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Aussie Mates In Thai Jail Nightmare


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One popular one back in my day (not me of course... just people I heard of) :o was claiming missing items from your luggage to the airline. The key was not to claim anything too expensive. Just missing Polo shirts, Red Wing fraternity boots, a G-Shock watch maybe... no expensive electronics or jewelry. You've kept all your receipts like a good school kid and mail them in to the airline along with the airline's form. Back then you didn't even need a police report. The airlines know luggage pilfering is rampant on the ramps across the country. Easy $400-500 check arrives in a few weeks to offset your high school or freshman year spring break trip costs.

And yes, they do check up more nowadays.


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The tourist police, who can speak English, would have to be involved so I don't think problems with the translation.

I haven't read they are complaining they're innocent.

They pleaded guilty.

The police found the items in their room.

The are young, adventurous and maybe a little daft.

It's only two months and a good lesson learned.

Funny how JBGood is full of bile for a dead Thai women but full of sympathy for a couple of prats caught red-handed committing fraud. It's a strange world.

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So they decided to file a stolen property report just before flying home?

Maybe scam some insurance money?

dam_n, my very low regard for Thai cops has just improved ever so slightly.

So you believe the story then.

There are two sides to every story and you just might not have heard the correct one.

Don't jump to conclusions. It could very well be you next :o

Mental note: With news reports NOT involving dead women we shouldn't jump to conclusions. :D

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A typical scam. In order to collect on travel insurance you need a police report. The Thai police, not wanting to give Thailand a bad reputation and being on to this scam, regularly check bags and hotels rooms. Time for travelers to stop doing this one.

Sorry to the guys but Thai prisons are a cake walk if you have a little cash and 2 months will pass.

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This is a very common scam that's been going on for the past 20 years at least, and probably more.

In all likelihood they thought they'd get away with breaking the law (probably met or heard of somebody else who had already done it without repercussions), they're now doing the time to pay for it, and seem to be doing comparatively okay after all. No doubt they will come out a little wiser and with a great story to tell all their mates back home.

They also have the company of each other in there, which would be very different from doing time alone.

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This is a very common scam that's been going on for the past 20 years at least, and probably more.

In all likelihood they thought they'd get away with breaking the law (probably met or heard of somebody else who had already done it without repercussions), they're now doing the time to pay for it, and seem to be doing comparatively okay after all. No doubt they will come out a little wiser and with a great story to tell all their mates back home.

They also have the company of each other in there, which would be very different from doing time alone.

Yes a great story for the mates, I am a convicted felon!

I tried to defraud (steal) money from an insurance company

and got caught. It was very exciting to spend 2 months in a Thai

jail. I read on a forum how lax the Thai cops are. Don't believe what

you read on the internet! I can never return to Thailand being convicted of breaking Thai laws I am blacklisted. Yes a great story to tell !!

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Police said that items the Australians claimed had been stolen – including a laptop, iPod, sunglasses and digital camera – were later found by officers during a search of their hotel room

It use to be so much easier to claim on your travel insurance, just a trip to the cops to get the paperwork. I suppose they check up on your story now.

Police here on Phuket definitely check, but something is sstill wrong with the story if it actually went to court; and as I heard, l;cal police here are certainly greedy and it could cost a lot more than a few thousand Baht to get out of it.

However better than jail, but even that would not be my biggest concern, not just being a tourist: theft might be a criminal offense (not sure about insurance fraud), which might bring a very ugly red stamp in the passport when convicted.

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As well as the likely cash benefits of telling their story to the news channels maybe they could swing a part in some insurance company's anti-fraud advertising campaign. This could turn out to be a lucrative experience for the two guys, even if they find it hard to sit down for a while :o

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I reckon they bought the "Land of Smiles" hoohah and failed to realized Thailand is a real country, with real (scary) cops, and not so fun third world prisons. Maybe they should show one of those Thai prison movies on the planes over. In this case, it sure does sound like they really are guilty.

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They deserve to be punished.

They are young louts with no respect.

i like the one on the right,i would like to see him bend over to pick up the soap in jail.

They should have just worked a few days at Coffee Boy. At least they would have earned the money honestly. :o

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They deserve to be punished.

They are young louts with no respect.

i like the one on the right,i would like to see him bend over to pick up the soap in jail.


You watch too much movies.

Sounds like he (dell boy that is) might have even starred in a few (movies) himself, "dropped soap" and all :o

Edited by john b good
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I see that many posting here, some being critical and some not, but one thing seems to have gone over everyone's head .

The lady involved in the article, Ms. Kathryn McDaniel, is truly in Chiang Mai, an angel of mercy. She has many times a overlooked and thankless job, with the exception of after-the-fact , those she aids.

As in this case, the Australian Consular gang, as stated was not aware of the fact that these two young men were being held for 5 days. I do not fault Mike Walters, [Hon. Aust Consul., CM] but rather the communication link between the police and the foreign embassy's.

I know this lady Kathryn and I just want to say that I admire her determination and respect the work she does immensely.

And before some of you hard core , anti church group start ripping her apart, just keep in mind, someday it just may be possible that she could be your initial contact with the outside world...... Don't knock it...... Stranger things have happened...... I can tell you it did with one former member of this forum.

Keep up the good work Kathryn. I hope our paths cross again, but not in your office away from home


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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They deserve to be punished.

They are young louts with no respect.

i like the one on the right,i would like to see him bend over to pick up the soap in jail.

They should have just worked a few days at Coffee Boy. At least they would have earned the money honestly. :o

Are you speaking from experience?

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It may seem like a little crime but dont forget that every time somebody scams an insurance claim,WE have to pay more for our insurance.

They made the big mistake of doing it in Thailand,but at least they are not whinging.No doubt they loved their holiday and sat down to discuss ways of getting more money for another trip.

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The story doesn't make sense. Why would they leave the stuff in the hotel room? They're taking a loss to gain the insurance money? The idea would be to claim the stuff missing, get the insurance money, and still have their electronics.

This happened to a friend of mine. He had put his valuables away so they wouldn't be stolen, and then forgot where he put them. The hotel staff found the stuff later for him, and he just looked stupid. He hadn't filed a report or anything, but it wasn't a planned fraud.

I guess we'll have to wait, but it doesn't make sense. It hardly sounds like a crime.

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A couple of young guys who made a mistake. Let's not make this out for more than what it is.

Utter <deleted>! They set out to make a false report to the TPD with the intent of lodging a fraudulent claim with their insurance company in Australia. It's pricks like this that are responsible for our premiums going through the roof.

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The story doesn't make sense. Why would they leave the stuff in the hotel room? They're taking a loss to gain the insurance money? The idea would be to claim the stuff missing, get the insurance money, and still have their electronics.

This happened to a friend of mine. He had put his valuables away so they wouldn't be stolen, and then forgot where he put them. The hotel staff found the stuff later for him, and he just looked stupid. He hadn't filed a report or anything, but it wasn't a planned fraud.

I guess we'll have to wait, but it doesn't make sense. It hardly sounds like a crime.

How about:

They decided to try the scam

They made the Police report on the theft

They didn't think the police would come and search the room or maybe the police already had searched the room

Then before they were to fly out, they of course packed

The police obviously knew the date when they were to fly out

And the police knowing of the possibilities of a scam came to check just prior ot them leaving.

and voila [wa la] found the reported stoles items......

seems pretty logical and basic for the police having been through the same program hundreds of times...... Thais can learn you know

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I see that many posting here, some being critical and some not, but one thing seems to have gone over everyone's head .

The lady involved in the article, Ms. Kathryn McDaniel, is truly in Chiang Mai, an angel of mercy. She has many times a overlooked and thankless job, with the exception of after-the-fact , those she aids.

As in this case, the Australian Consular gang, as stated was not aware of the fact that these two young men were being held for 5 days. I do not fault Mike Walters, [Hon. Aust Consul., CM] but rather the communication link between the police and the foreign embassy's.

I know this lady Kathryn and I just want to say that I admire her determination and respect the work she does immensely.

And before some of you hard core , anti church group start ripping her apart, just keep in mind, someday it just may be possible that she could be your initial contact with the outside world...... Don't knock it...... Stranger things have happened...... I can tell you it did with one former member of this forum.

Keep up the good work Kathryn. I hope our paths cross again, but not in your office away from home


Well said, sir. I have the utmost respect and admiration for people like this lady who give of themselves so selflessly in helping others.

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A couple of young guys who made a mistake. Let's not make this out for more than what it is.

Utter <deleted>! They set out to make a false report to the TPD with the intent of lodging a fraudulent claim with their insurance company in Australia. It's pricks like this that are responsible for our premiums going through the roof.

Pricks like this and pricks like that. This is a 1500 USD claim. As long as you pay all your taxes, don't buy from the night bazaar or download any music or movies, have never worn a T Shirt that says Billabong, fill in your customs declarations honestly, have never lied or stolen, drive the speed limit, don't do illegal drugs or drive after drinking and have never, ever done anything that would be morally reprehensible I am with you.

Angel that I am.

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I see that many posting here, some being critical and some not, but one thing seems to have gone over everyone's head .

The lady involved in the article, Ms. Kathryn McDaniel, is truly in Chiang Mai, an angel of mercy. She has many times a overlooked and thankless job, with the exception of after-the-fact , those she aids.

As in this case, the Australian Consular gang, as stated was not aware of the fact that these two young men were being held for 5 days. I do not fault Mike Walters, [Hon. Aust Consul., CM] but rather the communication link between the police and the foreign embassy's.

I know this lady Kathryn and I just want to say that I admire her determination and respect the work she does immensely.

And before some of you hard core , anti church group start ripping her apart, just keep in mind, someday it just may be possible that she could be your initial contact with the outside world...... Don't knock it...... Stranger things have happened...... I can tell you it did with one former member of this forum.

Keep up the good work Kathryn. I hope our paths cross again, but not in your office away from home


Well said, sir. I have the utmost respect and admiration for people like this lady who give of themselves so selflessly in helping others.

Here here!

You and hill16 are bang on the money. Kathryn is a truly wonderful woman, visiting people in prisons and hospitals all over Thailand, translating, helping the people who are suffering (self induced or not) and NEVER being judgemental. And NEVER talking to the press.

She and the Hon Consul of Australia for Chiang Mai, Mike Walther (mentioned in another thread here somewhere) are just gold dust.

NZ & Aus and Thailand, and all the folks they help and all those families, should be proud of them both!

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A couple of young guys who made a mistake. Let's not make this out for more than what it is.

No, a mistake is picking up the salt instead of the pepper BY MISTAKE. As far as we know what they did was to knowingly and deliberately file a false report to the police preparatory to committing fraud. Different thing altogether.

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Mr McGrath, who was school captain at his primary school in Maclean, was a successful staffer in a Yamba real estate office

End quote

He was just getting training for his career. SHould have gone to Pattaya though.

Edited by harrry
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They are not the first & certainly not the last sexpats to end their trip banged up in a thai jail. Now its fish head soup & hep c time. Too bad, so sad :o

Som Nom Naa indeed :D

I cant understand the bleeding hearts out there that feel so sorry for these <deleted>, people like this are just one of the reasons travel insurance is so expensive. Dear Bleeding Heart, these people are not only ripping off the insurance companies BUT are ripping you off. :D

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