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Yes a lot of foul mouth farangs in the land of smiles, for part I try to give them a wide Berth. I for one am a strong believer in MYOB, however, in the first case with the motorbike Drunk I think you were right on, the fool could have no doubt kill someone. The Parking lot case it MIGHT have been best just to give the Parking Attendant a BIG :o:D for doing her job, me I would have given her a TIP, I often smile and chat for a second or so if Traffic permit. This job can be easy, boring and dangerous all at the same time.

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Back a couple of hundred years ago Britain shipped all of it's criminals and undesirables to Australia.

That reminds me of the time when a friend applied to immigrate to Australia. One of the question was 'do you have any criminal record'. My mate responded 'it that mandatory to live in Oz'. The official was not amused !!


The OP would be laughable if what you describe was a rare occurence, unfortunately that is not the case and my recent experiences in Phuket have convinced me that the cons of going there for a holiday now outweigh the pros. WRT the nationality of the offensive characters, I would like to go on record as an Australian, with the opinion that the Aussie Bogans that seem to infest Patong are the very worst example of the largesse of the Australian Government! Most of them are unemployed and have probably recently received the "baby bonus" to fund their overseas holiday.

I had three years at the Autralian Embassy in Bangkok and part of my job was to be present in the towns/cities being visited by Australian warships, Primarily Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok and Songkhla, in all 29 ships visited Thailand during my tenure and as you probably know, Aussie matelots have a reputation of being loud drunks. I can tell you that the behaviour of the current crop of Aussie bogans that I witnessed in Patong is far worse than any I experienced with sailors from the RAN.


As usual when the Brits come in for a bit of flack for their loutish behaviour, the first defensive move by most is to throw it back at the Americans and especially Australians.

While in no way sugar coating the way Australian bogans behave, they can be as obnoxious as any nationality, lets face it, Brits invented the drunken violence when overseas behaviour with their soccer tours decades ago.

An interesting TV series entitled "Boozed Up Brits Abroad" gives an insight into the mindset of these people. Many clips can be seen on Utube.

The OP would be laughable if what you describe was a rare occurence, unfortunately that is not the case and my recent experiences in Phuket have convinced me that the cons of going there for a holiday now outweigh the pros. WRT the nationality of the offensive characters, I would like to go on record as an Australian, with the opinion that the Aussie Bogans that seem to infest Patong are the very worst example of the largesse of the Australian Government! Most of them are unemployed and have probably recently received the "baby bonus" to fund their overseas holiday.

I had three years at the Autralian Embassy in Bangkok and part of my job was to be present in the towns/cities being visited by Australian warships, Primarily Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok and Songkhla, in all 29 ships visited Thailand during my tenure and as you probably know, Aussie matelots have a reputation of being loud drunks. I can tell you that the behaviour of the current crop of Aussie bogans that I witnessed in Patong is far worse than any I experienced with sailors from the RAN.

So your job was to follow sailors around when they were on leave in some of the whore capitals of the world, and you were surprised/disgusted that they were loud drunks! :D

I guess sailors from other countries sip tea, attend poetry readings and visit museums when they go ashore in Pattaya. :o

To the OP - if you will insist on frequenting such establishments where the females are bought and drink flows like rivers you are going to observe more of this behaviour from many nationalities.

If, however you choose to drink in some of the lovely bars/hotels/restaurants and clubs on Phuket where this activity either doesn't happen or happens with polite discretion... you won't see many 'louts'. :o

Reading and comprehension is clearly not one of your major skills, is it! For the avoidance of doubt, non of the things I described in the Original Post took place in bars but in public places.

As usual when the Brits come in for a bit of flack for their loutish behaviour, the first defensive move by most is to throw it back at the Americans and especially Australians.

While in no way sugar coating the way Australian bogans behave, they can be as obnoxious as any nationality, lets face it, Brits invented the drunken violence when overseas behaviour with their soccer tours decades ago.

An interesting TV series entitled "Boozed Up Brits Abroad" gives an insight into the mindset of these people. Many clips can be seen on Utube.

I really wish I could contradict you, but you're absolutely on the money. I find it humiliating to see my countrymen behaving like that. In the UK I avoid creatures like that like the plague, but abroad we're all tarred with the same brush, for obvious reasons.

Funnily enough, I don't mind such behaviour anywhere near as much if it comes from non-Brits - I don't like it and I dissociate myself from it, but I don't feel quite the same embarrassment as I do when it's a Brit. Do others feel the same?

Back a couple of hundred years ago Britain shipped all of it's criminals and undesirables to Australia.

That reminds me of the time when a friend applied to immigrate to Australia. One of the question was 'do you have any criminal record'. My mate responded 'it that mandatory to live in Oz'. The official was not amused !!


Blaming 60 million Brits for the actions of a few is on a par with blaming 60 million Thais for the actions of a few.

Oh! :D



trouble is they are n't just a few,they're everywhere................best thing to happen is if everyone goes broke in the UK,then they cant go anywhere.

So your job was to follow sailors around when they were on leave in some of the whore capitals of the world, and you were surprised/disgusted that they were loud drunks! :D

I guess sailors from other countries sip tea, attend poetry readings and visit museums when they go ashore in Pattaya. :o

I spent an evening walking around the Amsterdam red light district last year and it was full of Italian sailors. They were perfectly well behaved. I suspect they may have had spend the night on the ship as they were so well behaved.

So your job was to follow sailors around when they were on leave in some of the whore capitals of the world, and you were surprised/disgusted that they were loud drunks! :D

I guess sailors from other countries sip tea, attend poetry readings and visit museums when they go ashore in Pattaya. :o

I spent an evening walking around the Amsterdam red light district last year and it was full of Italian sailors. They were perfectly well behaved. I suspect they may have had spend the night on the ship as they were so well behaved.

I spent an evening in Bremerhaven when a British submarine was on a visit. Every bar in the town shut for the night :D


I am from the US and my exposures to Brits have been very few until I came to Thai. In the US I had a good friend from the UK I frequented the pubs with but he disowned the UK because he couldn't tolerate their behavior. Since I have been here I would say all of my encounters with the Brits (which have been many) have been extremely negative. Obnoxious, arrogant, self serving, superiority complex just to name a few descriptive words. To say that these Brits only represent a small percentage I have a really hard time buying into.

I am from the US and my exposures to Brits have been very few until I came to Thai. In the US I had a good friend from the UK I frequented the pubs with but he disowned the UK because he couldn't tolerate their behavior. Since I have been here I would say all of my encounters with the Brits (which have been many) have been extremely negative. Obnoxious, arrogant, self serving, superiority complex just to name a few descriptive words. To say that these Brits only represent a small percentage I have a really hard time buying into.

You had a friend who disowned the whole of the UK...a whole 60 million people because he couldnt tolerate the behaviour a few thousand that like to behave like idiots. Jeez

I would never disown any country based on the behaviour of some of its worse members.

Can we not deduce that most young people on short holidays with their mates from any country tend to act stupid and like to get drunk. Then also deduce that if the vast majority of young people that travel are British then this results in them getting the reputation of being the worst abroad?

I think its very unfortunate that most the British people you have met have been Obnoxious, arrogant, self serving and have superiority complex'. I would like to think most british people arent like that, especially here in the UK, maybe its just the brits that tend to settle in Thailand? Anyhow, who knows, maybe in a few months when i settle in phuket we will have a beer together and you will change your mind, then again maybe you will think i am Obnoxious, arrogant, self serving and have superiority complex? lol


I know Britain well having lived here most of the time since 1976.. There are loads of borish obnoxious people, but generally they are the minority. Unfortunately, they have taken to budget travel and have given the country a bad name wherever they frequent.

Where I live in London, Anglo-Saxons are the minority and I find the immigrants/tourists aren't much better than Brits abroad. Slightly, but not much.


I would hazard a guess that the tourists/travellers that come to thailand and behave in an obnoxious manner behave in the same way back home...........and unfortunately from my time in Pattaya, i saw mostly brits behaving in an obnoxious manner,its the same when i go back to the UK,just full of loud mouthed yobs,that does n't say alot for the way they have been brought up.

I know Britain well having lived here most of the time since 1976.. There are loads of borish obnoxious people, but generally they are the minority. Unfortunately, they have taken to budget travel and have given the country a bad name wherever they frequent.

Where I live in London, Anglo-Saxons are the minority and I find the immigrants/tourists aren't much better than Brits abroad. Slightly, but not much.

I completely agree...

My boyfriend is a perfect gentleman, that is why I love him so much. He I think is typical of Englishman not somones you describe. Maybe his lifestyle of service man for 9 years in army and knowing this teach him wrong from right and you sometimes have to do things that make you a better man and know what true meaning for life is. I live in England also and not see so many of this people. English gentleman is still very polite and caring, not just the many man that you see at the bars.

All I can say Pothai is that you are very lucky. Not because you have a good boyfriend because obviously there are a lot of good English people out there, but because you said that you live in England and don't see many scum bags. Where I'm from they're everywhere you look.

Both counties have some "scum" Not sure if the wrong sided drunk driver was American or English but know each year

1000s die from driving on the wrong side of the road and I am sure many have never been out of their stated countries.

I grew up in Santa Monica where we had 25000, you read it right, twenty five thousand transplanted British.

1/4 my friends at Santa Monica high school were British. The British added a needed vibe to the town, along with

English pubs and of course the best fish and chips in the USA. You could tell the English homes

by the way they took care of their yard, flowers and lawns cut to perfection. Alone with Japanese buying buying

a home here in CM if I had either living next door I'd feel grateful.

Now back then my neighbors bulldogs sure were ugly, not sure

what they saw in them, but they sure did lovem. <<<< an American word

If you randomly asked 25000 English people in the street, half of them wouldn't be able to find America on a map let alone Santa Monica. I don't think they were a true cross section of British society.

Yes, I'm sure it has something to do with the majority of tourists being Brits, and I'm sure I notice it more because they are my fellow countrymen, but I still believe Brits are responsible for the worst behavior.

What rubbish. 50% wouldn't be able to find the US on a map? It is part of the British mentality to take the piss out of the condescending or patronising.

My boyfriend is a perfect gentleman, that is why I love him so much. He I think is typical of Englishman not somones you describe. Maybe his lifestyle of service man for 9 years in army and knowing this teach him wrong from right and you sometimes have to do things that make you a better man and know what true meaning for life is. I live in England also and not see so many of this people. English gentleman is still very polite and caring, not just the many man that you see at the bars.

Well said. The English are the finest, fairest, politest, least judgmental people on the planet, absolutely no question. We are, however, subjected to a lot of jealousy, racism and hostility, not least from our european neighbours. This often manifests itself into an aggressive 'us and them' attitude, with other nations fearing and avoiding us. The English see this, and play up to their reputations. If other nationalities made the effort to get to know us - maybe even visit us occasionally - they'd understand us better and not fall back on paranoid, lazy stereotypes.

The credit crunch will make a real impact here - our regular, and extremely generous, visits to europe will be curtailed. Europe will finally have its wish and will be rid of us. Let's see how they like not having our money too, eh?


From my frequent visits to the romantic area of Bangla, I can confirm that the lager louts are mostly Brits or Aussies, in their early 20s, shirt off, beer bottle in hand, usually in a group of maybe 6-8 pax. Certainly getting more of them than last year and can't see the area improving it's brain-cell/pax count.

Apart from that, more drunk Russians than last year... can be a problem cos they speak little English and my Russian language skills are ... er ... zero :o

Otherwise, a very friendly and romantic area, ideal for a discrete first date or an evening out with your children. All are bound to be attracted by the polite sales-persons (from the old and historic 'Khun Toutagogo' Thai family) offering cut-price drinks and the chance to watch (or even partake) in a game of pingpong.

In case the air is a little chilly, there are many helpful gentleman who can quickly manufacture a smart jacket and trousers in an attractive grasshopper green colour.

Talking about the air, you are sure to smell the sweet aroma of the nearby seashore and picturesque small streams that flow into it from the nearby hotels.

Patong - I love it :D


I am from the US and my exposures to Brits have been very few until I came to Thai. In the US I had a good friend from the UK I frequented the pubs with but he disowned the UK because he couldn't tolerate their behavior. Since I have been here I would say all of my encounters with the Brits (which have been many) have been extremely negative. Obnoxious, arrogant, self serving, superiority complex just to name a few descriptive words. To say that these Brits only represent a small percentage I have a really hard time buying into.

Bloody colonials! If it where not the French you would still be singing GOD SAVE THE QUEEN instead of destroying the planet.

The English are the model of civility on this crappy little world. ( arrogant enough 4 u) we are gentlemen and ladies and we have taught the world how to behave, just some are bad students.

Get off our case septic, our we will send in the footi supporters.

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