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The "golden" Moment They Lost Your Business


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Only two cases that i can think of at the moment.

the first was at a place that my family and i ate at on a regular basis. One of my kids knocked a water glass off the table and broke it. They put a 100 baht charge on the bill for a 10 baht water glass. When I questioned the price they said it cost avlot for gas to drive to town to buy another.

The second was at the next place my family and i became regulars at. I always ordered Singh beer since the choice was between Singh and Chang. The first beer they served me was a singh as usual. Then the brought me a Chang. i sent the chang back and told them to bring me the singh like always. When the bill came they insisted that I pay for the Chang since they had already opened it.

Both places lost 4 steady customers by being a little greedy.

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As for the waiters waiting for the tip - I make a habit of not opening up the change thingy until they leave the area. Record was 6 mins at a bar that I won't mention here. Let em squirm I say. What's the rush, do you think you will change your mind and not tip if they don't grab it there and then? Do they think it will magical dissolve if not recovered in less than a minute?

Another thing that drives me up the wall is waiters / waitresses who are rude - pushy. Recently at a nice italian restaurant on soi 33, my wife and i arrived for an early dinner at 630pm. Probably about 7 waiters standing around. As we sit down one comes up and says "would you like a drink" to which I replied "yes may i see your drink menu". She came back with a menu and stood there for a minute while we decided.

Off she went with our order (heineken and an ice tea). She returned back a minute later and asked what we would like to eat. I said "in a moment please, we haven't decided yet, could we have our drinks please". So she walked away in a huff and returned with our drinks a minute later. We then placed our order. Don't think we were being too demanding?

Now I don't put it all on her, but if the management refuses to ensure their staff have a clue about tact and politeness to go with the so-called upscale persona and prices of their restaurant - I would rather not visit again. Too bad, cause the food was very good.

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I hate when you have paid your bill and the waiter/ress returns with your change stands there waiting for the tip. Why?

They waiting for your tip!

Most of waiters/waitress live with the tip they collect because the salary is usually around 5000 baht/month or little more...

I realize they are waiting for the tip and I do tip but I always let them put the tray down and I continue my conversation or reading my paper till they go away. I hate when they stand there. same with the menu, i tell them to come back in 5 minutes as they hand you a menu and expect you to order immediately.

that being said it is sure nicer to pay a fraction of the cost in a western country restaurant so i will let a lot of things pass

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Can I use these space to speak about coffee. When I order my Latte it will often come with sweet water already in, sweet milk (or even worse sweet powdered milk) and they just can't resist putting a sprinkle of chocolate on top as well. Once all this 'I don't take sugar in any form whatsoever business' has been sorted out I actually (usually) manage to get a nice cup of coffee. :o

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The brightest "golden flash" moment for me was when whilst eating at a country restaurant for the first time a drunken local mafia guy came over and started talking quite unpleasantly to me and the missus. Whilst the local Godfather was on stage singing karaoke, we told the waiter that our order was 'to go' and we legged it.

Not directly the restaurant's fault, but the thought of getting shot whilst tucking into my tom yam didn't inspire a return visit

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I am seeing an explosion of both farang oriented and Thai restaurants starting to tack on a 10%-15% "service charge". This is in addition to tax and tip. When I find a place that has newly implemented this policy, I tip the staff as I normally do and cross the restaurant off my list. Hundreds more to choose from.

If costs are escalating and a restaurant feels they need to reprice their menu, I can understand that and would evaluate the restaurant on a different basis. I don't mind paying a fair price , or even a high price for quality food but I just hate getting nickeled and dimed.

If any place in any country tacks on a "service charge" then I assume that is the tip. Also, televisions are fine in sports bars and informal eateries, but they do not belong in upscale expensive restaurants.

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OK, here is another one.

A place I had been going to regularly, and had a friendly (or so I thought) feeling with the owner. We had shared pleasant chats.

So I got a dish I had eaten there several times.

This time it was all wrong, it was very overcooked and really disgusting.

So I did mention it to the owner saying this is really soft and overcooked, and instead of what I reasonably expected as a regular (oh, sorry, I will replace it or some kind of compensation) he tried to make up some lame excuse about the way it was cooked, and that what I was eating was proper. In other words, I felt like he was saying I was stupid for not knowing how it was supposed to taste (this from a dish he had not tasted). This was an odd one because I didn't realize my rejection of the place at that moment, but I haven't been back and when I think of that place I think of that ruined dish. There is probably a pattern in my rejections, if I feel I have been dissed by the people of a business, they can diss somebody else next time! Cheers!

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I've gotten over it but when the server immediately stands next to my table for as long as it takes me to read through the menu, makes me feel rushed and claustrophobic. My analyst says I shouldn't worry so much... :o

I quickly order my standard water which gives them something to do and gets rid of them. I've never had trouble getting their attention when I need them again. A fairly loud "Nong Krap!" gets the place looking and smiling as I attempt the Thai language.

That used to bother me when I first got here, but I couldn't give a hoot anymore. I now assume that it's something they do to assure good service, and I chat with them while they stand there. It aslo gives me a chance to ask questions about the items on the menu.

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Here is something that gets me, though I sometimes still come back..

Take the Villa Market restaurant ...they have a "grandma's turkey" with a picture on the

wall showing turkey and COOKED VEGETABLES like brocolli..

When you get it you will get the Turkey but only a small salad with dressing on the side...

In the west we would call that misleading advertising...

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Here is something that gets me, though I sometimes still come back..

Take the Villa Market restaurant ...they have a "grandma's turkey" with a picture on the

wall showing turkey and COOKED VEGETABLES like brocolli..

When you get it you will get the Turkey but only a small salad with dressing on the side...

In the west we would call that misleading advertising...

Come on dude (although i'm not a big fan on Villa since they forgot my turkey one year), if you believed you were getting everything in every advertisement picture you'd be pretty disappointed all the time.

Unless the sign actually said "Comes with cooked vegetables" then assume that you are only getting the product specifically named in the advertisement.

I'm still wondering why my car didn't come with a hot babe inside.

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Can I use these space to speak about coffee. When I order my Latte it will often come with sweet water already in, sweet milk (or even worse sweet powdered milk) and they just can't resist putting a sprinkle of chocolate on top as well. Once all this 'I don't take sugar in any form whatsoever business' has been sorted out I actually (usually) manage to get a nice cup of coffee. :o

I've never been served latte or other espresso-related coffee in Thailand that was already sweetened. Curious as to where you were served pre-sweetened latte? Unless it was iced latte, which the Thais usually do sweeten before serving.

But they almost always sprinkle cinnamon (not chocolate) on the top, so I've learned to tell them in advance, 'no cinnamon.'

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I hate when you have paid your bill and the waiter/ress returns with your change stands there waiting for the tip. Why?

They waiting for your tip!

Most of waiters/waitress live with the tip they collect because the salary is usually around 5000 baht/month or little more...

DUH!! I know they are waiting for their tip! I would leave some change anyway - I do not think standing there ready to grab it is helping any. Most places the tips are shared between all staff anyway and goes into a box or whatever. I just find it annoying that they are hovering over me. Then again I hate it when they follow me around a shop and I end up walking out.

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Went with a large group of more than 30 people to a chain "Italian" restaurant in the Lao Phrao area. I cannot stand feeling rushed or pressured to decide from a menu, but have been resigned to live with it in LOS. This time, when I suggested to the waitress that I needed more time, she "punished" me by bringing my salad long after the other 30-odd dishes. And I mean long after, as in when more than 30-something people were served elaborate meals and had actually finished. It was definitely intended to be a smack-back.

That's OK, though, because the next time I just steered my 30-odd friends to another establishment forever after, and they appreciated my business so much they learned my name and would often give me free treats from the menu.

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Come on dude (although i'm not a big fan on Villa since they forgot my turkey one year), if you believed you were getting everything in every advertisement picture you'd be pretty disappointed all the time.

True but in Thailand sometimes this reaches to the point of ridiculous.

There was an Indian restaurant in town (always empty, sadly counting the days till closure) with a big ad board outside the restaurant filled with pictures of some wonderful Indian dishes. Some of the pictures looked great and represented dishes I would like to eat. So I talked to the owner.

Do you have this?


Do you have that?


Do you have that?


Do you have that?


Do you have any of the dishes on these pictures?


Ba Bye!

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Jing --- haven't you been banned from at least one business? Apparently businesses here have 'golden moments' in dealing with you too!

Yes, one business in my entire life. Not a bad record really. It was Simon's Fish and Chips in Jomtien. I have coped with the trauma. It was mutual though, we both had "golden moments" simultaneously. Kind of when the boss says You're Fired at the very moment you say I QUIT! BTW, did it occur to you it may have been their fault?

BTW, WE are the consumers. We have the cash. We are the bosses in deciding whether to grant continued business or not.

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Jing --- haven't you been banned from at least one business? Apparently businesses here have 'golden moments' in dealing with you too!
Gads. I'd walk out of a place if there were just this many whiney customers!

Troll Party of 1 your tables ready......

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Restaurants in Pattaya? The best and the worst. Pattaya is just a typical tourist town that -for the most part- isn't too worried about repeat business. You usually get what you pay for but sometimes not in Pattaya. Some of my most delicious meals have been at typical Thai Mom and Pop restaurants. They seem to appreciate your business and can't do enough for you.

Sometimes the staff in "farang" restaurants are a bit brusqe-you order, they nod and off they go. They usually stand in the back and yuk it up with co workers but when they meet customers they are somber and unsmiling. Often no thanks or acknowledgement for your business. In fairness, that seems to be the Thai way; they seem to be just as curt with fellow Thais.

When I am out of Pattaya, I immmediately notice that people are more polite and appreciative to have you for a customer. Pattaya is just the typical hard core tourist trap and they are here to take your money; its just the way it is :o

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My "golden moment" when a restaurant lost my business was that moment with my head in the toilet, puking my guts out. Yup, food poisoning.

It gave me some consolation to see the microbe-infested joint out of business a few months later. Strange how a night "on the white throne" will stick in a customer's memory....

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Pattaya is just the typical hard core tourist trap and they are here to take your money; its just the way it is

I agree. There are a higher percentage of restaurants here that don't give a dam_n, but certainly not all of them. The places for mostly Thais and the expat places who hope for loyal off season business are often the exceptions, especially as you get inland from the beach.

Some times I wonder... I think its a badge of honor for many farangs to accept poor service

Yes, I think many people think they are so culturally adapted for internalizing their twisted interpretation of "mai bpen rai" when really there is no reason to accept really bad treatment here anymore than in the west.

One thing that doesn't phase me: COCKROACHES!

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Here is something that gets me, though I sometimes still come back..

Take the Villa Market restaurant ...they have a "grandma's turkey" with a picture on the

wall showing turkey and COOKED VEGETABLES like brocolli..

When you get it you will get the Turkey but only a small salad with dressing on the side...

In the west we would call that misleading advertising...

That reminds me of the time I stopped at a little Isaan roadside eatery and couldn't believe my eyes when #1) they had a menu, #2) one item was in English, and #3) that item said "potato salad."

My thinking: "YUM! I hit the jackpot!"

Taking the bait, I ordered.

Result: French fries with a dolop of salad dressing on top.

I gave 'em 10 points for creativity!

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Back in the eighties whenever returned to Thailand we'd go see the In-Laws in Nakhon Sawan. We'd always stay at the Pen Neung hotel as it was basic but clean and friendly.

On this paticular visit there was myself, my Thai missus, and another Brit/Thai couple. We enjoyed a few days in NS before heading off to Pattaya for a couple of weeks. On our return we checked in and we were given rooms a couple of doors apart. About 10-15 minutes after checking in we heard a huge argument start involving my Brit friend and a number Thai females. When I went to see what the problem was I was amazed to find the maids were accusing my friend of stealing THE CARPET from the room from his visit a couple of weeks previous, despite the fact that he was only travelling with 1 suitcase! Maybe they thought that this magical suitcase had Dr Who Tardis like qualities but regardless we have never returned.

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Back in the eighties whenever returned to Thailand we'd go see the In-Laws in Nakhon Sawan. We'd always stay at the Pen Neung hotel as it was basic but clean and friendly.

On this paticular visit there was myself, my Thai missus, and another Brit/Thai couple. We enjoyed a few days in NS before heading off to Pattaya for a couple of weeks. On our return we checked in and we were given rooms a couple of doors apart. About 10-15 minutes after checking in we heard a huge argument start involving my Brit friend and a number Thai females. When I went to see what the problem was I was amazed to find the maids were accusing my friend of stealing THE CARPET from the room from his visit a couple of weeks previous, despite the fact that he was only travelling with 1 suitcase! Maybe they thought that this magical suitcase had Dr Who Tardis like qualities but regardless we have never returned.

hillarious. :o

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Mid to low end Thai food place catering to farang tourists mostly. I arrive near their closing time. There are no other customers. I am very hungry. I order TWO dishes of Thai food plus rice. The first dish comes ... I eat it. As is common with Thai food, I figure the second dish is being cooked and will come when it is ready. I finish the first dish. I look over. The entire staff is socializing and drinking by the kitchen. They are fixing to close. They never got the order for the second dish. It was a bad waiter. Now if the place was exceptionally good, I would forgive one time a bad waiter. But they weren't that good in the first place so it didn't take much to kiss 'em bpai bpai. LAST TIME THERE!!!!!

you're an ungrateful, selfish whanker!

you should have thank them that they at least gave you one dish, you obviously have no idea how much extra work you gave to the kitchen as they most likely already cleaned the kitchen!

get over yourself and smile some more ... it's for free!

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you should have thank them that they at least gave you one dish, you obviously have no idea how much extra work you gave to the kitchen as they most likely already cleaned the kitchen!

There were about 7 staffers and one customer. They were well open for business when I arrived. For all I know, I was their only customer all night. So they may have thrown away half of their takings for the night because they couldn't focus on serving even one customer. If they don't care, I don't either.

BTW, the food was not that great at the place either, and also overpriced for what they offer, so absolutely NO LOSS on my end.

Smiling? I smile all the time, but surely you know that the Thai smile almost always does not mean what Westerners think it does, right?

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When I order Kaffe Sot Rawn (brewed "fresh" coffee) and then get a cup of lukewarm Nescafe with brown specs floating around in it ... I think to myself, are they really going to charge me 50 baht for THIS?

Mai ou khrup. :o duem bia dee gwa.

(yes, I can SEE the coffee machine on the bar before I order, just don't realize that it is out-of-order)

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When the bill comes I point out that on the menu it says FRESH JUICES. They acknowledge I didn't get a fresh juice (as I am staring at a FRESH whole pineapple sitting in the fruit area) and they say it WOULD HAVE BEEN fresh if I had ordered a smoothie. No apologetic attitude.

:o <deleted>

these thai people make me laugh sometimes.

actually they are naturals at making bulls**t excuses like that

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