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The Duke's Deserves Your Vote!

Ulysses G.

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Let me be as honest as possible, we are talking about foreign restaurants in THAILAND. I would agree that there are very few places that would measure up to fine restaurants in Paris, London, Rome, San Francisco or New York, but we are in the middle of South East Asia and in Thailand there are almost no foreign restaurants of the high quality found in these Western cities and that includes Bangkok.

The restaurants in Chiang Mai that are already listed on the Miele Guide are - in my opinion - not nearly up to the Duke's standards and much more expensive. They are nicely decorated, but the food is mostly pretentious, rather than tasty, and they are expensive to boot. When I hear someone praising them, I always feel that either the Lord did not bestow them with adequate taste buds, or they have never been to a good restaurant and are easily impressed by nice surroundings and a pleasant atmosphere. Those things are important, but not as important as delicious food.

I don't enjoy every meal at the Duke's. To be frank, I don't enjoy every meal at any place I've ever been in these parts, but the Duke's is the most consistent when it comes to good taste, good portions and rectifying any mistakes by the kitchen or staff.

The Duke's would be an adequate restaurant anywhere and when you consider all of the problems that a Chef here has with expensive, imported ingredients, the low quality of many local ingredients, and a staff that does not know or understand Western food, I would rate it as excellent for this part of the world.

The Duke's certainly DOES deserve to win a spot in the Miele Guide.

I think you said it all in that post, Ulysses. I agree. Finding the proper ingredients must be a nightmare for some Asian restaurants that aspire to be top end establishments. The Dukes IS good and reasonably priced for what you get.

To be frank I'm a cheap charlie and hate paying a lot of money just for a meal. Food to me is something to keep my body running efficiently and I can do that quite nicely by spending about 100 baht on a meal.

Dining in a restaurant is different. To me it is all about spending time with friends. If the surroundings are pleasant, the music not too loud and the food and service adequate then I am happy. Some places I like much better than others, but sometimes it is more about the company I keep than the food.

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What are you all getting your knickers in a twist for?

I would have thought it was quite simple. If you think that somewhere is befitting of a vote, vote for it. Whether anyone else agrees or not is inconsequential. If everyone votes for their favourite, then the winner is ... the one with the most votes. :D  

Talk about stating the bleedin' obvious. :)

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Dining in a restaurant is different. To me it is all about spending time with friends. If the surroundings are pleasant, the music not too loud and the food and service adequate then I am happy. Some places I like much better than others, but sometimes it is more about the company I keep than the food.

Agree 100%

And for me, one thing that can spoil a nice evening is hearing foul language from people at the next table.


Edited by piercefilmlid
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i get it now this list is a joke... i know this is a joke... white table covweings right?? we are joking about res-turd-rants that give you white table coverings instead of decent food ... right??? well you must like tables clothes and go in quite drunk so you do not have to realises how little you get of o.k. to just lousy food for so much money...

you named in that list some of the worst deals with some of the most inconsistant food in chiang mai perhaps the world...........

You were joking right??

what a way of saying /showing what a joke these top 20 res-turd-rants are once listed together...

i feel violated it was so obcene... most all of these bite it big unless you like the feeling of being bent over big time .... money falling out of your pockets for food that is hopefully fair at best.!!!

i have eaten at 12 of the listed 20 even gave most of them second chance only to feel like a fool spending way too much money for poor food.now seeing these all listed together i will make a point of doing my best to stay away from the other 8 too.

that being said....

dukes grilled tuna steak sandwich w/ fries @155 baht(i do the slaw dry then add their olive oil /balsomic)gets my vote i will bring my clean white table cloth and a rose in a vase so i feel like i am in france.....

but UG i certainly would not be going to any site to vote for anything anyway in chiang mai..this whole thread topic was a joke too right Ug?

Edited by gatorhead333
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I think that someone is having a bit of a wank here.

Chedi @ 8,888 ++ for dinner at new year would need to be real super <deleted> good. More than Baht 10,000.00 per person for a meal in a 4th world country (if they are lucky) "who is pulling who's dick here.

The Chedi is my favorite spot for a night's splurge. The food and atmosphere are first class. But to judge them by their New Year's prices is silly. 8,888 is outrageous, but on a regular evening entrees are 500-600 baht (at least the ones we order). And if you don't booze it up, you can end up having an excellent meal for 2 for not much more than 1000 Baht. Not so bad for what you get.

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Do you mostly eat Indian food there?

Some people love the place and some say that it is terrible. I am interested in trying it, but I hate that, "Why did I waste my money" feeling that you get sometimes on the way out the door! :)

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The Indian food at the Chedi is interesting, but perhaps a little bit overly fussed and arty.. I bet many people would prefer their Indian food to be a lot more basic and homey. Nothing wrong with the ambience though, and you can mix and match with other types of cuisine. It's rather nice actually.

Also Fujian at the Oriental really isn't THAT expensive, they even do a lunchtime Dim Sum deal that I think is about 500 baht or so.

I never visited the other restaurants at the Oriental (well, the bakery of course :) ) I think those are way more expensive.. Also I'm not sure I'd enjoy paying top dollar for Thai food. (Or pseudo Thai food, like Salmon Chae Nam Pla instead of Kung Chae Nam Pla.. )

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Also Fujian at the Oriental really isn't THAT expensive, they even do a lunchtime Dim Sum deal that I think is about 500 baht or so.

I REALLY want to try this one as I would love some Dim Sum that is not just so-so like other places.

Do they also have other Chinese food that is good? I miss the non Thai-ized variety. :)

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Duke's one of the best restaurants in Asia...or even Chiang Mai? Please???? The steaks are far superior at Kantary Hills and the price is comparable...even the ribs at Sizzler are better and the place is not full of missionaries. There's a reason they keep it so dark. And yes, a restaurant is judged by FOOD, ATMOSPHERE, SERVICE and VALUE FOR MONEY. So many people here like a restaurant based on quantity over quality. Most of them can sit on an ice cream cone and tell you what flavor it is!

Go ahead and vote...one more thing for people to laugh about when they visit Chiang Mai.

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This Guide is talking about favorites. Make your own list and vote. Everyone has an opinion.

We could get into arguments about whose food is better. If Le Spice has better food than The Chedi then vote for Le Spice.

One restaurant that might be missing and might actually qualify as having nice ambiance, good service and food and a not so knock you about price is Favola.

I think the point is that if The Chedi, Le Coq de Or and The House are on the list because of their nice ambiance, expensive pricing and mediocre food, why shouldn't a funky Carrebean, reasonably priced restaurant with great food, Salsa Kitchen, be on the list?

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I'll put my vote in for Duke's. Nothing like supporting a local business. Dave makes good food and at good prices.

I am not one of them who thinks paying 10k for a dinner means you getting good food and that the restaurant has to be top in the list.

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Do you mostly eat Indian food there?

I do mostly eat Indian food at the Chedi. I agree with Winnie that the food is "arty", but nothing so different from what you'd get if you went to an upscale restaurant in India. And even if it ain't down home Indian cooking like Ama used to make, I still think it's delicious.

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Site seems to be down.

It seems to have been down since at least this morning, when I clicked the link from an email.

But I agree with UG, I feel the best, most consistently prepared food in Chiang Mai is at The Dukes :)

I concur with UG and Ajarn. The Dukes gets my vote.

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Bookman, you and the others who agree that Dukes is one of the best 300 restaurants in Asia are completely touched. You cannot be serious?

The Miele Guide is for fine restaurants cooking exceptional food and while the Dukes is good honest American fare that is a much appreciated taste of home for people living in Chiang Mai it would be an average restaurant in any American city. It is not even in the top 20 of restaurants in Chiang Mai to say it is one of the best restaurants in Asia is laughable.

Did Dave do promise you a lifetimes supply of potato wedges and pumpkin pie if you could get him in the guide?

Is this a joke?

Edited by elektrified
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Bookman, you and the others who agree that Dukes is one of the best 300 restaurants in Asia are completely touched. You cannot be serious?

The Miele Guide is for fine restaurants cooking exceptional food and while the Dukes is good honest American fare that is a much appreciated taste of home for people living in Chiang Mai it would be an average restaurant in any American city. It is not even in the top 20 of restaurants in Chiang Mai to say it is one of the best restaurants in Asia is laughable.

Did Dave do promise you a lifetimes supply of potato wedges and pumpkin pie if you could get him in the guide?

Is this a joke?

I agree entirely. The Dukes is perfectly acceptable for modest chain-restaurant tastes. I'd take my wife's second cousins there any day of the week! But serious cooking! Laughable!

I haven't the foggiest idea what to say about people who are concerned about the size of portions as well as the quality of the food. Basic hunger? Guess they haven't been to a lot of really decent restaurants! Anyway, that's a bit hard to do in Chiang Mai, if you only walk, ride a bike, or take a tuk tuk --- the last, if feeling extravagant. And will the good places park your bicycle for you?!

Anyway, The Dukes is a high step up from the hamburger, beer and whatever joints!

Eat well, wherever! But I haven't seen a really decent restaurant ever referred to on this site, certainly not by those who initiate and/or post an unbelievable number of opinions on favorite eating spots! Mike's hamburgers! Give us a break!! Seems the level of cuisine on Chiang Mai cuisine is generally suited to backpackers using Internet cafes for info and some local pensioners on skimpy budgets who are interested in a "decent feed." Some, unfortunately, apparently bring their own tea bags to the local eateries!

Edited by Mapguy
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Once again, Mapguy does his usual whining and complaining act while again offering no solution. Hey, we are in Chiang Mai, not Paris!

OK, according to the high and mighty Mapguy, the Duke's sucks, but he does not bother to tell us a better restaurant in the area, which is the whole point of the thread.

Mapguy, didn't your mother ever tell you that if you don't have anything good to say, shut the f___ up? :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Once again, Mapguy does his usual whining and complaining act while again offering no solution. Hey, we are in Chiang Mai, not Paris!

OK, according to the high and mighty Mapguy, the Duke's sucks, but he does not bother to tell us a better restaurant in the area, which is the whole point of the thread.

Mapguy, didn't your mother ever tell you that if you don't have anything good to say, shut the f___ up? :)

Thanks UG, you have just given Mapguy another example of a complainer who should shut the f____ up. How many threads promoting Duke's have you started? Did your mother ever tell you the one about beating a dead horse? It is your day Mapguy, now you have three examples in a row.

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Far too many snobs and <deleted> on this site nowadays, and in this city it seems. If you want to be pampered with high-end eating in a predicably boring, snotty European-esque eatery, I suggest you p off there. :)

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I woke up last night feeling a little guilty at having appeared dismissive of Driver's Top 20 listing, and at expressing ridicule at some of his choices, particularly Aroon Rai but also Huang Phen and Jia Thong Heng. I do stand by that of course, but I now feel it was a bit easy to criticize without offering alternatives.

Because if there is ONE cuisine that could potentially be 'world class' in Chiang Mai then it's obviously Northern Thai. I just don't think Aroon Rai and Huan Phen are it. Usually what happens with a promising Northern restaurant is that if it's any good at all it gets highlighted on Thai TV on one of those cooking / travel programmes, and very soon after that they put up the big signs saying "TV 3" and in the parking lot you only find cars with Bangkok license plates. They then add a live band and beer girls, which pretty much spells the beginning of the end.

So without further ado, let me give my recommendation for what is currently the top Northern Thai restaurant in Chiang Mai. If your significant other is from the North, bring her/him there and you will reap more brownie points than you can ever imagine. Also some here who consider anyone appreciating something more elaborate than a burger or noodle soup as snobbish will be pleased, as the prices are VERY friendly. Most stuff is in the 40-60 baht range. No tablecloths either, just honest Northern fare like your mum in law would (should) make it.

The place is called Huan Jai Yong (เฮือนใจ๋ยอง) and is on the NEW Sankamphaeng Road, quite a bit out of town. (Couple kms outside the outer ring, on the right hand side of the new Sankamphaeng road) Also, it's open only during the day 10am-4pm I believe). It's in an old wooden Northern style teak house, and they've added some smaller wooden structures around the garden. It's very popular.

So it's a long way out of town, but a redeeming factor is that you probably pass the Oriental Dhara Dhevi and its excellent bakery/coffee/ice cream shop on the way back. 50 baht a scoop (++, but hey) but home made, so in my book that makes it a lot less snobbish than, say, Haagen Dasz. (not to mention more delicious, and I don't think Haagen Dasz bake and fold the cone wafer in front of you either). This should secure the brownie points from younger family members..


Anyway, if I had to add another Northern food one then it'd probably be Ban Rai Yam Yen in the Sanpisuea area, though this is one with the TV3 signs, a band and beer girls.

1. Le Grand Lanna

2. Jia Thong Heng

3. Le Coq D'Or

4. Chedi

5. Fujian

6. The House

7. Sala Mae Rim

8. Mi Casa

9. Da Naga

10. Baan Tazala

11. Huen Phen

12. Le Crystal

13. Kantary Hills

14. Khun Nai Der Sai

15. La Gritta

16. Im Pla Phao

17. Akaligo

18. Paladd Tawanron

19. Kitchen Hush

20. Aroon Rai

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Although I am American I tend to avoid American food... especially in Thailand :-) I have had friends come in on several occasions and the feedback I get from their visit to the DUKES is.... Mediocre at best.

Last visit was at the Night Market location... with my brother about 4 weeks ago... In out time there say two groups of foreigners come in... sit down... look at the menu and leave. A bit pricey for some I think....

The hamburger I had was a good value for the money... however it was nothing to write home about. My brother had the ribs, steak platter... well... for the 790 Baht... oof... he was disappointed... and so was I... as I had to pay the bill and when I thought about the fact I just pay about $33 USD for a Hamburger and small portion of steak and ribs... kind of left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Riverside is far better food and value than Duke's.... and I agree with others that it is sure a top restaurant of CM or ASIA

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Great idea. We should all support the forum sponsors. They've got my vote. :)

Perhaps I am blind but can somebody please point out where this forum is sponsored by 'The Duke's' restaurants??? If it is, then I apologise for the following.

For the moderators: This is veiled advertising of a particular establishment which, unless I am mistaken, is against Thaivisa rules. You have closed numerous threads in which people try to subtly advertise their businesses, for good or for bad so I think a little bit of consistency is in order here. For example, Kevin Hunt was warned for the same thing over his 'free water' thread and ultimately chose to resign his membership rather than be subjected to being warned over and over again. The hypocrisy on this website when it comes to so-called rules is disgraceful.

Might I add that I have eaten in The Duke's and I did enjoy it so my criticism is not aimed at the Dave or his restaurants.

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Perhaps I am blind but can somebody please point out where this forum is sponsored by 'The Duke's' restaurants??? If it is, then I apologise for the following.

Well, Ulysses is a sponsor, and I see nothing in the rules against sub-sponsoring. :)

Seriously though, I do agree this site often goes way overboard in its iron fist approach to people posting harmless information or recommendations some/most of the time.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I agree with Hill16....While UG is one of the nicer more civilized of the frequent posters here, he seems to frequently start threads on the Dukes! It is getting old UG...I think it's Ok if someone has a positive experience to mention the business...but not every few months or so, then it looks like free advertising.



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I'll second the recommendation of Ban Rai Yarm Yen in Sanpisuea. Great food and low-key Lanna atmosphere. And you gotta love the Northern Thai bluegrass that the band plays, complete with mandolin, dobro, double bass, etc.

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For the moderators: This is veiled advertising of a particular establishment which, unless I am mistaken, is against Thaivisa rules. You have closed numerous threads in which people try to subtly advertise their businesses

The key phrase is in bold. It is against forum rules to promote ones own business if not a sponsor, but nothing regarding being a satisfied customer and recommending a place(s). Now if I find out UG has stock in The Dukes, I will sort him out. :)

It would seem there are a large number of topics on specific places like The Dukes/Mikes/etc. so perhaps rather then starting a new one, pop an old one up and post there.

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Great idea. We should all support the forum sponsors. They've got my vote. :)

Perhaps I am blind but can somebody please point out where this forum is sponsored by 'The Duke's' restaurants??? If it is, then I apologise for the following.

For the moderators: This is veiled advertising of a particular establishment which, unless I am mistaken, is against Thaivisa rules. You have closed numerous threads in which people try to subtly advertise their businesses, for good or for bad so I think a little bit of consistency is in order here. For example, Kevin Hunt was warned for the same thing over his 'free water' thread and ultimately chose to resign his membership rather than be subjected to being warned over and over again. The hypocrisy on this website when it comes to so-called rules is disgraceful.

Might I add that I have eaten in The Duke's and I did enjoy it so my criticism is not aimed at the Dave or his restaurants.

Actually, he was annoyed at the deletion of the thread, which he thought was a little bit over the top. In retrospect he considerd that whereas some threads had been closed occasionally, the deletion of said thread was in effect a reverse compliment. :D It was a classic though, wasn't it? 100,000 views!!?? Frivolous fun, I thought.

Anyway, I heard that he has forgiven the Moderators and is back already. :D

The Free Water thread couldn't really have been considered as advertising in my eyes because the OP didn't initially mention his establishment. It was only after the howls of protest increased that he revealed the identity, so as to enable the protesters to be able to black-ball the right place. Most people got the impression that the owner of the place was a wang%ker so the advertising aspect was debatable, as may be the wang%ker bit. I did say, 'may'!!

He actually agrees that obvious advertising shouldn't be allowed. Who wants that? 

Whether UG is openly promoting Dukes, I'm not sure. By all accounts, Dukes is doing quite well with or without TVisa advertising. I think maybe UG just really likes the place.

Bake n Bite, Mad dogs, Un Irish, Anywhere Selling Burgers, Or Pizzas, That Mexican Food Place, and lots more get mentioned here on a regular basis.  It's a fact that if somewhere is good (or bad) they come up in conversation so appear on these pages. Is that advertising? No. should it be allowed? Yes. But does anyone want to see a constant stream of business owners posting their details? Probably not.

If you are lucky, some people will rave about your place and some will think you are shyt. That way, you get mentioned twice. :D

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For the moderators: This is veiled advertising of a particular establishment which, unless I am mistaken, is against Thaivisa rules. You have closed numerous threads in which people try to subtly advertise their businesses

The key phrase is in bold. It is against forum rules to promote ones own business if not a sponsor, but nothing regarding being a satisfied customer and recommending a place(s). Now if I find out UG has stock in The Dukes, I will sort him out. :D

It would seem there are a large number of topics on specific places like The Dukes/Mikes/etc. so perhaps rather then starting a new one, pop an old one up and post there.

he probably gets free ice creams in exchange for the plug :D

does seem like a loophole , some shameless, "satisfied customer" :) could start a thread ... and get free advertising.

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