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Pattaya Is Dead Dead Dead


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How anyone can compare thailand to a all inclusive or anywhere else in the domincan is ridiculous. The dominican is a dirty disgusting place. It would be ok to spend a week in a all inclusive there but that is the limit. just my opinion of course!

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If you are a fan of Pattaya then Sri Lanka has nothing on Thailand. Sri Lanka is beautiful in places and has some great sites, but it hasn't developed to pander to the same crowd that chooses Pattaya as their favorite Thailand destination.

It is worth a look however, I enjoyed the experience. I hope you like tea. :)

Does Ceylon have decent brewskies? Tea makes me pee too mutt. :D

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How anyone can compare thailand to a all inclusive or anywhere else in the domincan is ridiculous. The dominican is a dirty disgusting place. It would be ok to spend a week in a all inclusive there but that is the limit. just my opinion of course!

I didnt find it dirty or disgusting, quite the opposite actually

The people were friendly, they are poor, I admidt, they dont have the bars or hookers and lady boys either, I didnt get accosted on the beach for 'services'

I didnt see sewage washing up on the beach either

I didnt see old blokes with young girls either

But I was comparing value for money, I didnt spend the amount of money I would have if I had gone to Thailand

AND thats my opinion

I cant comment on Sri Lanka yet, as I havent got there

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I forgot to add to my last post

When I go away on holiday (or vacation) I compare the amount of money I spend, the hotel or accomadation I stay in, the cost of the flights, the excursions or trips I go on, the resturants I visit, the people I meet, the shopping my missus does,

The flight was cheaper than going to Thailand

I spent very little compared to Thailand

The accomadation was excellent, Thailand had nothing to compare it with (I dont stay in a 500 TB hotel, I do try and stay in somewhere decent)

I went on several excusions, there arent that many in Pattaya to go on, they were very good and informative

We had several resturants on the resort, all were excellent, the resturants out side were pretty good and didnt cost that much, bout the same as Thailand

When we went outside of the resort, we didnt get accosted by timeshare sellers, blokes for 'ping pong' shows or to go into a particular bar, (I did get fed up saying 'hola' to everyone, though) everyone we met was friendly, and no one tried to rip me off with crappy goods, I did get lots of cigars give to me when I looked in their shops

All the drinks were free (or included in our price) all branded drinks, as well and there were numerous bars and pubs on the resort and plenty of resturants to choose from (we didnt have to give any tips, but we did, the service was immpecable and every where was spotless)

We met people who didnt have a pot to piss in (the Haitians) and they were a lot poorer than anyone I had met in Thailand (but they were illegal,) and they were put to work to pay for their huts, and if they wanted to stay they were put to work in the cane fields, but they had a choice, work or get sent back to Haiti, most chose to stay, even though they had nothing or very little, we didnt see any beggars either

The beach was cleaned every night or early morning, and there were plenty of watersports to be had on the beach, there was a lifeguard as well

My flight and accomadaton cost £1200,

I reckon the flights to Thailand would have cost more, then add on a hotel for 2 weeks (14 nights at the Amari would be £602), then meals and drinks £?, I think I got a good deal (and thats MY opinion)

I spent about a further $200 (say £150, roughly) on excusions, and £200 on presents and gifts, duty free) all in all I had a great 2 weeks

I couldnt get anything like that in Thailand for the price and I have done all the usual places Hua Hin, Bangkok, Chang Mai, Phuket, Ko Samui, stayed in various hotels as well The Montien, The Amari,The Hilton, and that place shaped like a ship,

I have some great times in Thailand, but other places are offering a lot more than lady boys, hookers, walking street and numerous bars, and the sex trade, and a 20 meter beach, but if thats what you want when you spend your holiday, go for it, but I wanted a bit more and more value, as far as I'm concerned The Dominican delivered for me and my wife (and I would assume others want value for their money when they go away, but thats MY opinion)

If other 3rd world countries can offer more value and quality, thats where I'll go, Thailand just isnt doing it for me any more (or for others, hence numbers are down) so I think I can see why Pattaya is dead, dead

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I have some great times in Thailand, but other places are offering a lot more than lady boys, hookers, walking street and numerous bars, and the sex trade, and a 20 meter beach, but if thats what you want when you spend your holiday, go for it, but I wanted a bit more and more value, as far as I'm concerned The Dominican delivered for me and my wife (and I would assume others want value for their money when they go away, but thats MY opinion)

What are the things that these places offer that Thailand does not? For some strange reason, you never bother to say. :)

The truth is that Thailand offers anything these other places do PLUS "lady boys, hookers, walking street and numerous bars, and the sex trade, and a beautiful beach".

Certain prudes like to pretend that sex is all Thailand offers when it is really just one of many things, but because the girls are so pretty and so sweet (in general) people forget about the good food and Buddhist temples and traditional massages and all the other stuff.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I spent very little compared to Thailand... accomadation was excellent, Thailand had nothing to compare it with...We had several resturants on the resort, all were excellent, the resturants out side were pretty good and didnt cost that much, bout the same as Thailand

When we went outside of the resort, we didnt get accosted by timeshare sellers, blokes for 'ping pong' shows or to go into a particular bar...All the drinks were free (or included in our price) all branded drinks, as well and there were numerous bars and pubs on the resort and plenty of resturants to choose from...The beach was cleaned every night or early morning, and there were plenty of watersports to be had on the beach...

My flight and accomadaton cost £1200,

I reckon the flights to Thailand would have cost more, then add on a hotel for 2 weeks (14 nights at the Amari would be £602), then meals and drinks £?, I think I got a good deal (and thats MY opinion)...I couldnt get anything like that in Thailand for the price...

Interesting comparisons...I agree that it seems like Thailand is losing quite a bit of its competitiveness in the vacation market. It has been coasting on its laurels the past 5 years or so. Maybe they are just going to put all their eggs in the 3 billion people Indian and Chinese markets in the future.

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I have some great times in Thailand, but other places are offering a lot more than lady boys, hookers, walking street and numerous bars, and the sex trade, and a 20 meter beach, but if thats what you want when you spend your holiday, go for it, but I wanted a bit more and more value, as far as I'm concerned The Dominican delivered for me and my wife (and I would assume others want value for their money when they go away, but thats MY opinion)

What are the things that these places offer that Thailand does not? For some strange reason, you never bother to say. :)

The truth is that Thailand offers anything these other places do PLUS "lady boys, hookers, walking street and numerous bars, and the sex trade, and a beautiful beach".

Certain prudes like to pretend that sex is all Thailand offers when it is really just one of many things, but because the girls are so pretty and so sweet (in general) people forget about the good food and Buddhist temples and traditional massages and all the other stuff.

The beach in Pattaya cant even compete with the beaches (any of them) in the Dominican, the beach in Pattaya is never cleaned, there is no lifeguard, and from beach road to low tide how much beach you got, 30-50 meters ?

There is litter all over the beach, if you can get on it with the deck chairs and parasols

No where in Thailand can I get all inclusive, I may get breakfast buffet if I'm lucky

What excusions can Pattaya offer ? Nong Nook ? Water Park ? I could do a different excusion EVERY day and not repeat any of them (and there wasnt a two tier pricing system)

As for temples, they all look run down and tatty, and see one, you seen em all (I know, I have visited lots of them) The Dominican is a Catholic country, so I didnt see any temples or Mosques

I can get a massage in the Dominican, as well, and 'extras' if I wanted them

The Dominican offers great food as well

AND I wouldnt say that Thailand has a monopoly on pretty girls, go to aqny country you will find them, its just you cant buy them in other countries with the ease you can in Thailand (Thailand is the only country I know that advertises SEX holidays, BUT I matbe mistaken)

Now you want to know what these other countries offer that Thailand cant

1, my flight was cheaper and shorter

2, a clean beach,

3, a lifeguard,

4, all inclusive

5, diferent and plentiful excursions

6, Entertainment, but not the lady boy shows or bars

7, not being sold junk on the beach

8, less pollution

9, less traffic

10, no mangy dogs wandering about

11, no beggars

12, better hotels or resorts (the Montien or amari couldnt even come close to the place we stayed at, or the service we got, and it was cheaper than either of them)

I'm not saying the Dominican is all wonderfull, they have their problems, the same as Thailand, its just I got better value and quality (this time) for my 2 weeks holiday

Nothing anyone has said will convince me different, so far

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DR is far worse IMHO - not much going for it unless you are living in yankland. Pattaya beats it hands down in every category. :)

Sorry Brit, not this time, DR was cheaper and a lot more entertaining, didnt see much septic influence where we where (unles you include the monster trucks)

If you want to spend every evening in a boozer, Thailand wins, I didnt, I wanted a bit of entertainment and not watching some russian go go dancer

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No where in Thailand can I get all inclusive, I may get breakfast buffet if I'm lucky

There is a Club Med in Phuket.

DR sounds nice for you and your situation. If I was married, I wouldn't want to holiday in Pattaya either. However, I think it's a little unfair to compare a city like Pattaya to a self-enclosed sealed-off from the public all inclusive resort on some beach in the DR. I mean there are plenty of beggars, trash, pick-pockets, and general hustlers and rift-raff in Santo Domingo. Probably more appropriate to compare Pattaya to the beach area of Boca Chica...in that comparison, Pattaya would come off pretty well I suspect :)

And there is nothing Thailand can do about the DR being closer to your homeland and therefore the flights being cheaper to get there...sheeze...cut us some slack will ya :D

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If you are a fan of Pattaya then Sri Lanka has nothing on Thailand. Sri Lanka is beautiful in places and has some great sites, but it hasn't developed to pander to the same crowd that chooses Pattaya as their favorite Thailand destination.

It is worth a look however, I enjoyed the experience. I hope you like tea. :)

Does Ceylon have decent brewskies? Tea makes me pee too mutt. :D

Of course they do, but they are quite proud of the tea. Hard to get any without the milk and sugar though. Seems a shame to pollute it like that.

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... If I was married, I wouldn't want to holiday in Thailand or Pattaya either.

WHOA, there, Pardner! It depends upon what type of vacation a married couple (with or without kids) is looking for, and can afford. There are resorts in Pattaya that can provide folks with a great vacation; with a few "point to point" visits to some interesting and fun attractions (elephant treks, Tiger Zoo in Si Racha, "Monkey Mountain", Million Years Stone Park, etc.). And you're way off in applying that statement to all of Thailand. Come on! There's enough history, scenery, and interesting culture in this country to fill several great vacations. Chang Mai, Phuket, and, of course, BKK itself, are full of "family" sights and activities that are educational, breathtakingly beautiful, culturally enriching, and entertaining.

I would highly recommend Thailand as a country to vacation in to anyone. The key is to know what you're looking for; and go to the right places to get that type of environment. And that type of vacation is still a great bargain, as compared to visiting any First World country. The same quality you can get in Thailand would cost at least double in the USA, or most areas of Europe.

... And that from a guy who DEEPLY regrets moving to this miserable area of Pattaya! Vacations and permanent residency are different worlds! I vacationed in Thailand several times before moving here in 2006. I don't regret ANY of those vacations. They were wonderful! (BKK, Chang Mai, Phuket, Ko Samui ... even Pattaya, 30 years ago!)

Edited by patsfangr
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No where in Thailand can I get all inclusive, I may get breakfast buffet if I'm lucky

There is a Club Med in Phuket.

DR sounds nice for you and your situation. If I was married, I wouldn't want to holiday in Thailand or Pattaya either. However, I think it's a little unfair to compare a city like Pattaya to a self-enclosed sealed-off from the public all inclusive resort on some beach in the DR. I mean there are plenty of beggars, trash, pick-pockets, and general hustlers and rift-raff in Santo Domingo. Probably more appropriate to compare Pattaya to the beach area of Boca Chica...in that comparison, Pattaya would come off pretty well I suspect :D

And there is nothing Thailand can do about the DR being closer to your homeland and therefore the flights being cheaper to get there...sheeze...cut us some slack will ya :D

Oh, come on, I'm not a septic, I'm a Brit, I thought that would have been easy to suss out, by my refering to £'s all the time, and why would I want a Club Med, Phuket is a dung heap as far as I'm concerned, I didnt find anything good about it, not even my mates boozer, full of whinging Brits, its too hot, its too expensive, the girls dont put out out enough, I was glad to leave his boozer before I slashed my wrists, BUT he likes it

And you are probably right about Santo Domingo, but I never went there, I'm just comparing it to places I have been to, (thats like my comparing Northolt to Bootle, I been to both, I know where I am now though and it aint Bootle :) )

Overall costs where cheaper, and I know the DR is closer, but Sri Lanka is a stopping point for me when I go to Thailand, I cant make any comparisions yet, I'll let you know after I have been there, but so far, its cost £1900, dunno what I'm going to spend on excusions, tips, yet

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DR is far worse IMHO - not much going for it unless you are living in yankland. Pattaya beats it hands down in every category. :D

And Krabi - for just one place - beats it into the ground on every one of his "points". There is a lot more to Thailand than Pattaya! :)

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Oh, come on, I'm not a septic, I'm a Brit, I thought that would have been easy to suss out, by my refering to £'s all the time, and why would I want a Club Med, Phuket is a dung heap as far as I'm concerned...

Well you were the one saying there were NO all inclusive resorts in Thailand like what you found in DR. I was just pointing out that there is at least one (and maybe more I don't know about). I was not recommending it specifically.

As to this "I'm not a septic" comment...mai khow chai? Is this some British accent to which I'm unfamiliar...can anyone translate for me or should I have Google give it a try :)

If you're happy with the DR, by all means holiday there...or give Sri Lanka a go now that the civil war is over and the quarter-million hungry war refugees are swarming all around the country.

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... If I was married, I wouldn't want to holiday in Thailand or Pattaya either.

WHOA, there, Pardner! It depends upon what type of vacation a married couple (with or without kids) is looking for, and can afford. There are resorts in Pattaya that can provide folks with a great vacation; with a few "point to point" visits to some interesting and fun attractions (elephant treks, Tiger Zoo in Si Racha, "Monkey Mountain", Million Years Stone Park, etc.). And you're way off in applying that statement to all of Thailand. Come on! There's enough history, scenery, and interesting culture in this country to fill several great vacations. Chang Mai, Phuket, and, of course, BKK itself, are full of "family" sights and activities that are educational, breathtakingly beautiful, culturally enriching, and entertaining.

I would highly recommend Thailand as a country to vacation in to anyone. The key is to know what you're looking for; and go to the right places to get that type of environment. And that type of vacation is still a great bargain, as compared to visiting any First World country. The same quality you can get in Thailand would cost at least double in the USA, or most areas of Europe.

... And that from a guy who DEEPLY regrets moving to this miserable area of Pattaya! Vacations and permanent residency are different worlds! I vacationed in Thailand several times before moving here in 2006. I don't regret ANY of those vacations. They were wonderful! (BKK, Chang Mai, Phuket, Ko Samui ... even Pattaya, 30 years ago!)

Thanks for that, I have had some fantastic holidays in Thailand, I dont regret any of them, they were brilliant, when I first went to BKK, I thought it was the scruffiest, dirtiest place I had ever been to, I loved it

I cant compare the US to Thailand, they are two different types of holiday, different things to do, places to go, the language, the people, the food, I have enjoyed and been to both, and with completely different costs, I cant compare the DR to the US either, they are worlds apart (I have NEVER been invited into a US persons home, I have in Thailand and in the DR, they are a lot more open and sharingthan in the US, even though they have less, they are willing to share and show off what little they have, they are proud of their homes)

I have visited all over the US, but I found the Thai's a lot more friendlier and to a lesser degree the DR,

In the US, I never had a girl plonk herself in my lap, I did in Thailand, and even with the wife there, but thats Thailand and you go with the flow or have a fight, we went with the flow, had a laugh and that was it, the girl and missus went on to swap baby pictures, it just dont happen anywhere else, but Thailand

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WHOA, there, Pardner! It depends upon what type of vacation a married couple (with or without kids) is looking for, and can afford.

You are of course in the main correct. This fella seems to want a real beach resort kinda place, isolated from the hoi poloi, where he can pay for everything with jungle beads and Pattaya doesn't have anything like that. If you want a quiet pristine beach location then Pattaya is not really for you...Krabi, Trang, Lanta, Kao Lak maybe.

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DR is far worse IMHO - not much going for it unless you are living in yankland. Pattaya beats it hands down in every category. :D

And Krabi - for just one place - beats it into the ground on every one of his "points". There is a lot more to Thailand than Pattaya! :)

Been there, done that, got several tee shirts as well :D

as I keep saying I have pretty well done all the touristy parts of Thailand, I can only compare places I have been to, I know everyone is trying to defend Thailand, and so you should, its your home, I'm only a visitor for 2-3-4 weks a year

(for those not up on slang, a septic is slang for a yank, = septic tank= a YANK, hope this clears up any confusion)

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WHOA, there, Pardner! It depends upon what type of vacation a married couple (with or without kids) is looking for, and can afford.

You are of course in the main correct. This fella seems to want a real beach resort kinda place, isolated from the hoi poloi, where he can pay for everything with jungle beads and Pattaya doesn't have anything like that. If you want a quiet pristine beach location then Pattaya is not really for you...Krabi, Trang, Lanta, Kao Lak maybe.

Nope, I dont mind mixing with the hoi poloi as you put it, I just wanted more for my quid, they have moved up from taking beads now, but same as Thailand, they have home made goods for sale, they just dont come down from the hills to sell them

I had two weeks holiday, I worked out what Thailand would have cost, then browsed the internet, and found that holiday at that price, I had never been to an all inclusive holiday, I gave it a try, I enjoyed it, it didnt cost as much as Thailand would have

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(for those not up on slang, a septic is slang for a yank, = septic tank= a YANK, hope this clears up any confusion)

Whatever...I was always told not to get into a pissing match with a skunk :)

As to wanting to get the most for your "quid," well, I'm sorry to have to say that the British "ounce" is just not worth much these days...anywhere in the world.

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(for those not up on slang, a septic is slang for a yank, = septic tank= a YANK, hope this clears up any confusion)

Whatever...I was always told not to get into a pissing match with a skunk :)

As to wanting to get the most for your "quid," well, I'm sorry to have to say that the British "ounce" is just not worth much these days...anywhere in the world.

Well, whatever the quid is worth (or the ounce, as you like to call it) it bought me a really good holiday for 2 weeks (£1200) and that is half what it would have cost to go to Pattaya

a good thing you didnt get into a pissing match, you would have got your shoes (or flip flops) wet :D

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jai yen yen na. i think we get it. and you might enjoy this place: http://dr1.com/forums/

they'll probably get your cockney slang :D and while you're over there, tell them if any one of them ever decides to come to Pattaya, we're gonna totally beat them up :D

Thanks for that, I never knew the DR had a forum, I dont think they would understand slang, they didnt when I was out there, by the way, I'm not a cockney, I wasnt born any where near Bow Belles

You may well beat em up, but they'll put you in a pot and eat you :D

But why not go to them and see what they got to offer, you may like it :)

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