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Share A Visa Run Drive To Mae Sai?


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Hi all,

Sometime before March 2nd, I need to do a visa run to Mae Sai from Chiang Mai. I don't fancy putting my life in danger with the minibus drivers and am thinking of renting a car and driving myself. This way I can also avoid the imposed DVD shopping excursion on the Myanmar side that seems obligatory on the organised visa runs.

Would anyone in Chiang Mai be interested in joining? We would split all rental and petrol costs and take turns driving. Am open to either a one day trip or perhaps staying overnight somewhere before returning to CM.

Anyone interested, please PM me soon and we can have a chat.

Many thanks

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Why go to the expense and trouble of renting a car? Just do what we do: Go to Arcade Bus Station and take the 8AM Greenbus to Mae Sai. 1st class is 212 B, VIP is 330 B (one way) and you have an attendent, water, snacks, cold washcloth and toilet. The trip takes about 4 to 4 1/2 hours with one stop in Chiang Rai. Songtheuws will be waiting at the bus station to take you to the border (15B). Get your visa renewed ($10 or 500B) and return the same day by early evening. Be sure to buy your ticket a few days in advance.

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The above-poster is correct. The VIP bus is very comfortable and cheap and there is no "imposed DVD shopping excursion on the Myanmar side" that I have ever heard of. If you don't want to go just tell the Burmese Immigration Officer "no shopping" and you will have your passport back in about 30 minutes.

Buy your tickets 3-4 days in advance!

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