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Robbed On A Baht Bus By A Family Gang Of Homely Females!


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all one has to do is peruse your posts,

Then Mr. Snake, please produce the post that proves your account of this fictional incident:

COBRA: And there was another baht buss drama that resulted in the driver being so infuriated with you he ejected you off in the middle of traffic, basically you were insulting him in public, etc,

Yes, I agree people need to make their own judgments. From my point of view I am a sincere poster who is honest about my own human flaws. You on the other hand seem to have picked an unusually apt screen name. Hisssssssssssssssssssssss.


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Yes, I suspected them the moment I saw them coming. You'd have to be drunk or blind not to...

You suspected them of being a pick-pocket gang "the moment you saw them", one sat next to you, you checked your wallet was still there initially and yet they still managed to steal it.

Is there any part of the above summary that is incorrect?

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Yes, I suspected them the moment I saw them coming. You'd have to be drunk or blind not to...

You suspected them of being a pick-pocket gang "the moment you saw them", one sat next to you, you checked your wallet was still there initially and yet they still managed to steal it.

Is there any part of the above summary that is incorrect?

It is mostly incorrect.

My wallet was in my left pocket.

My leather coin purse was in my right pocket.

One of the gang ladies was on my right.

I did check my right pocket to feel the coin purse a number of times (don't remember how many exactly). This is something I normally do but I did it more often with this lady next to me.

If you are saying I was stupid to be robbed when I suspected I was sitting next to a thief, OK, I was stupid. If you read my accounts, I have gone over many of the mistakes I did make. I could have left the bus. I could have stood on the back. I could have moved the coin purse to my left pocket. I could have held my hand on my right pocket the entire time. I never said I was perfect. I did say I was robbed.

Incidentally, one of the problems I had is that I did feel under threat and had a lot of things to check. I also had a cell phone attached to my belt on the right side. My wallet even though it was on the left side was the thing I was most concerned about, so I had to check that sometimes also (realizing that sometimes things just FALL out of pockets). That might be another tip, don't carry too much stuff in too many places, because that leaves a lot of opportunities to steal and a burden for you to keep checking all the stuff. Easier said than done though because I want to carry all those things!

Hopefully, many people who do read this thread will become even more aware of these baht bus gangs, and not be as "stupid" as I was a few days ago.

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You suspected them of being a pick-pocket gang "the moment you saw them", one sat next to you, you checked your wallet was still there initially and yet they still managed to steal it.

Is there any part of the above summary that is incorrect?

It is mostly incorrect.

My wallet was in my left pocket.

My leather coin purse was in my right pocket.

Sorry, I wrote "wallet" and should've written "coin purse".

One of the gang ladies was on my right.

I did check my right pocket to feel the coin purse a number of times (don't remember how many exactly). This is something I normally do but I did it more often with this lady next to me.

If you are saying I was stupid to be robbed when I suspected I was sitting next to a thief, OK, I was stupid. If you read my accounts, I have gone over many of the mistakes I did make. I could have left the bus. I could have stood on the back. I could have moved the coin purse to my left pocket. I could have held my hand on my right pocket the entire time. I never said I was perfect. I did say I was robbed.

Incidentally, one of the problems I had is that I did feel under threat and had a lot of things to check. I also had a cell phone attached to my belt on the right side. My wallet even though it was on the left side was the thing I was most concerned about, so I had to check that sometimes also (realizing that sometimes things just FALL out of pockets).

Ah, so you also had a mobile phone to keep checking, as well as the wallet and purse.

That might be another tip, don't carry too much stuff in too many places, because that leaves a lot of opportunities to steal and a burden for you to keep checking all the stuff. Easier said than done though because I want to carry all those things!

Hopefully, many people who do read this thread will become even more aware of these baht bus gangs, and not be as "stupid" as I was a few days ago.

Overall, I think you should've got up the moment she sat next to you, and stood somewhere alone on the bus. Not possible if the bus was crowded I suppose, but maybe you could've found somewhere where you could look at the whole gang continuously - and make them well aware that you knew what they were up to.

You live and learn.

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Thanks, Jet. There was not even one seat left on the bus. I was stuck where I was except there was one space on the back board. I wasn't in the worse possible seat, I was sitting in the rear of the bus so only my right side was exposed. But I still got robbed! My point being, these gals are pros. I must say I am impressed with her technical skill. Also very ballsy as she could see I was checking my pockets repeatedly.

The other error which I mentioned before is that I had assumed if I caught the thief just a few moments AFTER a theft, I would still be OK. But these were pros and she had a way to hide the stolen item. With such pros, you either have to prevent it, or catch them at the exact moment of the act and stop them. Otherwise, its not always going to be so easy.

Overall, I think you should've got up the moment she sat next to you

Next time, if I don't want to stand outside, I will leave the bus. In most cases with rough Thais, COMPLETE AND TOTAL AVOIDANCE is the best strategy if possible. I won't take it as far as not riding the buses though. I enjoy riding them, the people watching is priceless.

Of course, not all pickpockets are so blatantly obvious as this gang was, so you always have to be aware.

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As another victim of a baht bus pickpocket--only a cheap cellphone--I can mention three similarities in modus operandi.

1]Busy baht bus,making close physical contact necessary. 2]uncomfortable jostling 3]the give away-large handbag,which seemed to be the most crucial element in the theft,not only screening their activity from other passengers,but also providing counter stimulation whilst the real activity is going on.

Hope this proves helpful.

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Calling the police would have done what? The bus was moving. As you read the story, the bus was moving into strange dangerous areas. I find your suggestion ridiculous. And no my basic Thai is not good enough to explain such a complex MOVING situation.

I knew telling this story would open myself to rude know it alls like you, thanks for meeting my expectations.

Also, I like riding the baht buses. I like not running a vehicle if that is OK with you. I don't like thieves though ...

The zippers: good idea! However, I bet these pros could even handle those for many people.

The lady parts: I am no judge, turned my head.


I was actually feeling a bit sorry for your situation until I read this, you have replied most arrogantly to a poster who was making helpful suggestions, you have called him a rude know it all. Having a bad day are we?

I also find your "story" a bit strange, you don't know the bus number you say, get on just any bus then I take it, how do you know where your going. If you have got on just any bus, maybe it was on the correct route. Anyhow if you had known the bus number and it was taking an unschedualled route you could have rang the tourist police who normally have someone their who speaks english, and informed them.

I think you have made all this up.

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I also find your "story" a bit strange, you don't know the bus number you say, get on just any bus then I take it, how do you know where your going. If you have got on just any bus, maybe it was on the correct route. Anyhow if you had known the bus number and it was taking an unschedualled route you could have rang the tourist police who normally have someone their who speaks english, and informed them.

I think you have made all this up.

Huh? Sounds like a certain "lioness" has never ridden a Pattaya baht bus in her life. You don't have a clue. :)

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I also find your "story" a bit strange, you don't know the bus number you say, get on just any bus then I take it, how do you know where your going. If you have got on just any bus, maybe it was on the correct route. Anyhow if you had known the bus number and it was taking an unschedualled route you could have rang the tourist police who normally have someone their who speaks english, and informed them.

I think you have made all this up.

I suspect you don't live in Pattaya and/or don't know Jack s%^t about the baht bus system.

Some points: I never look at the baht bus number. At the time, it hadn't occurred to me that the bus was cooperating with the thieves. That kind of hit me after I left the bus. I do not have police numbers of any kind in my phone. Not saying that is bright, just the way it is. Frankly, even if I had the tourist police number my confidence level that they could respond to me promptly in a fast moving situation like that is nil. I was looking VISUALLY for a cop to wave down, but did not see one.

As far as the route, I explained this. Anyone in Pattaya knows the standard routes. I was originally NOT on a charted bus, it was a regular route baht bus. It is possible the ladies managed to charter it after their theft, though I don't know how they did that because they never left the bus. I got on in Jomtien going to Pattaya. Unless these buses are chartered they always go by Pratumnak to Pattaya Tai and then on to Pattaya Klang by way of 2nd Road. I have been riding this route for YEARS. A regular route bus does not just instantly turn into a charter and turn right between Pattaya Tai and Pattaya Klang. Oh yes, I am making this up. If that gives you satisfaction to believe that, carry on.

Again, this is a classic case here on thaivisa. Imagine the many interesting and informative true life stories we DO NOT hear about here because of posters like this. Why put yourself out there for such abuse, who needs it? I knew I would get flamed, but this is the cat's meow.

:):D :D :D :D

BTW, lioness, I do agree with you on one thing. The incident WAS strange. No a pickpocket is normal but the part about whether or not the baht bus driver was involved remains a mystery. There is no evidence that can prove this either way, that he was or wasn't involved, but what happened was still strange. I am hoping people keep their radar up for more clues out there about possible baht bus driver cooperation with thieves. If this one driver was indeed in on the game, that leads to the possibility that many of the drivers are similarly corrupt. Now, that wouldn't exactly be shocking that baht bus drivers are corrupt, but this kind of activity takes it to another level beyond mere price gouging for charters.

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I want to add one minor detail for the terminally anal: very, very rarely a normal route baht bus from Jomtien will turn right at Pattaya Tai. In my experience this is not because of a charter but for some personal agenda reason of the driver. The few times this has happened to me the bus has been just me or mostly empty and everyone gets out. The bus in the incident turned right much later than Pattaya Tai, but I wanted to cover all the bases for any feisty kitties out there, eager to expose me as the great coin purse theft liar.

Somewhat more commonly but still uncommon, these normal route buses will turn at Pattaya Klang. Also not charters, just the baht bus driver doing his thing. Also occasionally, a driver will just STOP on 2nd Road between Pattaya Tai and Pattaya Klang (sometimes to fish for a charter). Once when this has happened to me, they waved off the fare because they knew they had not finished their route, so I am not saying all baht bus drivers are bad.

Another comment, if in future I do become a fantasist and start making up stories to post here on thaivisa, I can assure you I will paint myself in a much more heroic light than the prosaic somewhat embarrassing true life reality from my true life incident. Yes, I smacked those beyatches around, all four of those big mamas until they begged for mercy and coughed up the coin purse which actually wasn't a coin purse but a golden doubloon previously owned by Captain Hook, that kind of thing. Stay tuned, Big Kitty.

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If TVers can recognise this crew and the methods employed, then surely every baht bus driver in town knows them too! Implying at least passive co-operation? Is there a cut of the profit passed on to the driver or the mafia?

Maybe the Falang Volunteer Police would like to participate in a few sting operations...

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If TVers can recognise this crew and the methods employed, then surely every baht bus driver in town knows them too! Implying at least passive co-operation? Is there a cut of the profit passed on to the driver or the mafia?

Maybe the Falang Volunteer Police would like to participate in a few sting operations...

That's what I was thinking also. The drivers know these gangs on sight. I also suspect they do it for a cut. In my case, that cut might be good for a cheap street food date, so that's a small victory for me.

Someone else mentioned offering them bait. I kind of like that idea. What things could we put in the bait? Unfortunately, shit smells so can't carry that around. Exploding dye would be fun.

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had you got the police involved, and were the women innocent they would certainly have not offered to show you inside their bags but would have waited for the police, you would have had to pay the police 1000b and may or may not have recovered you things

I recently watched a group of women on the beach dealing out thai justice to a lady that had stolen a phone off one of them, they each verbally lashed her then slapped her while she sat and took it, nobody thought of going to the police because the police in Thailand will only help if there is more money in it then tax collecting. Violence is the only justice in this country and the thais steal particularly off farang because they know there will be no justice.

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Thanks, raf. That sounds about right.

Of course, I never had any doubt that the lady sitting on my right picked my pocket.

1% doubt, right?

I stand corrected. :) 1 percent doubt, as I never recovered the item. :D 1 percent, hardly worth mentioning :D , but thank you :D for stepping up to the plate and mentioning it, my dear dear oh so loyal :D friend. You always have my back, it can't be denied. :D

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I also find your "story" a bit strange, you don't know the bus number you say, get on just any bus then I take it, how do you know where your going. If you have got on just any bus, maybe it was on the correct route. Anyhow if you had known the bus number and it was taking an unschedualled route you could have rang the tourist police who normally have someone their who speaks english, and informed them.


Have you ever ridden on a Pattaya Baht Bus?

Actually...Do you even know what a Baht bus is??

Seems like you know nothing about the Baht bus system :D

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I was actually feeling a bit sorry for your situation until I read this, you have replied most arrogantly to a poster who was making helpful suggestions, you have called him a rude know it all.

I think you have made all this up.

Good observation, he flames everyone but when he gets his panty hose in a bunch he's the first to cry foul,

I'm sure this was a real event though it's anything but clear what really happened, :)

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I was actually feeling a bit sorry for your situation until I read this, you have replied most arrogantly to a poster who was making helpful suggestions, you have called him a rude know it all.

I think you have made all this up.

Good observation, he flames everyone but when he gets his panty hose in a bunch he's the first to cry foul,

I'm sure this was a real event though it's anything but clear what really happened, :)

So, Snake Boy, where is that link I asked you for to prove your character assassination of me? Strangely silent, hssssssssssssssss.

I do not appreciate flame artists like you making up stories about me, so please prove it or APOLOGIZE. Yes, I accuse you of making up this story. Yes, I do get quite UPPITY when attacked by a VIPER like you.

You said:

And there was another baht buss drama that resulted in the driver being so infuriated with you he ejected you off in the middle of traffic, basically you were insulting him in public, etc,


BTW, just as a point of correction, I most certainly do not flame everyone. I am not Mother Theresa either ... I am sorry if I overreacted a bit to the first poster who suggested that I should have called the police. I really don't think that would have helped, especially considering that I only have basic Thai, the bus was moving, and making turns I couldn't predict, plus I didn't have any police numbers in my phone. However, I admit I was bitchy to that poster so I apologize. See Cobra, it isn't that hard for a REAL MAN to admit they are wrong, can you do it? BTW, if you care to read posts 9 and 10 you will see this is basically nothing. I was annoyed by the tone of this poster, kind of insulting all baht bus riders, I didn't like that and reacted somewhat emotionally to his suggestions which really weren't relevant to my particular incident anyway.

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I was actually feeling a bit sorry for your situation until I read this, you have replied most arrogantly to a poster who was making helpful suggestions, you have called him a rude know it all.

I think you have made all this up.

Good observation, he flames everyone but when he gets his panty hose in a bunch he's the first to cry foul,

I'm sure this was a real event though it's anything but clear what really happened, :)

So, Snake Boy, where is that link I asked you for to prove your character assassination of me? Strangely silent, hssssssssssssssss.

I do not appreciate flame artists like you making up stories about me, so please prove it or APOLOGIZE. Yes, I accuse you of making up this story. Yes, I do get quite UPPITY when attacked by a VIPER like you.

You said:

And there was another baht buss drama that resulted in the driver being so infuriated with you he ejected you off in the middle of traffic, basically you were insulting him in public, etc,


BTW, just as a point of correction, I most certainly do not flame everyone. I am not Mother Theresa either ... I am sorry if I overreacted a bit to the first poster who suggested that I should have called the police. I really don't think that would have helped, especially considering that I only have basic Thai, the bus was moving, and making turns I couldn't predict, plus I didn't have any police numbers in my phone. However, I admit I was bitchy to that poster so I apologize. See Cobra, it isn't that hard for a REAL MAN to admit they are wrong, can you do it?

Strange that the topic where a baht bus dropped you of at the railing before the entrance of walking street is removed.

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Strange that the topic where a baht bus dropped you of at the railing before the entrance of walking street is removed.

Is it? I was looking for that one also to prove that Cobra had completely distorted that incident IF that is what he was talking about, which by the way, he has never confirmed. His description was NOTHING like what happened. I am sorry the post is removed, in which case I can't prove it, and either can Snake Boy.Oh well, time to move on ...

Perhaps it was removed because it was a CLOSED thread and CLOSED threads have a shelf life? I really don't know.

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Strange that the topic where a baht bus dropped you of at the railing before the entrance of walking street is removed.

Is it? I was looking for that one also to prove that Cobra had completely distorted that incident IF that is what he was talking about, which by the way, he has never confirmed. His description was NOTHING like what happened. I am sorry the post is removed, in which case I can't prove it, and either can Snake Boy.Oh well, time to move on ...

How convenient, so it suddenly disappeared, or you deleted or had it deleted, what ever, when you got called on it.

And strangely you didn't deny the other two references I made that corroborated your penchant to let small situations escalate into bigger drama.

Everything I state is all matter of fact per you posts, no distortion, no lies, and you say you don't flame yet just referred to me as a snake.

Now if that were you you'd instantly go crying to the mods that a big meanie isn't being nice to you, of course I take it all in stride by simply considering the source.

The fact remains you accused a Thai stranger in public of robbing you of your purse that was no longer on your person, yet as you stated had zero proof, even as the accused and others offered to let you search them and offered to go to the police to straighten it all out, all of which you refused.

As it was a young women you were emboldened to confront, if it was a man you would have keep your mouth shut as he would not have not taken the public loss of face lightly.

The point isn't whether there was a pickpocketing or not, but that you allowed yet another situation to escalate into something more, characteristic of your past postings which clearly show a pattern of over-reaction and drama, which puts you at unnecessary risk and make the rest of us look bad.

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Thanks again Jingthing for warning us all about your bad experience.

I and I hope many other members do not think it is over reacting/drama.

I have been robbed in Pattaya a long time ago like I said earlier, I know how you feel.

Good on Jingthing for starting this Thread to warn others !!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks again Jingthing for warning us all about your bad experience.

I and I hope many other members do not think it is over reacting/drama.

I have been robbed in Pattaya a long time ago like I said earlier, I know how you feel.

Good on Jingthing for starting this Thread to warn others !!!!!!!!!!

Thank you very much Pattaya Girl! That is very sweet of you and I appreciate your kind words. I am also hoping that many people can learn about the theft dangers on the baht buses and perhaps learn from some of my mistakes. I know I have learned a lot here. Cheers!

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I have to agree. As for those who feel Jingthing is over-reacting, I would like to see their reaction if they were put into the same situation. Being robbed is not a good feeling at all.

As for someone accusing Jing of deleting a thread or having someone delete it for him, is that even possible?

He was only trying to warn us so that we would not find ourselves in the same situation as he experienced. Good on you, Jing... At least you have something useful to post.

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Strange that the topic where a baht bus dropped you of at the railing before the entrance of walking street is removed.

Is it? I was looking for that one also to prove that Cobra had completely distorted that incident IF that is what he was talking about, which by the way, he has never confirmed. His description was NOTHING like what happened. I am sorry the post is removed, in which case I can't prove it, and either can Snake Boy.Oh well, time to move on ...

How convenient, so it suddenly disappeared, or you deleted or had it deleted, what ever, when you got called on it.

And strangely you didn't deny the other two references I made that corroborated your penchant to let small situations escalate into bigger drama.

Everything I state is all matter of fact per you posts, no distortion, no lies, and you say you don't flame yet just referred to me as a snake.

Now if that were you you'd instantly go crying to the mods that a big meanie isn't being nice to you, of course I take it all in stride by simply considering the source.

The fact remains you accused a Thai stranger in public of robbing you of your purse that was no longer on your person, yet as you stated had zero proof, even as the accused and others offered to let you search them and offered to go to the police to straighten it all out, all of which you refused.

As it was a young women you were emboldened to confront, if it was a man you would have keep your mouth shut as he would not have not taken the public loss of face lightly.

The point isn't whether there was a pickpocketing or not, but that you allowed yet another situation to escalate into something more, characteristic of your past postings which clearly show a pattern of over-reaction and drama, which puts you at unnecessary risk and make the rest of us look bad.

I will answer your vicious personal attacks which are full of distortions, as clearly and concisely as I can:

1. I did not remove the old thread about the Walking Street fence. I am not a mod and don't have that power. I did not ask a mod to remove that old thread. Believe it, or not. I trust reasonable people observing your personal vendetta against me will believe me.

(BTW, your distorted account presumably about the Walking Street fence incident is not even logical. How could I be having an argument with a baht bus driver when he is driving and I am back of the bus, with a barrier between ? The guy banged on the window to eject me from the bus. I was not happy to be ejected into the street in an area blocked off with a metal fence. That was the purpose of that old thread.)

2. I did deny your description of the pencil incident. There was no heated argument and I was calm the entire time. Those interested (why?)


3. The Fish and Chips incident is now world famous. A British businessman didn't honor a discount coupon and I called him on it. This was years ago, a conflict between foreigners having nothing to do with Thai/foreign conflicts.

4. I have not complained about you to the mods. They can judge this themselves.

5. I was robbed on a baht bus. I know who did it. I have provided a detailed account of my evidence available to all to read. Of course, I accused the thief. Yes, the gang were women, but there were FOUR of them, and one of me. I did put my life at risk, they could have had knives for example. I am not suggesting other people act exactly as I acted. I just put it out there to tell the story and so that people could think about what they might do and also learn some things about the potential dangers.

6. There were NOT taking me to police. They were taking me to GOD KNOWS WHERE. Did you not read the account?

7. I represent myself. Not you. Not all foreigners.

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Thanks, raf. That sounds about right.

Of course, I never had any doubt that the lady sitting on my right picked my pocket.

1% doubt, right?

I stand corrected. :) 1 percent doubt, as I never recovered the item. :D 1 percent, hardly worth mentioning :D , but thank you :D for stepping up to the plate and mentioning it, my dear dear oh so loyal :D friend. You always have my back, it can't be denied. :D

just trying to put a little humor in the thread :D

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just trying to put a little humor in the thread

That's cool. But then cobra takes that microscopic speck of doubt and expands it to his snipe:

yet as you stated had zero proof
which is a bald faced lie. Never stated that and don't believe it. I would never confront a thief unless I was massively confident they were indeed a thief. A crime victim is not the police or a court of law, but we quite often do know quite definitely who the perp is. Crime is common in Pattaya. For some bizarre reason, Sir Cobra is creating this fantastical world where crime here is as rare as a good man in the ancient city of Sodom. News flash: it ain't and usually when it happens to you, you know it, and you also know the perp, especially if the perp is sitting next to you with a cheap big vinyl handbag covering your pocket. As they say: It Ain't Rocket Science. Edited by Jingthing
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