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Smokers On Baht Buses


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I have to agree with Jingthing here.

It seems that there are more people smoking on songtaews these days.

I don't like it and of course the risk of flying embers is ever present.

I try to give smokers the evil eye or make some gestures of irritation without actually saying anything.

Unfortunately many smokers don't give a stuff.

I am sure i am probably going to get into a fight over this one day.

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If it bothers you that much why dont you tell the offending person to stop.....easy peasy lemon squeasy....lets get with the programme like Butan and ban it all together :)

Because most of these people are extremely rude, vulgar, and often DRUNK in a holiday don't give a #$#_ about anything or anyone frame of mind. Not easy peasy, a waste of effort to try to be civilized with savages. Not to mention my face is way too pretty to risk a hard punch.

Edited by Jingthing
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If it bothers you that much why dont you tell the offending person to stop.....easy peasy lemon squeasy....lets get with the programme like Butan and ban it all together :D

Because most of these people are extremely rude, vulgar, and often DRUNK in a holiday don't give a #$#_ about anything or anyone frame of mind. Not easy peasy, a waste of effort to try to be civilized with savages. Not to mention my face is way too pretty to risk a hard punch.

yes,complaining on Thaivisa has its advantages,in fact it's almost impossible for a laptop to punch you in the face. :)

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If it bothers you that much why dont you tell the offending person to stop.....easy peasy lemon squeasy....lets get with the programme like Butan and ban it all together :D

I doubt that all (if any) of the offenders will comply with your request. Especially those drunkards... :)

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If it bothers you that much why dont you tell the offending person to stop.....easy peasy lemon squeasy....lets get with the programme like Butan and ban it all together :D

I doubt that all (if any) of the offenders will comply with your request. Especially those drunkards... :)

As Jing said:never argue with drunkards,our face is too nice,our hands too precious,much better argue with a drunk laptop :D

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Smoking on a baht bus alongside children, smoking in a car with children on board, smoking in a lift, smoking in enclosed bars, smoking in a restaurant, smoking whilst shufling along a crowded footpath and even smoking in a movie theatre......and yet many smokers will defend these practices.

Why should non smokers be expected to ask them to stop?

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Dont worry, they are a dying breed with a terrible addiction,..some as we can see on here are very considerate with their habits, however its the ones with the attitude that non smokers are ruining their freedom that are out of touch and the nicotine has clouded their judgement,.

Edited by imaneggspurt
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If it bothers you that much why dont you tell the offending person to stop.....easy peasy lemon squeasy....lets get with the programme like Butan and ban it all together :)

Because most of these people are extremely rude, vulgar, and often DRUNK in a holiday don't give a #$#_ about anything or anyone frame of mind. Not easy peasy, a waste of effort to try to be civilized with savages. Not to mention my face is way too pretty to risk a hard punch.

therein lies the problem. they already know it bothers other people when they are doing it so bringing it up to them will most likely not end well, either by getting ignored or punched.

here we just need to be jai yen yen unless we cannot ovoid it since getting in to a physical alternation leaves no winners

that being said jingthing i agree with you, they are jerks

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I have noticed an increase of rude smoking behavior on baht buses.

While I do believe it is technically not allowed to smoke on baht buses, this is not enforced.

A baht bus is not the great outdoors. It is people crammed together in close quarters. Not only is smoke passed, but burning embers as well. Stop it. You know who you are ...

Your post reminds me of the readers letters section in "VIZ" comic. Great.

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I had to look that up, but thanks for the compliment!

Letters to Viz:

Most employ deliberate misunderstandings for comic effect (e.g. "These so-called speed bumps are a joke. If anything they slow you down." or "I went to one of these so called Gentlemens' clubs and was shocked to see it was full of Women. To make matters worse many of them were wearing very little clothing.") Often letters feature simple yet absurd statements ("I'm heading off to the pub in a few minutes and wondered if any of your readers fancied joining me for a pint.")
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The situation was worse today because the Baht-Buses had pulled down the polythene drapes and I joined a bus with two farang smokers on it; (thanks guys).

I had to change my clothing as soon as I got home and disinfect and sterilise my clothes in boiling water to rid of the smoke and nicotine fumes.

I would have got off and/or joined the driver but I didn't.

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One time when I was sitting next to a smoking guy on a baht bus, the thought crossed my mind: "Wouldn't it be neat to be able to projectile vomit on demand? Aim it at him and say his cigarette smoke triggered it?" Hey, it might even extinguish the cigarette, as well.

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Most smokers grew up thinking that smoking was "cool" and ignored its negative aspects where many lifetime non-smokers always thought that it stunk worse than sh*t, and wondered why anyone would voluntarily smell like that. That is why smokers think that blowing smoke on someone else is so trivial, but non-smokers get really upset.

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I know a guy here in town that has on occasion, maced inconsiderate smokers.

While I personally think that's a little harsh, I have to honestly say that I don't know which I would rather blown in my face, a L&M smoke cloud or pepper spray. :)

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