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Is It Time To Go Home


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Seeing as I have my own ‘ready to move into house’ back in the UK I’m thinking of taking a well earned break from LOS.

I’ve been checking flights on the internet and it’s looking like I’ll hit the Manchester tarmac around mid-June which is a good time to be in the UK as its mid-summer.

I’ll book a three month return ticket probably with Emirates as i can change the date if i feel the need.

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It's slowly but surely getting that way that over-all it's much cheaper for me to live in the UK.

I pay heavily to live here but at what point do I say enough is enough?

In Thailand i rent a house for 15.000 Baht per month.

In the UK I own my own house.

In Thailand my lady costs me somewhere in the region of 20.000 Baht every month.

That's 35.000 Baht or 700 pounds worth of outgoings I don't have in the UK.

The annual visa shit is another story.

Contrary to belief, the cost of living in the tropics doesn't come cheap.

and then.....

The 20.000 baht.

Nothing wrong if you can afford it.

I can afford to give her that amount each month and whilst she takes care of her money which she does, it will continue.

In my case money is not an issue

Well make your mind up, you are contradicting yourself. :)

You whinge in yr OP then do an about turn..... Wierd! :D

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If it helps the OP at all, I am struggling with this point also. A good friend of mine just moved back to the UK from Spain and so we have been comparing costs between her new life back in the UK and my life here in Thailand - we conclude that we both spend the same amounts of money each month although the decision to rent/buy cars and houses can make a difference. The numbers? For the lifestyles we both lead which are very similar, neither one of us is in to latest gadgets/cars/toys, we each spend about GBP 25,000 per year. If I take those numbers as correct and true then the choice of where to live comes down to other factors such as health care, climate, crime rates etc and my jury is somewhat out on those points.

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I forgot this one, definitively agree !

Especially a jazz concert during a summer evening :D !

or a small chamber orchestra playing Bach at an old country castle illuminated by hundreds of candles on a warm summer evening

I can get you a an Issan music concert, with traditional Thai dancing at Wat Hin Phimai, which of course you will not understand a word or gesture, and hundreds of mossies feasting on you in the insufferable heat and humidity of a Thai evening...will that suffice :)

...terrific. I am really looking forward to that. Can I bring my rococo wig?

Edited by Birdman
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My advice would be to try a different country in the region.

I had the same ponderings when I was living in Thailand. I finally packed up and tried Cambodia much to my delight.

Now I live back home but spend about half of my time in SE Asia, mainly Cambodia.

Edited by duchovny
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My last heating bill in the USA (Pennsylvania) about 5 years ago before coming to Thailand permanently in for the month of February was $628.00 (21,980฿) not to mention TV, Telephone, water/sewage, trash, electric, property tax, house insurance, etc. which added up to another $1,000 easily, I own my home but my current tenant (which is managed by a property management company which is fully responsible for everything) is paying $1,645 in rent per month. Correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression the UK was much more expensive.

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My last heating bill in the USA (Pennsylvania) about 5 years ago before coming to Thailand permanently in for the month of February was $628.00 (21,980฿) not to mention TV, Telephone, water/sewage, trash, electric, property tax, house insurance, etc. which added up to another $1,000 easily, I own my home but my current tenant (which is managed by a property management company which is fully responsible for everything) is paying $1,645 in rent per month. Correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression the UK was much more expensive.

It is.

MY SPREADSHEET THAT NO ONE WANTS! shows it can be cheap to live here. I've done one for the UK and only started putting in some monthly housing, utilities and transport costs. Not even finished that little section (haven't started grocery's even!) we're already over £12,000 a year to my TOTAL COST a little over £7,000 a year.

Ruddy council tax is typically £1200 a year in the UK. That's just the local property tax on a tiddly wee house. If you don't pay it, they put you in prison with all the pensioners and retired vicars who couldn't!

Trouble is where things are cheaper in LoS, people go made and consume 5 times what they usually would.

Edited by MJP
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I want to add that in LOS you can be poor and still have a social life.Can you in Europe or US?


You can be skinty, skinty in LoS and still survive. UK? Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

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Every time I look at the numbers I see that life for me in the UK versus Thailand will cost about the same so I have to move on to other points. The weather is a major plus here versus being a major negative in the UK for seven or eight months out of the year. Crime levels in the UK now appear to have spiked upwards and policing seems to be increasingly ineffective - despite the lack of policing here in Thailand I regard it as a safe environment. Probably one of the biggest deterrents for me in moving back to the UK is the heavy handed approach there to intrusive behavior by the authorities. I don't feel like telling the government all the details about my life, how much trash I throw away, where I'm going on holiday, which web sites I visit etc, they don't need to know. That aspect, combined with the authorities desire to fine the public for every small infraction of the law, really gets on my nerves - I'm sure I'd end up with several ASBO's in fairly short order!

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I want to add that in LOS you can be poor and still have a social life.Can you in Europe or US?

But what social life is there outside of bars in Thailand ??

Back in mainland Europe I went to a late night film club weekly, where people intelligently discussed things afterwards, skydiving, motorsports watching and driving, people can do hobby evening classes like photography / arts type stuff..

Again not trying to paint it as paradise, just playing devils advocate..

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Back in mainland Europe I went to a late night film club weekly, where people intelligently discussed things afterwards, skydiving, motorsports watching and driving, people can do hobby evening classes like photography / arts type stuff..

For me It was work your guts out all week then pub Friday, maybe football Saturday and B&Q Sunday for some unneeded DIY crap.

If the idea of returning to the UK every crossed your mind, even for a minute, take a look at the pictures at the link below and it will make you see sense instantly!


Thanks CM after a delightful ride around Pattaya and Jomtien this morning stopping off for breakfast sitting outside in the sun watching the world go by then looking at those pictures I wouldn't go back if you paid me.

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I want to add that in LOS you can be poor and still have a social life.Can you in Europe or US?

But what social life is there outside of bars in Thailand ??

This is certainly a problem outside Bangkok...there is little to no intellectual stimulation...plenty of outdoor activities and sports but that's about it. I have to rely on the internet for keeping up with current events and watching TV news and documentaries from PBS and BBC.

The intellectual climate in Bangkok is quite good...considering you're in the capitol of a relatively poor SE Asian nation. When I lived there, there was always something interesting to do...almost too much. There is quite a classical music scene in Bangkok, from symphony concerts to chamber-music concerts and recitals. There are also jazz and rock-music venues. The selection of film viewing options is also much greater in Bangkok than elsewhere...there are "art" films at the Lido/Scala theatres and at House at RCA. There are also many film festivals...International, EU, British, French, Japanese, etc. that take place...I saw many interesting films in my time. There are lectures and speaker series on various topics at the Siam Society and the FCCT. Finally, the many universities in Bangkok often have special concerts, lectures, and art shows going on that can be interesting to the Western expat.

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If the idea of returning to the UK every crossed your mind, even for a minute, take a look at the pictures at the link below and it will make you see sense instantly!

Our Pattaya Walking Street girls are so much prettier...


and our ladyboys too :)


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Apologies that I didn't post some of the pictures, the link has now expired, but please take a look and think twice!






I ask you, would you ever go there, even in your worst moments of dread and fear!

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To OP: if you have the means, why not spend the summer in the UK and rest of the year in Thailand? Best of both worlds. The UK has plenty of issues but not everyone is miserable, broke etc. contrary to what some posters on here would have you believe.

I think this is probably the way to go, like you suggest doing it half and half i can have the best of both worlds.

I have a couple of mates in the building game in London who work their <deleted> off throughout the summer months and spend Nov-April in LOS and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Neither of them wants to live in LOS all year round.

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It's slowly but surely getting that way that over-all it's much cheaper for me to live in the UK.

I pay heavily to live here but at what point do I say enough is enough?

In Thailand i rent a house for 15.000 Baht per month.

In the UK I own my own house.

In Thailand my lady costs me somewhere in the region of 20.000 Baht every month.

That's 35.000 Baht or 700 pounds worth of outgoings I don't have in the UK.

The annual visa shit is another story.

Contrary to belief, the cost of living in the tropics doesn't come cheap.

and then.....

The 20.000 baht.

Nothing wrong if you can afford it.

I can afford to give her that amount each month and whilst she takes care of her money which she does, it will continue.

In my case money is not an issue

Well make your mind up, you are contradicting yourself. :)

You whinge in yr OP then do an about turn..... Wierd! :D

I think your missing the point.

At no time have i suggested i cannot afford to live in Thailand.

I've already stated that money is not an issue.

The point i raised in my post was 'at what cost do you say enough is enough'?

Had the bosses in the car industry or the world banks sat down now and again and raised a few questions relating to money issues then maybe they wouldn’t be in the mess their in.

What I’m doing is taking stock of my own situation and raising a few of questions.

Does that not make sence?

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Every time I look at the numbers I see that life for me in the UK versus Thailand will cost about the same so I have to move on to other points. The weather is a major plus here versus being a major negative in the UK for seven or eight months out of the year. Crime levels in the UK now appear to have spiked upwards and policing seems to be increasingly ineffective - despite the lack of policing here in Thailand I regard it as a safe environment. Probably one of the biggest deterrents for me in moving back to the UK is the heavy handed approach there to intrusive behavior by the authorities. I don't feel like telling the government all the details about my life, how much trash I throw away, where I'm going on holiday, which web sites I visit etc, they don't need to know. That aspect, combined with the authorities desire to fine the public for every small infraction of the law, really gets on my nerves - I'm sure I'd end up with several ASBO's in fairly short order!

Have you totally lost the plot?? Evidently you have.

Living in the UK I have never had the authorities asking "how much trash I throw away, where I'm going on holiday, which web sites I visit etc"

Your final comment - "That aspect, combined with the authorities desire to fine the public for every small infraction of the law, really gets on my nerves - I'm sure I'd end up with several ASBO's in fairly short order!" - leads me to believe you're not desired here - let alone in the UK!! :)

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Apologies that I didn't post some of the pictures, the link has now expired

Works for me, and thanks for the reminder, even though I have not been tempted to return since leaving in 1981.

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I dont know about the UK since I am from the US but from my experience

price of water in thailand vs US ( thailand still cheaper )

price of running electricity vs US ( thailand still cheaper )

I'm paying B7 per kWh in thailand and B30 per unit of water (1,000 liters?)

So, in USD terms I'm paying 20 cents per kWh and 90 cents for 263 gallons of water. Electricity is defiantly cheaper in the US and I'd wager water is also. (Plus, if I drink the tap water here I get the trots; not so in the USA...)

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Okay, I'm settling this once and for all so close this thread after this post.

Today I went into town and came back with 10 big potted plants, lovely flowers for £9, yes nine quid. A big bonsai like thing for £7 and two other red things for £4.

Then I got my wheelbarrow, brought them from the truck and placed them in the sunshine on my nice big patio area.

Case closed.

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I dont know about the UK since I am from the US but from my experience

price of water in thailand vs US ( thailand still cheaper )

price of running electricity vs US ( thailand still cheaper )

I'm paying B7 per kWh in thailand and B30 per unit of water (1,000 liters?)

So, in USD terms I'm paying 20 cents per kWh and 90 cents for 263 gallons of water. Electricity is defiantly cheaper in the US and I'd wager water is also. (Plus, if I drink the tap water here I get the trots; not so in the USA...)

I guess you live in a rented condo, or with some other "special" arrangement. I pay 3.5 baht/KWh and about 10 baht/m3 (1,000 litres) of water. You're being had, my friend :)

/ Priceless

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In my case money is not an issue.

The issue is about questioning myself about the value of living here and at what cost I'm prepared to pay for that privilege.

If money is not an issue why then the concern about the cost of paying for the ' privilege ' to live here?

Surely, it resolves to satisfaction in which case you could simply move on for it must be abundantly clear to you that Thailand has lost its allure. But be warned, whereas a jaded palate requires stimulation contentment is never guaranteed by a simple change in diet. Variety, whilst being the spice of life, cannot in itself be a substitute for the real thing, whatever that transpires to be for you.

Perhaps you should realise that you are the problem and some self examination is required. Changing the scenery may alter perspective but it's still the same old you.

I recommend a month in a monastery spent in quiet contemplation. Either that or a change in mia. It may not solve your angst in the long term but at least it will afford an entertaining diversion along the way.

I suspect you are just bored and swapping whoopsies is often an antidote. Maybe a mia noi is the way forward?

Returning to Blighty is just being silly.

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