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Twenty-six year-old Thai writer Rattawut Lapcharoensap, writing in English, puts the sad bunch of Thailand-based expat writers to shame. His first collection of short stories, "Sightseeing", just published, all take place in Thailand and are full of wonderful observations. He writes variously from the point of view of Thai and luk khreung teenagers of both sexes, as well as of an elderly American expatriate -- exploring such themes as coming of age in Thailand, inter-generational relationships, rural mafia, farangs v. locals, xenophobia, and growing old.

Stellar writing, highly recommended.

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Oh God, here we go with the old I-am-more-Thai-than-thou routine again.

I'm awfuly glad you guys with the soul of a Thai appreciated the local kid's book so much, but I thought it was such labored, self-important, mediocre writing that I couldn't manage to get through more than ten pages of it. Maybe after another couple of decades here, I too will develop an adequate appreciation of the third rate.

Incidentally, for those of you who get such a chuckle out of sneering at the 'dribble' written by expats who happen to be living in Thailand, could you remind me exactly how many books each of you has had the intellectual discipline and sheer courage to write and offer to the public?

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Oh God, here we go with the old I-am-more-Thai-than-thou routine again.

I'm awfuly glad you guys with the soul of a Thai appreciated the local kid's book so much, but I thought it was such labored, self-important, mediocre writing that I couldn't manage to get through more than ten pages of it. Maybe after another couple of decades here, I too will develop an adequate appreciation of the third rate.

Incidentally, for those of you who get such a chuckle out of sneering at the 'dribble' written by expats who happen to be living in Thailand, could you remind me exactly how many books each of you has had the intellectual discipline and sheer courage to write and offer to the public?

eloquently spat. :o

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Incidentally, for those of you who get such a chuckle out of sneering at the 'dribble' written by expats who happen to be living in Thailand, could you remind me exactly how many books each of you has had the intellectual discipline and sheer courage to write and offer to the public?
I find the likes of Moore, Needham et al too distressingly awful to raise a smile let alone a chuckle or a sneer.

I prefer to read Thai novels by Thai authors either in translation or the original but I'm always hoping to find a . There is no contest.

Oh God, here we go with the old I-am-more-Thai-than-thou routine again.

Personally I find that people who consider themselves 'Old Asia Hands' tend to be the worst offenders............

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regardless of any one else's opinion, i am interested but can the book be bought outside of thailand thru the net?? i try to learn from the books how to see thru someone elses's eyes and translated works sometimes sound stilted as anyone knows who has read a book translated from their mother tongue to their second language (carlos castenada in hebrew is awful :o )

also anyone know this site?


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Nothing wrong with the 'expat' writers, they serve a purpose and reflect a farang point of view. Maybe they touch the odd nerve.

However, if you want a Thai writer, forget the new kid on the block, go straight to Pira Sudham. Got a Nobel prize or something similar......One of the advertisers on Thaivisa (DCO) sells his books.

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Pira Sudham's novels are decent. He paints a good picture of the struggle of life in rural Isarn, however I find they don't stand alone too well.

The site Bina links is Marcel Barang's site. Barang started off the Thai Modern Classics series which came to a premature end when it hit the rails during the crash in 1997. A great shame really as they had translated some invaluable novels into English and had big plans for the future.

Beats the ###### out of the expat author dribble.

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  • 11 months later...

Read the book, enjoyed it. What ever the litterary ability of writers surely it's interesting to read books about Thailand from Thai writers. Not much insight into thailand by reading tired old bar girl stories written by some expat tired of teaching English all the time. This book, however, is well written and quite original. I liked the story about the draft dodge and the cockfighter one in particular - although not quite sure on the ending of cockfighter - was there more significance than I picked up (girl going to car etc...?), anyone with a theory or better insight please let me know.

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Read the book, enjoyed it.  What ever the litterary ability of writers surely it's interesting to read books about Thailand from Thai writers.  Not much insight into thailand by reading tired old bar girl stories written by some expat tired of teaching English all the time.  This book, however, is well written and quite original.  I liked the story about the draft dodge and the cockfighter one in particular - although not quite sure on the ending of cockfighter - was there more significance than I picked up (girl going to car etc...?), anyone with a theory or better insight please let me know.

Very well said, I really enjoyed reading the book, and I hope that more will come in the future.

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