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Do You Fly The Flag - Of Your Native Country?


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For those who are……living or/and working here.

Do you fly the flag - of your native country?

I'm talking about either flying it in front of, or on your house or having a flag visible from the street, say in a window…..

Just wondering .... Do you?

Why ….or Why not?

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For those who are……living or/and working here.

Do you fly the flag - of your native country?

I'm talking about either flying it in front of, or on your house or having a flag visible from the street, say in a window…..

Just wondering .... Do you?

Why ….or Why not?

Confused? Do you mean in the USA where you are?

In Thailand, I very much doubt many people fly their native country flag except for the occaisional Aussie :o

Edited by bkkjames
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For those who are……living or/and working here.

Do you fly the flag - of your native country?

I'm talking about either flying it in front of, or on your house or having a flag visible from the street, say in a window…..

Just wondering .... Do you?

Why ….or Why not?

Confused? Do you mean in the USA where you are?

In Thailand, I very much doubt many people fly their native country flag except for the occaisional Aussie :o

Used to be in state of confusion all the times….whenever you‘re near, James.

But not anymore, thxs the lord....wink wink

Actually it is what it is…..“where YOU are…..ja”

HERE…..is aka “Thailand”

So where is your Maple leaf...?

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For those who are……living or/and working here.

Do you fly the flag - of your native country?

I'm talking about either flying it in front of, or on your house or having a flag visible from the street, say in a window…..

Just wondering .... Do you?

Why ….or Why not?

Confused? Do you mean in the USA where you are?

In Thailand, I very much doubt many people fly their native country flag except for the occaisional Aussie :o

Used to be in state of confusion all the times….whenever you‘re near, James.

But not anymore, thxs the lord....wink wink

Actually it is what it is…..“where YOU are…..ja”

HERE…..is aka “Thailand”

So where is your Maple leaf...?

I have a pair of maple leaf underwear, sadly though there is a hole in the crotch that makes them unwearable in public, although the extra hole comes in handy sometimes.

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In Thailand, I very much doubt many people fly their native country flag except for the occaisional Aussie :o

Well spotted James. And for the record I also have a large kangaroo in the garden. A concrete one though, so need to worry about being disembowelled when going out to put rubbish in the bin.

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Ileagle. yes, would not want people thinking you were housing a sick bird

being canadian i cannot.

people assume you're an american trying to live incognito if you fly the canadian flag.

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The new independent Republic of Phaethonia has recently adopted this noble flag. Unique amongst the tatty banners and wannabe-windsocks of other nations, it flies proudly wherever Phaethonians live free! Long Live Phaethonia!!


Anthem of Phaethonia (Please stand and place your left foot behind your right ear whilst playing this)

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I don’t know it’s against the law here or not….to display another flag above the THAI flag

There is a guy(farang) who lives near one of my mom‘s friends, and he has this HUGE flag of some country (mom’s not sure which one), and below it he has a tiny-bity thai flag. She thinks this is just wrong, because if he likes his country that much, why did he even bother moving here? It just doesn't seem right to her…and sort of disrespectful really to the country you’re living in now.

She just wanted me to ask, if this is a common occurrence of many farang occupied homes…or not

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No way would I fly the flag of my home country.

If I loved my home country so much I would have stayed there.

Hear, hear.

England is the country of my birth.

Thailand is where I choose to live most of time.

I would no more fly the Union Jack or flag of St George in Thailand, than fly the Thai over my English properties.

Similarly, with St Georges Day occuring on Thursday I have no intention of celebrating it in Thailand - it means nothing to me here. If I was in England then I certainly would attend one of the many celebratory lunches.

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I don't see the need to. Hardly a day goes by without me seeing it painted on a bus, on a car sticker or a T-shirt. The Thais seem to rather like the flag of my native country and plaster it all over the place.

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I love, Canada, and I love Thailand, both of them can frustrate me incredibly, but they are still great. I don't know which one I like best.

But I am no flag waver. Real patriotism is in the heart. I am much more likely to fly a flag of my favorite hockey or football team than I am my country's flag.

That being said however, I really like the Canadian flag and I find the Thai one very boring. (same goes for any other flag that simply has stripes. How dull.

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I have a pair of maple leaf underwear, sadly though there is a hole in the crotch that makes them unwearable in public, although the extra hole comes in handy sometimes.

In the shape of a maple leaf?…..oh how patriotic you are!!!

being …a flag pole :o

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I don't actually fly it no but i do have it Tatooed on my Body which means i have it represented 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..

Would ideally like it covered up not because i'm any less Patriotic but just because i was very young & probably wouldn't have had it done if i was any older than i was..

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I don't see the need to. Hardly a day goes by without me seeing it painted on a bus, on a car sticker or a T-shirt. The Thais seem to rather like the flag of my native country and plaster it all over the place.

and how do you like it, when it's on flipflops?

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I don't see the need to. Hardly a day goes by without me seeing it painted on a bus, on a car sticker or a T-shirt. The Thais seem to rather like the flag of my native country and plaster it all over the place.

and how do you like it, when it's on flipflops?

I don't care a bit - Back home it's not unusual to see folk walking around with the flag adourning their @rse!

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I don't see the need to. Hardly a day goes by without me seeing it painted on a bus, on a car sticker or a T-shirt. The Thais seem to rather like the flag of my native country and plaster it all over the place.

and how do you like it, when it's on flipflops?

I don't care a bit - Back home it's not unusual to see folk walking around with the flag adourning their @rse!

Me either.

However most thais do get offended if they see theirs on flipflops,......It's just different here when it comes to our own :o

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I don't see the need to. Hardly a day goes by without me seeing it painted on a bus, on a car sticker or a T-shirt. The Thais seem to rather like the flag of my native country and plaster it all over the place.

and how do you like it, when it's on flipflops?

I don't care a bit - Back home it's not unusual to see folk walking around with the flag adourning their @rse!

Me either.

However most thais do get offended if they see theirs on flipflops,......It's just different here when it comes to our own :o

I have never seen the Thai flag on flip-flops, I have seen a Chang beer label stuck to the bottom of one though.

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I have a small flag sticker on the rear window of the car. Yet would never consider flying the flag from the upstairs balcony or wherever. Not as if I am the Embassy or something :o

Very inconsiderate to have a large foreign flag and a tiny little Thai one beneath it though.

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I have a small flag sticker on the rear window of the car. Yet would never consider flying the flag from the upstairs balcony or wherever. Not as if I am the Embassy or something :o

Very inconsiderate to have a large foreign flag and a tiny little Thai one beneath it though.

Same here.

I have a large Scottish flag on my wall. My wall is a very complicated thing - there are pictures of the King, my parents, Ganesh, Buddhist monk etc.

Ganesh is the highest followed by the monk.

If I came from any other country, I wouldn't. :D

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In Thailand, I very much doubt many people fly their native country flag except for the occaisional Aussie :o

and Swiss.

And Germans!

I think it is not polite to do so, as long as you didn't come as conqueror or ambassador.

Add: our neighbour flys the Nazi German flag. He is a well educated Thai.

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