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I Would Like To Buy Beer Bar In Pattaya?


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i arrive in pattaya 0n april 3 and would like to buy beer bar for my girlfriend and i, please email me **e-mail address deleted by moderator**

Everyone else is just going to joke and flame you and treat you like you're stupid because you are talking like you are, so let me put it to you in plain english.

DO NOT BUY A BEER BAR IN PATTAYA. Is that clear enough? DO NOT MARRY YOUR BAR GIRL GIRLFRIEND. Thought I'd throw that one in there too since you are most likely on that route too and will be asking advice on how to get married to a hooker next week. Bot these things are incredibly stupid and risky. Just don't do it man..... but... we all know you won't listen, thousands of guys like you with horrible stories but it never stops the new lemmings from gleefully following down the path of destruction.

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Have your girl write up a coherent business plan first. :o Then tell her to forget it.

If you are looking to get her started in something, send her to cooking school and bookkeeping school. Next she should get a job at a restaurant to learn the operations. Treat it like a project and have her explain to you how the place works. Once those hurdles are passed, she should be ready. If she is unwilling to study, improve herself... get rid of her because she will remain a parasite.

If you absolutely must buy her a bar, buy the cheapest one in a Thai area and see how the profits are. If she is unable to make it with her own people then forget it. If she can make a reasonable profit, then you may have a chance.

Good luck!


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Am I the only one on ThaiVisa that's going to come over with positive vibes?

Yeah man, go ahead and, like they say in the Nike advert, just do it. But make sure you keep us posted on your progress particularly the rundown of your funds. What we need here is firm data to confirm the 1st rule of beer bar economics. That is that the bar running costs expand exponentially so as to consume the funds available to it in the shortest possible time.

Next you could start a running thread "My life of bliss married to a bar girl" subtitled "Scientific proof of the existance of supermassive financial black holes". :o

Seriously matey, supposing you are for real and do not lurk under bridges, keep your money in your pocket and your d*ck in your pants. That organ between your ears has been developed by hundreds of thousands of years evolution to do the thinking not the one dangling between your legs.

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I saw this suggestion last thread like this one, so apologies to the person I am "borrowing" from.

Please give me your investment funds. I will escrow 50% of the money in whatever bank you wish under the supervision of your designated accountant or legal counsel. After 1 year, I will pay you the escrowed amount. You will receive more money than you would have made after one year of a Pattaya generic bar operation. Know why? Because you will lose your entire investment in a bar. My way gives you 1/2 your investment back, that otherwise would have been lost.

I am a compassionate and generous person, and I will do all this for you. No need to thank me.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I say let's be positive about this idea. Maybe he knows something the rest of us don't?

Go ahead and invest in a bar and then give us periodic reports on your progress and the profits that you are reaping.

Oh you skeptics^^^^^^^! A Beer Bar is a great idea! Why didn't I think of that when I first came here.

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A lot of very negative replies here.

I think that this is a great idea & should be encouraged. The free flow of capital in global markets is of paramount importance in todays economic climate & the redistribution of wealth from the richer nations to the poorer is vital for social equality in the modern world.

Besides, you are going to make some lucky lady very, very happy. :D

The important thing is to have an exit strategy & be prepared to implement it as soon as your lady friend takes possession of her prize.

Maintain your dignity at all times.

Return to TV for sympathy. :o

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Hay Khun M5, a old saying I heard back in my Pattaya days was "how to make one millions dollars in Pattaya, start with two million"

If your dream at this time is to buy a beer bar then son go for it. I'm sure some have made money doing it but more then that the experience surly is worth something. Lots of talk of doom, but, the world is not coming to an end. The sun will rise tomorrow, and the robins will sing in the spring, go for it and have a blast.

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To The OP,

Do not let the previous posters deter you from your well planned and thought out investment strategy.

I happen to have a very profitable beer bar in Pattaya that is for sale.

It sounds exactly like the business that you are looking to buy.

The exact working model for a successful beer bar is a closely guarded secret, so you will understand that i will need a fairly substantial(non refundable) deposit paid into my bank account prior to telling you anything about it.

Please contact me directly for the banking details.

Looking forward from hearing from you soon........... :o

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Edited by polecat
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I just decided to start up and agency, under my kiks name of course as foreigners are prohibited from being brokers under the Foreign Business Law (1999), anyway, I'll sell to you anything, you want 22 Beer Bars, I'll find you 40. JJJJ's Beer Bars, We're There 4 U. name and business address withheld <TV rules>

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Don’t let the rest of these guys give you bad advice. They are just jealous because they don’t have enough money to buy a beer bar of there own.

They are GREAT investments and your girlfriend will love you for getting her one. In fact you might want to get two or three of them, that way she will make more money and of course she will have to give you some of it.

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