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Caught With Cannabis In Thailand


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Greetings all.

2 nights ago I was caught rolling a cannabis joint outside my bungalow by two police officers. i was promptly handcuffed & brought to the local station. i had no other cannabis, just enough for a joint. there was a girl sitting at the table near me who had her own bag with enough for 2/3 joints. I asked them was there any on the spot fine I could pay but they said no. At the station was a solicitor who guaranteed that for 60,000 Baht she could get me off in court next week with just having to pay a 5,000 Baht fine.

Is this likely? I have paid her the 60,000 Baht and am just waiting for her to tell me what day i have to be in court next week


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Greetings all.

2 nights ago I was caught rolling a cannabis joint outside my bungalow by two police officers. i was promptly handcuffed & brought to the local station. i had no other cannabis, just enough for a joint. there was a girl sitting at the table near me who had her own bag with enough for 2/3 joints. I asked them was there any on the spot fine I could pay but they said no. At the station was a solicitor who guaranteed that for 60,000 Baht she could get me off in court next week with just having to pay a 5,000 Baht fine.

Is this likely? I have paid her the 60,000 Baht and am just waiting for her to tell me what day i have to be in court next week


My first reaction would be any solicitor who says they can get you off in front of a judge is lying, saying that she may or may not have connections which could "smooth" things over, but wouldnt be holding my breath..

Depending on who the judge is, you may get away with a fine possible deportation, but if the judge is in a bad mood, you could end up in jail...

The fact you have used the word solicitor, I am assuming you are from the UK and you have to understand this is not the UK and its not an automatic slap on the wrist, you could get jail...

Know of one guy who was caught with 3 jabaa in the his pocket and he got 2 years jail, so think it all boils down to the judge, you may get off light, you might get jail..

Best of luck with what ever happens

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Greetings all.

2 nights ago I was caught rolling a cannabis joint outside my bungalow by two police officers. i was promptly handcuffed & brought to the local station. i had no other cannabis, just enough for a joint. there was a girl sitting at the table near me who had her own bag with enough for 2/3 joints. I asked them was there any on the spot fine I could pay but they said no. At the station was a solicitor who guaranteed that for 60,000 Baht she could get me off in court next week with just having to pay a 5,000 Baht fine.

Is this likely? I have paid her the 60,000 Baht and am just waiting for her to tell me what day i have to be in court next week


My first reaction would be any solicitor who says they can get you off in front of a judge is lying, saying that she may or may not have connections which could "smooth" things over, but wouldnt be holding my breath..

Depending on who the judge is, you may get away with a fine possible deportation, but if the judge is in a bad mood, you could end up in jail...

The fact you have used the word solicitor, I am assuming you are from the UK and you have to understand this is not the UK and its not an automatic slap on the wrist, you could get jail...

Know of one guy who was caught with 3 jabaa in the his pocket and he got 2 years jail, so think it all boils down to the judge, you may get off light, you might get jail..

Best of luck with what ever happens

I think this is right, it is gonna depend on the judge. But if it was me I would pay the solicitor the 60,000 and hope for the best also. With something like this I would not take a chance just pay the solicitor and hope that they do have connections (it would not surprise me that they do). If they do, then good, you got off with a small fine. If they don't, well, you gonna have other things to worry about I doubt you will care that you lost 60,000 Baht..

Take a chance and pay, hope for the best. I doubt it is guaranteed but really it would not surprise me if they were connected and you got off....

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I know a guy on a Non B visa who was caught with a small amount of weed by the police. He had to spend the night in a cell at the police station, the next day he was sent in front of the judge, and he had to leave a 50'000 baht deposit and his passport and get a pee test every week for a couple of month.

If you are on a tourist visa I'm not sure how it goes, it probably also depends on the judge and in what part of Thailand it happened.

Anyway, good luck with it and let us know what happens.

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did they take your passport. if not the best thing might be to make a hasty exit.

If you paid her and you're going to pay $5000 from what I've heard sound about right, but in thailand one never knows. It would have been better to pay the police before you got the police station. Hind sight.

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That is really unfortunate!!! Where were you smoking?? How long were you in Thailand for?? That sucks man, I think because alot police are trying to look legitimate to foreigner. So they make deal and take BIBs with Th but they are nervous about farang maybe not as willing to accept a BIB from a foreign person. Like the others said your option are jail or huge fine. and when the debt is paid you are deported and I believe completely ban from ever returning. Thats a real shame. So if you still got your passport, take off before the court date, I doubt they'll extradite you back to TH. You can smoke in public you just have to be able to scope the area. Sometimes police are in regular clothes if your not born in TH you might not be able to recognize them. Inconspicuous unlike typical American police(fat, obnoxious, power trippers). Lemme know how it goes..

by the way take a look at this!: http://www.thaiprisonlife.com/index.php?op...&Itemid=115

Edited by LyceeIceCream
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I'm all for a persons right to smoke what they want, but please be sensible people. Smoking illegal substances in countries where they are harsh penalties is just so stupid. And it's not like it was done to make a political point. It's just plain ignorance and stupidity causing it.

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Lots of strange speculation on this thread.

Firstly this predicament serves you right - you are in a country with some of the most draconian drug laws in the world, but still you flout them. Sorry but no sympathy from me.

I see a couple of posters comparing this to yabaa busts which is like comparing apples and oranges. Yabaa is a class 1 narcotic in this country, cannabis is class 5.

Hundreds of cases with tourists being caught with a bit of weed and only a small fine, not even deported, just google it.

As for the meatheads suggesting doing a runner, do you not think he would get stopped at the airport/ border crossing? :o I would imagine the passport is in police custody right now anyway.

60k seems a bit steep - I would try and negotiate with the solicitor, and I would expect no more than a small fine with possible deportation/ blacklisting.

BUT, and it's a big but, catch the wrong judge on the wrong day and your ass is grass (pardon the pun). Nothing is certain in this country. Agree with previous posters you should have negotiated with the police so that this never came to court, but that is easy for us who have been here a while to say, if you are a tourist then you would not know the system here.

Hope it works out for you, would be a shame to see another statistic for what we in the west would class as a minor offence, but you have to realise that it is not minor here. The fact that you have not been detained has to be positive.

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I too don't have much sympathy for dopers traveling through SE Asia...every guidebook warns about the harsh penalties for possession or trafficking and the corrupt criminal justice systems (from police to courts) that enforce these laws. I don't have anything against people smoking weed where it is semi-legal or just tolerated (Amsterdam, UK, Hawaii, California, Cambo) but it's just dumb to be anywhere near it in a place like Thailand.

Your situation sure looks like a set-up...with the lawyer (if they really are one) just happening to be at the police station when you were brought it...how convenient! Probably the station chief who donned his civvies in order to collect your money towards his next Beemer. Live and learn...hope you do get off with a wrist slap and will consider other more "green" locales for your next holiday.

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When you get to prison, say hi to the loudmouth Brit lout that Phuket Immigration banged up.

Do you really read the news?

That man was freed on bail for his hideous crimes, not hanged yet, although he might be if his whereabouts are discovered by board members :o

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There's a lot of urban myth floating around about penalties for drug possesion in Thailand. The fine she mentioned is correct, whether you have an attorney or not.

Getting caught smoking marijuana is punishable by one year in jail and/or a fine of up to 20000 baht.

More than likley a fine, but it is not guaranteed.

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A Dutch guy got caught just after buying some weed (300 baht worth yes it was a set up) the two police men gave him a choice jail or atm ,he went to the atm 50,000 baht later he was on his way .

Its well known that Thailand is not the country to get caught with any illegal drugs,So why do it,

total madness.


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One of the jobs of the attorney is to know how much it is going to cost to buy your way out of a situation. A certain amount will go to the decision maker, maybe some to the officers to have a pretty relaxed attitude or a sudden memory failure. The fine is what goes into the State Coffers.

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I think potheads smoking pot in Thailand must make them more stupid they they already are but to do it here in public defys belief theres a Bar here in Chiang Mai that shall remain nameless but they openly allow there patrons to smoke pot right in the Bar I personally have been in there and almost said something to the guy smoking as I prefer not inhale second hand weed while I am having a Beer I chose not to but decided to leave instead.

Hopefully they will get busted

hel_l if ya really have to smoke the herb then do it it the privacy of your own home where the chances of getting caught are slim but to do it in a public place you desrve what you get knowing the laws here.

I sound like i am anti but I beleive anything that grows on a tree bush or in the ground its insane to make it illegal anywhere however if its a manufactured drug thats a different case.

My father inlaw chews Kratom leaves which grow in the south of thailand on a tree and the penalty for having that is death here in thailand however its legal in the states GO FIGURE

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Hi All

Thanks for the replies, some of which have made me feel better some of which have not...

I've already paid the 60,000 Baht & handed over my passport. I've e-mailed the solicitor/lawyer asking for more information but have yet to hear back. The solicitor said she couldn't get me out of the prison unless I paid her the 60,000, which I know sounds dodgy, but bare in mind that I was arrested at 5.30 in the morning & it was the night of the Full Moon Party, so by 12:00 I just wanted to get out of there.

And everybody who says I am stupid & an idiot for smoking dope in Thailand, especially on a night with a major police presence, I absolutely agree 100 per cent. I feel like an absolute fool. I am one.

The solicitor seemed fairly confident that by paying her the money & handing my passport to the police that she would have no problem getting me off with a fine for 5,000 Baht. The court is on Koh Samui one day next week (I hope, she will let me know asap when it is).

Another problem I have now is that my flight from BKK to Australia is not until the 8th of April and my 30 day visa expires on the 25th of March. I've already asked the solicitor though if I can leave the country (to Cambodia) and come back in at a later date.

If I do get deported, will it be to my own country, Ireland, or to the country I arrived here from, the UK?

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Hi All

Thanks for the replies, some of which have made me feel better some of which have not...

I've already paid the 60,000 Baht & handed over my passport. I've e-mailed the solicitor/lawyer asking for more information but have yet to hear back. The solicitor said she couldn't get me out of the prison unless I paid her the 60,000, which I know sounds dodgy, but bare in mind that I was arrested at 5.30 in the morning & it was the night of the Full Moon Party, so by 12:00 I just wanted to get out of there.

And everybody who says I am stupid & an idiot for smoking dope in Thailand, especially on a night with a major police presence, I absolutely agree 100 per cent. I feel like an absolute fool. I am one.

The solicitor seemed fairly confident that by paying her the money & handing my passport to the police that she would have no problem getting me off with a fine for 5,000 Baht. The court is on Koh Samui one day next week (I hope, she will let me know asap when it is).

Another problem I have now is that my flight from BKK to Australia is not until the 8th of April and my 30 day visa expires on the 25th of March. I've already asked the solicitor though if I can leave the country (to Cambodia) and come back in at a later date.

If I do get deported, will it be to my own country, Ireland, or to the country I arrived here from, the UK?

Well, if we don't hear from you for awhile we will know what happened to you. Good luck to you, hope you get home soon. Nobody should be jailed for smoking a small amount of pot 90% of the world turns a blind eye

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weed is a big money maker for the visiting police on koh phangan. in this day and age where even the US is easing up on the anti-marijuana legislation it is ridiculous that thailand still sticks to these antiquated laws which affect mostly tourists, and it's hypocritical too as so many thais smoke (a huge percent on koh phangan) openly. but, it's the risk you take travelling here (to me it's not worth it to smoke). good luck with your case OP, hope you get off with a smaller fine. i am surprised they wouldn't take your payoff on the spot but they must figure they can get more out of dragging you to court. and for others who read this- do not carry or smoke weed outside of your room on the islands, especially around the moon parties, where the police lie in wait just for cash cows like you.

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Could your real name be easily deduced from your user handle? I'd be a bit wary of throwing out such specific details about this case on a public forum when you haven't got as far as court yet. Overcautious perhaps, but I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the apparent lifeline.

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Have you got some decent clothes, for when you go to court? Long pants, shoes, collared shirt?

If not, find some, it could make all the difference to the Courts ruling, 60,000 Baht or not.

Edited by gusG
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If I do get deported, will it be to my own country, Ireland, or to the country I arrived here from, the UK?

My impression is that westerners who are deported must pay for their own air ticket to the country of their passport. Those that can't manage that are held in prison until they can. Some embassies may make a loan to their citizens. Also, airlines do not like deported passengers and may balk at carrying them. Getting involved with the Thai "justice" system is hazardous to your health and finances. Of course, none of these bad things may happen to you with a minor pot charge. If you are not deported and they hand you back your passport with a small overstay, best to ask here on how to proceed. Most people just go the airport and pay the overstay fine but could be tricky if you are not already in Bangkok. Good luck to you.

Edited by Jingthing
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My father inlaw chews Kratom leaves which grow in the south of thailand on a tree and the penalty for having that is death here in thailand however its legal in the states GO FIGURE

Mmm that'll be the same leaf that the locals in my town sit and chew across the road from the police station here.

About the OP, i reckon your solicitor is spot on. 5,000 baht for that amount seems to be right. The main question is about deportation. Someone i know had a similar problem and when it came to court they asked him where his passport was, still at the police station he replied. So after the fine was paid he was let out on the street again, already blacklisted. It took him another couple of years after that to get home i think. So find out where your passport is going to be on the day of court because they may be looking to transfer you to immigration jail in bkk. Remember you may have a ticket home but it will be up to the authorities to decide when you go. Also remember if they do let you walk on court day they may still have blacklisted you which could cause you problems when you try to leave on your own. Try and find out these things on court day. And yes you'll be deported to your home country.

Good luck.

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