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Two Days Sober Today

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60 days!

2 months!

I have not had a drink for 2 months!

Unbelievable, I any of you knew me you would know just how much of a miricle that is.

Ok....3 months here I come :D

Hey! I know what a miracle that is... maybe I do know you. ROFLMAO

Keep doing what you're doing now, I'll hold a thought for ya Livinginexile.

We got today and no person, place, or thing... can ever MAKE us take a drink again.

For me it just aint an option. I exhausted that road long ago.

Thanks Ding, I appreciate the thought.

62 days today.

Gee I sleep a lot now. So different from 2 months ago, I was up all night and when I did it was only a half sleep of sorts. I think I am catching up.

My blood test results came through today. The way my liver felt I was sure I had done some permanent damage but everything is A OK.

The only thing he could pick up was slightly hign iron count.

I feel fighting fit at the moment.

Thank for the update happy to hear you are doing well, HANG IN THERE!! :):D:D

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I have also quitted drinking. Today is day 8, and i am on disulfiram (antabus/antibuse) witch are supposed to make me very sick if i try to drink on them. I did not go to any doctor, just to the pharmacy. I went from heavy consumption to drinking without control in just a few month. Waking up 2-3 times a week with some bargirl, not with my family did not produce a "nice" feeling...

Strangly enough, what i think put me here - what brought me over the edge is the jealousy of my Thai - wife. It destroyed my life into the point that I was seriously considering to take my motorbike and go the wrong way on Sukhumwith to put an end to the misery. I didn’t to that so drinking was the available “vent?”. Now, slowly I think she is understanding that to “police” me don’t really make things better. It creates exactly what she fears most.

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I have also quitted drinking. Today is day 8, and i am on disulfiram (antabus/antibuse) witch are supposed to make me very sick if i try to drink on them. I did not go to any doctor, just to the pharmacy. I went from heavy consumption to drinking without control in just a few month. Waking up 2-3 times a week with some bargirl, not with my family did not produce a "nice" feeling...

Strangly enough, what i think put me here - what brought me over the edge is the jealousy of my Thai - wife. It destroyed my life into the point that I was seriously considering to take my motorbike and go the wrong way on Sukhumwith to put an end to the misery. I didn’t to that so drinking was the available “vent?”. Now, slowly I think she is understanding that to “police” me don’t really make things better. It creates exactly what she fears most.

Well done kafferburk.

I found that the longer I remain sober the clearer my life becomes.

Some of the things I believed was true when I was drinking now seem ridiculous.

I can't trust my thinking when I drink, perhaps you are the same.

Stay with it my friend, it really is worth it and life gets betterthe longer you are sober.

Have you thought about going to AA meetings?

Good luck

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70 days sober today!

The moment you stop counting the days you will be ready to stop finally, completely and unconditionally....

You are still in a -very- fragile period, don't forget that!

Alcoholism is a very nasty and dangerous monster. Like I said before, alcoholism is a lot more difficult to cure than a drugs addiction.

Wish you, wife and son power and strength to keep on fighting.


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Some of the things I believed was true when I was drinking now seem ridiculous.

That's interesting, Living, can you give some examples?

Oh, and congratulations on your sobriety! :D

I believed that my family in Australia hated me and was actually plotting my dimise. Truth is they were genuinly concered about me.

I believed the reason I drank so much was because facing the world sober would be too much.

I blamed everyone else for my drinking. I see my wife in a completely new light now. How she put up with me for so long is beyond my understanding.

My young son was a burden when I was drinking, these days he is the light of my life.

I honestly thought I was wise and knew things other people just could'nt understand. (now that is ridiculous :D

I had plans before I got sober and one of them was to liquidate my assets and run away to Russia! (this is true!).

Many things...

My sponsor has suggested I don't make any major decisions in the first year of recovery, I think he's right :)

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Well done LIE I am so glad you are knocking out the days and I get a real sense from your posts you are grateful for your sobriety and not looking back on your drinking days with nostalgia. That bodes well. I have been busy, my first child was born last week, and for me aged 51 that is a miracle. What was also a miracle was I was sober for it all, just like my wedding.I can remember it all. I don't have a photograph album for the 30 years I drank but for the events of 5+ years of sobriety I do. get out there son and live life to the max! God bless you

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76 days!

Today we all went fishing.

My son and I had such a great day.

Life just gets better and better. :)

...strange you don't talk about your wife.....you owe her SO much!


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

LIE, I took such heart from this posting - I am a heavy drinker and your posting has given me the push I need to look at my life. Just recently returned from Thailand after a 3 month stay. My drinking out there wasn't too excessive as there is so much more to do. However since I returned to UK find myself drinking more and more - depression I think! Reading this post makes me think about what I'm doing - good on you LIE - you've been missing a few days - hope you're still on the wagon

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Well done and I wish you the very best. You must remember that you are only one beer away from starting all over again. It is like my sponsor used to tell me "if you don't want to drink don't go to bars" This is one of the very hardest things you will ever do BUT everyday sober is one more day towards sobrity. Just one small beer or drink is NOT OK.

As we say ONE DAY at a TIME Or as someone said above even sometimes one hour at a time

For now try to get your first 30 days :)

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Thamkrabok Temple - Between Sara Buri and Lopburi Thailand.

For 50 years this Buddhist temple propose a free (Donation at the end of the treatment) Desintox Program open to anybody in need.

People from all over the world comes to enjoy the unique herbal medecine and spiritual healing that offer this temple.

For motivated people only. High success rate. English, German, French, Dutch fluent speakers.


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Thamkrabok Temple - Between Sara Buri and Lopburi Thailand.

For 50 years this Buddhist temple propose a free (Donation at the end of the treatment) Desintox Program open to anybody in need.

People from all over the world comes to enjoy the unique herbal medecine and spiritual healing that offer this temple.

For motivated people only. High success rate. English, German, French, Dutch fluent speakers.


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I've been trying to get off the piss for 3 years and today I am 2 days sober.

Enough is enough, I choose life over a slow miserable death. That's what it's come down to for me.

Amazing how much better I feel after only 48 hours.

I like that, Always remember the very reason that make you do so and keep running on that reason in your mind. I believe you are able to go further and lead a livelier life. Great!!!!

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I just want to check in a say how pleased I am to see LIE still sober. Good for you. I remember your 1st post and I've checked in from time to time to see how you were doing. I have been through a couple of sobriety events and so I know what it takes and the challanges it presents. For some reason your recovery is bringing up emotional stuff for me and I think it is the special connection that I have always felt with people in recovery. I remember my first AA meeting and being totally whipped and then at the end holding the hands of people next to me and saying the prayer. I had never held another mans hand or even touched more than manly hitting and this somehow opened a window to my own humanity. It opened a completly new way of seeing things and by letting go of my stubborness to let the program work I learned new behaviors and found strenths I didn't know I had. The biggest improvement has been the ability to be in touch with my own emotions and to feel the things that normal humans are supposed to feel. It is a life changing thing. So, I just want to add that along with the negative reasons that a person might have for giving it up, like dying an early death, there are endless positive benefits that we can't even imagine that will open up. Best wishes, hang in there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've stopped drinking about three times since LivingInExile first posted here. I hope you are well.

I'm about to be posted away from my family in Thailand, to a country where my experience is that there is sod all to do but drink, and its much more expensive, too, so that is going to be a challenge.

I've got the address for AA meetings, so I hope that will help.

Anyway, off to bed - busy day with the kids tomorrow


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... and I will give it a shot tomorrow morning at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital. Leaving Udon today 2PM with 6 or 8 big beers inside. Another 5 mg Valium and 2 beers at Swampy (if I can find a restaurant at the area for connecting flight UTH-BKK-CNX) - will probably keep me alive till 7PM. Then hotel and more drinking - the doctor here in Udon who is knowledgeable about early 'wet brain' symtoms told me not to stop - drink until you are admitted into the hospital, or you risk a seizure.

Not your favourite holiday ...

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