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Western Ideals In Regards To Relationships In Thailand


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I would like to publicly apologize to the poster H. Alleman. By way of PMs he has convinced me he is not a lover of Adolph Hitler, but is merely naive in thinking that many people will not assume him to be so by parading Hitler's "good deeds" on a public internet forum. However, I must also report that I am just as totally convinced that Mr. H.A. is indeed rabidly anti-American, a common enough state of being and even fully understandable given recent history. I calls em like I sees em.

Well if that is the case Mr Henry wouldnt be the only one that is indeed rabidly anti-american :o , but I would like to point out that every country has nice people in it or that come from it....even hamerica :D

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Even England, although most posters seem to agree that, by far, the most rude, drunken, violent tourists seem to come from blighty.

Australia has it's fair share of twits, but most Aussies are not full of hate for other people and other countries and mind their own business. Every country has good people and bad people.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I would like to publicly apologize to the poster H. Alleman. By way of PMs he has convinced me he is not a lover of Adolph Hitler, but is merely naive in thinking that many people will not assume him to be so by parading Hitler's "good deeds" on a public internet forum.

I'm sorry, but anyone who talks about all the good things that Hitler did, has some kind of problem.

I'm sure that Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer did some nice things during their lifetimes too, but they are still evil! :o

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I don't judge them for the choices they make, but I do have admiration for the girls like my girlfriend who go out and get a job and work hard, a friend of hers was a BG and married a Farang, my girlfriend told me once she thought about working in a Bar but could not go through with it. This surprised me I never thought in a million years she would even contemplate working as a prostitute but the allure of meeting a Farang is a huge draw card.

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I would like to publicly apologize to the poster H. Alleman. By way of PMs he has convinced me he is not a lover of Adolph Hitler, but is merely naive in thinking that many people will not assume him to be so by parading Hitler's "good deeds" on a public internet forum.

I'm sorry, but anyone who talks about all the good things that Hitler did, has some kind of problem.

I'm sure that Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer did some nice things during their lifetimes too, but they are still evil! :o

I am on your side. Hitler is evil personified and the obvious fact that he had some human qualities like petting puppies does not diminish that reality one little bit. I don't think people should heap any praises on Hiltler. I also think that most who do are carrying a secret or open torch for the Fuehrer. However, the poster H. Alleman has satisfied me personally that he is not any kind of Nazi but he has also refused to desist from any future points of admiration for the Third Reich on the basis of free speech. I also think he knows it deeply annoys Americans so thats another bonus for him. An unfortunate situation but that's the way it is.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm sure we're all immensely relieved that you've been gracious enough to offer half an apology to someone whose point of view you don't agree with and whose posts you continue to misinterpret. Isn't it about time you set up another irrelevant poll?


This only proves that Mr. Jingthing is an honourable man to publicly admit and apologize that he made a mistake in his judgement over me. He earned my respect for that, and I accept his apologize in gratitude.

:D Jingthing, let by gones be by gones.

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I would like to publicly apologize to the poster H. Alleman. By way of PMs he has convinced me he is not a lover of Adolph Hitler, but is merely naive in thinking that many people will not assume him to be so by parading Hitler's "good deeds" on a public internet forum.

I'm sorry, but anyone who talks about all the good things that Hitler did, has some kind of problem.

I'm sure that Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer did some nice things during their lifetimes too, but they are still evil! :o

I am on your side. Hitler is evil personified and the obvious fact that he had some human qualities like petting puppies does not diminish that reality one little bit. I don't think people should heap any praises on Hiltler. I also think that most who do are carrying a secret or open torch for the Fuehrer. However, the poster H. Alleman has satisfied me personally that he is not any kind of Nazi but he has also refused to desist from any future points of admiration for the Third Reich on the basis of free speech. I also think he knows it deeply annoys Americans so thats another bonus for him. An unfortunate situation but that's the way it is.

Not the Third Reich as a whole Jingthing, ONLY SOME Pre-war elements. Meaning before 1938, when there was not yet mentioning the expulsion of Jews out of social life.

Edited by henryalleman
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Mute point - the description is mine you take offence at a word - not the principal statement.

mute point?

is that like a finger of speech?

a statue of limitations, or adding salt to the jury?

Nah...... just an opportunity for someone to post who can't think of any relevant input to the topic....

aren't I kind..... :o

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Looks good in principle.........

Now apply the fact that most Thai women look 10 years younger than they are......what are you 'seeing' on the streets?

Living in thailand for 4 years, speak good thai, been visiting here since 1985 and have yet to meet a Thai women (or man) that looked ten years younger than her age.

My current Mia noi is 21 and looks maybe..... 21. :o

Then maybe you're just......unlucky.... :D

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"The question I have is, do you look at all those Thai girls out there who work long hard hours for low wages and are not willing to sell their bodies as being morally superior to those who do?"

Yes I do. I look down on poor girls (who may have the looks advantage) to sell their bodies and/or go for older men who buy them gifts. I look down on financially comfortable girls who do the same even more.

I respect immensely the poor girls who make a choice to study and work at the same time whilst maintaining good Thai morals. Plenty of them who wouldn't dream of taking up offers of materialsm in exchange for a fake relationship.

I have total admiration for any young girl, anywhere in the world, who when faced with the impossible choices to earn a living, put aside their own preferences, to provide for their families and children. They accept scorn and ridicule from people like youself. Yet they are prepared to suffer for the greater good, sometimes in loveless marriages far from the families they support. They are heroes.

Yes. But would you want your daughter to work as a prostitute?

I certainly wouldn't want her to be a coal miner......

But that does not in any way reduce my respect for coalminers....... :o

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"The question I have is, do you look at all those Thai girls out there who work long hard hours for low wages and are not willing to sell their bodies as being morally superior to those who do?"

Yes I do. I look down on poor girls (who may have the looks advantage) to sell their bodies and/or go for older men who buy them gifts. I look down on financially comfortable girls who do the same even more.

I respect immensely the poor girls who make a choice to study and work at the same time whilst maintaining good Thai morals. Plenty of them who wouldn't dream of taking up offers of materialsm in exchange for a fake relationship.

Uhm. I think all women sell their bodies to be honest. If not money, then what? And they do not just sell them to 'old men'. I am under 30, not an 'old man'. Furthermore, they aren't fake relationships anymore than any other relationship. 'Love' has always been a nice cover for sex in exchange for money. It's just the truth. See any homeless guys with girlfriends? I sure don't.

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It's the quantity involved that makes the difference and bothers most folks (and rightly so), not the principle.

People just try to use the principle to rationalize that it's the same thing.


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Uhm. I think all women sell their bodies to be honest. If not money, then what? And they do not just sell them to 'old men'. I am under 30, not an 'old man'. Furthermore, they aren't fake relationships anymore than any other relationship. 'Love' has always been a nice cover for sex in exchange for money. It's just the truth.

See any homeless guys with girlfriends? I sure don't.

This almost qualifies to be one of those wise saying in a fortune cookie. :o

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I certainly wouldn't want her to be a coal miner......

But that does not in any way reduce my respect for coalminers....... :o

You are taking the easy way out.

How about this.

Would you rather your daughter work as a nurse and made 15k baht a month or as a call girl and make 100k baht a month?

If I said "your neighbor's daughter" you would likely spout off something about individual choice and how prostitution does not hurt anybody.

But when its your own daughter you will respond NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

Thus, No, your argument does not hold up. If there is nothnig wrong with being a prostitute one would not change their standards for their own daughter as they would another's.

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Looks good in principle.........

Now apply the fact that most Thai women look 10 years younger than they are......what are you 'seeing' on the streets?

Living in thailand for 4 years, speak good thai, been visiting here since 1985 and have yet to meet a Thai women (or man) that looked ten years younger than her age.

My current Mia noi is 21 and looks maybe..... 21. :o

You must be a lot better judge of age than I am. A friend of mine and his wife had an Isaan maid who enjoyed flirting with me. My friend asked me why I didn't like her. I told him that 16 years old was way too young for a girl to be flirting. It turned out that she was 26 years old.

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I certainly wouldn't want her to be a coal miner......

But that does not in any way reduce my respect for coalminers....... :o

You are taking the easy way out.

How about this.

Would you rather your daughter work as a nurse and made 15k baht a month or as a call girl and make 100k baht a month?

If I said "your neighbor's daughter" you would likely spout off something about individual choice and how prostitution does not hurt anybody.

But when its your own daughter you will respond NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

Thus, No, your argument does not hold up. If there is nothnig wrong with being a prostitute one would not change their standards for their own daughter as they would another's.

I think if you read my posts on this thread you will by now understand that I will not show predjudice against any other human beings.....it is the way I live......unlike many I choose not to 'look down' on my fellow human beings.....my input here has been short and concise as I believe is the way on forums....I do not believe I will change my stand point.......so you keep your opinions and predjudices and 'look down' .....and I will get on with life as I see it....... :D

Enjoyed the discussion......thank you

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IMO some look about 5 years younger than their age until their middle to late 20s, but they often look 10 years older than their age after that. :o

I agree. The men too! Just yesterday an older Thai man thought I looked 30, I am over 50. Its the smoking, yaba, cheap whiskey, rancid fried insects, etc.

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IMO some look about 5 years younger than their age until their middle to late 20s, but they often look 10 years older than their age after that. :D

I agree. The men too! Just yesterday an older Thai man thought I looked 30, I am over 50. Its the smoking, yaba, cheap whiskey, rancid fried insects, etc.

I also have noticed the same thing about many of the Thai girls looking quite young until the age of 30 and then aging quite rapidly. IMO the aging has nothing to do with the fact they are Thai but due to their lifestyles. Many Thai girls have no interest in physical fitness and also have had a lot of sun exposure when they were young so I think that tends to catch up with them around 30. My current TGF has always been into sports and very athletic and works out at the gym regularly and has always worn hats and sun block and now at age 32 she is still constantly being mistaken for being 17 or 18 . I like youthful hard bodies so it works out great for me. :o

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I certainly wouldn't want her to be a coal miner......

But that does not in any way reduce my respect for coalminers....... :o

You are taking the easy way out.

How about this.

Would you rather your daughter work as a nurse and made 15k baht a month or as a call girl and make 100k baht a month?

If I said "your neighbor's daughter" you would likely spout off something about individual choice and how prostitution does not hurt anybody.

But when its your own daughter you will respond NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

Thus, No, your argument does not hold up. If there is nothnig wrong with being a prostitute one would not change their standards for their own daughter as they would another's.

I think if you read my posts on this thread you will by now understand that I will not show predjudice against any other human beings.....it is the way I live......unlike many I choose not to 'look down' on my fellow human beings.....my input here has been short and concise as I believe is the way on forums....I do not believe I will change my stand point.......so you keep your opinions and predjudices and 'look down' .....and I will get on with life as I see it....... :D

Enjoyed the discussion......thank you

To turn this one around. Play devils advocate. What about if your mum felt that she had to play tricks to put you through good school and university rather than working a normal mundane job where your best hope would be to drive a tuk-tuk in Bangkok?

I think you would probably require therapy at some stage, but might, just might see it as she was doing wrong for the better good and forgive her.

Whereas if you have a daughter then you have an ability to stop it happening.

Just thinking out loud really.

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My current TGF has always been into sports and very athletic and works out at the gym regularly and has always worn hats and sun block and now at age 32 she is still constantly being mistaken for being 17 or 18 .

She told me she was 25.


But I forgive her.

:wai::P :jerk: :burp::burp:

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Many Thai girls have no interest in physical fitness and also have had a lot of sun exposure when they were young so I think that tends to catch up with them around 30.

I have noticed that Thais and people from the Philippines in the San Francisco area age much slower than over here. I think that it is because of the sun. :o

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Many Thai girls have no interest in physical fitness and also have had a lot of sun exposure when they were young so I think that tends to catch up with them around 30.

I have noticed that Thais and people from the Philippines in the San Francisco area age much slower than over here. I think that it is because of the sun. :D

You want to take a look at some meditarian women , spanish, Greek, Italian- Abosolute stunners till they hit about thirty five then they shrink a foot in height, harbour wrinkles and shout all the time. Just my experience. :o

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Many Thai girls have no interest in physical fitness and also have had a lot of sun exposure when they were young so I think that tends to catch up with them around 30.

I have noticed that Thais and people from the Philippines in the San Francisco area age much slower than over here. I think that it is because of the sun. :D

You want to take a look at some meditarian women , spanish, Greek, Italian- Abosolute stunners till they hit about thirty five then they shrink a foot in height, harbour wrinkles and shout all the time. Just my experience. :o

You are spot on GFL. Anyone who doesn't believe that the sun is the main factor in the aging of the skin of women (and men) should look at the skin texture on their bum and compare it to the skin on their face. The skin in both places is the same age with the major difference being sun exposure.

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Uhm. I think all women sell their bodies to be honest. If not money, then what? And they do not just sell them to 'old men'. I am under 30, not an 'old man'. Furthermore, they aren't fake relationships anymore than any other relationship. 'Love' has always been a nice cover for sex in exchange for money. It's just the truth. See any homeless guys with girlfriends? I sure don't.

Yes, and fore the same reason, because he have a better spot to sleep at night, have a better blanket, or can protect her against rape.

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I certainly wouldn't want her to be a coal miner......

But that does not in any way reduce my respect for coalminers....... :o

You are taking the easy way out.

How about this.

Would you rather your daughter work as a nurse and made 15k baht a month or as a call girl and make 100k baht a month?

If I said "your neighbor's daughter" you would likely spout off something about individual choice and how prostitution does not hurt anybody.

But when its your own daughter you will respond NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

Thus, No, your argument does not hold up. If there is nothnig wrong with being a prostitute one would not change their standards for their own daughter as they would another's.

I think if you read my posts on this thread you will by now understand that I will not show predjudice against any other human beings.....it is the way I live......unlike many I choose not to 'look down' on my fellow human beings.....my input here has been short and concise as I believe is the way on forums....I do not believe I will change my stand point.......so you keep your opinions and predjudices and 'look down' .....and I will get on with life as I see it....... :D

Enjoyed the discussion......thank you

To turn this one around. Play devils advocate. What about if your mum felt that she had to play tricks to put you through good school and university rather than working a normal mundane job where your best hope would be to drive a tuk-tuk in Bangkok?

I think you would probably require therapy at some stage, but might, just might see it as she was doing wrong for the better good and forgive her.

Should respect her, because I would prefer that kind of mother over one who have a few children from different men.

Whereas if you have a daughter then you have an ability to stop it happening.

You can always try to stop her, but succeeding is whole different matter.

Just thinking out loud really.

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i would imagine there are more men on this forum who have lost most of their life savings, their house and rights to their pension to a farang woman than there are men who have lost a mickey-mouse house in Udon, part of their life savings and pension still untouched to a Thai woman. At least with a Thai ex you look at her photo and still want to have sex with her.

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I think the OP is confused. I have been with women much older than I am. I was 25 and had a 40 year old girlfriend. Guess what? She still wanted my money. Age wasn't an issue. Perhaps it is because a lot of these guys just don't take care of themselves that they find themselves so desperate in their condition. Do you think anybody would want to sleep with a guy who had a giant beer belly, unshaved, and smelled like death? Comeon. I see these guys all over the place here.

Runner = Harris Black? Google Harris Black if you don't know who he is. You know the saying if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

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He advised me that Thai people think that the acceptable ages between a man and a woman are half the man's age plus seven years.

That's not a Thai saying. The 1/2 + 7 rule is a very common saying in America on the youngest person it would generally be considered ok to date.

I was born and raised in the US and never heard that until I moved to Thailand. Maybe it's a good rule everywhere.

For me it's spot on now, but wasn't when I met her.


i am not sure about this formula and what the heck it means........... but sure no Thai girl wants a old man, working girl or not,low so or high so, lets not kid ourselves on this point .... so lets all get a grip here .. but if you are happy soul and make a girl laugh... this opens the gates with many regular Thai girls... and may discount your age by 10 years in some cases....

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