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Khao San Road


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PersonaIIy I think it takes a reaI man to waIk away, rather than stir up a Iot of drama and make the situation worse. What they did was wrong, and maybe having a word with them wouId heIp them see that, but physicaI voiIence is a barbaric way of deaIing with something. It aIso doesnt soIve anything, as im sure it wouIdnt change their way of thinking, onIy make them possibIy more hesitant about voicing their opinion next time. A physicaI fight wouId most IikeIy bring on a Iot more probIems (and possibIy the poIice) and just give Farangs further bad reputation here. SupposedIy we Ieft the caveman era a Iong time ago...

Standing up for yourself or your loved ones and making boundaries others cannot cross doesn't have to involve violence. Guaranteed those 3 would have stammered and apologised if someone with guts had verbally berated them and asked for an apology. As you said,having a word. If they get angry then there is potential for violence but people that do this are usually cowards unless you approached them looking like Woody Allen. Hehe guess every guy that can't stand up for himself is a real man..... funny perspective.

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What they did was wrong, and maybe having a word with them wouId heIp them see that, but physicaI voiIence is a barbaric way of deaIing with something. It aIso doesnt soIve anything,

They already know what they did was wrong, but they thought it would be funny to do anyway, and on reflection when they woke up the next morning after their beating, i'm sure they would have agreed they deserved it. In this case, i assure you, it would have solved quite a lot.

onIy make them possibIy more hesitant about voicing their opinion next time.

Which would be a good thing.

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I'm sure this happens to a lot of farangs living in BKK. This is the first port of entry for many tourists and KSR is a place a lot of them (backpackers/farang ladies) go. I'm sure the guys living in the sticks dont come across this. The wife has decided she wants to go to university at the age of 23 in her home city Sakon Nakhon. She has to wear the uniform. I wonder what looks we would get in BKK if I was to pick her up from uni? Myself being 34. That would be some fun.

Ever wondered why you can hardly see a Farang with his 12 - 16 year old daughter in public??

... I see farang with their children all the time.

me too, when I am in Europe.

But if you would ever come to Thailand you won't see many Farangs with their teenage female luuk kruengs in the sky train, at MBK or wherever in a busy public place...

Know where your coming from. My stepdaughter is 14 and whenever we return to LOS I've always noticed the "dad" much more being spoken loudly around tourists, shame. Last year she even suggested getting t-shirts printed with" I'm with my Dad" printed. But lets face it these comments are born out of ignorance and stupidity and if you want to zero in on somewhere where those two qualities abound its KSR. Don't see it that much around the rest of Bangkok, which is probably indicative of how close these morons stay to KSR. Anyway lets hope that their cultural ignorance leads to them being picked up on "lese majeste" charges or similar misfortune. :)

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PersonaIIy I think it takes a reaI man to waIk away, rather than stir up a Iot of drama and make the situation worse. What they did was wrong, and maybe having a word with them wouId heIp them see that, but physicaI voiIence is a barbaric way of deaIing with something. It aIso doesnt soIve anything, as im sure it wouIdnt change their way of thinking, onIy make them possibIy more hesitant about voicing their opinion next time. A physicaI fight wouId most IikeIy bring on a Iot more probIems (and possibIy the poIice) and just give Farangs further bad reputation here. SupposedIy we Ieft the caveman era a Iong time ago...

Standing up for yourself or your loved ones and making boundaries others cannot cross doesn't have to involve violence. Guaranteed those 3 would have stammered and apologised if someone with guts had verbally berated them and asked for an apology. - Agree As you said,having a word. If they get angry then there is potential for violence but people that do this are usually cowards unless you approached them looking like Woody Allen. Hehe guess every guy that can't stand up for himself is a real man..... funny perspective. - depends on what you cIass as 'standing up for yourseIf'. I personaIIy think that physicaI vioIance shouId be the very very, if no other aIternative, Iast resort. In this particuIar case, i personaIIy think voiIence wouId not be the way. However, thats just my own opinion. =]

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I doubt very many Thais would mistake a teenage luk krung as being the girl friend of her father. Maybe a step daughter, but a mixed child? Not likely.

Agreed. Don't really understand where Birdman is coming from.. Probably doesn't even have kids (of either the 'before' or 'after' category).

It's really only an issue with (Western) tourists.. and who cares about them?? Like water off a lotus leaf, it means less than nothing.

( Anyway, in response to the OP, in my particular case the challenge would be to restrain the Mrs... :) )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I doubt very many Thais would mistake a teenage luk krung as being the girl friend of her father. Maybe a step daughter, but a mixed child? Not likely.

Agreed. Don't really understand where Birdman is coming from.. Probably doesn't even have kids (of either the 'before' or 'after' category).

It's really only an issue with (Western) tourists.. and who cares about them?? Like water off a lotus leaf, it means less than nothing.

( Anyway, in response to the OP, in my particular case the challenge would be to restrain the Mrs... :) )

My daughter is 12. We went swimming and had fun. Some average Thai men on the shore had nothing better to do than stare at us the whole time and say to each other: Farang choob dek.

and who cares about them?? A: The daughter, because at that age she does not understand the situation entirely, but feels the negativ behaviour towards the father.

Edited by Birdman
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Its well known all over the world that Americans cause a lot of trouble.. look around in the world.

Most expats seem to agree that the British are the rudest tourists around - and that includes other Brits. They love to get drunk and yell insults and pick fights with anyone who crosses their paths.

Some Americans are a__holes, but they are hardly alone in that. :)

Nah...try the Russians or Israelis, the average British yobo in Thailand is a pussy cat compared..

Having spent alot of time in Russia and seeing how they love to drink and get rowdy, how they want to force others to drink with them, I would have thought Russians would be high on the list of, shall we say, more undesirable customers from a service worker's point-of-view.

However, I have a friend who is a butler at a very high-end resort in Phuket, and she loves the Russians.  WHile they can be pushy at times, they treat her as an equal and tip very, very well. 

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its a good time to teach your daughter as to why a lot of single men come to thailand for.

not the culture, food, weather part


no offense, but los is not the place to raise kids, if you have a choice.

Edited by goodheartman
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its a good time to teach your daughter as to why a lot of single men come to thailand for.

not the culture, food, weather part


No offense, but los is not the place to raise kids, if you have a choice.

Speaking as father Thailand is a good place to raise kids up to about the age six or seven, then the education system becomes a problem.

I certainly didn't come here for the avaiable young women. I came as a part of a trip around the world and got delayed here for a few years.

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I can't understand some of the guys on this thread, who would rather turn a blind eye in cowardice rather than man up and stand up for their lady. If i'd of been there i would have knocked them out for sure. I don't know how the OP managed to control himself, in the moment that the abuse happened, probably it just took him by surprise. It's a shame he didn't catch up with those loudmouths and teach them a good lesson.
where have all the real men gone?

Don't worry, some of us are still here....

I am sorry, but I have to take issue with you.  At the risk of assumption (but a reasonable risk here) your choice of a username probably has much to do with your point of view.

I am not bragging or trying to impress here, but to put my comments into context, I am a fairly fit man, a Marine combat veteran who has spent most of his life in the confrontational sports (boxing, wrestling, rugby, American football, etc), so I have no fear of a good natured physical mix-em-up. I do consider myself a "man."   And while three guys may be much, I would go into attack mode even against three very quickly if the need arose.  But stupid, assinine coments do not create that need.

As I posted before, honor cannot be taken away by anyone else.  Only the person his or herself can take away his or her honor.  Getting into a brawl over idiots does no one any good and can actually get you in jail or subject to legal actions.

These idiots are just looking for attention, to get others to laugh with them.  If I was clever enough and witty enough at the moment, a cutting response where the laughter is turned against them would be the best revenge.  And if I could not think of one (a very real possibility with me--I usually think of the right comeback a couple hours later after I am already home), a simple demeaning statement and then walk off would also be appropriate.  Even a disdainful glance and walking away without saying a word would be appropriate. And that has nothing to do with cowardice, as you put it.

Their being obnoxious fools does not mean you need to risk serious injury (for them or you) or legal complications.  Let them be the fools, not you.  Don't let them control your actions and force you into any specific course of action.

As a young man, I was walking alone down a small alley in Taipei one night when two guys approached me and offered me some drugs.  I politely refused, and they persisted.  I could see them glancing around to see who else was around, and I was sizing up my chances and figuring out how I should fight them off.  One guy, trying to get a rise from me, told me he knew my mother, that he had paid her for sex.  I immediately broke out into a huge smile and put my arm around his shoulder and went into a blather about how my Mom had come to Taiwan to train other night entertainmenet types, shall we say, and that he was so lucky to have been able to obtain her services.  I asked him for his name so I could tell her I had run into him.  This stopped him dead, and he was sure there had been a language mistake, but I kept on about my supposed working girl mother.  Instead of being aggressive, he moved into language comprehension mode while his buddy looked on. Still walking while this was going on, I made it to the end of the small alley and out into the large, crowded street.  The two guys retreated back into the alley.  I thought the whole thing was pretty funny.  I had confused them, and I had avoided a fight where someone could have possibly been seriously injured. But when I told a friend about it, he was shocked that I had, in his opinion, insulted my mother.

While I do remember each of the fights in which I have been during my adult life, I still laugh when I think about this incident.  I wonder if those two guys remember me.

Edited by bonobo
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its a good time to teach your daughter as to why a lot of single men come to thailand for.

not the culture, food, weather part


No offense, but los is not the place to raise kids, if you have a choice.

Speaking as father Thailand is a good place to raise kids up to about the age six or seven, then the education system becomes a problem.

I certainly didn't come here for the avaiable young women. I came as a part of a trip around the world and got delayed here for a few years.

thanks for agreeing w me! although kids do learn from day 1. and what happens in los just isnt for kiddies!

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I doubt very many Thais would mistake a teenage luk krung as being the girl friend of her father. Maybe a step daughter, but a mixed child? Not likely.

Agreed. Don't really understand where Birdman is coming from.. Probably doesn't even have kids (of either the 'before' or 'after' category).

It's really only an issue with (Western) tourists.. and who cares about them?? Like water off a lotus leaf, it means less than nothing.

( Anyway, in response to the OP, in my particular case the challenge would be to restrain the Mrs... :) )

My daughter is 12. We went swimming and had fun. Some average Thai men on the shore had nothing better to do than stare at us the whole time and say to each other: Farang choob dek.

and who cares about them?? A: The daughter, because at that age she does not understand the situation entirely, but feels the negativ behaviour towards the father.

Let me first apologize for making the statement that you 'probably doesn't even have kids'.

But yeah, typically if people make such a statement it's usually not from the smartest or most important people in your lives.. In this case a quick acknowledgement that you understand Thai usually does the trick, possibly towards your daughter but loud enough for them to hear.

Either way this would most certainly not be any kind of reason to not spend quality time with my children.

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I doubt very many Thais would mistake a teenage luk krung as being the girl friend of her father. Maybe a step daughter, but a mixed child? Not likely.

Agreed. Don't really understand where Birdman is coming from.. Probably doesn't even have kids (of either the 'before' or 'after' category).

It's really only an issue with (Western) tourists.. and who cares about them?? Like water off a lotus leaf, it means less than nothing.

( Anyway, in response to the OP, in my particular case the challenge would be to restrain the Mrs... :) )

My daughter is 12. We went swimming and had fun. Some average Thai men on the shore had nothing better to do than stare at us the whole time and say to each other: Farang choob dek.

and who cares about them?? A: The daughter, because at that age she does not understand the situation entirely, but feels the negativ behaviour towards the father.

Let me first apologize for making the statement that you 'probably doesn't even have kids'.

But yeah, typically if people make such a statement it's usually not from the smartest or most important people in your lives.. In this case a quick acknowledgement that you understand Thai usually does the trick, possibly towards your daughter but loud enough for them to hear.

Either way this would most certainly not be any kind of reason to not spend quality time with my children.

no offence taken

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I had a really bad experience today which really got to me. The wife and I went to meet one of her friends in Khao San road, not a place I particularly like going to, when three American tourists thought it would be amusing to point us and say "Sex tourist and bar girl". Now let me start by saying that my wife are quite young (She is 23 and I am 28). I snapped and told them to f***k off back to where they came from, at which point they quickly turned around and mingled with the crowd.

My wife didn't understand why I snapped and when I explained to her she wanted to go find them and confront them about it too. Apparently the waitress, at the restaurant where it happened, told us they were saying it to every mixed couple that walked past.

I've gotten past most of the annoyances of living in Thailand, dual pricing, visa regulations etc. But this really got on my nerves.

Not sure how I would react - probably say something derogatory to them but in Thai to make wife/waitress/other Thais laugh at them..

ie.. kwais - go chak wai - something like that....

with those linguistic skills i reckon the only thing the thais would havee laughed at was your incomprehensible thai. chak wai indeed.

do you "wow" people in greeting as well?

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Well it's not like you are in disguise. If you are a man of advanced years with a small slim female of Thai origin by your side walking down Koh San road you can expect the reaction that you encountered.

People base their judgements from information gathered. Old Farang man. Young Thai girl. Financial transactions are not a remote contigency - they are a given.

Deal with it by not dealing with it. Ignore it. Or if you can not ignore it then perhaps there is a reason why you can't deal with it. Perhaps they are right and you are paying for playing and deep down you know it and thats what made you see red?

Um again from my post, I am 28, my wife is 23. Not a very big age gap.

now if see you, i can think to myself, there is that bellend from thai visa who rents the most expensive room in a building that contains no flats with more 1 bedroom on the river, has very thin skin, and no regard for his own personal privacy.

your need to post your picture shows you are rremarkably insecure. you will continue to be affronted, whether the slight is real or imagined.

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I doubt very many Thais would mistake a teenage luk krung as being the girl friend of her father. Maybe a step daughter, but a mixed child? Not likely.

Agreed. Don't really understand where Birdman is coming from.. Probably doesn't even have kids (of either the 'before' or 'after' category).

It's really only an issue with (Western) tourists.. and who cares about them?? Like water off a lotus leaf, it means less than nothing.

( Anyway, in response to the OP, in my particular case the challenge would be to restrain the Mrs... :) )

My daughter is 12. We went swimming and had fun. Some average Thai men on the shore had nothing better to do than stare at us the whole time and say to each other: Farang choob dek.

and who cares about them?? A: The daughter, because at that age she does not understand the situation entirely, but feels the negativ behaviour towards the father.

perhaps he just thought you were a good father?

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Well it's not like you are in disguise. If you are a man of advanced years with a small slim female of Thai origin by your side walking down Koh San road you can expect the reaction that you encountered.

People base their judgements from information gathered. Old Farang man. Young Thai girl. Financial transactions are not a remote contigency - they are a given.

Deal with it by not dealing with it. Ignore it. Or if you can not ignore it then perhaps there is a reason why you can't deal with it. Perhaps they are right and you are paying for playing and deep down you know it and thats what made you see red?

Um again from my post, I am 28, my wife is 23. Not a very big age gap.

now if see you, i can think to myself, there is that bellend from thai visa who rents the most expensive room in a building that contains no flats with more 1 bedroom on the river, has very thin skin, and no regard for his own personal privacy.

your need to post your picture shows you are rremarkably insecure. you will continue to be affronted, whether the slight is real or imagined.

I don't really understand the first paragraph, but I too was surprised that he posted the photo of his wife. Given the crowd, its like serving Johnie Walker Red Label at an AA meeting!

She is cute, though!

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now if see you, i can think to myself, there is that bellend from thai visa who rents the most expensive room in a building that contains no flats with more 1 bedroom on the river, has very thin skin, and no regard for his own personal privacy.

your need to post your picture shows you are rremarkably insecure. you will continue to be affronted, whether the slight is real or imagined.

You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.

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As a young man, I was walking alone down a small alley in Taipei one night when two guys approached me and offered me some drugs. I politely refused, and they persisted. I could see them glancing around to see who else was around, and I was sizing up my chances and figuring out how I should fight them off. One guy, trying to get a rise from me, told me he knew my mother, that he had paid her for sex. I immediately broke out into a huge smile and put my arm around his shoulder and went into a blather about how my Mom had come to Taiwan to train other night entertainmenet types, shall we say, and that he was so lucky to have been able to obtain her services. I asked him for his name so I could tell her I had run into him. This stopped him dead, and he was sure there had been a language mistake, but I kept on about my supposed working girl mother. Instead of being aggressive, he moved into language comprehension mode while his buddy looked on. Still walking while this was going on, I made it to the end of the small alley and out into the large, crowded street. The two guys retreated back into the alley. I thought the whole thing was pretty funny. I had confused them, and I had avoided a fight where someone could have possibly been seriously injured. But when I told a friend about it, he was shocked that I had, in his opinion, insulted my mother.

While I do remember each of the fights in which I have been during my adult life, I still laugh when I think about this incident. I wonder if those two guys remember me.

That's a great story.

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now if see you, i can think to myself, there is that bellend from thai visa who rents the most expensive room in a building that contains no flats with more 1 bedroom on the river, has very thin skin, and no regard for his own personal privacy.

your need to post your picture shows you are rremarkably insecure. you will continue to be affronted, whether the slight is real or imagined.

You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.

interesting read that, did you have formal training or are you a savant?

your comment also begs the question: why should i feel the need to prove myself to you or anyone else online?

you should be careful, i am ex sas and i know the chief of police.

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You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.

Thanks Sabum,

I'm not the kind of guy who hides behind his forum nick, I am open and don't really care what people say about me. Just don't say anything bad about my wife, that makes my blood boil. I have no idea why people are so afraid of posting anything about themselves. Unless they have some dirty laundry they don't want out in the open.

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now if see you, i can think to myself, there is that bellend from thai visa who rents the most expensive room in a building that contains no flats with more 1 bedroom on the river, has very thin skin, and no regard for his own personal privacy.

your need to post your picture shows you are rremarkably insecure. you will continue to be affronted, whether the slight is real or imagined.

You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.

interesting read that, did you have formal training or are you a savant?

your comment also begs the question: why should i feel the need to prove myself to you or anyone else online?

you should be careful, i am ex sas and i know the chief of police.

Lol thanks for warning me, I'll be more careful.

I'm a savant, of the idiot kind.

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You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.

Thanks Sabum,

I'm not the kind of guy who hides behind his forum nick, I am open and don't really care what people say about me. Just don't say anything bad about my wife, that makes my blood boil. I have no idea why people are so afraid of posting anything about themselves. Unless they have some dirty laundry they don't want out in the open.

Dude and I totally respect that, and if other people think its better and normal to all hide cowardly like behind their anonymous names that allows them to act like complete aholes and much more brave then they ever would in real life well they are completely delusional, this entire board would be a totally different universe if everyone was forced to use their real name. Of course in this country that is also very dangerous, this is not a free country.

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