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Where Can I Get My Ccu-680 Installed ? Unable To Do By Myself

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Hi I just got a mac and want to use my CDMA CCU-680 with it as it has been fine on my PC.

The thing came with mac software too so i thought it would be straightforward..

I p0sted already in the computer forum and got some instructions and even a TV member to come to my work and spend a long time trying... and nearly every option.

I think I will have to take it to the Cat office or the Apple store but want to know where a knowledgeable technician is and not someone who has never done it and will try to do it.. and............

ANy experienced users?


They're the people who sell the products. I assume they know how to install them. They have a technician who set mine up on my Thinkpad and my EEE PC. If they can't do a Mac then there's no hope for humanity.


I am the TV member who tried (and failed pathetically miserably!) to get this thing up and working on MisterMan's computer, I have updated the original thread in the computer section with some more info for any more knowledgeable Apple aficionados here who might know what I am doing wrong.

Surely it would save you a lot of time to just go to the office.

It is something that must be fixed by an experienced technician. YOu should have seen slackula!! He was really determined and has experience with the ccu650.

Much apreciated and the modem is working fine on theugly beast. (pc)

Someone told me that they know someone who had to go to the PHuket Alpha to get it working.. so I would just like to hear a Mac Sucess story. before I risk my life and that of Mac's going to Phuket town on my only day off to the Cat office just to have a bunch of people try to install it...

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