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Good Places To Eat In Chiang Mai


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Lert Rot seafood restaurant. Tel: 053 872092

Wonderful place that is a bit of an adventure to find but worth the effort (search for seafood restaurants for map). Its beside the Ping but is absolutely basic with 10 simple tables, plastic chairs, tin roof and the entrance is through the kitchen but don't let that put you off as the emphasis here is all on the food. We were a party of 6 (3 Thai/3 falang) and must have been there for 2 hours and sampled a total of 9 dishes with the crab, shrimps in garlic and black pepper and calimari in flour the high points for me but there wasn't a bland offering to be had. Cost? Well considering we ordered crab, 2 shrimp dishes, calimari and 5 others plus 4 large beers I was expecting something around 2500 baht but it was only 1670 which is a steal.

Clientele was all Thai with the exception of one other falang who was checking the place for the first time after reading about it on these pages. Menu is completely in Thai and the staff who were excellent only spoke Thai. Opening hours are 1100-1400 and 1700-2100.

For those that don't believe we have an excellent seafood reastarant in town please do check this place out. You will not be disappointed.

This sounds like "Under the starfruit tree" which I mentioned before

Follow north on Wangsingkham and I think it is just before you go under superhighway bridge.

cmsally, yes it certainly is and I did mention in the 'seafood recommendations' thread that I would post comments here. An excellent find, thanks very much indeed.

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Lert Rot seafood restaurant. Tel: 053 872092

Wonderful place that is a bit of an adventure to find but worth the effort (search for seafood restaurants for map). Its beside the Ping but is absolutely basic with 10 simple tables, plastic chairs, tin roof and the entrance is through the kitchen but don't let that put you off as the emphasis here is all on the food. We were a party of 6 (3 Thai/3 falang) and must have been there for 2 hours and sampled a total of 9 dishes with the crab, shrimps in garlic and black pepper and calimari in flour the high points for me but there wasn't a bland offering to be had. Cost? Well considering we ordered crab, 2 shrimp dishes, calimari and 5 others plus 4 large beers I was expecting something around 2500 baht but it was only 1670 which is a steal.

Clientele was all Thai with the exception of one other falang who was checking the place for the first time after reading about it on these pages. Menu is completely in Thai and the staff who were excellent only spoke Thai. Opening hours are 1100-1400 and 1700-2100.

For those that don't believe we have an excellent seafood reastarant in town please do check this place out. You will not be disappointed.

Great thank you for the phone number! Now I can call and book a table! I had a few business cards of their's but gave them all away.

This sounds like "Under the starfruit tree" which I mentioned before

Follow north on Wangsingkham and I think it is just before you go under superhighway bridge.

cmsally, yes it certainly is and I did mention in the 'seafood recommendations' thread that I would post comments here. An excellent find, thanks very much indeed.

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Moving this here from the "whatever happened to Ron at Filmore East" thread

Fillmore East

We've eaten at the new Duke's 3 or 4 times because it is more convienient for me to get to than the original. The menu is mostly the same, other than a bunch of new "gourmet" pizzas which are pretty good.

There are problems with this and that - especially when Dave isn't around - but all in all, the place seems to be doing well.

3 or 4 times - jeeze mate the place has only been open a week!! I was going to go there last Friday but didn't make it but will try for tonight. Any difference in the price between the old and new or have the prices increased.

Dave is going to get the same issues that Ron had at CM Saloon - when he is at Loi Kroh everything was good but there were problems with CM2 - he would go there and it would be good then he would have problems at CM1 so he was constantly being batted from one to the other until he was going nuts.


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I've been eating dinner every night with the same group of freinds since my first year in Thailand and the Duke's is the only place that they want to go any more. I am a fan, but I like to move around a little, so sometimes I'll go off on my own.

I agree completely about having two restaurants. Luckily, if you have good stock, having more than one book store is not so difficult! :o

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Any difference in the price between the old and new or have the prices increased.

We noticed that a few items had gone up 10 baht, but that was the only difference.

Hope he does well - there is enough room in CM for more restaurants like these even if the majority of the customer base is visitors willing to pay the extra. Me I have to come up with a justification to spend 500 Baht on dinner

tonight may be the one


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It is pretty easy to spend 200 baht and come out absolutely stuffed. Try a half-rack of ribs! :o

I was thinking along the lines of rib steak and a few beers. Hmmmm Beeeers Steaaaaak Aaaaaah

I usually head up the road to get absolutely stuffed :D - may need translation


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Any difference in the price between the old and new or have the prices increased.

We noticed that a few items had gone up 10 baht, but that was the only difference.

Hope he does well - there is enough room in CM for more restaurants like these even if the majority of the customer base is visitors willing to pay the extra. Me I have to come up with a justification to spend 500 Baht on dinner

tonight may be the one


Went to the New Duke's on Friday night and had a pizza there. Parked the bike out back which was convenient and safe. The food is good and the pizza nice. I don't like my pizza on a loaf of bread like at Pizza Hut and Express so this was more my style. I had the Pizza Combo - sort of like a supreme I guess. good topping but they forgot my anchovies <sigh>.

On Saturday I caught up with a friend and we ended back there - two visits in two days? We shared a pizza - two in two days? and a rack of ribs plus a Greek Salad. Couldn't move for about a half hour after we ate and ended up getting some of the food packed up for takehome.

Dave was there on both nights and is making a lot of effort to get it sorted out properly. The staff were keeping a good eye on what was happening and I think everything was going well. My only issue is that we wanted the food served together and everything came out in stages. I think it was because the pizza and the ribs are done in different parts of the restaurant and a little difficult for them to coordinate at this stage.

Both nights there were plenty of customers which is good news for Dave. I am never going to be a constant customer but I find this site more convenient for me if I am heading out on the town for a night out.


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One bonus about eating at the Original Duke's - as opposed to the new one - is they have 3 or 4 nightly specials that change daily.

I suspect - don't know - that Dave will do the same thing with the new one. He mentioned that he will exchange staff between the two to help out if one is busy and also to give them experience in working at both. I think this is a good idea - makes for a lot more flexibility and efficiency.

You never get bored of the menu! :o

that's right, instead you get the menu of the board



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One bonus about eating at the Original Duke's - as opposed to the new one - is they have 3 or 4 nightly specials that change daily.

You never get bored of the menu! :o

I also enjoy the ride over the little iron bridge.

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One bonus about eating at the Original Duke's - as opposed to the new one - is they have 3 or 4 nightly specials that change daily.

You never get bored of the menu! :o

I also enjoy the ride over the little iron bridge.

It's strange - I come into town from that direction so if I go to the old one on the way in it is convenient, but when I am in town it becames too much bother to go back out there - I mean to say it is at least 5 minutes away :D

The new one is simple for me because I tend to be in that area of town when I come in so will likely be my preferred spot


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Last night, the Duke and I dined at Moxie in the D2 Hotel.

It is supposed to be East/West fusion food and when I ate there a year ago, I thought that it was OK, but the drinks were vastly over-priced.

Well, the drinks are still are way overpriced, but the food wasn't as good as before. It is 85 baht for a Coke if that gives you any idea.

I had a cold Gazpacho style soup for a starter, but made with carrots instead of tomatoes. It was ABSOLUTELY PUTRID! I was really tempted to call out the chef and ask him how he could serve such &lt;deleted&gt;. I know that everyone has different taste, but still can't see how anyone would prefer this garbage to the classic recipe.

My dinner companion agreed and actually wanted to get up and leave, but we stuck it out.

The rest of the meal was OK, but nothing special, and for the prices that they charge it should have been. I had Terriyaki Salmon, but it is MUCH better and MUCH cheaper at Fuji, so I wasn't impressed.

I realize that the soup ruined the rest of the meal, but because of the drink prices and mediocre food, I've pretty much decided not to bother with Moxie again until I hopefully hear some positive reviews in the future. I like what they are trying to do, so I am hoping that it won't be too long, but they still need to bring their drink prices in line with the rest of the city.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Last night, the Duke and I dined at Moxie in the D2 Hotel.

It is supposed to be East/West fusion food and when I ate there a year ago, I thought that it was OK, but the drinks were vastly over-priced.

Well, the drinks are still are way overpriced, but the food wasn't as good as before. It is 85 baht for a Coke if that gives you any idea.

I had a cold Gazpacho style soup for a starter, but made with carrots instead of tomatoes. It was ABSOLUTELY PUTRID! I was really tempted to call out the chef and ask him how he could serve such &lt;deleted&gt;. I know that everyone has different taste, but still can't see how anyone would prefer this garbage to the classic recipe.

My dinner companion agreed and actually wanted to get up and leave, but we stuck it out.

The rest of the meal was OK, but nothing special, and for the prices that they charge it should have been. I had Terriyaki Salmon, but it is MUCH better and MUCH cheaper at Fuji, so I wasn't impressed.

I realize that the soup ruined the rest of the meal, but because of the drink prices and mediocre food, I've pretty much decided not to bother with Moxie again until I hopefully hear some positive reviews in the future. I like what they are trying to do, so I am hoping that it won't be too long, but they still need to bring their drink prices in line with the rest of the city.

Eat there every night General, the pounds will fall off. :o:D :D :D

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I must agree with you there UG,

When I was last in CM in January, we went to MOXIE's and I had the pork rib's, I had enjoyed them on previous occasions. I don't know if it was the chef's night off, but the ribs had obviously been re-heated in a microwave,( The meat was very tough around the edges where it had been zapped too much. As with you I'll not be going back until other good reviews start to apear.

On a different note, I went to Bounissimo's new place of buisness up at the top end of Fa Ham rd. They moved down there last Saturday, so things are still alittle up in the air, however the food was still good, so no complaints in that department. Will be interesting to see what the ambiance will be like in such a large place, but its early days yet and I'm sure the regulars will rally round. Once again 3 teenagers and 2 adults, a decent bottle of wine, for less that 2500 baht.

Anyone tried Madam Lees up on the canal road yet?

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Last night, the Duke and I dined at Moxie in the D2 Hotel.

It is supposed to be East/West fusion food and when I ate there a year ago, I thought that it was OK, but the drinks were vastly over-priced.

Well, the drinks are still are way overpriced, but the food wasn't as good as before. It is 85 baht for a Coke if that gives you any idea.

I had a cold Gazpacho style soup for a starter, but made with carrots instead of tomatoes. It was ABSOLUTELY PUTRID! I was really tempted to call out the chef and ask him how he could serve such &lt;deleted&gt;. I know that everyone has different taste, but still can't see how anyone would prefer this garbage to the classic recipe.

My dinner companion agreed and actually wanted to get up and leave, but we stuck it out.

The rest of the meal was OK, but nothing special, and for the prices that they charge it should have been. I had Terriyaki Salmon, but it is MUCH better and MUCH cheaper at Fuji, so I wasn't impressed.

I realize that the soup ruined the rest of the meal, but because of the drink prices and mediocre food, I've pretty much decided not to bother with Moxie again until I hopefully hear some positive reviews in the future. I like what they are trying to do, so I am hoping that it won't be too long, but they still need to bring their drink prices in line with the rest of the city.

Here in lies the danger in positive restaurant reviews... I have been reading nothing but 'great' reviews about the restaurant! Everyone (with something to gain) had said how delicious and 'not' expensive it is.. But I've known UG for about 15 years, and I trust his words on a restaurants quality much more...(sometimes he's tooo much! :o ).

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Went back up to Madam Lee's, on the canal road(?), myself, herself and 3 teenagers, had a very nice dinner for 2100 baht, inclusive of drinks, (2 jugs of Hieneken draft in this as well), again a little bit pricey but still the food and servuce were both good. Worth a spin out there IMHO.

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Went back up to Madam Lee's, on the canal road(?), myself, herself and 3 teenagers, had a very nice dinner for 2100 baht, inclusive of drinks, (2 jugs of Hieneken draft in this as well), again a little bit pricey but still the food and servuce were both good. Worth a spin out there IMHO.

What did you have to eat there? Curious-looking place, from the outside.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The wife and i tried Buonissimo's today and it was fantastic. The seafood was fresh (New Zealand mussels in a Napoli type sauce) and all meals authentic Italian. The Puttanesca was fiery but superb, the Chicken Roll in herbs (can't remember the Italian name) was the best farang food my wife has tasted in Chiang Mai. Massive venue on the Ping River and can seat over a hundred patrons. Huge car park, good friendly service. House wine at 75 baht p/glass complemented the meal well. :o

Not a bad spot for a large piss-up / BBQ.. :D

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I got a phone call from the Holiday Inn saying that they had changed from being the Sheraton to the holiday Inn and they were issuing VIP cards and seeing I had one from the Sheraton they would send me one. This seems strange as I have asked at brunch the other day and they said they weren't going to issue one. Truly the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

The food is good, and I will keep going.

Enjoyed the lunch time buffet today at the Holiday Inn (previously Sheraton/Westin). Price was 550baht all up including tea and coffee but I enquired for a VIP card (previously issued by Sheraton and still honoured) and was told Holiday Inn are not offering one at this stage but they did offer a 20% discount.

Sounds identical to the Sheraton buffet. So I understand from your post that they still do honor the Sheraton discount card?

And if you don't have one, they will give you the same deal? That is cool.... :o

Yes I knew of the Sheraton VIP card but never did get around to applying for one but did enquire as to acceptance just to include with comments and was told they certainly will honour (This from the young lady wandering around in the black suit). Can't say how long they will give a 20% discount but with their present plan not to issue a VIP card I doubt it will be forever but it was there to be had yesterday on request. This is only the third time I have visited in 3 years but the spread was as I recall from previous but first time I have hit the Sunday carvery which was excellent and a fine alternative to QV and others but of course being a hotel they will hit you with alcohol prices.

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Chiang Mai Grandview lunch buffet - 120 baht - nice selection of western and thai dishes (with a puny little sushi section that includes 'hot-dog' sushi rolls!!!).

Free coffee, tea, water and crepes suzettes. Stay away from the petro-chemical-iced deserts!

Bread pudding is great when they have it...

When the roast beef is rare I make myself a huge sandwich.

Usually lots of fish dishes as well, and some of the thai soups are really great.

Never too salty, and never cold (like the Sheraton 500 baht ripoff).

Nice atmosphere - newly redecorated, and pleasant staff (although a little too eager sometimes - one lifted a plate from me while I was still eating from it!!!)

Seriously - great value for money - overall quite good food (and sometimes delicious), and nice decor.

Just my opinion, but I was a chef for 15 years and used to teach Thai cooking (among other cuisines...)

Cheers, Mark

p.s. don't buy any drinks - I think bottled water starts at 800 baht, and beer at 2000 - perhaps I exagerate a little)

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After all the talk of ribs with Buckwheat i decided to order in a rack of Hells Kitchen Ribs. Very tasty indeed. The black-eyed peas on the side were good as well as was the corn-on-the-cob.

Home delivery: 053 232 195

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Finally made it by to Salsa Kitchen (UG's fav rib place) last night. Ordered (you'll never guess) the smoked, chipotle rubbed ribs.

Came on a dinner platter the size of a hubcap from a '59 Cadillac. Accompanied by a very credible crisp salad, and small portions of black frijoles refritos, and Mexican/Spanish style rice. IT WAS NOT THE 2 PITCHERS OF EXCELLENT MARGARITAS that makes me say this:

They were the BEST (bar none) ribs I have had in a long while, anywhere....

UG, You Da Man for the recommendation....... :o

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Grandview is great once every couple of months or so. Since they upgraded to the back room, seems a lot nicer. Service is attentive, and it's great value for the money if you want to eat a lot, for very little money. Thai soups, Lanna food items pretty decent. I even like the tekka maki sushi. Great for an occasional inexpensive family Sunday brunch- I usually go with my friend Dan, and his brood.... :o

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I usually go with my friend Dan, and his brood.... :D

Would that be handsome Dan from The Chiang Mai Orchid?

Once in a while, they screw up the ribs at Salsa Kitchen, but 9 out of 10 times, they can't be beat! :o

Yep, the Big Kahuna (off to Phuket 3 wks w/ wife and wiggle-worms).

Next time I want to try the Jamaican jerk chicken, etc.

Ribs were falling-off-the bone, melt-in-your-mouth, out of this world good.

Did I mention that I liked them? :D

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Not in Chiang Mai, but if you should find yourself in Chiang Dao I heartily recommend the " Chiang Dao Nest" restaurant. Actually there are The Nest 1 & 2, No1 serving European food and No.2 serving Thai. I ate at No.1 and had New Zealand lamb with pinto bean sauce, filet of duck with porcini risotto, pork roll stuffed with apricots and pine nuts, great salad and desert as well. Also had a very enjoyable stop at Wat Thum Pha Plong. An absolutely beautiful temple in a jungle setting. Spoke with a couple of kindly monks who suggested I come back for a meditation retreat, which I believe I will.

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