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How Will Thais Deal With The On Coming New World Order.


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A simplistic solution would be to just cut off the visas/permission to stay stamps for certain nationalities. After all, what is an Argentine doing in Thailand anyway. Of course, if the immigration folks get stricter they will just end up screwing the good guys/gals.

Probably a dam_n site more that you IraqRon. Get back in your box you moron. :o:D:D

Edited by khundon
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I didnt read ANY of the posts on nwo or any of the links. BUT, I do think if you totally discount 911 could be an inside job you are deliberately ignoring facts that have come out that prove there are lies. What really happened I dont know.

You know, some of you joke about aliens and whatnot, but let me tell you.... I PRAY (if I were the type to pray) for a full scale alien invasion. We fuc_king deserve it, this planet is shit... killing eachother, hurting and terrorizing all in the name of religion and greed. What we need folks is a nice alien invasion to slap us across the face and wake us up to the fact that we are all brothers and sisters of the human race and we should not be hating and hurting eachother. Wouldnt that be wonderful? The entire human race uniting to fight aliens to prevent our own extinction, no time for greed and petty bullshit, just a nice unified fight for survival where we can truly feel a connection to every other human being on the planet. Ah... such a nice sweet dream. I'm totally serious.

It's not a dream, it's a movie "The day the earth stood still".

Not the exact plot, but part of it, when the alien (Keenu Reeves) talks with the Nobel price winner. We can change ! :o

Just joking, it's only a movie :D

Bah, there was no unification of the human race in that crappy movie, no please don't insult the scope of my beautiful dream with images of Keannu Reaves.

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Ok there are lot of people commenting but have taken the time to understand the facts!

911 not a inside job?? explosions going off in basements before the planes hit??? nothing in the 911 commisson report stating this as its not important?? There are over 100 pieces of evidence proving its set up! A man in a cave controlling this?? lol

Also i dont know y members keep posting about aliens?? i guess they cant say anything serious.

If you want to learn the truth about 911 being a inside job then load this video called zeigiest on google player and skip it to 40 minutes 20 seconds and tell me im wrong


Yeah thats right that was the greatest staged event of all time and u didnt spot it. hahahaha

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You know the worrying thing is!

80% of common people like tv members poorsucker,soutpeel,byoung2,phil-harries,dp25,bkkjames.bassmaster50 & garyA only watch the controlled media on the TV (Television not Thaivisa if u couldnt work that out)

15% probably dont even watch TV or read the manipulated fronts pages TERROR,TERROR,TERROR!!!

So that leaves 5% of people that can open there mind look into things that dont add up like 911! and then investigate and find out y things happen and where things are going.

The sad thing is though if a open minded person speaks his mind all the brain washed massive come out and called the open minded one insane.

Maybe New world order is coming maybe its not BUT one thing for sure if u research like me then its a very very high chance it is and wont be very nice when it does. :o

Basically all the dots join .

Endgame is prison planet!!!!

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Thailand will not fare well in the coming New World Order. Thai tin mining collapsed in the 90s, they will not be able to produce enough tinfoil to prevent the satellites from activating the mind control chips.


Endgame is prison planet!!!!

Lead the charge, BygonKaew ....

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will they be sheep like most of the unsuspecting mass or fight til the death which i myself believe they should and would!

I predict they will fight to the death, after all things are going so well right now, how could they not. If they fail such things as poverty might return.

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You know the worrying thing is!

80% of common people like tv members poorsucker,soutpeel,byoung2,phil-harries,dp25,bkkjames.bassmaster50 & garyA only watch the controlled media on the TV (Television not Thaivisa if u couldnt work that out)

15% probably dont even watch TV or read the manipulated fronts pages TERROR,TERROR,TERROR!!!

So that leaves 5% of people that can open there mind look into things that dont add up like 911! and then investigate and find out y things happen and where things are going.

The sad thing is though if a open minded person speaks his mind all the brain washed massive come out and called the open minded one insane.

Maybe New world order is coming maybe its not BUT one thing for sure if u research like me then its a very very high chance it is and wont be very nice when it does. :o

Basically all the dots join .

Endgame is prison planet!!!!

Yet another idiot for the ignored users bin...

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Interesting times right now.

Although I've been too busy expanding my empire to do any research on the current dire situation, I did read some David Icke a few years ago (I was on a promise from a Hippy Chick :o ). I found a lot of it was crap but the main warning of - problem, reaction (someone else's) solution - I definitely believe.

There aren't many people in power who are interested in much beyond sustaining/increasing that power, so Thailand's reaction to the "world' solutions will depend on what's in it for the big boys as ever!

There you go.

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Speaking as a minion of the Illuminati I can say with assurance that our plans are gathering pace and that within a very short time all will be ready. :D

The operating system for our global computer system has already been encoded and will be released by Microsoft as Windows Empire, this flawless system :D will sweep the world and everyone will be happy after we have executed all the malcontents and troublemakers (especially Apple Mac users).

I have personally conducted in depth research with a Thai and received the following response

new world ordER, Illuminati, what that?

A micro chip to go shopping? I want it! :o

So you see our victory is certain. :D

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Speaking as a minion of the Illuminati I can say with assurance that our plans are gathering pace and that within a very short time all will be ready. :D

The operating system for our global computer system has already been encoded and will be released by Microsoft as Windows Empire, this flawless system :D will sweep the world and everyone will be happy after we have executed all the malcontents and troublemakers (especially Apple Mac users).

I have personally conducted in depth research with a Thai and received the following response

new world ordER, Illuminati, what that?

A micro chip to go shopping? I want it! :o

So you see our victory is certain. :D


hey being a member of the oh so secret "illuminati" can u get me a invite for boheiman grove?

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Im still waiting for a previous doubter from this post to come back to me on that video "Zeigeist"

skip to 40 mins,watch then come back and explain!

However im not really expecting anyone to. TV members can never back up there comments! Sheep springs to mind!

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Well eventually as we are becoming more and more of a trading and traveling world it would make sense to eventually form under one system, no? I mean there would always be the ones you want to keep out but eventually if seperated from a larger stronger majority would be forced to change. Look at the EU as a good example of how nations can join together and work together economically to strengthen their own local currencies.

Is so insane to think that one day earth might just be its own planet? Representing by one government in a system of planets, there are already plans in the works to colonize mars (funnily enough, by polluting it to force a climate change 555).

Perhaps too many people here are short sighted and unimaginative, look what we have done over the last year, look how we unite more and more on a daily basis, your kids right now might be playing an online game with 2 Koreans, 5 Americans, 2 Australians, 4 Frenchists and a couple Germans thrown into the mix(just and example). Try telling me this doesn't bring cultures together.

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Im still waiting for a previous doubter from this post to come back to me on that video "Zeigeist"

skip to 40 mins,watch then come back and explain!

However im not really expecting anyone to. TV members can never back up there comments! Sheep springs to mind!

I don't think you're being fair. Your threads only been open a few hours and it would probaly take me a couple of days to download a movie, assuming my ISP didn't screw up, which it would. Anyhow, I hope the NWO when it gets here brings some new internet service providers.

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Well eventually as we are becoming more and more of a trading and traveling world it would make sense to eventually form under one system, no? I mean there would always be the ones you want to keep out but eventually if seperated from a larger stronger majority would be forced to change. Look at the EU as a good example of how nations can join together and work together economically to strengthen their own local currencies.

Is so insane to think that one day earth might just be its own planet? Representing by one government in a system of planets, there are already plans in the works to colonize mars (funnily enough, by polluting it to force a climate change 555).

Perhaps too many people here are short sighted and unimaginative, look what we have done over the last year, look how we unite more and more on a daily basis, your kids right now might be playing an online game with 2 Koreans, 5 Americans, 2 Australians, 4 Frenchists and a couple Germans thrown into the mix(just and example). Try telling me this doesn't bring cultures together.

You're misreading the driving force behind the new world order. Its not a Utopian driving force such as what created the EU, nor the result of people across the communicating with each other via the internet. The new world order is a product of something much more sinister, a collaboration between organized religion, the US Federal Reserve, the Masons, and Microsoft. Their aim is nothing short of enslaving mankind.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Well eventually as we are becoming more and more of a trading and traveling world it would make sense to eventually form under one system, no? I mean there would always be the ones you want to keep out but eventually if seperated from a larger stronger majority would be forced to change. Look at the EU as a good example of how nations can join together and work together economically to strengthen their own local currencies.

Is so insane to think that one day earth might just be its own planet? Representing by one government in a system of planets, there are already plans in the works to colonize mars (funnily enough, by polluting it to force a climate change 555).

Perhaps too many people here are short sighted and unimaginative, look what we have done over the last year, look how we unite more and more on a daily basis, your kids right now might be playing an online game with 2 Koreans, 5 Americans, 2 Australians, 4 Frenchists and a couple Germans thrown into the mix(just and example). Try telling me this doesn't bring cultures together.

You're misreading the driving force behind the new world order. Its not a Utopian driving force such as what created the EU, nor the result of people across the communicating with each other via the internet. The new world order is a product of something much more sinister, a collaboration between organized religion, the US Federal Reserve, the Masons, and Microsoft. Their aim is nothing short of enslaving mankind.

Ah, I couldn't watch the video, my whole head is swollen up... seriously sick. and sounds, oh no, not sounds they hurt!

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This is an interesting link I found some time ago:


Read each chapter. I don't know if it's true but it certainly seems truer than the reasons told to us for going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan by our 'leaders'. Even the simplest simpleton knows we were just told bare-faced lies and still we don't protest!

Yes of course its obvious! any fool can see 911 was a inside job! but y?? (answers in the video)

Anyway im hoping that the thais (becuase they are more self sufficient) will stand up against these evil bastards!

Join the revolution :o

I,m with you on this ! I know for a fact that the monkey was green coloured that stole my Benz and left it on the escalators. Are the CIA interested? Nooooooooooope!

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What is it about the minds of conspiracy theory cranks that makes them think they are some kind of visionary just because they believe some well presented but way out bullshit, while the rest of us are sheep controlled by the media because we don't believe it?

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Yes all very well, but no one has answered how thais would react!

The Book Of Revelations by John The Divine.

And the post was read, and behold, the word became manifest: TROLL

I like the way you put my text with that last book title at the end.

Ps troll??? explain please?

Does that mean ive upset u?

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Well eventually as we are becoming more and more of a trading and traveling world it would make sense to eventually form under one system, no? I mean there would always be the ones you want to keep out but eventually if seperated from a larger stronger majority would be forced to change. Look at the EU as a good example of how nations can join together and work together economically to strengthen their own local currencies.

Is so insane to think that one day earth might just be its own planet? Representing by one government in a system of planets, there are already plans in the works to colonize mars (funnily enough, by polluting it to force a climate change 555).

Perhaps too many people here are short sighted and unimaginative, look what we have done over the last year, look how we unite more and more on a daily basis, your kids right now might be playing an online game with 2 Koreans, 5 Americans, 2 Australians, 4 Frenchists and a couple Germans thrown into the mix(just and example). Try telling me this doesn't bring cultures together.

Yes maybe but its the way the elite are lying to get there!!!

staging 911 for example. finacial global meltdown!

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