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Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

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Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

She's hot, she's willing, you offered....what is the problem?

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

Depends more on who YOU are and what do you want. Do you want a Gik (a Casual lover with little attachment) and can you lay down the law so that it dosn't become another "Support me, my family, and my sick buffalo story"?

If you want good casual sex on your terms and you have the balls to lay down those terms from day one and stick with them, then hel_l yeah go for it. Mabey say hey look you need 3 days a week for me and I'll pay ya what Family Mart dose and I don't care what ya do with the rest of the time. Let her know that if you want to cut her off ya give her a month's notice and let the fun times begin!

What about doing what u would do in ur home country like dating with her before u commit to anything :o


It's a gik not wife material :D I hope he would know better than to wife something like that.

A) go for it

start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

H) Restock on the Hand-Cream

I) Sign up for that 'One Handed Keyboard Skills Course' you've been thinking of taking.


wait how old are you ?

Look at it this way .

is a good start -

but you got to judge if youw ant to spend your time with this girl , if you just want a sexual relationship , make it clear .

if youw ant a seriously one , i suggest you hold on to your dick and skip the sex and watch a few days .

-- just be very clear and simple .

- thing can go good and bad both way ..

just be who you are . don't lie to yoruself or her , that would be a good start


Thats not a gik... how long have you been here and you still dont get the terminology lol? GIKs are FREE. A gig is a part time lover that doesnt expect any kind of commitment out of you because she has a boyfriend or she knows you have a girlfriend or she just doesnt want a commitment. No money is exchanging hands..... sometimes women refer to a gik as a friend that they flirt with and there is no sex involved, but that is a naive use of the word and most men will immediately think sex since that is most often the case.

In your particular case she is willing to whore herself to you for a monthly salary. She brought up her crap salary and long hours hoping to lure you into a proposition, at least that would be my guess. She is basically a good girl, it takes monumental morality to work a 7-11 job 12 hour shifts 70 hours a week for peanuts when she could easily be a prostitute and make alot more for less work and less time invested. But she is willing to bend her morals into a pseudo girlfriend situation which probably makes her feel like its all right. Many women are supported by Thai men, its not seen the same as straight out selling your body, but the fact that she has never even dated you and is willing to go straight to salary makes it a little sketchy. I honestly feel bad for this girl, I've watched similar women go step by step from good girl to hard core hooker by starting off like this. She's got it in her head that you are about to make her life a whole lot easier and she is probably getting more and more excited about the idea (I know how happy I have felt in the past when I realised I could quit my horrible job).

She probably likes you, and you like her. If she was seriously cute, I would do it lol, even after all I said, the reason for that is she IS a good girl and I absolutely love those. She hasn't been corrupted yet or she simply would not be in the 7-11 working, no way. I would pay her rent/food etc and the amount extra she normally makes, taking care of her the way a Thai boyfriend might. I would be able to drop by whenever I wanted and see her as I wish. I would not be handing out cash whenever and she would know not to ask.

WAIT... this is a 7-11 girl in PATTAYA?! Oh for fecks sake... its just a matter of time before she is a full ho on walking street or in the gogos.... disregard most of what I said. Figured this was a 7-11 in a small community or part of Bangkok with very few falangs, if she's exposed to the pattaya scene that closely she is on her way if she's offering to be your girl on salary.


From a heterosexual male's perspective with high moral standards, who goes to church whenever I can make it, I read this post in all sincerity. My thoughts, my child, is what the f*** are you waiting for..............??? :o

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

What happened to the 2 bottles of Singha ? That's more important.
SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you".

BasicaIIy you said (even if joking) that you want to Iook after her. Even if you were not serious, she took it that you were. If you are not seriousIy interested in treating her weII and taking time to get to know her, then be a gentIeman and dont Iead her on. For guys to recommend "boning her" and other crude comments, im sorry, but i think you are disgracefuI. In this young girIs eyes she probabIy sees a (young? attractive?)"good" man who aIso has the abiIity (at his suggestion) to heIp her too. Take her out, make her feeI cared for, and heIp her not to worry about making ends meet. That doesnt mean she doesnt deserve consideration and respect...and it doesnt make her a prostitute. Shop somewhere eIse, at Ieast for a Iong time, if you are not interested in dating her.


One more thing..i often read on Thaivisa men who say they are sick of girIs who take advantage of them. That they want to find "good girIs". WeII..guys who take out nice young naive girIs and "bone" them, without having any consideration for the after effects, are the kind of guys who end up creating those cynicaI young woman who have IittIe faith in men. Is it any wonder?


A busload of bisexual female bikini models just knocked on my door and want to have an orgy.

What should I do?

Yep, I reckon it's pure fantasy.


I duno UG, they taIked for a Iong time over a period of time right? Maybe she got the impression he was interested in her more than just a friend, so, when he did finaIIy suggest that, she beIieved him. Maybe she was waiting for him to finaIIy ask? Just because she thinks he may be abIe to give her some security, shouId that make her a target for being taken advantage of. Aff..maybe i have too much of an oId fashioned outIook, or am too naive..


for a moment i was looking at the OP Nickname or username .


whhahaha how ironic , a HUNTER being HUNTED , but a 7-11 Girl

even thinking of moving to another place

whaha this is funny

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:o start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

This is not a gik...

Giks are basically free sex with a girl who doesn't want commitment or you in her normal life but a bit of hanky panky with a farang is okay.

If you go ahead with this - i cannot wait to read the second chapter...

She has big family - buffalo sick - male cousin lives near by - sin sod - when go ur country - blah blah blah

Giks don't work in the 7 -11 low income girls do who want a step up the social ladder from gutter to kerb.

Go for your educated girls who know what it is to be a gik...

A busload of bisexual female bikini models just knocked on my door and want to have an orgy?

What should I do?

Yep, I reckon it's pure fantasy.

it happened to you as well!

those dam_n lying bisexual bikini girls, they told me i was there only man :o

Giks don't work in the 7 -11 low income girls do who want a step up the social ladder from gutter to kerb.

This is incorrect, job or social standing does not make on incapable of being a gik lol.

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:D start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

I remember you saying on another thread Soidoghunter that you had a wife who lets you play around with other girls. Well I don't know anything about your personal history, but usually when wives say that they mean it's ok to just short time with a bargirl... starting something long term with another girl will get you in trouble! but regardless of that, have a heart and don't do this! this poor girl probably already made the tough decision not to work in a bar and instead slave away at 7-11- don't break her heart and give her hope for a better life only to throw her out when you get tired of her. needless to say, the lower-income thais who are not bargirls but not quite middle class yet, tend to be the most deceptive... at least with most bargirls there's an honesty and frankness about their situation. ... then again, i change my mind... i'm getting less and less concerned with the supposedly 'delicate' emotions of women- this girl of your's is already being an as$hole by basically 'threatening' you to take care of her- heck if she's like that then just get what you can out of her and when it turns sour run like the wind :o

A busload of bisexual female bikini models just knocked on my door and want to have an orgy?

What should I do?

Yep, I reckon it's pure fantasy.

it happened to you as well!

those dam_n lying bisexual bikini girls, they told me i was there only man :o

dam_n! I was wondering where the second bus ended up!


A nice reminder of forum rules for those who may have difficulty in maintaining good manners.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
A busload of bisexual female bikini models just knocked on my door and want to have an orgy.

What should I do?

Yep, I reckon it's pure fantasy.

Naw, Texpat, you under estimate yourself. One day "your ship will come in". If it does, give me a call I'm available for back up.

Well, you found yourself a "nice girl" who likes you , looks up to you, and really likes someone who told her he is going to take care of her. Then he acts surprised when she says "yes" and you say "I'll think about it".

She's probably told half the neighborhood about you and you treat her like crap! If she loses face over this, you better watch your back for as long as you are in LOS. You know if you treat people like crap and what goes around comes around. When you tell a 20 year old woman in this country that you'll take care of her, you better do what you say you are gonna do. Because we'll be reading all about how they found some Farang dead behind a 7-11 all sliced up. If you want to treat women like crap stick to the bar girls they expect it. Stay away from the ones who deserve more respect than what you are showing her. If she as nice as you say, why did you open your mouth in the first place? Too many beers I suspect. You forget, you are an easier target than they are. You stand out like a sore thumb, especially if you live in the area.

You offered, make good your promise!

She does not want to be a Gik. She wants to be a Ho (sorry eek, but you are wrong this time). :o

Sounds like she wants to be a mia noi.

Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

Well should i

A) go for it

:D start shopping at Family Mart

C) start shopping at my local Wat

D) Become a Monk

E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

F) Get on the Dr Phil show

G) Double my Meds

HMMMMMMM! If you got a lady already, which I guess you do, best bet (:D start shopping at Family Mart, if no girl already GO FOR IT> :o:D:D

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