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Overstay At Mae Sai Land Border

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I am going to overstay my 15 day stamp for 1 day leaving Thailand at the Mae Sai border. Has anybody done this before and could advice me what to expect i.e. at Mae Sai ?

I believe two things can or will happen :

1) I pay 500B at the border and will be ok

2) The highway police will pick me up on the way to Mae Sai

Many thanks,


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The highway police will pick me up on the way to Mae Sai

i did about 18 vip bus trips to mai sai a few years ago and i got stoped on 95 % of them by the police or customs going and coming back

i wouldnt take the risk coz it could cost you big money to avoid jail.


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I did the trip a few times by car. They never stopped me

ive been many times to mae tang , pai , chiang doa , fang and mai sai in a rented car and ive been stopped somewhere almost EVERY time for the last four years !

give them a thai 5 year drivers license and ... no problem ,,,, bye bye mr david .... problem solved

if you didnt get stopped.... you were lucky !

i personally WOULDNT risk going by road on an overstay

up to you ... dave2

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Who said i was driving the car? I always have my Thai ladyfriend to drive the car :o

A Thai lady friend of mine a couple of years ago was stopped at a check point, she had an issue with her licence so while they were extracting tea money from her one officer came to my window & asked to see my passport, so you never know.

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Who said i was driving the car?

a thai woman driving a car with a ferang in it is a BIGGER target for guarranteed tea money than a ferang driving the car for two reasons

1 the ferang is rich ! ...... you are going to pay

2 they speak NO english but your lady speaks thai so on some excuse or other ( choice of thousands here ) ........ guarranteed tea money can be and will be extracted from the ferang

the result is !

happy policemen : ) ........ #issed off ferang : (

enjoy thailand .... dave2

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First, ignore all the cr_p posted here by those with twisted imaginations.

I've never seen the highway police worry about foreigners traveling to the border. At worst they just want to see you have a passport.

At Mae Sai you will be charged Bt500 for the one day overstay. They'll put a few stamps in your passport indicating that you have overstayed and paid the fine. You'll sign a document acknowledging you have broken Thai law and been fined Bt500 and then they'll give you a receipt and you cross the border and can come back again 10 minutes later if you wish.

I've been up and down that route dozens of times and only ever had my passport glanced at - not opened - while on a bus.

Don't sweat it.

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That proves nothing - police do indeed check bus travel to all boarders on a regular basis so it is not 100% safe. The odds are probably good that he will not have a problem - but it is not a sure thing.

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