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A Little Confused Over 90 Day And Extension Of Stay

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as some may know i left my job in early feb and had a 1 year visa extension...

ok point 1

the visa extension was done in phuket and i managed to get my 90 report notice done in Bangkok ( even those i have been told the extension should have finished after my work, but immigration still stamped me through +many posts here state you have to do your 90 day at the place of extension )

point 2

i left the country yesterday fully prepared to pay 20 K overstay, as i know my work permit cancelled which was attached to my extension of stay, but when i got to immigaration, they just stamp me out and nothing ( even those they did ask why i hadnt bothered to get a multi entry stamp )

so , after many posts regarding extension of stays ect, and you have to leave the country that day, well i have noted this doesnt happen from first hand experince?

any ideas, or was i just lucky?

Edited by Boater
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You were not caught - are most are not. But yes, you were lucky and the cards could have fallen differently.

ah ok

thanks, i had not really looked into untill i started reading this thread more in depth, as i had been to bangkok immigration twice, and everything seem ok... was only after i needed to exit thailand , did i start to look further, and i was fully prepared at BKK airport just in case.

naive i know...

thanks again

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