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Time To Devalue The Baht?


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Well it would seem to me what with all the political problems at the moment i.e. reds yellows blues etc.The eye is off the ball where the economy is concerned. So time to devalue the Baht say 30% and this should give the economy a needed boost.

This would give the Tourism industry a well needed boost as the thought of a cheaper holiday would sway many away from worrying about the possible dangers of comming here.it would also give exports a well needed boost making exports cheaper from a overseas buyers point of view..

Ok imports would be more expensive but these are not always the average man in the streets purchase anyway.Yes I know fuel would be more expensive but this would surely be outweighed by the positives.

The downturn is hitting Thailand hard and will hit harder in the comming months so surely its better to act now and at least have some forign currency comming in?

Your thoughts TV.

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There always someone willing to be the grammar critic eh?

Personally I would like to see the baht devalued so I would have more money.

Anybody else share this point of view?

My wife would disagree, she has a few millions in the bank, it'd hurt her (our) bottom line. :o

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Didn't devalue after the coup or during the troubles last year, in fact it went the wrong way for me.

As a Brit I would be more than happy for the Baht to devalue, but I don't think it will any more than the Pound strengthen - I would be happy to be proved wrong

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There always someone willing to be the grammar critic eh?

Personally I would like to see the baht devalued so I would have more money.

Anybody else share this point of view?

My wife would disagree, she has a few millions in the bank, it'd hurt her (our) bottom line. :o

Why? Where does she spend her (your) money?

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Didn't devalue after the coup or during the troubles last year, in fact it went the wrong way for me.

As a Brit I would be more than happy for the Baht to devalue, but I don't think it will any more than the Pound strengthen - I would be happy to be proved wrong

^ I agree the baht being de-valued would be good for me. I am from the US, so I feel this is the only way to "increase funds" because we all know the US dollar sucks right now and Idont see it getting better in the futrue.

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I think the government has more to worry about at the moment than the value of the Baht so will not be rushing through any devaluation.

Tourists will be more concerned about their safety than saving a few Baht, so I doubt if a reduction in it's cost will having them queuing up to get in.

Cutting the value of the Baht would mean that imports would cost more and exports worth less, another reason not to devalue.

The world markets will determine the true level, so unless there is an unlikely increase in the value of the pound, in my case, the Baht will stay at it's current levels.

That's my take on it, though as I have said before, I will be happy to be proved wrong.

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While the logic seems inescapable, that riots and yet another State of Emergency ought to weaken the Baht on world-markets, this is Thailand and therefore one must expect to see the Bank of Thailand continue with its damaging policy, as exports & tourism & the local economy crumble. They do have the Reserves to be able to hold this line.

So I for one am not holding my breath ... :o

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That's not quite how it works. Currencies are devalued to make exports more attractive in foreign markets. China is particularly good at manipulating their currency and the US tries to do the same thing. Thailand is pretty much an export based economy with tourism to bolster the domestic market. Once the credit markets dry up and banks begin to default from bad loans, the baht should float upward as demand lessens for this currency. The rumor is many rich Thais are selling baht for dollars which is a safer and more stable currency.

I think the government has more to worry about at the moment than the value of the Baht so will not be rushing through any devaluation.

Tourists will be more concerned about their safety than saving a few Baht, so I doubt if a reduction in it's cost will having them queuing up to get in.

Cutting the value of the Baht would mean that imports would cost more and exports worth less, another reason not to devalue.

The world markets will determine the true level, so unless there is an unlikely increase in the value of the pound, in my case, the Baht will stay at it's current levels.

That's my take on it, though as I have said before, I will be happy to be proved wrong.

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There always someone willing to be the grammar critic eh?

Personally I would like to see the baht devalued so I would have more money.

Anybody else share this point of view?

My wife would disagree, she has a few millions in the bank, it'd hurt her (our) bottom line. :D

Do you think she will lend me Bt500000?? :o

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The rumor is many rich Thais are selling baht for dollars which is a safer and more stable currency.[/color][/size][/font]

I hope you weren't referring to US dollars as being stable. Heaven only knows how unstable it will become when it loses its world reserve currency status.

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There always someone willing to be the grammar critic eh?

Personally I would like to see the baht devalued so I would have more money.

Anybody else share this point of view?

My wife would disagree, she has a few millions in the bank, it'd hurt her (our) bottom line. :o

You would do well to advise her to move that money elsewhere. Since I have lived here the Baht has undergone at least two sudden and substantial devaluations.

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I stopped paying bargirls when the baht went sub 37. sorry, but just can't afford it anymore.

Time to stop patronising them then, or the ducks will be feasting on spotted dick for pudding :o

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As much as I would like it to devalue they would be crazy to devalue it on purpose now....

With the economy the way it is and other currencies so unstable they should keep it in a window and stable like it is.

If they devalue they could trigger a run on the baht again which could send it seriously the wrong way very quickly.

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