? i am not black but still offended by this, ay more racist comments about thais, pls feel free to post>


(It actually has a picture of a black "slave" looking man holding a duster etc) WOW :D

Yes, it has come up before. And if you're sensitive to that, then I think Thailand is not the place for you.


Don't you think he looks a bit like Obama?


Could be a new Obama catch-phrase "I'm going to clean up US politics!" :o

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I am sure this must of comed up before, but i am fairly new to this. So i just have to ask what you guys think of this "Black Man" toliet brush , mops, etc etc????? What is that about? i am not black but still offended by this, ay more racist comments about thais, pls feel free to post>


(It actually has a picture of a black "slave" looking man holding a duster etc) WOW :D

Yes, it has come up before. And if you're sensitive to that, then I think Thailand is not the place for you.


Don't you think he looks a bit like Obama?


Could be a new Obama catch-phrase "I'm going to clean up US politics!" :D

Wow,i didn't know Obama endorsed products.......... :o

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Ok , I giggled that kinda does look like Obama. The product might be considered more racist here if Thailand had as large of a history of slavery as in the US... But they didn't, looks like some Thai just went to America at a bad time and thought 'wow these guys are hard workers, doesn't even look as if you need to pay them!' *what an ingenious name for a company* (kidding btw)

Is kinda racist from my western point of view, showed it to my African American friend Kevin when he visited, he laughed and said at least it wasn't called "n*gg*r" (to all you south park fans no thats not naggers)...

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My (Thai) wife gave a black golliwog doll to my (Australian) niece last time she travelled to Australia...My niece took one look at it,and burst into tears,running away because it scared her... :D I couldn't stop laughing,but my wife was upset."Why she no like doll,why she cry,why she run?"The bottom line was,this type of doll was long ago banned in Australia,but in Thailand,no one gives a crap.It's just a doll! Anyway,after some reasuring,she drags this doll around everywhere now,certainly draws some looks... :o I personally think the world has gone mad,overly sensitive to everything that could be construed as racist. :D

totally agree.

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Who here remembers Arnott's Golliwog biscuits? Mid 1990's they changed their name to Scalliwag's.

From the Arnott's website:

These biscuits, first sold in the 1960s, were originally called ‘Golliwog’, as they were made in the shape of a popular toy. Arnott’s changed the name in the mid-1990s. The new name was chosen by the three year old daughter of one of our product developers. When her father asked her what she thought the biscuit should be called, she said Scalliwag, and the name has stuck.

I think the PC Police may have had some serious input with regards to the name change


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What is racist about that? It's a brand name, it's not abuse.

Since when are the words black man offensive, my friend in college was black, if someone asked me to describe how he looks, i'd say he was black. I'm not being racist, i'm giving an accurate description.

Also, remember the accuratley, and functionally named "black board" and "white board", which nob end decided that was politically incorrect?

I think I hate the PC brigade more than I hate racists. Infact I don't think, I do.

edit: so the OP thinks that a black man who wears old/raggy clothes must be a slave? Don't know about you, but thats a pre-concieved idea that you have in your head. And last time I did the housework, I did not wear my sunday best to do it.

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I am sure this must of comed up before, but i am fairly new to this. So i just have to ask what you guys think of this "Black Man" toliet brush , mops, etc etc????? What is that about? i am not black but still offended by this, ay more racist comments about thais, pls feel free to post>


(It actually has a picture of a black "slave" looking man holding a duster etc) WOW :o

The fact is it is people like yourself who claim to be offended that are turning it into a racist issue. I would bet my life savings that the people who dreamt up this brand name didn't have any rascist intent and most Thais wont give it a second thought.

It's like the Obama election. It was turned into a race thing by the politically correct types who kept drumming it down our throats that he was black, thus turning it into a big race issue. Most average people couldn't give a shit and are highly offended by the constant guilt tripping by liberal types.

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Is kinda racist from my western point of view, showed it to my African American friend Kevin when he visited, he laughed and said at least it wasn't called "n*gg*r" (to all you south park fans no thats not naggers)...

That remark tickled me pink.... Or to be a little more PC should I say 'ticked me caucasian' ....? :o

To many people are destroying social interaction with their own lack of humor and their incendiary attempts are nothing more than childish liberalization of the world as they see it.

Yes be kind to people - but lets get real...

No I don't get offended at Brand Called 'Black Boy' and if I knew any black folk who did I'd tell them to take their chip and their shoulder else where....

I was once in a pub in Brixton (UK). When through the fence a girl asked a guy standing by a car if he was the taxi driver she had booked.....

His response was... "Just 'cos I am black you think I am a taxi driver".... Her response... "No ! its 'cos you are stood next to that taxi you f$%king pr!(K".... Everyone in the pub just burst out laughing...

Maybe that guy would take offense, but I suspect that he is the sought of person to take offense at any slight opportunity......

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This is so racist!

But is it? I don't see any of these applying (from http://www.yourdictionary.com/racist )

rac·ism (rā′siz′əm)


  1. belief in or doctrine asserting racial differences in character, intelligence, etc. and the superiority of one race over another or others: racist doctrine also, typically, seeks to maintain the supposed purity of a race or the races
  2. any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc., specif., such a program or practice that upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others
  3. feelings or actions of hatred and bigotry toward a person or persons because of their race

PC it definitely is not, racist I don't really think it is.

Edited by Crossy
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This is so racist!

But is it? I don't see any of these applying (from http://www.yourdictionary.com/racist )

rac·ism (rā′siz′əm)


  1. belief in or doctrine asserting racial differences in character, intelligence, etc. and the superiority of one race over another or others: racist doctrine also, typically, seeks to maintain the supposed purity of a race or the races
  2. any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc., specif., such a program or practice that upholds the political or economic domination of one race over another or others
  3. feelings or actions of hatred and bigotry toward a person or persons because of their race

PC it definitely is not, racist I don't really think it is.

I think he's having you on,mate. :o

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Darlie (Chinese: 黑人 hēi rén, or "black people") is a toothpaste brand of the Taiwan-based company Hawley & Hazel, which was acquired in 1985 by the US corporation Colgate-Palmolive. At that time the original name was "Darkie". Darky, or darkie, is a racist term formerly used primarily in the United States and Britain to refer to black people. The package featured an image said to have been inspired by an Al Jolson performance, that of a wide-eyed, smiling dark-skinned Black male wearing a top hat, monocle and bowtie. Because of the contrast with very dark skin, it was a common perception that the teeth of people of African descent were exceptionally white.

From Wikipedia

I remember until a couple of years ago, you could still buy the products with the old name of Darkie in Hong Kong despite what it says in Wikipedia. And it's interesting to note that it's owned by Colgate-Palmolive. I thought it was the funniest thing the first time that I saw it. I bought some and took it back to the US. Nobody was offended by it, least of all my black friends. They all wanted some. So on my next trip I bought them some of the toothpaste and a genuine Black Man Mop. They were thrilled.


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Would this be considered non-PC or racist, after all he's not black :-


"Dutch Boy" Philippines paint company (doesn't look the sharpest tool in the box does he?).

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I think he's having you on,mate. :o

Possibly, but I see no smilie (how DO you spell that?) :D

Well,i have read his(Her?) other posts,and they tend to side on humour,rather then serious,however,i suspect this person is not from an English speaking background,and as such,has not fully grasped the notion that to be taken lightly needs at least a smiley... :D

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I think he's having you on,mate. :o

Possibly, but I see no smilie (how DO you spell that?) :D

Would this be considered non-PC or racist:-


"Dutch Boy" Philippines paint company (doesn't look the sharpest tool in the box does he?).

Geez mate,thats just plain racist!!Lol :D

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