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Caught With Cannabis In Thailand


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Well how did i guess, yet again clayton cymore the plank would be making some crap comment,You really are a joke you think someone should be killed and there life taken for abit of weed. You really do need you head testing.Sorry but you are a joke m8 you talk of something, you know nothing about and i mean Nothing. Just the rubbish you see in the papers like killer skunk all bs.

The strange thing is i know some ex pats from canada who have been over here for well over 20 years, and he said back then it was ok to smoke weed well notok but some bar would openly have some in a bowl, as thai weed was some of the best in the world back then.

And less trouble ,less fights ,

ps to the person who got cought with a joint i wish you all the best in court.

Such a poorly written post is hardly worthy of a response. Have all those years smoking dope left you with the IQ of a grapefruit, or were you born with it?

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You have to make a distinction bewteen smugling (being caught at the border) and not smuggling.

Certainly for hard drugs, the distinction I would make would be something like this: Smugglers & dealers should be executed at the first offence. Users should receive a prison term with hard labour, preceded by corporal punishment & accompanied by a period of compulsory rehabilitation; a second offence would result in the death penalty being applied.

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Well how did i guess, yet again clayton cymore the plank would be making some crap comment,You really are a joke you think someone should be killed and there life taken for abit of weed. You really do need you head testing.Sorry but you are a joke m8 you talk of something, you know nothing about and i mean Nothing. Just the rubbish you see in the papers like killer skunk all bs.

The strange thing is i know some ex pats from canada who have been over here for well over 20 years, and he said back then it was ok to smoke weed well notok but some bar would openly have some in a bowl, as thai weed was some of the best in the world back then.

And less trouble ,less fights ,

ps to the person who got cought with a joint i wish you all the best in court.

Such a poorly written post is hardly worthy of a response. Have all those years smoking dope left you with the IQ of a grapefruit, or were you born with it?

Your fascist idealisms trump this poorly written post when it comes to stupidity CS. :o

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You have to make a distinction bewteen smugling (being caught at the border) and not smuggling.

Certainly for hard drugs, the distinction I would make would be something like this: Smugglers & dealers should be executed at the first offence. Users should receive a prison term with hard labour, preceded by corporal punishment & accompanied by a period of compulsory rehabilitation; a second offence would result in the death penalty being applied.

BREAKING NEWS: Thaksin appears on Thai Visa under the member name of ClaytonSeymour. :o

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You have to make a distinction bewteen smugling (being caught at the border) and not smuggling.

Certainly for hard drugs, the distinction I would make would be something like this: Smugglers & dealers should be executed at the first offence. Users should receive a prison term with hard labour, preceded by corporal punishment & accompanied by a period of compulsory rehabilitation; a second offence would result in the death penalty being applied.

Clayton I think we touched this same impasse once before.

Didn't Rush Limbaugh say the same thing as he was hoofing down copious amounts of Oxcycontins (equally as bad as high dose of heroin) & having his maid & everyone else do illegal things for him while calling the kettle black.

Often times people hide behind the high so mighty mask are the biggest users of all. Which are you?

You come off a little strong- but thats your choice if you want to perceived as an ill educated poster. Relax if anyone needs a toke its you!

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Hi all,

Just to let you know i had my day in court & had to pay a fine of 2,500 Baht & 1 year probation.

Scary stuff!

Hi GreggyW

What would you advise others to do now you have been through this?

I bet Clayton Von Skymore will be immpressed with your fine/probation period :D:o


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Did someone say that MJ is legal in Cambodia?

Everything is legal there.

QUOTE (deon @ 2009-03-21 01:14:03) *

Well how did i guess, yet again clayton cymore the plank would be making some crap comment,You really are a joke you think someone should be killed and there life taken for abit of weed. You really do need you head testing.Sorry but you are a joke m8 you talk of something, you know nothing about and i mean Nothing. Just the rubbish you see in the papers like killer skunk all bs.

The strange thing is i know some ex pats from canada who have been over here for well over 20 years, and he said back then it was ok to smoke weed well notok but some bar would openly have some in a bowl, as thai weed was some of the best in the world back then.

And less trouble ,less fights ,

Good post, Thai weed surely was the best in the world a few years back. There used to be many making the Nepal, Thailand, India trip for one purpose.
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You have to make a distinction bewteen smugling (being caught at the border) and not smuggling.

Certainly for hard drugs, the distinction I would make would be something like this: Smugglers & dealers should be executed at the first offence. Users should receive a prison term with hard labour, preceded by corporal punishment & accompanied by a period of compulsory rehabilitation; a second offence would result in the death penalty being applied.

post-57977-1237690579.gif :o

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Clayton just face it you are a grade A p...., who does not have a clue of what you are talking about .So hows about go stick you head back in a hole or up your ass where it belongs.

Are you from the uk clayton or the usa,do you know how many people have died from cannabis clayton nope i bet you dont well let me tell you not one .It dont care how smart you think you are mister English teacher ,but you have not got a clue what you are talking about, when it comes to cannabis or any other drug for that matter so it best yu just keep yur mouth shut as all that seems to come out of it is <deleted>.

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