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Pad Registers For Political Party

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It's not the question of creating a new party - that is the easy part

and will be good on the political landscape, opposing Bhum Jai, Newins

new force on the block!

What this party's agenda will be - that will be crucial and through whom

it will represent itself!

As a street movement the PAD lost it's momentum, it's over, goal achieved.

Move on with clean, transparent politics, keep the army's influence at bay,

abolish the "Puu Yai" system, and encourage a genuine law enforcement!

That would be enough for starters....

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If they manage to make reforming politics a part of a national discussion, it doesn't really matter if they win or not, the society will move in the right direction, what more do you want?

The average Thai wants

Decent education system.

Good secure jobs

Economic expansion

Peace and security

Good healthcare

A functioning community

Longer opening hours in Soi Cowboy

An effective police force


Reduced pollution

Whereas reforming politics is just one issue, and it seems to be their sole pet project. You estimated a vote of 30-40% for PAD. I think thats a high-side estimate for a new party with one policy avenue.

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The average Thai wants

Decent education system.

Good secure jobs

Economic expansion

Peace and security

Good healthcare

A functioning community

Longer opening hours in Soi Cowboy

An effective police force


Reduced pollution

(my highlight above)

Come on, you slipped that one in, just for certain parts of the farang community, didn't you ? :)

But you forgot longer opening-hours for bars, and lower alcohol-taxes, for both Thais and farangs ! :D

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It is quite likely that the more Abhisit talks of amnesties and ammendments the more PAD will talk of parties. As others note ther PAD will split the vote with Dems in many central and Bangkok areas enabling others to win in many cases. In the south the PAD wont affect the Dems.

The idea of a PAD party pressures the Dems into being careful. A PAD party that splits away Dem vote enabling others to win will also maximise the number of old style politicians in parties like CTP etc, which is surely not what the PAD want;)

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I don't understand longer opening hours. I'm quite happy I don't need to barfine after 2 instead of waiting until 4.

What's the problem again?


The average Thai doesn't give a toss about any of those issues. It's all personality based here, and not without a reason - everyone can talk, they vote for people who can DO, so the don't listen anymore.

Dems can't win in Isan not because of their policies, they are all the same nationwide, but because they don't have trustworthy candidates there.

If PAD can put up people with good reputation in their communities they don't need a big national platform. If they can attract one or two big names with strong credentials, that would take care of their national agenda.

Don't also forget that when people go to polls they have absolutely no knowledge of who will take education portfolio in the future coalition government, it's pointless to vote on specific issues.

PPP got 36% of the vote as TRT proxy, PAD party will get their vote the same way. 30% in areas where Democrats are not too strong is not impossible.

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The average Thai wants

Decent education system.

Good secure jobs

Economic expansion

Peace and security

Good healthcare

A functioning community

Longer opening hours in Soi Cowboy

An effective police force


Reduced pollution

(my highlight above)

Come on, you slipped that one in, just for certain parts of the farang community, didn't you ? :)

But you forgot longer opening-hours for bars, and lower alcohol-taxes, for both Thais and farangs ! :D

Oops, that was a cut and paste from my party manifesto.

What Thais want most is for Farangs to be able to buy property.

...no, wait, thats not right either,.....

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The average Thai wants

Decent education system.

Good secure jobs

Economic expansion

Peace and security

Good healthcare

A functioning community

Longer opening hours in Soi Cowboy

An effective police force


Reduced pollution

(my highlight above)

Come on, you slipped that one in, just for certain parts of the farang community, didn't you ? :)

But you forgot longer opening-hours for bars, and lower alcohol-taxes, for both Thais and farangs ! :D

Oops, that was a cut and paste from my party manifesto.

What Thais want most is for Farangs to be able to buy property.

...no, wait, thats not right either,.....


I think most Thai men want

a Mercedes in their garage,

and a Mia noi in a serviced apartment round the corner.

Enough money for both and more time to drive them.

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I don't understand longer opening hours. I'm quite happy I don't need to barfine after 2 instead of waiting until 4.

What's the problem again?

What would be the deal with waiting until closing time, cheaper?

People that know what they want go and take it and don't wait around...

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I don't understand longer opening hours. I'm quite happy I don't need to barfine after 2 instead of waiting until 4.

What's the problem again?


The average Thai doesn't give a toss about any of those issues. It's all personality based here, and not without a reason - everyone can talk, they vote for people who can DO, so the don't listen anymore.

Dems can't win in Isan not because of their policies, they are all the same nationwide, but because they don't have trustworthy candidates there.

If PAD can put up people with good reputation in their communities they don't need a big national platform. If they can attract one or two big names with strong credentials, that would take care of their national agenda.

Don't also forget that when people go to polls they have absolutely no knowledge of who will take education portfolio in the future coalition government, it's pointless to vote on specific issues.

PPP got 36% of the vote as TRT proxy, PAD party will get their vote the same way. 30% in areas where Democrats are not too strong is not impossible.

So what would it take to get a trust worthy candidate in Isaan? The have had multiple generations of politicians who blew smoke up their ass, and one man delivered something to them in their opinion. All any politician up there has to do is deliver.

The essential problem is not that there are no trustworthy Democrats in Isaan or the North, it is the (historically well founded) perception, that the Dems don't care about their situation, don't want to make it better, and that their priorities are in Bangkok.

I would also love to know which areas of the country where the Dems are not strong that the PAD could gain even 3% let alone 30%?

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The have had multiple generations of politicians who blew smoke up their ass, and one man delivered something to them in their opinion.

And that is the reason they keep voting for the same guys for twenty years? He's made a helluva lot fo difference to their voting patterns, sure.

I would also love to know which areas of the country where the Dems are not strong that the PAD could gain even 3% let alone 30%?

Anywhere outside of the South where Dems don't have their own power pyramid in place. Oh, and those southerners somehow think Democrats care about them. What strange people!

Thailand is full of contradictions if you willing to neglect the feudalism and talk class struggle instead. Whatever makes your day.

Or do you somehow think that feudal mindset is present only among the ruling classes, and the peasantry is all enlightened free thinkers?

People that know what they want go and take it and don't wait around..

It's sufficiency economy, my friend. After 2 am EVERY girl in Cowboy appears just as beautiful as top dancers at 10, why pay more if you can drink beer instead?

Waiting until 4, on the other hand, is not too good for my old bones, I lose my mojo.

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It's sufficiency economy, my friend. After 2 am EVERY girl in Cowboy appears just as beautiful as top dancers at 10, why pay more if you can drink beer instead?

Waiting until 4, on the other hand, is not too good for my old bones, I lose my mojo.

O grasshopper.....

Sufficiency economy is trying not to urinate in Thermae in order to save 5 thb

The definition of affluence is buying the (THB 50?) one month all-you-can-wee pass at the same place.

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The have had multiple generations of politicians who blew smoke up their ass, and one man delivered something to them in their opinion.

And that is the reason they keep voting for the same guys for twenty years? He's made a helluva lot fo difference to their voting patterns, sure.

I would also love to know which areas of the country where the Dems are not strong that the PAD could gain even 3% let alone 30%?

Anywhere outside of the South where Dems don't have their own power pyramid in place. Oh, and those southerners somehow think Democrats care about them. What strange people!

Thailand is full of contradictions if you willing to neglect the feudalism and talk class struggle instead. Whatever makes your day.

Or do you somehow think that feudal mindset is present only among the ruling classes, and the peasantry is all enlightened free thinkers?

People that know what they want go and take it and don't wait around..

It's sufficiency economy, my friend. After 2 am EVERY girl in Cowboy appears just as beautiful as top dancers at 10, why pay more if you can drink beer instead?

Waiting until 4, on the other hand, is not too good for my old bones, I lose my mojo.

Having worked to make the poor man's life better for 20 years here and hit my head against a brick wall time after time, which incidentally is in direct opposition with Laos for example, I understand very well the contradictions that exist. Whether you or I like it, the votes that win the elections are in Isaan and the North, and Abhisit realises this better than most.

Thaksin scared the bejesus out of the gentry in Bangkok by making Isaan and Northern politicians more powerful than the Bangkok politicians. How the hel_l did Newin get where he is today? Buriram to government creator. Wow, how the mighty have risen. The power has moved so far from Bangkok and this is Abhisit's chain to wear. On Old Etonian having to get into bed with a gangster to get his business done. It is like Cameron being in bed with Scargill's son forming a government in the UK. The PAD without Sondhi's marketing is nothing, and he might have a suicide wish if he thinks he can go up country to get votes. Chamlong will never get votes in Isaan or the North. The current government can't even hold an international summit in Pattaya, let alone guarantee the safety of the PAD political party in Isaan or the North.

Thaksin realised that all he had to do was create a voting block and deliver something. Do you honestly think that Sondhi or Chamlong can come to the North or Isaan and campaign? Sondhi got shot on a suburban road in Bangkok, and Abhisit during the last election had two car accidents just getting to Saraburi and back. These people have absolutely no pull North of the Ayuttaya gap as they say.

I agree the Southerners are as poorly represented as the Isaanites, it is just that they allied with a party that has been around for 50 odd years. The Isaan people finally allied with a block, so the country is split.

I will watch with great interest first hand if any official PAD representative tries to campaign politically in Isaan during any election. That simple act alone will probably so incendiary that I send you pictures from the end of a very long lense.

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Thaksin scared the bejesus out of the gentry in Bangkok by making Isaan and Northern politicians more powerful than the Bangkok politicians.

And you imply that Isan polticians equal Isan farmers?

They scared bejesus out of attending Asean ministers as well.

Or do you think crashing Democrats party, shitting all over and expelling all the guests made a nice invitation for the red government? Yes, they are all dying to attent, especially Chinese. Reds made a solid case for democracy there, who could refuse their invitation.

Do you honestly think that Sondhi or Chamlong can come to the North or Isaan and campaign? Sondhi got shot on a suburban road in Bangkok,

I get your point - imagine what all those enlightened democracy lovers would do to him in Udon.

And why do we have to accept it as normal, as a sign of development?

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We all know where the vast majority of the PAD support comes from. I can see it very likely, that they could canabalise the Dems votes in Bangkok and a bit in the South, but could they get a single vote in the North or the Northeast. The people up there don't like Abhisit that much, but right now, they may be willing to give him a chance. Would they ever vote for anything even associated with Sondhi? In my opinion, not in my or my grandchildren's lifetime.

I think this over-states the case, claiming they would not get any votes, in the North-West.

PPP got about 75% of the Chiang Mai vote, last time around, but there are undoubtedly some strong-supporters of PAD up here, otherwise why would Love-Chiang-Mai-51 feel the need to intimidate or kill them, from time to time ?

You've just got to love those guys (not), for the respect & tolerance they show, for other peoples' democratic-rights, while still claiming to be fighting for democracy ! :)

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Chamlong: Party won't be called PAD

People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leader Chamlong Srimuang dismissed the news about the plan to register the PAD name for its new political party.

Maj-Gen Chamlong said on Sunday that he was not aware that a group of people may have already registered the party with the Election Commission (EC) since the group has yet to resolve on the party's name.

He said the PAD will hold a gathering on May 25 in Nonthaburi's Muang Thong Thani, and the leaders will ask for suggestions from their supporters.


-- Bangkok Post 16/05/09

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  • 2 weeks later...
We all know where the vast majority of the PAD support comes from. I can see it very likely, that they could canabalise the Dems votes in Bangkok and a bit in the South, but could they get a single vote in the North or the Northeast. The people up there don't like Abhisit that much, but right now, they may be willing to give him a chance. Would they ever vote for anything even associated with Sondhi? In my opinion, not in my or my grandchildren's lifetime.

I think this over-states the case, claiming they would not get any votes, in the North-West.

PPP got about 75% of the Chiang Mai vote, last time around, but there are undoubtedly some strong-supporters of PAD up here, otherwise why would Love-Chiang-Mai-51 feel the need to intimidate or kill them, from time to time ?

You've just got to love those guys (not), for the respect & tolerance they show, for other peoples' democratic-rights, while still claiming to be fighting for democracy ! :)

Are you talking about LCM51 or PAD?

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We all know where the vast majority of the PAD support comes from. I can see it very likely, that they could canabalise the Dems votes in Bangkok and a bit in the South, but could they get a single vote in the North or the Northeast. The people up there don't like Abhisit that much, but right now, they may be willing to give him a chance. Would they ever vote for anything even associated with Sondhi? In my opinion, not in my or my grandchildren's lifetime.

I think this over-states the case, claiming they would not get any votes, in the North-West.

PPP got about 75% of the Chiang Mai vote, last time around, but there are undoubtedly some strong-supporters of PAD up here, otherwise why would Love-Chiang-Mai-51 feel the need to intimidate or kill them, from time to time ?

You've just got to love those guys (not), for the respect & tolerance they show, for other peoples' democratic-rights, while still claiming to be fighting for democracy ! :)

Correct the PAD have support all over the country. Some of it is open, some it isnt. In some areas it is more than others. The PAD's problem is that local support isnt really in the numbers to carry any/many local constituencies unless they resort to hiring canvassers, sitting MPs and influentials as other parties do. That however seems to go against what they claim to be. The PAD though could do better on the party list where votes are aggregated and it isnt first past the post.

Interesting analysis by Pluem (I cant believe I just wrote that) of the PADs more communist philosophies. Many forget that the PAD includes probably more ex-CPT than the red side.

Edited to add: Pluem's analysis was in yesterday's BKK Post print edition. Not sur eif it was online

Edited by hammered
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