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Marrying A Thai Girl


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U really want a Thai girl to love and respect you?

Answer: Give her your PIN number

Then she will be yours forever. Of course as long as the PIN number cna withdraw something.

Guys, get yourself a rich farang beautiful woman to take care of you. Turn the tables and be the manho. Works out great! And you will get plenty of physical love!

Stop believing that you must be the one to shell out everything!!!


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Of course from experience... From watching farangs drop 100 IQ points as soon as they step into Thailand. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this whole Thai scene out!

And any of you guys interested in marrying one of these thai girls should certainly give it some VERY serious thought.

Continuing... Lots of lovely ladies in this country who will set you up rite. Lots of them want attention and don't mind splurging for it. So while their hubys are out getting "Action" these ladies get it in return. I fill the niche.

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I am new to the Forum and new to Thailand.  A year ago, almost to the day, I met a Thai girl on the internet.  Needless to say, I fell in love.  Over an hour a day with the web-cam and over an hour a night on the phone lead me to Thailand in October and again over Christmas.

  Ae's mother has put forward a proposition which both Ae and I consider outrageous. 

1.  What would you consider to be a fair dowry for a Uni graduate who's parents are primary school teachers in rural thailand?

Anything "outrageous" should be rejected out of hand with extra attention to how insulted you are!!. Don't worry about "Thai Face" that is a bunch of Thai crap as they will never care about "Farang face"

A fair dowry should always be ZERO.

Your troubles have just begun.

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I am new to the Forum and new to Thailand.  A year ago, almost to the day, I met a Thai girl on the internet.  Needless to say, I fell in love.  Over an hour a day with the web-cam and over an hour a night on the phone lead me to Thailand in October and again over Christmas.

  Ae's mother has put forward a proposition which both Ae and I consider outrageous. 

1.  What would you consider to be a fair dowry for a Uni graduate who's parents are primary school teachers in rural thailand?

Anything "outrageous" should be rejected out of hand with extra attention to how insulted you are!!. Don't worry about "Thai Face" that is a bunch of Thai crap as they will never care about "Farang face"

A fair dowry should always be ZERO.

Your troubles have just begun.

Settle down. :o


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I'm rather intolerant of anyone who slags off an entire race, or nationality. Moreover, it makes the poster look bitter and small minded. Just dial the anger back a notch and try to be a bit more specific about your targets.



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I'm rather intolerant of anyone who slags off an entire race, or nationality. Moreover, it makes the poster look bitter and small minded. Just dial the anger back a notch and try to be a bit more specific about your targets.



Why do you keep using the word anger. My post is based on facts and MY EXPERIENCES AND OBSERVATIONS. Maybe some thoughtful farang will be spared some misery.

As you note, you are the intolerant one. If you want only your view a forum is not the place.

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I'm rather intolerant of anyone who slags off an entire race, or nationality. Moreover, it makes the poster look bitter and small minded. Just dial the anger back a notch and try to be a bit more specific about your targets.



Why do you keep using the word anger. My post is based on facts and MY EXPERIENCES AND OBSERVATIONS. Maybe some thoughtful farang will be spared some misery.

As you note, you are the intolerant one. If you want only your view a forum is not the place.

just a small point to make ... observations and experiences do not equate to facts or universal norms ..

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:o I am married to a lovely Thai Girl who was a teacher in Surin, we had the wedding in her mother and fathers house, Total cost for all the food and drink came to 75,000 bht, 150 guests in total, we then had a reception at the town in a 4star hotel total cost 80,000 bht for 250 guests, instead of wedding presents the guests give you envelopes of money total came to more than the cost of the hotel.

In the case of a dowrey a gave the parents 1,000,000,000 bht in a cheque, we had agreed in advance that this would look good for all the village to see, but only ended up giving 50,000 bht. her parents dont work and because she worked for the goverment all hospital fees where paid for but now we are married and she has come to live in England her parents get no help for hospital bills, plus when she worked she used to help her Mum & Dad with the bills.

The wedding was absolutely fantastic experience I would not have missed it for the world.

As every one else has said get to know her first I had know my wife for 4 years before we married and she had been on holiday to England to see if she liked it over here.

hope this long winded post helps, good luck :D

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Ae told me that her brother-in-law paid 200,000 and that her mother gave most of it back. 

A shill. Seen THAT game played on a mate before. Even neighbors affirmed that a brother-in-law had paid 300,000. It took the police (long story) to elicit that he had paid more like 10,000.

You're bein' suckered, pal.

Edited by JSixpack
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When is the money disappearing? Engaged in the morning, cash back in your bank accounts by noon. If you don't want to haul cash, make it a cashiers check.

Don't like the idea of cash? You can get 2 or 5 Baht gold nuggets from Hua Seng Heng goldsmiths (no relation) in convenient boxes of 10 pieces - like chocolate.

Don't want to use something that can be stolen? Use title deeds, stock certs (artwise, typically better looking than cash, and it suggests more of a long term outlook.... you can also color coordinate, if you have a red themed wedding, you might want to go with Nike stock, green... go with Microsoft, and if I recall correctly, I'm pretty sure my Southwest Airlines certificates have hearts on them, also cute), Omsin bonds (these are also attractive IMO, nice blue color), etc.

If people are getting ripped, it simply means they don't even really know their own spouse to be. It's a wedding. It's not a blackjack table in Vegas.


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7.  Shouldn't they consider that I do all the travelling, and will have to pay for Ae to come to Oz, and future trips, phone bills and the like?  Doesn't this enter into the equation at all?

A bit about me:  38, fit, professional with my own business, house and car.  Never planned to meet a Thai girl ... it just happened.  Not supporting Ae financially, except for when she arrives her for three months.  Married before.  Divorced 5 years ago.


I often asked myself the same question when I was married over 4 years about the wifes family considering all the other things I must be responsible for. The answer is yes, they should consider it but resoundingly do not!

By the way, why did you feel the need to tell us you were fit? How does this enter into your discussion at all?

Quote from Britmaveric:

Personally doweries are a waste of time. I guess the bigger question is how would your prospective fiance feel about no dowery? (deal breaker or would she care less?)

Dowery is normally a face thing to show the village, and should be returned, but you never know. The idea kind of reminds me of buying property and that isnt what love is about.

End quote.

Here, here Brit. I am totally in agreement with you on your comment

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Hello Virgil, Remember indecision is the key to flexibility.. Marrying a Thai woman is like buying a new set of clothes. Whatever the mind can conceive it can believe. It seems that Thai's do love face..That's a fact but only you and your "Loved Ones" know who is really genuine and who will take care when the chips are down.. Life can be wonderful with a Thai.. love maybe not real at first until time spent with each other but what a way to go with an honest relationship. My wife's family is from rural Thailand farmers and their daughter my wife an X factory worker in Taiwan gave us some property and an old house as a dowery. So over the past two years we have managed to skip the big food,drinks and music in the Thai marriage ritual and put this money into building a better life for us and daughter. We now have a farm and nice place to live. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day..Ask many people,talk to sucessful people or even happy people,positive people not gready people. Some people want to hang around only that you might take care of their bills and remember you might have sick people in the family to take care of also. O well! Think hard,work hard!! Been married and have 3 college sons they can take care but only from what they were taught the right things of life. Basically most people want their dreams of a better way of life and a realy honest Thai person is truly one of life's rewards.

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hi virgil...true story here...married my thai wife 15 years this week still happy or as happy as you can be after 15 years...

we new each other for about a year, met her at a museaum/library in pattaya

(thats what i told my mother) got married in bangcok city hall had a tuk-tuk for a limo ..get along great with her family paid no family fine was not an issue.

just lucky i guess living proof that dreams do come true or another case of tit depends how you look at it....lol

are you there virgil ?????

Edited by glassdude007
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hi virgil i think ae's mom want to Ae is happy in her life , The dowry isn ot expensive for you and Ae's mom will pay back after you will get wedding Ae's :D ... and you should have a guide for converse wiht her mom > i called him / her is matchmaker < it is meaing somebody who converse about marry with Ae's parents >:D

in the case wedding that prepare trees banana , clothing < for recive to pay respect Ae's family , fruits, dowry and procession of the groom's parents < started near groom 's home > ,friends for dance thai and shoout out for joyed

after u will converse wiht Ae's parents u will get marry her> oh forget , before u will find ur 's groom u will pay goden door and silver door < friends ' groom will seperate goden door and silver door> :D

i dont know u will pay for Ae's i think if u fallen in love her and be happy wiht her shoud u do ? and u will be happy wiht your marry

Where are u ? Are u clear >> i advice you coz i am Thai gal and learn english bussinees too >>> Are u clear about thai cultural ?

Can i help u i am delighted for you and every friends

Impossible_me :D:o

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  • 2 weeks later...

My two cents,

There are two possible outcomes to this marriage IMHO. This is based on the assumption that the guy is an intelligent person.

1) You are in for a long, ugly, miserable life with this girl and her family.


2) You will eventually stop listening to your penis and leave her.

As blunt as that is, I bet my life on it.

It may be sooner, but most likely later.

Grab your parachute and bail now. Your questions have been asked by the many, many who have failed before you.

This is a textbook case. How can I say this? Who wants to wager???

This is the example I mentioned before....a hamster marrying a goldfish, it just isn't going to work in any healthy sort of way.

Edited by No beleeeeve!
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Never pay a dowry. If the girl truly loves you, she will agree not to pay her parents to mary you. Now you might have to pay some loans that your future wife has outstanding, but a dowry to mom or dad is just another way the family has in extorting money from you.

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Never pay a dowry. If the girl truly loves you, she will agree not to pay her parents to mary you. Now you might have to pay some loans that your future wife  has outstanding, but a dowry to mom or dad is just another way the family has in extorting money from you.

But this is costum of Thai u should be honour her , if you love her

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Never pay a dowry. If the girl truly loves you, she will agree not to pay her parents to mary you. Now you might have to pay some loans that your future wife  has outstanding, but a dowry to mom or dad is just another way the family has in extorting money from you.

But this is costum of Thai u should be honour her , if you love her

this is why I asked her about it first and we agreed to make the home nicer, but no large amounts of cash exchanged hands

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But this is costum of Thai u should be honour her , if you love her

Yes... but it's not the custom of westerners :o sorry to speak so bluntly it's seen as buying a wife !! (Asbestos suit on )

So if the girl loves him she will agree to a compromise. Yes ??

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This is another example of how the Thai person keeps 100% of their culture and the Westerner is expected to abandon 100% of their culture.

Get used to it if you are going to marry a girl from a village/farm/rural area. I did at one time have a girlfriend from Chang Mai and she told me that for the most part, the more up to date Thai folks don't even expect dowries anymore. Her family looked upon it as a backwards custom and don't believe in it and laughed about how Westerners still "fall for" that old trick.

Just say no, and if she walks away, you have a great idea of how she feels about you. If she loses face over it, tell her she will live and it will be fine in a matter of time.

I think that you will be supporting this girl the rest of your life anyway, so her family should pay YOU!

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My two cents,

There are two possible outcomes to this marriage IMHO.  This is based on the assumption that the guy is an intelligent person.

1)  You are in for a long, ugly, miserable life with this girl and her family.


2)  You will eventually stop listening to your penis and leave her.

As blunt as that is, I bet my life on it.

It may be sooner, but most likely later.

Grab your parachute and bail now.  Your questions have been asked by the many, many who have failed before you.

This is a textbook case.  How can I say this?  Who wants to wager???

This is the example I mentioned before....a hamster marrying a goldfish, it just isn't going to work in any healthy sort of way.

you forgot

3) You will be together the rest of your life, through thick and thin

many many have succeeded too, you just never hear about them as much

Edited by devildog683
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