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this one is molly. a mini schnauser. rescued from old person who was admitted to a old folks home and he left her in his garage for 10 days by her self. The little one is a silky terrier named norman. 9 lbs of attitude.



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I have an African Grey Parrot called Macca who I adopted from a friend of my wife who got it from Chatuchak in Bangkok and couldn't look after it - to be honest I think she just got bored of it like many young pet owners do.

I used to make parrot training videos back home that show parrot owners how to get their parrot's to stop biting, learn to talk on cue, become more friendly, and quit their annoying screaming.

I also have a cat who visits on a regular basis who may as well be a pet, we have yet to name her.



Two Jack Russel terriers (both 12 years of age) and a minpin (1,5 year). The two Jack Russels we brought with us from our homecountry, the minpin is from Samui! Would love to have more dogs, but my husband doesn't allow it! :o Oh, almost forgot about our many, many guppies. They breed like rabbits: new fish every day! :D

Fish are just convenient for me, easy to keep and can leave them a week to go on holiday with no worries about feeding.  Next year I will be starting an aquarium based on just fish and plants from Thailand I think.



BKM , nice work.

Can you give us some idea of costs to set up the same in LOS?

Size of tank etc.

You're in the right country for Troppos, millions are exported every year from Th.


Tank size is 48" X 20" X 20".

I bought the tank, stand, filter and lighting (everything you need really) for I think about 4000 baht brand new from a shop outside Macro in Pink Klao. It was a few years ago though so not definate on the price.

I used to work in the aquarium trade in the UK and the tank alone would have set you back a good 4000 baht by itself. Add the rest of the equipment, and your looking at an easy 20000 baht.

Figures might be a bit inaccurate now though, its a while since I was working in that trade.

The pump finally burned out on me a couple of months ago, about 500 baht for a new one. Other than that its a nice set up, the filters very good, and easy to maintain.

They have some real bargains down JJ market, but advisable to go in the week, the majority of the fish shops are open and less hectic up there.

For that tank though I took off the lid and flourescent light tube and put a spotlight above the tank, its gives a more natural effect. No need for special lighting on the tank really, there are no plants in it. The fish were always happy and were breeding quite often.

and since your've started me......

The fish are African cichlids, cost about 20 baht each when small and not much more when bigger. Very easy to keep and breed, very colourful (many say the closet thing you'll get to marine fish in freshwater) and very hardy. Also extremley lively when you approach the tank or walk past it which gives a nice effect when people first see the tank. :D

Apart from food once a day (though you can leave them a week without food with no worries if you go away a lot) the maintenance on the tank was minimal. I changed part of the water (about 20%) every 2 weeks, takes half and hour and thats it.

Those pics are a little old actually, from my last appartment. The tank is empty now, I took out the fish when I moved recently though next year I'm going to go a bit more specialist coz I have more time and build up a planted aquarium in either a South American style of Thai style (as if you just took a slice of the river and out it in your home).

When I do it I will take pics as it progresses along and post them on here. Excited aren't you! :D

Actually Udon, its not that great for fish here. There just isn't the variety out here of fish that I could get in London. There are a few more specialist shops dotted round BKK but there are many species that I just can't get hold of. In fact theres a ton of S. American fish that you just can't get find here at all, though in the UK they would be pretty standard tropical fish.

JJ is going a bit more upmarket with its aquarium shops and fish though, and I have found some fish out here that would make a fishkeeping geek in the UK wet his pants so I go with the 'my glass is half full' theory and be thankful that I have the time to indulge my hobby.

It has to be said though, prices very good for fish here on what you can get, but then again I did used to get all my fish for free back when I worked in the trade. :o

I'm hoping to start breeding plakat/fighting fish/bettas next year on my balcony. I've learned a lot more about it after speaking with the Thais about them, so many useful tips. Funny thing is, my gf thinks shes gonna be putting a table and chairs out there. Silly really, coz I always told her my fish come first. :D

apologies for the waffle, I am a true fish geek!

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to paste in photos of my cat & can't...how does on get photos to insert? Tried copy and then control V, works with text bt not pics..???

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Heinz dog, free from a friend in the village where I used to live. Apart from having her speyed she's never been to the vet. Won't eat proper dog food, prefers what we eat, along with banana and apples....oh and she likes scavenging in peoples bins as well, much to my annoyance!


This a my bully on one of the few ocasions hes actually awake.

Bulldogs are great fun and make excellent guard dogs if the robbers are wearing tap shoes and banging a drum!Hes 2 years old now...........I hope he wakes up again before his 3rd birthday.




This a my bully on one of the few ocasions hes actually awake.

Bulldogs are great fun and make excellent guard dogs if the robbers are wearing tap shoes and banging a drum!Hes 2 years old now...........I hope he wakes up again before his 3rd birthday.


A fellow Bully owner.

My boy Buster is also 2 years old , I'll have to dig out some pics


Well I have a lovely wee Balinese that I got out of the cat protection league - not in Thailand but hey his breed is from the Siamese so I figure he can be included!!! :o



His name is Bertie - as I said he was fromt he cat protection league so thought we better leave it as is!



Here she is.....Scully The Cat, Feline Plenipotentiary and Queen of the Universe


I found Scully as a kitten, abandoned at a meditation center....which is also likely where she was conceived as the local dogs and cats seem to have selected the area directly below the meditation cells as the official village breeding ground.

Whatever the reason, Scully loves to meditate with me:


I've had cats all my life, but she is by far the smartest I have ever encountered. Understands a wide range of words in English, Thai and Khmer. Regularly outsmarts me at " hide and seek" and "tag".

One of her cutest things is the use of ladders. I have a small garden shed on my property and up in the rafters there is a large gecko. Scully has never been able to catch him and knows she can't, but from time to time when there's not much else to do, she decides to go on up there and stalk him for a bit. To do this, she gives her " Bring me a ladder!" cry, which is unmistakable. I bring it, put it in position, and she scrambles on up. The ladder doesn't quite reach the rafters so she has to jump up, which she does, but when she decides to come down she summons me again and has me lift up the ladder in my hands until it's level with where she is and then hold it in place until she has tiptoed on down it. Upon which she gives her "thanks" mewl. (As you can see, she has me very well trained).

She is an unfailing judge of character. Her intial response to strangers ranges from rubbing right up against them to fleeing and hideing, with a range iof behaviors in between...and invariably she proves to have been right. Whenever I'm in doubt about someone I look to her response.


A cross between a Bulldog and a Shitzu is Bullshit!

This is my dog (MIMO) he is 18month old.

Does anyone have a female Pug (for mating)???



Sheryl - CATS RULE!! It is so true that they can judge caracters and are always right. I had a friend who came over to my place and the cats hid from him. It turned out that he was scared of cats (don't know why). So now whenever i invite new people to my house i always ask if they like cats. If they don't, they don't come over.

Because, as the old saying goes, you live in the cat's house and not vice versa.


We got 36 dogs, but only 1 is mine from back home.

Turning 6 year old in February, a German Pinscher. Red, instead of the normal black'n'tan. (Imagine a small Dobermann. Not very off the mark since they did use the Pinscher when 'developing' the breed Dobermann.)

A really tough guy that even though he never starts a fight he never backs down from one, even takes on the biggest dog around (one of the biggest ridgebacks I have seen).

As every German Pinsher he is an great guarddog, but being as the breed he is that also means that he alerts me of _everything_. A real one-mans-dog, that only 'trusts' a handfull others, but only love one person. Hence if I'm gone he barks, bouws and sings...to most other peoples dismay... =)

:o 1 common egg eater snake,

and planning on getting a ball python if i can find one :D

Did you buy the egg eater in Thailand? I've always wanted to get one but not so common to find in the UK.

Sheryl - CATS RULE!! It is so true that they can judge caracters and are always right. I had a friend who came over to my place and the cats hid from him. It turned out that he was scared of cats (don't know why). So now whenever i invite new people to my house i always ask if they like cats. If they don't, they don't come over.

Because, as the old saying goes, you live in the cat's house and not vice versa.

Amen to that. My cat owns ME, and I'm thankful for the honor.

A house is not a home without a cat in it. They embody the spirit of the home in a way no other creature can.

The ancient egyptians had it right....


I had an amzingly cute chuwawa, for about 3 months then it's legs started to grow quite long and it's snout became a bit stretched.

Morale of the story, don't by a dog from Chatuchak.

Oh didn't mention, it was nearly blind also even though the doctor gave it a complete bill of health, still we found a good home so atleast she'll be happy.

(PS. I didn't get rid, it was a present for gf and next time I visited it had changed owner, now I'm 2 dogs down!) :>


We have one cat, one miniature pinscher and one, well..., poodle mostly I guess... :o


And pla hang-nok-yoong in a lotus flower bowl on the balcony.

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