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Double Standards Or Has The Law Changed?

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This morning at 9.50am the thai fellow in front of me was able to buy 2 big cartons of leo beer

at the tesco in Rawai.

I've seen many (especially farangs) ordered to put all alcohol back in the shelve

because it was outside the operating hours allowed to buy alcohol.

So, has the law changed or was it because he was thai or was he just lucky and made

the cashier an honest mistake ?

This morning at 9.50am the thai fellow in front of me was able to buy 2 big cartons of leo beer

at the tesco in Rawai.

I've seen many (especially farangs) ordered to put all alcohol back in the shelve

because it was outside the operating hours allowed to buy alcohol.

So, has the law changed or was it because he was thai or was he just lucky and made

the cashier an honest mistake ?

Hi phuket 52,if you read the small print on the times of sale for Alcohol in Tescos,if you buy over 10 liters,there is no problem,you can buy it at any time. If you buy less than this you have too abide by the timings.


Foodland in Pattaya has taken down all its alcohol selling times, and I bought a bottle of red wine at 3pm with no problem. So I think there has been some kind of shift in the law.


No double standards. Some places follow the laws others don't. Cashiers are stupid others are not. Rim Ping used to sell beer and wine anytime of the day while Tesco held directly to the time lines. I think Rim Ping had some fall out because of it because now all stores abide by the time lines.

Small stores the ma's and pa's seem to sell whenever they are open no questions asked. Main stream areas because there are more police around not so much. There is small store that I buy from some times that is owned by a police officer and he sells beer when ever I want to buy it. This is Thailand... no conspiracy just hit or miss.

Silly law I know, but if you purchase more than ten litres, the law doesn't apply.

Sill i know, but do you think it will apply over the Songkran period? If so people will get 10 times as drunk!

Cheers, Rick


I used to have no problem buying booze in Makro anytime. But last week I tried to buy a 5L box of wine. Cashier turned me away, said had to be at least 10L of wine 'out of hours'..... :o


Wow I never knew that about the 10 L. I wonder if that may be because some of the bigger chains have complained that they are losing a lot of $$ when you can go to any Mom and Pop shop and buy anytime, so to avoid losing the big sale they convinced the powers that be to make this compromise.

I was denied purchasing 2 bottles of beer at Tesco Rawai when the clock turned over to the hours when you cannot buy while I was standing in line, what is it, 3pm?

Another day a few weeks back my friends and I went to a 7-11 and were told "can not," but then went to another 7 down the road and it was no problem.



In Makro, the sign posted with the selling hours mentions the 10L exemption. Their sign states that selling hours are 11am-2pm, and 5pm-11pm for less than 10L.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the rationale for the odd selling hours imposed by the government was that it would be more difficult for schoolkids to buy beer and booze during school hours - and it's highly unlikely that some schoolkid is going to buy 10L at one time, hence the exemption for businesses and other high-volume sales. If the reason for the restricted hours is in fact to make it more difficult for schoolkids to buy, then I would expect that the restriction wouldn't be in effect on weekends. Anyone know if the rule is in effect on Saturday and Sunday too?


hmm ive bought beer or wine at any hours at teco.

Maybe people forbid you because you look like one of those dirty fat obnoxious expats?

If i worked at a grocery store in my country and we'd have hours id definately enforce it only on rednecks.

if you buy over 10 liters,there is no problem,you can buy it at any time. If you buy less than this you have too abide by the timings.
Thanks god, there is somebody who can read :o

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