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Sick Of These Sas / Mi6 Wannabes

DJ Pat

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Why oh why do these guys persist? I was in a pub with a girl who was a regular there and she points out a thin tattooed guy playing pool and says "he's in the army SAS, he told me so" ...I look over and say "who?" "him" and she points him out again. "That guy?" "Yes, he works in Germany for the SAS"

A bit annoyed that some loser can blatantly lie to somebody I know, I waltz over, and say "So you were in the army?" Bloke: "Yes I'm based in Germany, going home tomorrow" Me: "Where you from originally?" Bloke:" Wiltshire, I was brought up 9 miles from Stonehenge" ......Now if I was a terrorist, and he was for real, I would already have enough info to kill his family and find out who he was.

I ask him what regiment he was in and he doesn't have a clue what I mean, and as I have a few mates who are squaddies / ex-squaddies / ex-forces etc I have heard many many stories and have a very basic understanding of their structure. I will of course never know what its like to serve anywhere so will not even attempt to say, but these saddos are in effect insulting the real guys who are out in Iraq, Afgahnastan, Kosovo, and anywhere else.

Beware. I have two mates from the Royal Engineers on holiday here, and they are only a phone call away, so if anyone starts all this "can't tell you what I do/did in the army" crap, I will pass the phone to them to be quizzed by REAL guys.

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One of the last places in the world where someone might believe you???

Or pretend they do???

Guess thats what makes Thailand so much fun.

Everyone has a story ,not necessarily true,but who cares.

###### last time I was there I was a Helicopter Pilot,Time before a Doctor,Time before a Stockbroker,Now broken down ,bankrupt old pervert hiding from reality,spending my savings pretending I am really a fun wealthy,hansum man.

God Im a cynic,but its the mix that makes it fun.

Lager louts excluded of course,dont need them anywhere.

Why oh why do these guys persist? I was in a pub with a girl who was a regular there and she points out a thin tattooed guy playing pool and says "he's in the army SAS, he told me so" ...I look over and say "who?" "him" and she points him out again. "That guy?" "Yes, he works in Germany for the SAS"

A bit annoyed that some loser can blatantly lie to somebody I know, I waltz over, and say "So you were in the army?" Bloke: "Yes I'm based in Germany, going home tomorrow" Me: "Where you from originally?" Bloke:" Wiltshire, I was brought up 9 miles from Stonehenge" ......Now if I was a terrorist, and he was for real, I would already have enough info to kill his family and find out who he was.

I ask him what regiment he was in and he doesn't have a clue what I mean, and as I have a few mates who are squaddies / ex-squaddies / ex-forces etc I have heard many many stories and have a very basic understanding of their structure. I will of course never know what its like to serve anywhere so will not even attempt to say, but these saddos are in effect insulting the real guys who are out in Iraq, Afgahnastan, Kosovo, and anywhere else.

Beware. I have two mates from the Royal Engineers on holiday here, and they are only a phone call away, so if anyone starts all this "can't tell you what I do/did in the army" crap, I will pass the phone to them to be quizzed by REAL guys.

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Yeah, like the guys talking about what it was like "In 'nam" when they were about 14 or 15 when the war ended :D

Enlisted at 12 did they? :o

I think if they talk or hint about being SAS/MI6 or anything of the sort its a sure sign they weren't. Anyone who makes it into those units is taught secrecy and discretion. They'd also have enough confidence in themselves that they wouldn't need to brag about it I imagine.


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I think if they talk or hint about being SAS/MI6 or anything of the sort its a sure sign they weren't. Anyone who makes it into those units is taught secrecy and discretion. They'd also have enough confidence in themselves that they wouldn't need to brag about it I imagine.

Well, exactly.

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Wiltshire, I was brought up 9 miles from Stonehenge"

Thats where alot of the British Army guys are based.

Normally guys from other regiments don't mix very well, I guy i know has his mates here who are Para's "They'll do anyone even thai's that mess with em" he say's, I tell him to shut the f*** up as the thais would'nt be impressed and would'nt care about there military experiences.

Along with these Para's my best mate comes here every 9 weeks whilst on leave from Iraq (security for VIPS etc) he left The Royal Green Jackets 4 years ago after being with them for 12 years or so, He's straight over to the Para's and their comparing training, experiences, Where you been stationed then and all that stuff. In the end they agreed to disagree as it were.

Pat your lucky the guy did'nt slap you. :o

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Yeah, like the guys talking about what it was like "In 'nam" when they were about 14 or 15 when the war ended  :D

Ahhhh 'Nam back in '74. I remember it very well and still have the scars and the nightmares. :D

I was actually on the No.74 bus going through Pratunam when the driver stood on the brakes. I went flying and bashed my head on the hand rail. :o

ahhhh.. I like the smell of Tiger Balm in the morning. :D

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I still belive that if you ever meet the real SAS guys, they will never let on.part of their job is to blend in.If you think about it this way, it costs an armed force something like 2 x more to train SAS, than it does a fighter pilot. After all, SAS are THE cream of the crop. Why would they want to brag about anything, when a large percentage of their missions are top secret?

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Yeah, like the guys talking about what it was like "In 'nam" when they were about 14 or 15 when the war ended  :D

Ahhhh 'Nam back in '74. I remember it very well and still have the scars and the nightmares. :D

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nam.....I had a bottle of it yesterday :D

I was actually on the No.74 bus going through Pratunam when the driver stood on the brakes. I went flying and bashed my head on the hand rail. :o

ahhhh.. I like the smell of Tiger Balm in the morning. :D

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Just like the saddos who reckon they are in with the 'Thai mafia' - like they aren't going to be the first ones against the wall when the shit hits the fan.

Bar owners tend to suffer from this syndrome more than most - present company excepted of course.

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Just like the saddos who reckon they are in with the 'Thai mafia' ....

Bar owners tend to suffer from this syndrome more than most

That's hilarious because they've been In Thailand five minutes and think that they are 'well in' !!

Nothing like being Thai is there?

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Just like the saddos who reckon they are in with the 'Thai mafia' ....

Bar owners tend to suffer from this syndrome more than most

That's hilarious because they've been In Thailand five minutes and think that they are 'well in' !!

Nothing like being Thai is there?

The only real mafia here is the thai's, Some Farangs might be "connected" but at the end of the day we ain't thai. :o

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And then there was the guy who got carried away and told me about his covert missions with the (American) Special Services.

I offered to sell him a pamphlet about the proper terminology. Can't make up the great stories 'nless you know the words. (There might be a moneymaking idea here----- teaching wannabes credibility)

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The reverse can also be true;

I was having a romantic dinner overlooking the water at Pattaya one night with my wife when 20 servicemen from a particular (english) speaking navy arrived.

They were noisy and talked very loud. It was impossible not to overhear what they were saying.

After about 15 minutes, I knew the name of their ship, where it was sailing to, The name of the Commanding officer on the ship. It was also clear who the ranking officer at the table was and most of the names of the oficers.

Their crass lack of sensitivity to local culture was amazing and I heard some racist sayings from them, I would never repeat.

So you have the wannabe's who play it up, and the simply stupid real ones who can't hold their mouth closed.

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The reverse can also be true;

I was having a romantic dinner overlooking the water at Pattaya one night with my wife when 20 servicemen from a particular (english) speaking navy arrived.

They were noisy and talked very loud. It was impossible not to overhear what they were saying.

After about 15 minutes, I knew the name of their ship, where it was sailing to, The name of the Commanding officer on the ship. It was also clear who the ranking officer at the table was and most of the names of the oficers.

Their crass lack of sensitivity to local culture was amazing and I heard some racist sayings from them, I would never repeat.

So you have the wannabe's who play it up, and the simply stupid real ones who can't hold their mouth closed.

Bet I can guess what country. :o

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Guy tells me one night in a bar in Pattaya he's in the SAS. So i ask him if i could see his belt of cold coins ( read that in Bravo two zero i think ) the guys reply was..this will kill you...he said " i dont carry them round with me.. :D:o:D


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What type of person succeeds in SF ?

Loosely, yes there is a type, but from my experience the type varies between Brit, Aus and NZ. Generally, relatively quiet achievers, who don't have a big mouth, who have a desire to be the best they can be in the best unit they can aspire too.

As I said any special forces member has tight lips!!!

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Hmmm English, Aussies, or Yanks!!! Take your pick, any choice would be correct.

Well, I will eliminate Australians - my secret training in Sydney helped me pick the accent.

I also don't think the Australian Navy have enough boats (inflatable or otherwise) to rest a while around Pattaya.

The other think I forgot to say, the next day really endeared me to these people with endless low-passes in Helicopters over Pattaya Beach.

Trying to have a well deserved sleep on the beach and those annoying helicopters. Umm, yes, both above the beach and on the beach - girls a-plenty.

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