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Farang Kids Being Raised By The Isaan Nanny

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It does Mate & to be honest, & i know it doesn't go down too well in the slightest, but i do actually say to Mum to please only speak to her in Thai as i believe in the long run it will help my Daughter immensely & to be fair, she's nearly 3 now & does differentiate between English & Thai & associate both Languages with Thai's/Non Thai's & Mum/Dad..

It is very important, although if your kids are ok with it, it will still be better in the long run if mum speaks only Thai with them. The wife can speak English to you, and they won't even notice. I bought an excellent book when my son was born about how to bring up bilingual kids and it was the most imperative issue and how important it is to be disciplined about it. After all, I wouldn't want my kids to mimic my Thai would I?

It is also very unlikely that kids will be equally proficient in multiple languages. That is why we have "mother" tongues so to say. One will always tend to be slightly or even very dominant and this may go through a change if they move countries, so regular trips home to see the grandparents can give a massive boost to English very quickly.

My son asked his sister something in Thai the other day about playing games after lights out. I answered in English to which I got a dumbfounded look and an English question "Daddy, I didn't know you could speak Thai". My son is 7 and my daughter 5. They mumbled amongst themselves in Thai after that as though they had now been rumbled that Daddy could understand what was going on.

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Wow reading some of these posts just astounds me... telling people to shut the <deleted> up in movie theatres is embarassing to me and somehow wrong? What planet are you living on.... NOBODY is supposed to talk during a movie, simple as that. Never had to tell kids to be quite though, but twice people from england.... they looked mortified and I was thinking at the time, well if you didnt want to get yelled at why the hel_l were you talking all through the first 20 minutes of the dialogue in the movie?!?!?!?!? People can be stupid no matter what country they come from.

Hiring low educated nannies to care for your extremely rich child is just plain lazy. People defending it are not taking into consideration that your child DOES turn out differently based on cultural and social influences while growing up. If you see nothing wrong with an isaan nannie guiding your child just remember that more Thai children die from stupid preventable accidents than western ones. Reason enough right there. I shuddered reading the example of isaan grandma laughing while watching a small child play with a plastic bag over thier head..... perfect example.

Is almost 'impossible' to hire one who fluent in both Thai & English to be just a nanny, IMO

Babysitter is considered to be a job for low-educated people, lowest wages in Thailand.

Farangs got Issan to be their kid's nanny, but Thai got Burmese, my sis got one :D

Can u imagine how her little monkey would speak?


sending your child to a private school ... after school programs 3-4 times a week and other school activities. Why would you possibly need multiple language fluency in a nanny or a maid?

Oii... the multiple language is unexpected... but well, the niece got some..

Nanny to me is just a girl help in physical things...like.. holding the baby, changing diapers, feeding the mashed food, carrying baby stuffs when going out...

My sis hardly left her baby with nanny all alone, the niece's got so many... to raise her..mommy, granny, daddy, auntie (me)...

Now the niece has school's days... she is doing really fine..

lazygourmet: No way, I guess. Actually this is good programme, I oftens watch it, is fun..really wish to have one in LOS.

khun James: I got nanny when was kid but just very short time since I am a third child.. the nanny was decent one...

but my monkey-habited.... well, may be in my blood (inheritance)....haha..

(oh..come on, me..monkey? .. been considered a pretty much decent one na...!!)

It does Mate & to be honest, & i know it doesn't go down too well in the slightest, but i do actually say to Mum to please only speak to her in Thai as i believe in the long run it will help my Daughter immensely & to be fair, she's nearly 3 now & does differentiate between English & Thai & associate both Languages with Thai's/Non Thai's & Mum/Dad..

It is very important, although if your kids are ok with it, it will still be better in the long run if mum speaks only Thai with them. The wife can speak English to you, and they won't even notice. I bought an excellent book when my son was born about how to bring up bilingual kids and it was the most imperative issue and how important it is to be disciplined about it. After all, I wouldn't want my kids to mimic my Thai would I?

TAH, i'd be interested to know the name of that Book if you'd recommend it, it'd be much appreciated.. :o

Ive never been able to understand this phenomenon. Rich parents pay someone with no education to raise their children for them. The fact that they are wealthy suggests that you are educated, therefore, how do they come to this decision? You cannpt go to the Phrom Pong area without seeing this. Half the time, the nanny will be chatting wildly with another nanny while the children walk behind them. You even see the farang children speaking degrees of fluent Thai and Isaan. Why do people have children if they have no interest in actually raising and caring for them?

Also, for those of you with teenage farang kids in high school and middle school here, can you pretty please tell them to Shut the F@## up in the movie theaters? I had to embarrass a couple of them the other day, and I know its not good for their self esteem, but since you have not taught them simple manners, I guess I have to. Please, do a better job raising your kids here inbetween all your "working late" nights.

you such a snob that I don't even want to discuss this with you.

Ive never been able to understand this phenomenon. Rich parents pay someone with no education to raise their children for them. The fact that they are wealthy suggests that you are educated, therefore, how do they come to this decision? You cannpt go to the Phrom Pong area without seeing this. Half the time, the nanny will be chatting wildly with another nanny while the children walk behind them. You even see the farang children speaking degrees of fluent Thai and Isaan. Why do people have children if they have no interest in actually raising and caring for them?

I had a nanny from birth in Papua New Guinea and think it was a positive for everyone. She was from the Morobe coast and we lived in the highlands and Sepik, three regions which are very different, language and culturally, similar to NE and Bangkok I suppose. My parents were wealthy, my mom only formally educated to age 11 or so my old man university educated. Both working. The nanny was never educated in a school except for missionary contact. She spoke her native language from her village fluently though only several thousand people spoke it and they were a long way away. She spoke Pidgin English to a small degree and it was the language she used to communicate with my parents and me. I generally spent daytime in the week, in her care while she went about her business and nights and weekends under the supervision of my parents. By the start of school and throughout I had normal English and pidgin ability. Gradated high school top 20% of the state NSW Australia. I'm university educated. I have a good relationship with my parents and siblings. Our nanny is still living with our family after 40 years.

In my life I have talked within a cinema but never as far as I know annoyed people or at least been told off for it :o


The point about the farang children speaking Isaan was not so much about their balance between learning English and Thai as it is proof that they are spending an overwhelming amount of time with the paid help.

our neighbors have a cute nanny i wouldn't mind having coming by and lending me a hand every once in a while. :o

I thought better of you Jimbo... :D

so when a group of kids are yelling to the next group of kids in a different row in a theater and ruining the experience for the rest of the audience, and I tell them to stop, I am embarrassing myself?



Completely agree

The point about the farang children speaking Isaan was not so much about their balance between learning English and Thai as it is proof that they are spending an overwhelming amount of time with the paid help.

Look at how many wealthy and educated Thai children are in the exact same positions? Are you saying it's a problem for the farang children? and whys that!?


Wait let me get this straight Aussiejosh, it is your view that it is ok for everyone to be talking during movies at movie theatres and to try to stop someone from doing so is in fact the unforgiveable transgression to be avoided? Not to not talk but rather to not try to stop someone from talking? Lunacy, but please say if that is your belief.


The reason Issan nannies are hired is identical to the reason western men prefer those fun loving 4th grade educated Thai bar girls to their attitudinal western ones. Issan ladies hve 'traditional values' adhere to gender roles, they are just born to be loving nurturing mommies! I think it's a total power trip and need to exploit under the guise of benevolence, 'oh well we're giving Putaporn such a great opportunity to learn about America here in Thailand'. Don't be offended everyone exploits in their own way when they can. Only in this case it is not frowned upon or seen as taboo. Sir Farangy and his wife just find it so adorable to have a non confrontational, docile Issan slave at their beck and call. Suzie Wong meets Mary Poppins?


Why are you giving dave such a hard time, I think its fair to ask somebody to quiet down when watching a movie. Fair enough, I would have asked them rather than shout at them.

Talking duing a movie/answering a phone is just rude and ignorant. It does go on everywhere but not very often, even the thugs where I live have the courtesy to keep quiet during a movie, why you may ask, because they paid to f**cking see it too! Its common sense!

It does Mate & to be honest, & i know it doesn't go down too well in the slightest, but i do actually say to Mum to please only speak to her in Thai as i believe in the long run it will help my Daughter immensely & to be fair, she's nearly 3 now & does differentiate between English & Thai & associate both Languages with Thai's/Non Thai's & Mum/Dad..

It is very important, although if your kids are ok with it, it will still be better in the long run if mum speaks only Thai with them. The wife can speak English to you, and they won't even notice. I bought an excellent book when my son was born about how to bring up bilingual kids and it was the most imperative issue and how important it is to be disciplined about it. After all, I wouldn't want my kids to mimic my Thai would I?

TAH, i'd be interested to know the name of that Book if you'd recommend it, it'd be much appreciated.. :o

Lent it to a friend a few years ago and never got it back. It was written by two language professors from Cardiff University. One a French and English speaker, the other Welsh and English speaker. There are many available on the internet.

Wait let me get this straight Aussiejosh, it is your view that it is ok for everyone to be talking during movies at movie theatres and to try to stop someone from doing so is in fact the unforgiveable transgression to be avoided? Not to not talk but rather to not try to stop someone from talking? Lunacy, but please say if that is your belief.

No I was saying he embarrassed himself... I didn't say anything about kids talking in movies... But having been a kid, told off in a cinema in a pack of friends for being loud (a lot too) in Thailand I can assure you, I never felt embarrassed, I even had one Thai guy threaten to get his body guard to come kick my ass, which we laughed at more and he ended up trying to get physical, to which we laughed more. He did try confronting us at the end, but as I was with the Spanish ambassadors son at the time we were picked up out front in a diplomatic car and he didn't even try following us after that.

Yeah, Thailand breeds little shits. It's true, went to a school full of them (BPS). But seriously there is no better education without putting your kids in that environment.


I visited in several homes of Koreans who attend international schools here. The children are fluent in Korean, and almost in English. Yes, they have maids who babysit. Most of their maids are from Myanmar or hill tribes, speaking English better than Thais do. The Korean mothers stay home, supervise the maid, and try to learn English. Thai fluency is unneeded.

My son and his wife have great jobs at USAA headquarters in San Antonio. They sent their kids to the day care center on campus, and when the daughter started school, they put her in a bilingual program that started out 90% in Spanish (not her native tongue, although Mama is Mexican American). Now she's bilingual.

Parents, teach your children well. And vice versa.

Wait let me get this straight Aussiejosh, it is your view that it is ok for everyone to be talking during movies at movie theatres and to try to stop someone from doing so is in fact the unforgiveable transgression to be avoided? Not to not talk but rather to not try to stop someone from talking? Lunacy, but please say if that is your belief.

No I was saying he embarrassed himself... I didn't say anything about kids talking in movies... But having been a kid, told off in a cinema in a pack of friends for being loud (a lot too) in Thailand I can assure you, I never felt embarrassed, I even had one Thai guy threaten to get his body guard to come kick my ass, which we laughed at more and he ended up trying to get physical, to which we laughed more. He did try confronting us at the end, but as I was with the Spanish ambassadors son at the time we were picked up out front in a diplomatic car and he didn't even try following us after that.

Yeah, Thailand breeds little shits. It's true, went to a school full of them (BPS). But seriously there is no better education without putting your kids in that environment.

this is exactly why i do not want my child to go to BPS, NIST or ISB

Wait let me get this straight Aussiejosh, it is your view that it is ok for everyone to be talking during movies at movie theatres and to try to stop someone from doing so is in fact the unforgiveable transgression to be avoided? Not to not talk but rather to not try to stop someone from talking? Lunacy, but please say if that is your belief.

No I was saying he embarrassed himself... I didn't say anything about kids talking in movies... But having been a kid, told off in a cinema in a pack of friends for being loud (a lot too) in Thailand I can assure you, I never felt embarrassed, I even had one Thai guy threaten to get his body guard to come kick my ass, which we laughed at more and he ended up trying to get physical, to which we laughed more. He did try confronting us at the end, but as I was with the Spanish ambassadors son at the time we were picked up out front in a diplomatic car and he didn't even try following us after that.

Yeah, Thailand breeds little shits. It's true, went to a school full of them (BPS). But seriously there is no better education without putting your kids in that environment.

this is exactly why i do not want my child to go to BPS, NIST or ISB

Heh, your loss, best education from what I have seen out of students from every other school. Especially when it comes to English, no one can explain it, but we can all write A - A + essays without really thinking about the topic, we get all the structure marks and my university professors constantly commented on the essay writing standard myself and another friend from Patana had.

But yes, its full of rich <deleted>.

That was more the parents fault that the school however. The demographics at that school are way off as well. I was the only student in the year group to have divorced parents for 2 years... Compare that to averages coming out of most places, with 120 students there should have been more than 1. It's a different world which prevents the breeding of mediocrity. Everyone there expects to be billionaires...


Never EVER send your kids to saint Andrews.... and if you have a kid there get them out... full of little crack smoking psychos that school. My girlfriend currently attends St Andrews (final year) and she told me she has seen kids smoking yaabaa in the class and the teacher ignoring them... <deleted> kind of school is that! She says she regrets leaving BPS although all the snobs were there...

Oh and thats not even the worst I have heard about from that school... If you have international kids who are 16 or above and they have friends in other schools, ask them about a girl called lilly, you will hear some insanely disgusting thing about her and that school.

Everyone knows her...

Farangs got Issan to be their kid's nanny,

but Thai got Burmese, my sis got one :o

Can u imagine how her little monkey would speak?

We also use a burmese nanny, nepali burmese. Speaks half decent english and we are very happy about her, and so is our daughter. A burmese anyday over your typical isaan labour for me although their lack of freedom to travel is problematic. Early schooling is planned to help on the baby's intelectual development though, but I feel adults should better work than spend their whole time caring for babies.

Having said that one family in our compound has a nanny, most likely from isaan, who is as ugly as one would expect but speaks great english and seems to be doing a good job. Wonder wether they got her through Thai Kids Home.


Once again I am amazed by the genaral ignorance of posters on this website, it seems that so many are very limited in their travel experiences.

Filipino maids are normal in Tokyo for professional people, it comes with the territory, and if a Filipino maid is not as educated as her employer should that preclude her from bringing up children in a paid capacity?

Do you want a Nanny that is educated in Harvard Uiversity, and if you do are you willing to pay 150,000 - 200,000 USD per year ?

If You're unhappy with your Thai maid, I'm sure that you can get a work permit for the filipino maid you had on your last assignment.

Once again I am amazed by the genaral ignorance of posters on this website, it seems that so many are very limited in their travel experiences.

Filipino maids are normal in Tokyo for professional people, it comes with the territory, and if a Filipino maid is not as educated as her employer should that preclude her from bringing up children in a paid capacity?

Do you want a Nanny that is educated in Harvard Uiversity, and if you do are you willing to pay 150,000 - 200,000 USD per year ?

If You're unhappy with your Thai maid, I'm sure that you can get a work permit for the filipino maid you had on your last assignment.

Actually it seems very possible to get a work permit for a nanny. The information is even on this website. Philippinas nannies are very popular in HKG, and there is a nanny agency in BKK that strictly deals with philippinas - forgot the name, but we dealt a couple of times with them without beeing impressed.

No I was saying he embarrassed himself... I didn't say anything about kids talking in movies... But having been a kid, told off in a cinema in a pack of friends for being loud (a lot too) in Thailand I can assure you, I never felt embarrassed, I even had one Thai guy threaten to get his body guard to come kick my ass, which we laughed at more and he ended up trying to get physical, to which we laughed more. He did try confronting us at the end, but as I was with the Spanish ambassadors son at the time we were picked up out front in a diplomatic car and he didn't even try following us after that.

Yeah, Thailand breeds little shits.

You seem to be living proof.


I didn't read the whole thing.. (lazy) but I read some of the post. I think I wouldn't let my child to be raised up by someone that shows a low class behavior. For what? to have a child that will behave half monkey? no way. There are more options, or nannies (don't matter from where) that can be more quiet, educated, and will not be screaming around. Also, even tho you put your child under someone else care while you work doesn't mean you will never be there to teach them manners. A well educated kid is appreciated in many places, I dislike spoiled, or screaming little people. :o hohoho...

But as someone said, is up to the parent the way they raise their own kids, if the parents have no problem with it, why do you care? just focus on your own kid.

our neighbors have a cute nanny i wouldn't mind having coming by and lending me a hand every once in a while. :o

I thought better of you Jimbo... :D

Lend a hand with the gardening mate, the thing is a jungle!

what were are you implying? :D

No I was saying he embarrassed himself... I didn't say anything about kids talking in movies... But having been a kid, told off in a cinema in a pack of friends for being loud (a lot too) in Thailand I can assure you, I never felt embarrassed, I even had one Thai guy threaten to get his body guard to come kick my ass, which we laughed at more and he ended up trying to get physical, to which we laughed more. He did try confronting us at the end, but as I was with the Spanish ambassadors son at the time we were picked up out front in a diplomatic car and he didn't even try following us after that.

Yeah, Thailand breeds little shits.

You seem to be living proof.

Yes, I was indeed, I admit I was a little asshol_e. Can't say I still acted that way however. But it was my point.

Anyone ever see a Thai couple with a Farang nanny? That'll be the day!

no, but 200k a month, i will be your nanny, driver, cook, teacher and kept man. :o

Anyone ever see a Thai couple with a Farang nanny? That'll be the day!

I've known plenty of down at heel Farangs who would do anything for money and I mean anything, being a nanny would be a breeze.

Personally I wouldn't let them within 50 feet of my kids but eh, maybe I know better. :o

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