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New Scam Or Not By Farang At Jj Market


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I was asked to help a Portugese woman at Koh San find an ATM which would take her card.  We couldn't find one, and she was in near tears.  I just gave her 10,000 baht off my ATM card.  She gave me a copy of her passport and a hug and demanded my phone number.  Four or five days later, I received a call.  THere had been a problem at her family's bank, and her card had been locked.  It was then unlocked, and she met me to give me back the 10,000.  

I didn't care about the 10,000 baht much, but it was a relief to know she was honest and I wasn't scammed.

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This should be a warning to all, even if you live here. Always keep a copy of your passport, and the phone numbers of your banks/cards/embassy/phone company with you IN A DIFFERENT PLACE FROM YOUR WALLET. I keep a copy in the sole of my shoe, and in a small plastic sleeve in another pocket.

I've lived here for over 2 years and I still do this. Overcautious? Maybe, but I don't want to be "that guy", begging in the streets.

I also would call scam, as the first thing I would do if I didn't have all of that documentation, is call family or friends to figure things out for me. If they don't have family or friends, they shouldn't be in a different part of the world. It may be a cold sentiment, but you are only as safe as your wits and your support network when you travel or live outside your home country.

So, call your mom and tell her you love her!!!! :o

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This should be a warning to all, even if you live here. Always keep a copy of your passport, and the phone numbers of your banks/cards/embassy/phone company with you IN A DIFFERENT PLACE FROM YOUR WALLET. I keep a copy in the sole of my shoe, and in a small plastic sleeve in another pocket.

I've lived here for over 2 years and I still do this. Overcautious? Maybe, but I don't want to be "that guy", begging in the streets.

I also would call scam, as the first thing I would do if I didn't have all of that documentation, is call family or friends to figure things out for me. If they don't have family or friends, they shouldn't be in a different part of the world. It may be a cold sentiment, but you are only as safe as your wits and your support network when you travel or live outside your home country.

So, call your mom and tell her you love her!!!! :D

:o The legendary bank of mom .......

Next time I will use that line "have you phoned you mom" now get lost and out of my way i've got beer to drink :D

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The main thing to be aware of in this type of scam is

when the guy is not from your country and gives you forged notes and swindle you out of your hard earned cash

This is a common scam used outside the EU


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At most times during my travels here in Thailand, if a Thai or some Farang strangers begin making conversation with me, it`s usually because they are looking for an earner.

I just say, sorry, don`t wish to talk and walk away.

this happens all over . be wary of friendly people in las vegas. i bought a $100,000 chup from a guy for $75,000, little did i know that the casino would cash them only for the one who it was issued to. boy was i mad :o

Edited by keithlee
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I was in Shenzhen, China and met several scammers like this. This young guy/girl told me they were stranded in Shenzhen and didn't have the money to eat or go home. I was suspicious and opened up the guy's bag and what do you know he had food in there. :o I took some pictures of the two scamming <deleted> and told them to buzz off. Maybe I'll post their pics. :D

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I remember when I first came to Bangkok. I was near Lumpini park walking towards Silom. I met a 40-something white male who seem to be a little crazy. He stopped me and gave me some flash cards to choose from and asked for 50 baht for each. I didn't want a flash card and gave him 20 baht and he gave me a card and walked off while talking to himself. I threw the card in the trash.

The next year I returned and was approached by the same guy with the same demand. I ignored him and kept walking and he treated me to a volly of insults directed at me...

If he is reading this I would only like to say to him....

"So is your MOTHER!"


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On a number times I've had my cards "locked" in Thailand.

A call to the card centre and 10 minutes later they were fine.

On the other hand I forgot to tell the Halifax about a last-minute trip to BKK and it took 2 days to authorize the card fro use here YMMV.

The halifax did this to me as well but when i phoned them they told me its just ATMs that i could not use, And iit was still ok in shops.


3 Seconds to block the card 48 hours to unblock it,

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1st of all, I love the guy who keeps his phone numbers in his shoe. That's classic!

Am reminded of the Pink Floyd song (Roger Waters lyrics for sure) where he says: "A million miles from home, you're on your own" (i think it's on Obscured by Clouds?)

Anyway, Quite a coincidence, i replied to this thread this morning and said i hope the OP isn't ever that poor guy.

And this evening, (just a few hours ago) my best friend here in Thailand just returned from a week long trip to Australia.

She had called her credit card company before she left to make sure her card would work as she had booked a hotel and everything with it.

Well, guess what? The card didn't work. She didn't have her cell phone, and the hotel wouldn't even let her make a call.

She had friends in town and they took care of her but she was scared. Thoughts went through her mind of sleeping in the street.

She was livid when talking to me. I told her to call them right now and get loud!

These card companies can suck. And you know when you do all them, it's always someone from India who you can barely understand.

I always keep asking for their boss..

Personally, from reading what the OP wrote, i think this guy from Czech was legit. I've been turned away from those cash places cause my money was torn already or even ink writing on them.

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GuestHouse...the story of your mother and India country is so lovely... I like it.

My first trip to India in year 2000, I took night flight alone to see friend who got training programme in Bangalore..

Maybe I was so skinny at that time (Well..now just turned to triple size..haha..) and may be looked very naive..

Among all foreign passengers in that flight, I got 2 Thai ladies tried to assist and accompany me..

I said thank you and was really fine..but they insisted.. (Baa!!.. :D ..leave me alone!!!..)

So I escaped but finally they found me at the on board gate.... I was complaint..Oiiiii....!!!! :o

Haha...I don't mean to piss in here..just a funny story... the interaction with some strangers..can be good and nightmare, it is faith...IMO

I usually have good experiences with the strangers, especially when I been alone to somewhere far from home..

I also got bad experience, but not too bad.. been scammed by Thai accused me that I drove my car onto a man's feet!!

Since I kinda talk a lot, so I questioned a lot to him and asked to see police, then he gone away.. so I knew it was scam..

OP... I give you one star since you have golden heart.. :D , you keep thinking of that Czech.. and feel a bit worry..

If I were you, I might give him a small money for him to have some eat..

But he might run away from me since I would do the same...questioned and questioned him..haha..

Might take him to police (for tourist), or said of police to see his reaction..and decided if he deserved my help..

Anyway, though it was scam... I would think I paid for experience..

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Was shopping yesterday at Chatuchak market and was approached by a 25 - 35 year old white male(eastern european), he was wearing a a large sun hat like indiana jones style, shorts, t shirts and carrying a rucksack.

This was outside where the Banks /Toilets/Admin offices are.

He asked me if i am European too which i replied yes English and he then rattled off a long story about just arrived in BKK from Koh Samui and was trying to get cash from the ATM with his HSBC card which has been locked because of it being use in BKK - he has spoke to HSBC and they confirmed this but couldn't unlock it till Monday and all he had was his Czech passport and 2 notes of Czech money (passport / HSBC card / passport) are all in his hand to confirm each part of the story. Two Czech notes think they were a 100 and a 50 or 1000 and 5000 not sure as didn't want to touch them to extend the conversation.

Then the hit happens "They will not change my Czech money in the Bank its like they have never seen it before and it doesn't exist, its worth about £50 can you give me the Baht equalivent and you can change this when you get home"

At this point i said "sorry I live here and will not be going home for a long time -best you go to Khao Sarn road and i'm sure you can get help there"

Then i walked off - he wasn't there when i walked back through 30 minutes later.

I don't know if it's a new scam is starting in JJ or if it was genuine but if any of you are hit upon like this then its a new scam and you have been warned.

if its genuine I hope the dude is okay.

GOOD CALL>>>>> Tell the bozo to change them at a money changer or a Bank....

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GuestHouse...the story of your mother and India country is so lovely... I like it.

My first trip to India in year 2000, I took night flight alone to see friend who got training programme in Bangalore..

Maybe I was so skinny at that time (Well..now just turned to triple size..haha..) and may be looked very naive..

Among all foreign passengers in that flight, I got 2 Thai ladies tried to assist and accompany me..

I said thank you and was really fine..but they insisted.. (Baa!!.. :D ..leave me alone!!!..)

So I escaped but finally they found me at the on board gate.... I was complaint..Oiiiii....!!!! :o

Haha...I don't mean to piss in here..just a funny story... the interaction with some strangers..can be good and nightmare, it is faith...IMO

I usually have good experiences with the strangers, especially when I been alone to somewhere far from home..

I also got bad experience, but not too bad.. been scammed by Thai accused me that I drove my car onto a man's feet!!

Since I kinda talk a lot, so I questioned a lot to him and asked to see police, then he gone away.. so I knew it was scam..

OP... I give you one star since you have golden heart.. :D , you keep thinking of that Czech.. and feel a bit worry..

If I were you, I might give him a small money for him to have some eat..

But he might run away from me since I would do the same...questioned and questioned him..haha..

Might take him to police (for tourist), or said of police to see his reaction..and decided if he deserved my help..

Anyway, though it was scam... I would think I paid for experience..

I'm having trouble understanding your post but here goes.

He didn't try to hit me for a small amount of money but for £50 = 2,500 baht worth of Czech money (1500 Czech koruna?)

Yeah right like i'm going to give the money away that i've worked for......erh no.....

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I've recounted this before - but it's worth mentioning in the context of this post.

My mother went traveling with a friend o India - that is they booked scheduled flights and travelled around India on trains, buses taxes etc (not a package). Because they were traveling independently they had to plan for emergencies, and since my mother is diabetic this included always having a small supply of spare food along.

On arriving at the airport to depart home the met a young Italian guy (in his early 20s), my mother said he looked dreadful - half starved. He approached my mother and asked if he could borrow some money - with a long story of how he'd been robbed of all his belongings and his money. He had his passport and a ticket home, but no money for taxes and for the fee to change his flight date - Again my mother said he was in a right mess of a condition. Of course he offered to send the money on as soon as he got home.

My mother and her friend gave him around a $100 from their own emergency cash and all the food they had + a clean T-shirt and stuff from their wash kit.

Some weeks later after returning home a letter arrived from the young man, he had returned the cash and enclosed a painting he had done as a gift. A few days after this a second letter arrived from the guys mother in which she thanked my mother for helping her son..... Now added to the Christmas card list.

A year or two later my wife and I were posted to Rome - mothers contact mothers and my wife and I are invited to visit this guy's family.

They were/are absolutely charming people who opened their home to my wife and I and welcomed us to Italy at at time when we knew nobody there - it was a real privilege to know this people.


Now I'm not saying that scammers do not exist - but it does demonstrate that genuine cases of need exist and it further demonstrates that having faith in people might just open a door or two.

My own view is I'd rather not carry a load of cynicism on my back - a helping hand can be real cheap and if you're being scammed - ask yourself, what else do you throw money at that has no value?

Nice story. There are some genuine people out there. I was once at the train station in Oxford and was walking out the car park. A guy was running round like a lunatic, 3 mins to go before the London train saying he had no cash for the parking. I gave him the £3 and he said 'but you can't just give it me', I said, 'it's only £3 don't worry'. He thanked me profusely got a ticket and ran like hel_l. 6-8 months later in Gloucester some 45 miles away a young boy came running up and tapped me on the side, 'excuse me my Dad needs to see you!', I turned around somewhat bemused to find the same guy from Oxford, he returned the £3 and insisted I went for a pie and a pint with him. Similarly met a young girl running around outside the tube at shepherds bush crying at 7am. Said she didnt kn ow what to do, urgently needed some money for food for her baby. Alarm bells rang, I thought Drugs, I had 4K in my pocket to come here with so I thought, what the hel_l. I told here to assure me it was for the baby not drugs, she assured me. I gave her £20 and my mobile number. 2 weeks later she called me to say she had been paid her social security money and could pay me back I said don't worry, thanks for calling.

There are the other sides however. I have found that most people who will rob you blind are those who claim to be friends or business partners. Like the 'friend' out here who I knew, he was unfairly dismissed from his job in the aviation industry and got a lawyer on the case. Everyone was sure of a settlement but it would take three months. In the meantime he was here with his kid as a single dad living on bread and water basically, now without a work permitt. I said I could spare him a loan of survival money of 30K baht each month for two months to help him while he waited the outcome of the court case. He took the money, and I haven't heard from him since. He is still in the same house, still working elsewhere having recieved his settlement. Bas***d.

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Rule of thumb anybody in Thailand who comes on with the 'excuse me do you speak English' it is a scam and i walk quickly on or occasinally if i am in the mood to hear what scam they are running i will stop and listen......99 percent of the time in thailand they are scams...sad but true

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There was an English bloke a few years back scamming around Emprium in BKK. Lost his money to a BG, needed to get home, etc etc. The thing which made it memorable was that he bore an uncanny resembance to that troubled troll in the lord of the rings movie.

Anyhoo, a good news story:


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Was shopping yesterday at Chatuchak market and was approached by a 25 - 35 year old white male(eastern european), he was wearing a a large sun hat like indiana jones style, shorts, t shirts and carrying a rucksack.

This was outside where the Banks /Toilets/Admin offices are.

He asked me if i am European too which i replied yes English and he then rattled off a long story about just arrived in BKK from Koh Samui and was trying to get cash from the ATM with his HSBC card which has been locked because of it being use in BKK - he has spoke to HSBC and they confirmed this but couldn't unlock it till Monday and all he had was his Czech passport and 2 notes of Czech money (passport / HSBC card / passport) are all in his hand to confirm each part of the story. Two Czech notes think they were a 100 and a 50 or 1000 and 5000 not sure as didn't want to touch them to extend the conversation.

Then the hit happens "They will not change my Czech money in the Bank its like they have never seen it before and it doesn't exist, its worth about £50 can you give me the Baht equalivent and you can change this when you get home"

At this point i said "sorry I live here and will not be going home for a long time -best you go to Khao Sarn road and i'm sure you can get help there"

Then i walked off - he wasn't there when i walked back through 30 minutes later.

I don't know if it's a new scam is starting in JJ or if it was genuine but if any of you are hit upon like this then its a new scam and you have been warned.

if its genuine I hope the dude is okay.

don't they use euros now??? :o

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  • 2 months later...
I was in Shenzhen, China and met several scammers like this. This young guy/girl told me they were stranded in Shenzhen and didn't have the money to eat or go home. I was suspicious and opened up the guy's bag and what do you know he had food in there. :) I took some pictures of the two scamming <deleted> and told them to buzz off. Maybe I'll post their pics. :D

The problem here was that they were scamming in the same area as Harris Black (aka:runner) and he hates competition. The only time Harris lies is when he speaks or types. I'd like to know how he opened up the guys bag without getting the shit kicked out of him. If he tried to look into your bag, what would you have done to the little squirt?

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BTW...Harris Black is still running his "virtual assistant" scam so beware. He is no longer Runner on Thaivisa so be on the lookout for a new alias.

The Runner account and associated email has been confiscated from Mr. Black. If the moderators permit, we shall use this account to warn members of Harris' up-coming scams.


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Interesting 200 Czek money = 6+ British Pounds

Years ago a girl giving me a massage asked me to check the chillian money - turns out someone had paid her in chili money - which sounds great but was worthless :)

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