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Smokers On Baht Buses


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I have noticed an increase of rude smoking behavior on baht buses.

While I do believe it is technically not allowed to smoke on baht buses, this is not enforced.

A baht bus is not the great outdoors. It is people crammed together in close quarters. Not only is smoke passed, but burning embers as well. Stop it. You know who you are ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Drivers don't care. Many of them are psychopaths anyway and even if they don't like smoke, its happening in the back of the cattle cart away from them. You don't want to be talking to those drivers about anything!

This one has nothing to do with the drivers. It is about the rude passengers who think their little pleasure/addiction is all that matters in the world, other people be damnned.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sure thing, leave the guys upfront alone,

then as I said ' up to you' to front the tw@ts.

It's not worth starting fights, especially by someone like me who doesn't like violence. If they don't look like a Russian hitman (a popular look here) I am not above giving them the evil eye, but that's about it. One time I actually talked to a guy and told him it wasn't allowed. He claimed not to speak English. He was clearly lying, so that was actually funny. Thus, this rantette.

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BTW, I find it is mostly not Thais who are being rude this way. Thank you, Thais. It is mostly Europeans, eastern and western.

The reason I brought it up now is that I find it is happening a lot more lately. I have no idea why. Anyone else notice that?

I realize many of these smokers come from different cultures where most everyone smokes.

BTW, sometimes the evil eye works at least to the extent that they will move to the outside stand, but that doesn't help that much if you are sitting at the back of the bus.

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I smoke and I would complain if someone were to do that. I only ever smoke outside far, far away from other people. I have given the "stop smoking" a go on at least 30 plus occasions but it hasn't taken, I'm gearing up for another go in 2 weeks. I think in the 21st century with our current knowledge it's time to put smoking behind us like so many habit forming and addictive things of the past.

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I am a smoker, but I agree with the OP. It's just plain inconsiderate to smoke on a baht bus. Isn't it just civilised behaviour to ensure that whatever your habits, it does not cause harm or inconvenience to others? It is also pathetic to see the smokers fling the butts out of the bus onto the streets. Smoker or non smoker, you really cannot justify inconsiderate smoking nor littering...but I am sure some TV members will disagree.

If a smoker sits towards the front of the bus (ie just behind driver) it is more annoying becasue the wind will blow the smoke and embers towards other passengers further back. I have found that smokers in this poistion tend to butt out when asked to politely, becasue they do realise the obvious problem.

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I can also understand your fustration Jing. How I handle it is (i was going to say take 3 deep breaths) my understanding that cigs last about 6 minutes. As long as he/she is not a chain smoker it will be over soon. I dislike it too son.

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I am a smoker as well, but i would not dream of sparking up on a baht bus, or anywhere else that might offend non smokers.. I was smoking whilst driving my Car in Pattaya a few years ago, and I flicked the Ash out of the window, this Farang guy followed me, shouting the odds, when i stopped, he was shouting that my Ash had gone into his mouth whilst he was behind me on his Motorcycle, I appologised and we made friends, so since then I mainly smoke at home. If I do smoke in public I make sure the smoke isnt making a Bee line for someone, if so, I will move.

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If you don't like it - get off the bus then! I always thought that Baht Buses are open-air anyway, they only have the convenience of a roof incase there's rain.

Yeah they are open air. Would you mind if I take an asparagus piss in there while you are riding? They are open air. You could always get off ...

Thanks for the comments from the considerate smokers. We all have vices. I am addicted to coffee but I don't spit coffee I have swirled around my mouth at passing strangers, unless they ask.

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Smokin is a disgusting habit but i suppose we all have them jingthing

This isn't a moral issue about whether smoking is good, bad, lovely, or disgusting. Its about smoke in other people's faces and lungs who are not smokers themselves, not to mention people with lung diseases.

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Smokin is a disgusting habit but i suppose we all have them jingthing

This isn't a moral issue about whether smoking is good, bad, lovely, or disgusting. Its about smoke in other people's faces and lungs who are not smokers themselves, not to mention people with lung diseases.

Of course this is a moral issue,people breathing smoke on you and their ash possibly burning your face or clothes.The smokers are moraly wrong for smoking in a confined space.

This affects you, else you would not complain,where it may not affect some other people.

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I think research shows that certain people NEED nicotine. Indeed, this fact has been the basis of multi-million dollar payouts to 'victims' of the tobacco companies.

Is the sad smokers personal NEED for nicotine any less important than the OP's NEED for clean air? I mean, how long is the average baht bus ride and how long is the average smoke-in-your face on said baht bus ride? It seems to follow the same absurd reasoning (IMHO) that smoking in an open-air stadium be banned, same as it is in a closed stadium. I mean it's fresh air all around, the wind is blowing and dissipating it, even more so in a baht bus. The effects of second-hand smoke are also well researched and publicized but trying to use that argument with in a dynamic environment with rapidly moving air volumes is just plain ignorant.

I am a former smoker; a 60/day man who quit 'cold-turkey' over 14 years ago. I enjoy the odd cigar now and again but I don't like smoke in my face and think that cigarettes are vile. But when it does happen, whether in a bar, baht bus or on out the street, I normally move away. It's the easiest option after all. Live and let live I say. Take comfort as I do, that you have moved away to get some cleaner, safer air while the smokers are still over there killing themselves.

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Get over it. Most of the time the smoke you consume while sitting in an open air baht Bus rather improves the air quality by reducing the amount of fuel fumes and the like.

I am a smoker, and I do respect other people's desire to stay smoke free, indoors. I don't smoke in indoors restaurants, and I tend to choose bars and the like where (legally or not) smoking is allowed. But outdoors, give me a break. I might also not like the next guy's armpit smell. Ban him for going outdoors I say!

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But outdoors, give me a break.

That is my point exactly. Sitting on a cramped baht bus is not really outdoors. I doesn't even have to be cramped. Just last night I sat as far as I could from the smoker and still got it in my face.

About the moral issue thing, I just meant of course people have a right to do whatever they want, as long as they don't harm others and smoking on baht buses harms others.

As far as my supposition that smoking on the buses is against the rules, I assumed that based on seeing the baht bus goons at the Pattaya Tai queue occasionally ordering people to toss their ciggies when they bother to notice.

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It is very annoying, do what I do:

Ring the bell and get off and go and sit next to the driver for the remainder of your journey.

PS. Don't do this for baht bus # 375 or #77

Edited by syd barrett
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It is very annoying, do waht I do:

Ring the bell and get off and go and sit next to the driver for the remainder of your journey.

PS. Don't do this for baht bus # 375 or #77

Do you get the Baht bus syd? I thought you had a little green Mini ? :)

(only kidding)

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Agreed, the offenders are nearly always non Thais, may be if people must smoke on the baht bus they should stand on/hang off the back platform.

I also note the same on dive boats smokers sit/stand anywhere, normally towards the front of the seating area so as the boat moves everybody gets second hand smoke in there face rather than sit at the back of the boat so the smoke just goes out to sea.

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I have noticed an increase of rude smoking behavior on baht buses.

While I do believe it is technically not allowed to smoke on baht buses, this is not enforced.

A baht bus is not the great outdoors. It is people crammed together in close quarters. Not only is smoke passed, but burning embers as well. Stop it. You know who you are ...

You are kidding right?? How do they put it here..... Jai Yen Yen I believe!! P.S I dont smoke

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I have noticed an increase of rude smoking behavior on baht buses.

While I do believe it is technically not allowed to smoke on baht buses, this is not enforced.

A baht bus is not the great outdoors. It is people crammed together in close quarters. Not only is smoke passed, but burning embers as well. Stop it. You know who you are ...

If possible find another mode of transport, reasons as you said it is not enforce, drivers don't give a hoot, most Thai Paxs to passive to complaint, if you do, you will be just another WHINING Farang. Another example of no smoking rules not enforce(a bit off your topic) a popular 4 star hotel in my area have signs in rest room, dining area, etc all warning Bt2000 fine for smoking, guess who I saw smoking on three occassions in the rest room, yes you got it the Owner HIMSELF, on the last occassion I point to the sign he smile said not a problem my friends take care my hotel :D:) Anyway back to smoking on the baht buses, you could try a little hint or two like a cough, waving the smoke away with your hand and giving the smokers a no no look, with a little luck some of the Thai paxs will follow your lead and the smokers will take the HINT>good luck I smell your pain :D:D:D:D . Again best opt another mode of transport. :D:D

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No, I will not be chased off the baht buses by rude smokers. I never said this is anything more than a rant. I already knew there was nothing to be done, wasn't that obvious? Sometimes the evil eye works, sometimes it doesn't, that's as good as it gets.

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I saw a bad thing happen last week while I was riding a bus. Some guy who had that odd Russian look was smoking up a storm and he stuck his arm out the side of the baht bus and let it hang. I actually tried to tell him it was not very safe to hang his arm out the side and he just gave me a look and kept it there. Moments later we clashed with another baht bus and he got his arm SMASHED. As horrible as it must have been for him, I could not help but giggle to myself, get off the bus and go my way.

Moral of the story, I don't care if you smoke, are Russian or odd looking, but don't hang your arm OUT of the baht bus. You are begging to smash or lose it.

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