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Brit Faces Two Years In Thai Jail For Being 'rude'.


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.....................You people are all totally crazy. Youre either judging him because he's black, because he's a martial arts instructor and fighter, because he's english. because he's a falang... .........

Sorry to be pedantic, but I don't believe one can be both black and a farang.

falang dam - ฝรั่งดำ

As a pedant looking in a dictionary I find "farang dam" = " black caucasian" a little odd.

Nevertheless, without revisiting the origins of the word farang or all the other names for foreigners not of European/Western ancestry I've heard, I'll concede to your good self and Wikipedia -

Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง) is the generic Thai word for a foreigner of European ancestry........................

African Americans have been occasionally referred to as farang dam (black farang) in Thai: ฝรั่งดำ especially American servicemen during the Vietnam War.

- not that he was referred to as "farang dam" of course :o

I know what people mean when they say he deserves what he gets for being so rude, but, having (only) just read "Welcome to hel_l" it can obviously be a very unpleasant and scary situation for him and (in his world) out of all proportion to his offence. Having said that, it appears from that he is certainly not a newbie in Thailand and he should have known better or at least had more self control.

I'm surprised he hasn't appeared on this site yet, given that he's out on bail - but oh no, of course I'm not - he hopefully knows better than to be observed spouting forth here.

Hopefully he has served his time already and, at worst, will be sent home and banned from re-entry for a while.

To edwardmoulton - you are so so right , but see my signature - what are our options as long as we choose to live here? - they ain't gonna change any time soon if ever.

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I've been reading this thread and I am staggered ..................Rant over... But I have not become that Thai yet to have forgotten right and wrong and espoused greed at all cost.

Thoroughly enjoyed that thanks - just not sure what we can do about it other than leave :o

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A BRITISH man is facing a two-year sentence in a hellish Thai prison for being 'rude' to an official.

Voice reader Simon Burrowes, from Wembley, north London, was ending a holiday with a friend when Thai authorities in Phuket airport detained him on January 31, preventing him from returning to the UK.

Immigration officials suspected Burrowes' passport was a forgery. Speaking to The Voice via phone from Thailand, Burrowes said: "A woman at immigration was looking at my passport and then handed it to the man behind her. I was ushered to sit down whilst he took out a magnifying glass and proceeded to check my passport for half an hour," he explained.

He was told that he was not getting on the plane and was taken to a detention centre, whilst his friend Matthew was able to fly back to the UK. Burrowes said: "I'm a black man so I'm used to getting hassle at airports, but I was shocked by this." For three weeks, the 44-year old was held with 126 men in a cramped prison cell.

"Thai prisons are notorious for being some of the worst. There is no privacy. You go to the toilet in the open and there is no toilet paper. There were guys in there that had scabies and were next to me," said Burrowes.

He contacted the British Consulate, who confirmed his passport was genuine. However, the disgruntled Brit claims that the Consulate should have done more, saying that they took long to react to his case.

"I was disgusted and beside myself. People talk of them [the British Consulate] like they are the cavalry. If you have issues abroad they come charging to help. But they didn't really help me," he fumed. Burrowes was later charged with 'rude and aggressive behaviour' towards an immigration officer, a claim he denies, and was released on £2,000 bail. He must remain in Thailand until his trial begins on April 26, and his lawyer has warned he could face a two-year jail sentence.

"I have to find some way to sustain myself financially while I am here. I went to Thailand to enjoy the land, learn the culture and spend some money. It's turned into a nightmare," he said. Burrowes is hoping that he will soon be able to fly back to the UK.

"If they find me guilty, who knows what will happen. I met people in prison who are doing five years for having two spliffs on them. It's very difficult to hold yourself up in a Thai prison. I feel very bitter about what has happened," he said. A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London told The Voice they are

looking into the case.

Link to story here.

It would appear that he swore at the immigration official, criticised Thailand & snatched his passport back, so on that basis he got what he deserved & if he does receive a prison sentence, he has only himself to blame - end of discussion. I'd just add that I've no sympathy for him whatsoever.

So if you go to immigration with a legal passport, and get detained by officials claiming incorrectly that it is a fake, then you just perform your usual act of bending over and asking them to please not thump you too hard if they don't mind.

Yep, thats what I would do and I would be sure to add a few yes sirs!! Have you ever thought of bottling and selling your excess masculinity? I am probably able to kick about 6 of the immigration officers axxes at once. after doing that then I could brag abut it in prison for the next few years. I think I will stay with yes sir and what else was it you need? :o

Edited by Lost in LOS
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I find this very hard to believe even here in Thailand . . . There is something not quite right here . . . There is far more to this story....

You find it hard to believe (and yes, you might be right) but for my money anything, "absolutely anything" is possible here in the realm :o

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I find this very hard to believe even here in Thailand . . . There is something not quite right here . . . There is far more to this story....

You find it hard to believe (and yes, you might be right) but for my money anything, "absolutely anything" is possible here in the realm :o

I agree. And ANY ONE of us could find that bad luck and fate catches us in the same kind of hellish web, no matter how far you bend over, no matter how many Yes Sirs! I don't doubt that we can help our odds by being very careful though, so its a good idea to be very careful around people who can totally screw you.

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People keep saying that in his situation they would bend over and take it and add some "yes sirs, what else can I do for you sirs?" Now after having demeaned yourself for the petty ego of a lesser man they still make you miss your flight and continue to treat you like a criminal what then? You are all going to keep acting like slaves trying to avoid a beating without any show of dismay or anger? I don't freaking believe it. You all just say this to make yourselves feel better in an obviously frustratingly unfair society that lacks any sense of justice so you can continue to feel like it will never happen to you. Bad things DO happen to good people, don't lie to yourself. Especially here.

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when America bombed Yugoslavia [insane I agree] I was traveling in Amsterdam. when i was leaving in the airport, the immigration there singled me out, ignoreing my two friends. I was the only one out of hundreds [and not because I was black because i am white] and did an full interrogation and full search on me. I asked nicely why and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

when I got to America the stopped me at immigration, pulled me aside and did the full integration again. must have been tagged by Amsterdam immigration. Asked again, nicely, why, and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

then when i got to customs, same thing, interrogation, checked everything in my bags. Asked again, nicely, why, and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

yep, I was nice even though i was totally pissed and in a western country where the chances of "disappearing are small". If I would have made a big scene I would have been there for hours more and I am sure my passport tagged. I shut up, took the pain and was on my way.

since i was tall and German/English decent they might have mistaken me for a Yugo terrorist, the only thing i can think of.

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when America bombed Yugoslavia [insane I agree] I was traveling in Amsterdam. when i was leaving in the airport, the immigration there singled me out, ignoreing my two friends. I was the only one out of hundreds [and not because I was black because i am white] and did an full interrogation and full search on me. I asked nicely why and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

when I got to America the stopped me at immigration, pulled me aside and did the full integration again. must have been tagged by Amsterdam immigration. Asked again, nicely, why, and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

then when i got to customs, same thing, interrogation, checked everything in my bags. Asked again, nicely, why, and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

yep, I was nice even though i was totally pissed and in a western country where the chances of "disappearing are small". If I would have made a big scene I would have been there for hours more and I am sure my passport tagged. I shut up, took the pain and was on my way.

since i was tall and German/English decent they might have mistaken me for a Yugo terrorist, the only thing i can think of.

Right but none of those people made you miss your plane! Big difference. HUGE difference.

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There has to be more to it than he is telling (of course, because it is his side we are hearing, with just some comments from immigration).

What you really can't believe that

a) a Thai official could trump up charges to make up for the fact that he has egg on his face

B ) a Thai official could be racist?

Unfortunately I think this story sadly sounds like it could be true.

Edited by mssabai
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when America bombed Yugoslavia [insane I agree] I was traveling in Amsterdam. when i was leaving in the airport, the immigration there singled me out, ignoreing my two friends. I was the only one out of hundreds [and not because I was black because i am white] and did an full interrogation and full search on me. I asked nicely why and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

when I got to America the stopped me at immigration, pulled me aside and did the full integration again. must have been tagged by Amsterdam immigration. Asked again, nicely, why, and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

then when i got to customs, same thing, interrogation, checked everything in my bags. Asked again, nicely, why, and they told me routine. I was pissed but polite.

yep, I was nice even though i was totally pissed and in a western country where the chances of "disappearing are small". If I would have made a big scene I would have been there for hours more and I am sure my passport tagged. I shut up, took the pain and was on my way.

since i was tall and German/English decent they might have mistaken me for a Yugo terrorist, the only thing i can think of.

Right but none of those people made you miss your plane! Big difference. HUGE difference.

& of course when you miss your plane, ur head implodes and the world ends. The advantage of being rude and then getting locked up facing a possible 2 year jail term is?

There is more to this story. Tuff luck for this idiot, hopefully he returns to ole blighty & stays there! Maybe he will learn to keep his mouth shut next time. Having said that, I would of thought there was something much more serious for the authorities to deal with than this type of craaaaap!

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I think the possible 2 year sentence is a bit harsh, the time he has already spent in prison to cool off & reflect on his actions, followed by a public, genuine, and humble apology to the official(s) concerned, and a "Don't come back for 5 years" and then only if you can be polite would suffice. It would also help with the prison overcrowding problems, and maybe, just maybe, teach this idiot some self discipline, self control, and respect of those in authority!


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I think the possible 2 year sentence is a bit harsh, the time he has already spent in prison to cool off & reflect on his actions, followed by a public, genuine, and humble apology to the official(s) concerned, and a "Don't come back for 5 years" and then only if you can be polite would suffice. It would also help with the prison overcrowding problems, and maybe, just maybe, teach this idiot some self discipline, self control, and respect of those in authority!


Unreal that some people can still think like this... More Thai than Thai!

What authority exactly.....? I would have thought he has the right to leave a country unless he has done something wrong which he had not as confirmed by the British Consul so actually he has the authority to tell the Thai idiot he is wrong as the Thai idiot detained him for no reason!

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I think the possible 2 year sentence is a bit harsh, the time he has already spent in prison to cool off & reflect on his actions, followed by a public, genuine, and humble apology to the official(s) concerned, and a "Don't come back for 5 years" and then only if you can be polite would suffice. It would also help with the prison overcrowding problems, and maybe, just maybe, teach this idiot some self discipline, self control, and respect of those in authority!


Unreal that some people can still think like this... More Thai than Thai!

What authority exactly.....? I would have thought he has the right to leave a country unless he has done something wrong which he had not as confirmed by the British Consul so actually he has the authority to tell the Thai idiot he is wrong as the Thai idiot detained him for no reason!

I am glad that i do think like this!

You ask "What authority?" well unless i am reading a completely different story.... the "Authority" was the Customs official who was inspecting his passport!

His passport was confirmed by the British Consul after his insulting behavior.

Whilst i agree that he has every right to let the Customs Official that he is wrong, there are certain ways of doing it, he chose the wrong one!

I am really quite pleased that i don't live on the same planet as you!


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I am glad that i do think like this!

You ask "What authority?" well unless i am reading a completely different story.... the "Authority" was the Customs official who was inspecting his passport!

His passport was confirmed by the British Consul after his insulting behavior.

Whilst i agree that he has every right to let the Customs Official that he is wrong, there are certain ways of doing it, he chose the wrong one!

I am really quite pleased that i don't live on the same planet as you!


What about the Thai officials who let him in the country with the same passport ? It seems this is a case of an over-officious clown getting enraged by a customer pointing out his error.

Note that according to the 'victim' by insulting him, the Brit. was insulting Thailand.

Strange, but then Abhisit is always crying how Taksin is insulting Thailand when he explains about the actions of the PAD-Democrat alliance.

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I think the possible 2 year sentence is a bit harsh, the time he has already spent in prison to cool off & reflect on his actions, followed by a public, genuine, and humble apology to the official(s) concerned, and a "Don't come back for 5 years" and then only if you can be polite would suffice. It would also help with the prison overcrowding problems, and maybe, just maybe, teach this idiot some self discipline, self control, and respect of those in authority!


Unreal that some people can still think like this... More Thai than Thai!

What authority exactly.....? I would have thought he has the right to leave a country unless he has done something wrong which he had not as confirmed by the British Consul so actually he has the authority to tell the Thai idiot he is wrong as the Thai idiot detained him for no reason!

I am glad that i do think like this!

You ask "What authority?" well unless i am reading a completely different story.... the "Authority" was the Customs official who was inspecting his passport!

His passport was confirmed by the British Consul after his insulting behavior.

Whilst i agree that he has every right to let the Customs Official that he is wrong, there are certain ways of doing it, he chose the wrong one!

I am really quite pleased that i don't live on the same planet as you!


THANKYOU FATHER, I am with you on this one. Some people seem to fail to recognise the importance that these people play in every society. The should be respected & most certainly not spoken to in the fashion done. Hes in jail now - Som Nam Na springs to mind.

Clausewitz, Who cares if he allegedly entered the country on that passport, the inspection as he exited was probably partly to determine if this was the actual passport he entered on.....whats not to suggest it was a different passport.

This man probably would of proceeded on his way, had he not got shirty with the Authority doing his job & I would imagine that he started to display 'the attitude' well before he started the 'foff' caper because as you know things don't normally go from hello how are you to foff in one sentance.

Anyway that will learn him :D (so they say) because now hes got his ugly backside in the slammer & if his lucky it wont be used as a parking lot for a heap of horny prisoners :o .

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France is the number one tourist destination in the world by numbers, Thailand follows I believe or is up there in the top five by volume (or was!)...

Thailand is nowhere near top 5.

You are right, Oberkommando, my apologies. I have obviously been reading too much TAT PR. A new one out today by the way... http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingne...m-Competitivene

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i was once saying goodbye to my mother at samui airport with my newly born twins in the car , i was told to move my car from departures very rudely and aggresively by the police ( this was not normal behaviour as you always parked their to drop off bags ) i explained politely i was just saying good bye to my mother I gave her a quick hug and jumped back in the car with the police guy waving and screaming I turned to my wife and said that guys is a fk..g nutter as i turned the corner to leave the airport a more senior policeman leaned into the moving car and throught he open window snatched the keys . He looked at me and started to scream i know what you said i know whhat you said . I leapt out of the car and in front of two plane load of passengers at the airport screamed dont shoot me dont shoot me while putting my hands in the air !!! The policeman ( very senior from bangkok) froze and then handed my keys amd told me to go .

Later i discovered they were panicking because a very VIP visitor was about to arrive to leave the airport .

Just thought you might like the tale needless to say now i know they can lip read i say everything in my head all with expletives of course :o

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France is the number one tourist destination in the world by numbers, Thailand follows I believe or is up there in the top five by volume (or was!)...

Thailand is nowhere near top 5.

You are right, Oberkommando, my apologies. I have obviously been reading too much TAT PR. A new one out today by the way

39th out of 133 countries isn't bad considering what Thailand offers visitors and the infrastructure.

I would imagine its continued rise in the rankings will come to a halt this year though with the global economic outlook, the strong Thai Baht and the political instability set to continue.

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Only a complete idiot would act the way he did. Can't feel sorry for him even though the sentence is rather harsh, in fact it is rather funny.

Problem like this should be solved directly on the spot, apologizing if the subject is not proven guilty and arranging for his airplane or is accomodation, and even a compensation.

This is how civilized countries normally behave.

Also the behaviour of his embassy his "remarkable", as they had to promptly contacted with the immigration to clear the things on the spot. (It seems that even in England, as in Thailand, there are 1 and 2nd class citizen...).

If the subject has a rude behaviour normally is detained in a cell in the airport for 2 or 3 hours, the time to check if the passport is real or fake.

If you really things that somebody deserves to stay in a place that violate all human rights for 3 weeks for beeing rude to an official, so maybe you can accept many other infamous things of this country as normal......

Wish you all to never have problem in this "country" as they can grow from very futile reasons, and lead to the consequences that all we see in this open air sanitarium called Thailand.

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He has half naked trying to go through immergration and they took offence would be my guess.

I don't believe that you can have a half naked passport pic in a UK passport for a second....

Well maybe the immigration officer could not fathom the possibility of a developed country accepting such a picture, since one in Thailand must have suit & tie on the pic for it to be accepted on more or less all official documents and licences. I think the statement from immigration that even Lao and Cambodia have standards (for passport pics) supports my theory.

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Typical non helpful government.. If he was a US citizen he'd have been out by 2 day.

I call BS on the whole "not wearing clothes in his passport photo". He wouldn't have been able to get the passport issued in the UK if it was.

This is what I think happened. The Thai administration is obviously lying about the real reasons which is because he insulted the official after being told we could not get on the flight due to their own incompetence.

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Some years ago I had a weird experience with immigration at Samui Airport.

As I was getting processed out of Thailand, I realized the immigration officer was the same person who had approved my extension a week or two earlier.

When I was done and was waiting in the lounge, he came walking towards me and wanted to see my passport again. He looked through it, then he left. But a few minutes later he came back again, and this time he was looking through my passport for something that seemed like 5 minutes. I was starting to get nervous, so I asked him: Something wrong? The answer was "Yes." Then I started to get really nervous, but suddenly I thought of something and asked: "Everything OK?" His reply was "Yes." Then he handed me my passport. I had actually been right, the guy didn't understand english. But he really scared me there for a few moments.

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I must say that, after reading this, I could have spent a lot of time in jail in the 7 years I've been here. I often tell police that they are well out of line and that they are servants of the Law, they're not the Law. It's happened at least 5 times! Although I still say I'm right to do so :o

I didn't think being rude to an official was against the Law here.

Maybe it was a forged passport and he is a bad dude... although it doesn't look like it.

Maybe the immigration official 'heard' him say something bad about the royal family. The immigration officer's word might stand up in court - although it shouldn't - especially given the nationalist media it's spawned. Even then, his lawyer is warning him about 2 years in jail, not 10, so I doubt this happened.

My bet is he'll be chucked out somehow before it gets to court. They can't have this sort of injustice being documented as a legal precedent.

I don't think the Phuket governor's statement was very helpful - innocent until proven guilty?

One last thing - it's scary how many post-primate people on here actually think this guy deserves what he got on the grounds that he was 'rude' to an immigration officer.

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A little moral support:

Free the Phuket One!


If it turns out this guy does end up in the monkey house for two years for this NOTHING offense, I sure hope there are people in Phuket who can take the time to visit him to help him get through this. It could be ANY of us.

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