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Low Lifes On Benifits Populating Pattaya


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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

If they reside in Pattaya, they're not on holiday, are they. Not all disabilities preclude air travel. Even wheelchair bound people are capable of traveling on a plane.

When claiming that you are unfit for work then by definition you should not be able to travel long haul - if you could then by definition there are many jobs you could do

complete and utter nonsense...

our friend has been his whole life in a wheelchair. Can only move above his waist, has to fly with an assistant..

his whole bodily motor reactive system is not co-ordination( English is not my first language)

do you see my point? would you deny him the right to a nice holiday?

what job would you have this poor man do...?

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

If they reside in Pattaya, they're not on holiday, are they. Not all disabilities preclude air travel. Even wheelchair bound people are capable of traveling on a plane.

When claiming that you are unfit for work then by definition you should not be able to travel long haul - if you could then by definition there are many jobs you could do

complete and utter nonsense...

our friend has been his whole life in a wheelchair. Can only move above his waist, has to fly with an assistant..

his whole bodily motor reactive system is not co-ordination( English is not my first language)

do you see my point? would you deny him the right to a nice holiday?

what job would you have this poor man do...?

I didn't realize having a nice holiday was a 'right' now? "Life, liberty and having a nice free holiday" :o

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I know of one young man living in BKK who also frequents Pattaya from time to time. He's been on benefits for a number of years though I would never consider him a low life. He on a medical discharge with pension from the army for injuries received whilst serving his country. Let's not tar everyone with the same brush....

But is he pissing it up shagging prostitutes all the time? If he is that is hardly rehabilitation for his medical condition is it?

Just something else to add Thailand does not exacting have good public health and safety standards or disability facilities for those who do have disabilities/injuries etc, sitting on a barstool is bad for the back which is i am sure the majority complaint.

Shop them simple as, benefit cheats and pervy ones at that ! makes me sick, most of them will claim to be on very strong painkillers...so how are you drinking so much alchohol then? Read below then shop a cheat!

According to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), the annual cost of payments made through the disability living allowance (DLA) has soared from £4.5 billion in 1997 to almost £10 billion last year, making it the most costly state benefit apart from pensions and tax credits.

When Labour came to power in May 1997, 1.9 million people received DLA. By last November, the number of claimants had risen to 2.85 million.

Criminals are estimated to defraud the DLA, which is intended to help the handicapped pay for care and remain mobile, of £1 billion a year - more than a third of all benefit fraud. Able-bodied criminals target the DLA because, in many cases, they only have to fill in one form before they start receiving payments.

Last week, a court heard how Jon Stentiford, a bodybuilder, had collected disability benefits while holding the title of Cornwall's Strongest Man. Despite being able to lift a half-ton Mini Metro for one minute, Stentiford, 35, of St Neot, claimed he had a bad back and pocketed £43,000.

Other recent cases include that of Keith Jones, a professional boxer, who, despite fighting in more than 100 contests, including some that were televised, managed to claim £20,000. Last month, Jay Somers, 49, from Merseyside, received a suspended prison sentence after admitting giving dance lessons while receiving almost £23,000 in disability allowances.

Critics say the rapid increase in the number of "disabled" people makes a mockery of the Government's claim that it is moving people off benefits and into work.

Philip Hammond, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said: "It is clear that Gordon Brown's complex benefits system is allowing fraudsters to find loopholes, resulting in billions of pounds of taxpayers' money being lost. This is an insult to those who are genuinely disabled and who rely on this help."

The Office of National Statistics reported last week that the number of people classed as "economically inactive" had increased by 85,000 to almost eight million, more than 21 per cent of the working-age population.

In 2005, it found that £1 billion in DLA had been lost as a result of fraud or human error. The total amount of benefit lost through fraud or error that year was £2.7 billion, according to a report by the National Audit Office, the Government's public spending watchdog.

A DWP spokesman said: "Disability living allowance helps some of the most vulnerable people in our society. The reasons for the rise in expenditure and claimant numbers are due to increased awareness of the benefit and the impact of an ageing population. We have a strategy in place to reduce DLA fraud and run regular campaigns to raise awareness of our action in tracking down fraudsters."

The abuse of DLA is particualrly annoying. Having worked in the NHS as a CPN for several years, I was often asked to complete DLA forms for patients who were having to apply, or renew their claim. The patients on my caseload, all had sever and enduring mental health issues, and rightly deserved their benefits, although at times I really could not understand how the payments were calculated, as some of the more desrving and dependent patients werer getting lower rates. What used to piss me off, was when GP's would refere a new patient to me, and they would turn up at their first appointment with a DLA form. Those that did that were not my favourite type of people, and I generally fckud them off pretty quick, and filled a report back to the GP. The od one was genuinee, but that had to be determined by thorough assesment.

As for people claiming benefits and living here in Bangkok, I met a rather unsavoury character who was living in the same Soi as me who was quite proud that he was claiming a number of benefits, and living here. He was perfectly healthy, had no intention of working, and was quite proud of his working and signing on when he was back in the UK. He was a tool, and I told him so, which he didn't like. He has since gone back as far as I know, after ripping off his Thai girlfriend. Not a nice guy.

As for the genuine cases, then if they have paid their taxes and have a reason for not beinbg able to work, then good luck to them. I just don't like the breed of career scroungers that have grown up over the last 25 years in Britain.

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I know of one young man living in BKK who also frequents Pattaya from time to time. He's been on benefits for a number of years though I would never consider him a low life. He on a medical discharge with pension from the army for injuries received whilst serving his country. Let's not tar everyone with the same brush....

But is he pissing it up shagging prostitutes all the time? If he is that is hardly rehabilitation for his medical condition is it?

Just something else to add Thailand does not exacting have good public health and safety standards or disability facilities for those who do have disabilities/injuries etc, sitting on a barstool is bad for the back which is i am sure the majority complaint.

Shop them simple as, benefit cheats and pervy ones at that ! makes me sick, most of them will claim to be on very strong painkillers...so how are you drinking so much alchohol then? Read below then shop a cheat!

According to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), the annual cost of payments made through the disability living allowance (DLA) has soared from £4.5 billion in 1997 to almost £10 billion last year, making it the most costly state benefit apart from pensions and tax credits.

When Labour came to power in May 1997, 1.9 million people received DLA. By last November, the number of claimants had risen to 2.85 million.

Criminals are estimated to defraud the DLA, which is intended to help the handicapped pay for care and remain mobile, of £1 billion a year - more than a third of all benefit fraud. Able-bodied criminals target the DLA because, in many cases, they only have to fill in one form before they start receiving payments.

Last week, a court heard how Jon Stentiford, a bodybuilder, had collected disability benefits while holding the title of Cornwall's Strongest Man. Despite being able to lift a half-ton Mini Metro for one minute, Stentiford, 35, of St Neot, claimed he had a bad back and pocketed £43,000.

Other recent cases include that of Keith Jones, a professional boxer, who, despite fighting in more than 100 contests, including some that were televised, managed to claim £20,000. Last month, Jay Somers, 49, from Merseyside, received a suspended prison sentence after admitting giving dance lessons while receiving almost £23,000 in disability allowances.

Critics say the rapid increase in the number of "disabled" people makes a mockery of the Government's claim that it is moving people off benefits and into work.

Philip Hammond, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said: "It is clear that Gordon Brown's complex benefits system is allowing fraudsters to find loopholes, resulting in billions of pounds of taxpayers' money being lost. This is an insult to those who are genuinely disabled and who rely on this help."

The Office of National Statistics reported last week that the number of people classed as "economically inactive" had increased by 85,000 to almost eight million, more than 21 per cent of the working-age population.

In 2005, it found that £1 billion in DLA had been lost as a result of fraud or human error. The total amount of benefit lost through fraud or error that year was £2.7 billion, according to a report by the National Audit Office, the Government's public spending watchdog.

A DWP spokesman said: "Disability living allowance helps some of the most vulnerable people in our society. The reasons for the rise in expenditure and claimant numbers are due to increased awareness of the benefit and the impact of an ageing population. We have a strategy in place to reduce DLA fraud and run regular campaigns to raise awareness of our action in tracking down fraudsters."

Very easy to take large numbers and manipulate!!! :o

MAAF current website information

One of our major tasks is to help this vital industry to operate as efficiently as possible. We administer support policies agreed in Brussels which provide around £3 billion to UK agriculture.

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ASLEF - asking a pertinent question 2007

April 2007 - Government rail subsidies more failures

Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander announced last month that the government is to provide extra funding to private rail firms to finance an additional 1,000 train carriages in a bid to combat overcrowding. Of course we all welcome any positive action to tackle overcrowding – but why should the government finance private companies? And is this the best way the money could be spent?

So now we have established farmers are on goverment benefits, Railworkers,.....and the list goes on??

Benefit fraud... ok not justifiable....all I'm saying is don't let the likes of Mr Cornwall and the dance teacher cloud your overall judgement...... :o

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My recent trip confirmed that most foreigners who live in Pattaya are dregs and losers, the lowest of the low of Western society.

fancy a beer with my mates and we can discuss this man to man

What would they know about the UK system ? You told us before , most of your mates are Thai because you prefer thir company .

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I responded by PM to the OP as I felt he was out of order in the general statement he made.

However the real crux of the matter is the fact that after a few months of having cancer or any other serious condition and being off work you come out of the local GP'S care as regards the future ability to work etc and you now "belong" to the Benefits Agency etc.

Quite simply you are examined by doctor who works for the benefits agency and you can basically say what you like re your ability to work.

For anyone who doesnt know the following (i guess 99%) if the doctor finds you unfit for work you are signed off for THREE years-yep you read it correctly !!

Its your duty to inform the DHSS (or whatever they call themselves these days) if your health improves.Otherwise you get a letter 3 years hence asking you to go for a review.

I was signed off for three years but returned to work after 8 months but I can imagine 95% plus play the system


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My recent trip confirmed that most foreigners who live in Pattaya are dregs and losers, the lowest of the low of Western society.

fancy a beer with my mates and we can discuss this man to man

the words of an upstanding citizen renunciating to Asia to develop spiritually. :o

Edited by Neeranam
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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

I agree with you misterman. Western societies have been pussies for decades about the lazy people claiming they can't work due to perceived incapabilities. Missing legs or arms or whatever you miss doesn't mean you can't work. Lets hope that the current economic crisis can cure us of the weakness that entered our societies in the past decades. All people should work. People that can't work can work. And the tiny handfull of people that are truly incapable (mentally & physically) of working should not be allowed to go to live a foreign country, the handouts they receive should be spent locally and not in wokkiewokkie land. Aha the good times are coming again!


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I for one agree with the OP. These malingerers who cheat us of 85.50 pounds per week should be brought to justice. Cost....maybe 10k....prison time....1.5k per week.....erm....leave them here . It's cheaper :o


Then of course there's paying the informer.

Edited by teletiger
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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Are you jealous about it :o

I'm not a Brit. But I have 2 knee prostheses, therefore can not work, but I'm allowed to spend 3 months a year outside the country. Now I'm retired.

BTW I don't stay in Pattaya, I never even been there

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The really crazy thing about this is that these same people can go and live in America, Canada, Spain and so many other countries and they will not be penalised as long as they fill in the forms. Yet they wish to come here to spend their time and it is illegal.

Maybe that could be a case for the Human Rights Legislation :o

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The really crazy thing about this is that these same people can go and live in America, Canada, Spain and so many other countries and they will not be penalised as long as they fill in the forms. Yet they wish to come here to spend their time and it is illegal.

Maybe that could be a case for the Human Rights Legislation :D

50% of these people are probably retired and they are allowed to live in other countries like Thailand, a large part of the rest are probably suffering from war related injuries such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or missing limbs etc because they served their country South Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Falklands, Bosnia to mention a few. There are also the ones that served in the Police Force in Ireland and the military, the Fire Brigade, the Ambulance Service most of these saw burnt bodies, brains scattered over the road. They have been put off work for life by Government Medical doctors and are never to work again but this does not say they cant live in another country or fly on a holiday and try and have a good holiday or a good life. Snap out of it. I would be more inclined to look at the young ones on drugs and claiming benefits whilst beating people and robbing homes to support their habit as they chose to do drugs. :o

Edited by OZEMADE
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The really crazy thing about this is that these same people can go and live in America, Canada, Spain and so many other countries and they will not be penalised as long as they fill in the forms. Yet they wish to come here to spend their time and it is illegal.

Maybe that could be a case for the Human Rights Legislation :D

50% of these people are probably retired and they are allowed to live in other countries like Thailand, a large part of the rest are probably suffering from war related injuries such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or missing limbs etc because they served their country South Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Falklands, Bosnia to mention a few. There are also the ones that served in the Police Force in Ireland and the military, the Fire Brigade, the Ambulance Service most of these saw burnt bodies, brains scattered over the road. They have been put off work for life by Government Medical doctors and are never to work again but this does not say they cant live in another country or fly on a holiday and try and have a good holiday or a good life. Snap out of it. I would be more inclined to look at the young ones on drugs and claiming benefits whilst beating people and robbing homes to support their habit as they chose to do drugs. :o

Well said!

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I know a guy from Norway whose government allows him to stay in Thailand and they provide his income etc. The cost of doing so in Norway would be so much higher that it is actually economical for them to pay him to live in Thailand.

I think grassers are the lowest of the low. The OP should be ashamed. I guess he is just jealous.

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The really crazy thing about this is that these same people can go and live in America, Canada, Spain and so many other countries and they will not be penalised as long as they fill in the forms. Yet they wish to come here to spend their time and it is illegal.

Maybe that could be a case for the Human Rights Legislation :D

50% of these people are probably retired and they are allowed to live in other countries like Thailand, a large part of the rest are probably suffering from war related injuries such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or missing limbs etc because they served their country South Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Falklands, Bosnia to mention a few. There are also the ones that served in the Police Force in Ireland and the military, the Fire Brigade, the Ambulance Service most of these saw burnt bodies, brains scattered over the road. They have been put off work for life by Government Medical doctors and are never to work again but this does not say they cant live in another country or fly on a holiday and try and have a good holiday or a good life. Snap out of it. I would be more inclined to look at the young ones on drugs and claiming benefits whilst beating people and robbing homes to support their habit as they chose to do drugs. :o

Well said!

I was not and am not having a dig at people on disability benefits. Or at those on benefits and are currently in Thailand. I am simply pointing out that those on such benefits can live in so many other countries without being penalised - red bold above. There is a difference. Legislation is in force for many countries but Thailand is not on the list. Therefore those UK residents who are on benefits other than OAP and are caught living in Thailand will be punished.

I do not agree with the legislation.

If someone is unfit for work in their own country and certified so by a Doctor I see no reason why they cannot live their life where they choose to do so.

Many on disability need care and in the UK they are given a carers allowance for this. Yet when they are here they tend to find some lady who is willing to care for them. They are then not a strain on the NHs system either - unless they go back for medical treatment. No need to call out Doctors or get loans from the DWP (DSS) for furniture, cookers, beds and a whole host of other sundry items.

IMHO they are less of a financial burden on the country if they live here.

But the OP was more at pains to say they are a lazy bunch of b*stards and to me he has done so without giving the whole situation a lot of thought.

Others are in the same mind set. Report the lazy tw*ts. Prosecute the b*stards. They are Leeches, a drain on our tax £'s. Yet, they are unable - medically - to work in the UK and would be more of a drain on those precious tax £'s, so why should they not be allowed to live some decent form of life for what time they have left?

Yes, I do know a few who have serious medical problems and they spend time abroad. Usually in countries where they are legally entitled to do so. And why not? Do the hang em high brigade want these people to sit at home 24/7, considering they cannot work? Want them prisoners in their own homes and that leads to Depression and more medical care and drain on those precious tax £'s.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Are you jealous about it :o

I'm not a Brit. But I have 2 knee prostheses, therefore can not work, but I'm allowed to spend 3 months a year outside the country. Now I'm retired.

BTW I don't stay in Pattaya, I never even been there

Not that I am judging you, I'm sure you have paid enough tax etc to be worthy of some support from the government, but.... there are plenty things you can do that don't require 2 functioning knees!

I'm with the others in this forum who have said that everyone, except for the mentally impaired, can work, it's just that some people choose not to and decide to demand support from their governments. They should be looking for work rather than lazing around.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Are you jealous about it :D

I'm not a Brit. But I have 2 knee prostheses, therefore can not work, but I'm allowed to spend 3 months a year outside the country. Now I'm retired.

BTW I don't stay in Pattaya, I never even been there

Not that I am judging you, I'm sure you have paid enough tax etc to be worthy of some support from the government, but.... there are plenty things you can do that don't require 2 functioning knees!

I'm with the others in this forum who have said that everyone, except for the mentally impaired, can work, it's just that some people choose not to and decide to demand support from their governments. They should be looking for work rather than lazing around.


Edited by dee123
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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Are you jealous about it :D

I'm not a Brit. But I have 2 knee prostheses, therefore can not work, but I'm allowed to spend 3 months a year outside the country. Now I'm retired.

BTW I don't stay in Pattaya, I never even been there

Not that I am judging you, I'm sure you have paid enough tax etc to be worthy of some support from the government, but.... there are plenty things you can do that don't require 2 functioning knees!

I'm with the others in this forum who have said that everyone, except for the mentally impaired, can work, it's just that some people choose not to and decide to demand support from their governments. They should be looking for work rather than lazing around.


I've got no problem with people getting compensation for work related injuries, or insurance payouts if they are unable to pursue their chosen career, but to say that you have 2 knee prostheses and therefore CANNOT work is nonsense. Perhaps you can't do the work you want to do, or are trained to do, but it doesn't stop you working. Anyway, enough about that, I didn't mean to pick on Henry.

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Sorry for the above humour(recession related observations),.....but the newspapers and the OP SHOULD BE TARGETING TAX LOOPHOLES OF THE MEGA RICH,.......not trying to drag a disabled person back to work,.....please google UNUM the American insurance giants who Gordon Brown got to advise reform of benefit system even though they were found guilty of systematic fraud by witholding disabled persons benefits by US Courts...they sponsored Labour party conference et all......P.S. yes there should and will be tighter checks on benefit cheats BUT MAKE SURE YOU GOT THE EVIDENCE

Edited by dee123
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Are you jealous about it :o

I'm not a Brit. But I have 2 knee prostheses, therefore can not work, but I'm allowed to spend 3 months a year outside the country. Now I'm retired.

BTW I don't stay in Pattaya, I never even been there

So with two knee protheses you are incapable of working? Get a grip, you can work and you know it, your just lazy. Is it that hard to admit you are, I mean your not incapable of typing, so you can work in an office. Its not about you dude, most people would do as you did given the chance, but the chance should not be given. We have bred ba society of 'bread and games'.


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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Are you jealous about it :D

I'm not a Brit. But I have 2 knee prostheses, therefore can not work, but I'm allowed to spend 3 months a year outside the country. Now I'm retired.

BTW I don't stay in Pattaya, I never even been there

Not that I am judging you, I'm sure you have paid enough tax etc to be worthy of some support from the government, but.... there are plenty things you can do that don't require 2 functioning knees!

I'm with the others in this forum who have said that everyone, except for the mentally impaired, can work, it's just that some people choose not to and decide to demand support from their governments. They should be looking for work rather than lazing around.


I've got no problem with people getting compensation for work related injuries, or insurance payouts if they are unable to pursue their chosen career, but to say that you have 2 knee prostheses and therefore CANNOT work is nonsense. Perhaps you can't do the work you want to do, or are trained to do, but it doesn't stop you working. Anyway, enough about that, I didn't mean to pick on Henry.

Not offended at all. Explaine why I have 2 knee prostheses and why I can't work is to complicated to explaine in a nutshell. Only notice that I had 40 year working career before that.

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Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

surely this cant be legal?

Are you jealous about it :D

I'm not a Brit. But I have 2 knee prostheses, therefore can not work, but I'm allowed to spend 3 months a year outside the country. Now I'm retired.

BTW I don't stay in Pattaya, I never even been there

Not that I am judging you, I'm sure you have paid enough tax etc to be worthy of some support from the government, but.... there are plenty things you can do that don't require 2 functioning knees!

I'm with the others in this forum who have said that everyone, except for the mentally impaired, can work, it's just that some people choose not to and decide to demand support from their governments. They should be looking for work rather than lazing around.


I've got no problem with people getting compensation for work related injuries, or insurance payouts if they are unable to pursue their chosen career, but to say that you have 2 knee prostheses and therefore CANNOT work is nonsense. Perhaps you can't do the work you want to do, or are trained to do, but it doesn't stop you working. Anyway, enough about that, I didn't mean to pick on Henry.

Not offended at all. Explaine why I have 2 knee prostheses and why I can't work is to complicated to explaine in a nutshell. Only notice that I had 40 year working career before that.

as I said Henry to those who have just called you "lazy"(MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR EVIDENCE) now apologies,.... :o

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