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Job Terminated Before Receiving Work Permit

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Hi, I'm an American trying to teach in Thailand. I received my Non Imm B Visa on December 23rd, but I never received a work permit. My employment was terminated by the company on Feb. 3rd .

I am still planning on finding another job soon without leaving the Kingdom, hopefully before the end of next week. Can I use the same Non Imm B Visa from my first company if I never got a work permit? Or should I leave Thailand and come back on a 60 day tourist visa? Thanks so much for your help.

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You arrived in Thailand with a non-B visa and received permission to stay for 90 days. This by itself does not allow you to work, but it allows you to apply for a work permit. After you receive the work permit you will be allowed to work.

You do not have to leave Thailand and return to be able to apply for a new work permit but unless you get an extension of stay you must leave Thailand when your current permission to stay expires.



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If your Non-Imm B was a one-year multiple entry then you will not need a new visa in order to find a new job but you will have to leave at or before your permission to stay expires and re-enter to get another 90 day permission to stay. If you entered on a 90 day, one entry Non-imm B visa then you will have to leave and get a new visa appropriate to work unless a new employer can file for an extension to stay on your original visa before your permission to stay expires.

As Maestro said, if necessary, you can get a multiple entry tourist visa to give you more time to find an employer but you will eventually need to make another visa run to get a "B" visa to work because those are available only outside of Thailand.

I got a one-year multiple entry Non-Imm B to stay out of just this situation should the same scenario transpire with me. I know I will have to leave the country at least every 90 days but it is worth it to not have an employer with leverage upon me with regard to my ability to stay.

Good luck.


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Thanks for all the great advice, I really appreciate it! I think what I'll do is get a multiple entry tourist visa just to be on the safe side. Some questions about that:

1. Do I have to leave Thailand to get this, or is it possible to get one in the country?

2. Will there be a problem with the fact that I'm cancelling my first Non Imm B, then getting a multiple entry tourist visa, then soon after, getting another Non Imm B based on paperwork from a different company?

I'm trying to do everything by the book without raising any suspicion of having a previous Non Imm B.

Thanks again!

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Thanks for all the great advice, I really appreciate it! I think what I'll do is get a multiple entry tourist visa just to be on the safe side. Some questions about that:

1. Do I have to leave Thailand to get this, or is it possible to get one in the country?

2. Will there be a problem with the fact that I'm cancelling my first Non Imm B, then getting a multiple entry tourist visa, then soon after, getting another Non Imm B based on paperwork from a different company?

I'm trying to do everything by the book without raising any suspicion of having a previous Non Imm B.

Thanks again!

You should have at least another month left on your stay assuming it is a single entry. You do not cancel Visas. If you leave the country it will be expired.

Why not wait until your current stay has almost finished, then you can go to Vientienne Laos and apply for a Double Entry Tourist Visa. These are also available in PP Cambodia and Khota Baru Malaysia.

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Thanks for all the great advice, I really appreciate it! I think what I'll do is get a multiple entry tourist visa just to be on the safe side. Some questions about that:

1. Do I have to leave Thailand to get this, or is it possible to get one in the country?

2. Will there be a problem with the fact that I'm cancelling my first Non Imm B, then getting a multiple entry tourist visa, then soon after, getting another Non Imm B based on paperwork from a different company?

I'm trying to do everything by the book without raising any suspicion of having a previous Non Imm B.

Thanks again!

You should have at least another month left on your stay assuming it is a single entry. You do not cancel Visas. If you leave the country it will be expired.

Why not wait until your current stay has almost finished, then you can go to Vientienne Laos and apply for a Double Entry Tourist Visa. These are also available in PP Cambodia and Khota Baru Malaysia.

OK all of this is good news. I do have a single entry Non Imm B that will expire around the 22nd of March, but I don't want to wait another month as I think I can find a good teaching position within that time.

Is it possible to wait until I secure another teaching position at a new company (possibly before February ends), then go out of the country to get another Non Imm B based on the paperwork from the new company? Or will I have any conflict regarding the old and new Non Imm B's?

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You can leave and get a new visa whenever you want as long it is before permit to stay date.

It does no matter if your visa has expired or not since it is a single entry visa.

If you get a new job before your permit to stay ends and have your work permit for the new job you can go to immigration and get an extension.

You don't have to leave to get a new visa to get your extension using paperwork from your new employer.

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You can leave and get a new visa whenever you want as long it is before permit to stay date.

It does no matter if your visa has expired or not since it is a single entry visa.

If you get a new job before your permit to stay ends and have your work permit for the new job you can go to immigration and get an extension.

You don't have to leave to get a new visa to get your extension using paperwork from your new employer.

OK great, that will save me some money. But won't my new company want to know why I have a Non Imm B in the first place? Can't they only be issued with the help of a Thai company? My biggest concern is if my new company found out I was previously terminated, as of course, that could possibly prevent me from being hired by a new company.

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You can leave and get a new visa whenever you want as long it is before permit to stay date.

It does no matter if your visa has expired or not since it is a single entry visa.

If you get a new job before your permit to stay ends and have your work permit for the new job you can go to immigration and get an extension.

You don't have to leave to get a new visa to get your extension using paperwork from your new employer.

OK great, that will save me some money. But won't my new company want to know why I have a Non Imm B in the first place? Can't they only be issued with the help of a Thai company? My biggest concern is if my new company found out I was previously terminated, as of course, that could possibly prevent me from being hired by a new company.

I don't think they will ask about it. Infact they should be happy because they don't have to get the paperwork together to get you a visa just for the extension.

I think you could think of something to say if they did ask. There are lots of ways to get a B visa. A lawyer can help you get it. If it was from your home country it could be gotten with a letter from a company there. ETC. ETC.

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