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Why Are You Still A

Kan Win

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Well, I am sort of an outlier to most Marines, to be honest, enlisted or officer! My world view is not that common among most Marines.

That's for sure. I did meet a pretty cool Gunnery Sgt. a few years ago who seemed right on your wavelength. I always think of Gunny’s as being really hard-core, but this guy seemed like a real thinker and no macho B.S. either. Of course, he could have been Navy or Air force, masquerading as a Jarhead!

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Uhh..I see...

I had wondered since I was just a newbie that how come I couldn't change this whilst others can have so many cool titles.

Just known the reason now..thank you OP.

To get me hit 500posts... haha...maybe I can be there when year 2011..mai-rooooo-di..

Will see../ cheers to everyone.

Took me six years to get there! (Hmmm, does that make me a "lurker"?)

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Uhh..I see...

I had wondered since I was just a newbie that how come I couldn't change this whilst others can have so many cool titles.

Just known the reason now..thank you OP.

To get me hit 500posts... haha...maybe I can be there when year 2011..mai-rooooo-di..

Will see../ cheers to everyone.

That's easy. Just reply as often as you can, even if it means nothing at all.




I thought exactly the same

A friend told me that...

second that



or start a thread about a nasty relationship, wait for some replies and answer that one by one.

Edited by Birdman
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Uhh..I see...

I had wondered since I was just a newbie that how come I couldn't change this whilst others can have so many cool titles.

Just known the reason now..thank you OP.

To get me hit 500posts... haha...maybe I can be there when year 2011..mai-rooooo-di..

Will see../ cheers to everyone.

Took me six years to get there! (Hmmm, does that make me a "lurker"?)

Oh,.. you been here all six years? ..If so, must be a great lurker..lol

But anyway, you can hit 500. Cool!!

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Uhh..I see...

I had wondered since I was just a newbie that how come I couldn't change this whilst others can have so many cool titles.

Just known the reason now..thank you OP.

To get me hit 500posts... haha...maybe I can be there when year 2011..mai-rooooo-di..

Will see../ cheers to everyone.

That's easy. Just reply as often as you can, even if it means nothing at all.




I thought exactly the same

A friend told me that...

second that



or start a thread about a nasty relationship, wait for some replies and answer that one by one.

I have done thread of my silly relationship already, and nasty thread also..

So, have got many views of my profile (unintention and I feel a bit shamed..lol)..but still have had only 200ish posts.

It's because sometimes I were too busy and had to be away from here.

Well, this time again..will be away for a while for working stuffs... Nah, will get back to hit my 500posts sii.../Cheers

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As can be seen, my member type is 'infected member'! There's a story behind this. When I first met my (now) ex-wife, her first kisses led me to develop cold sores in my mouth (Many Thai people carry the Herpes cold sore virus whilst us westerners tend not to carry it as the norm). So my mouth/tongue turned a lurid green after that first encounter and I had to ingress lots of medication.

Happily, I recovered from that infection and - happily - I went on to divorce my wife. Maybe I need to change my member status to 'Reborn member'


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As can be seen, my member type is 'infected member'! There's a story behind this. When I first met my (now) ex-wife, her first kisses led me to develop cold sores in my mouth (Many Thai people carry the Herpes cold sore virus whilst us westerners tend not to carry it as the norm). So my mouth/tongue turned a lurid green after that first encounter and I had to ingress lots of medication.

Happily, I recovered from that infection and - happily - I went on to divorce my wife. Maybe I need to change my member status to 'Reborn member'


Thanks for sharing that tidbit!  :)

  memorable name, though.   :D

Edited by bonobo
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As can be seen, my member type is 'infected member'! There's a story behind this. When I first met my (now) ex-wife, her first kisses led me to develop cold sores in my mouth (Many Thai people carry the Herpes cold sore virus whilst us westerners tend not to carry it as the norm). So my mouth/tongue turned a lurid green after that first encounter and I had to ingress lots of medication.

Happily, I recovered from that infection and - happily - I went on to divorce my wife. Maybe I need to change my member status to 'Reborn member'


sounds like you were kissing Mr Toad or was your wife just naturally ugly?

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Did you know that when you have posted 500 :D or more times you can edit your 'Custom member title'. ...

I quite like "Platinum".

(Also, no idea what else to put there :D)

Maybe due to your hair being that colour 'JesterBkk' :)

Name for you "The Jester" would fit you very nicely :D

Well, as of June 1, I will be officially a retired colonel, I might wait until then as you have already taken "The Colonel."  But "The Retired Colonel" does not have quite the same elan.  :D

No problems, PM me and I will change me under name as I only look like


and not a real Colonel, but me mates call me that. :D

Checking checking checking---

Works!! Got rid of the melon reference..

Howzat, Kan Win? But gonna change the cat piccie. one day.

Very nice 'Patsycat'. I could not have have put it better. As for your Cat photo, tis lovely as is it madam :D

Yours truly, glad that I helped out :D

Kan Win :P

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I quite like "Platinum".

(Also, no idea what else to put there :D)

Maybe due to your hair being that colour 'JesterBkk' :)

Name for you "The Jester" would fit you very nicely :D


Kan Win :D

Good idea! Done! :D

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Lets see how long we get away with this one, I am sure Sherlock moderator will be on to this like flees on a rat.

To be honest with you - I have visited the other side of the TV moon - it ain't pretty. Reminds me of the place people go to hide from the world.

Funny when I stumbled upon it by mistake recently and deficated a post or two, all shock and horror took place that I had found their secret garden.

(slap, smack bad James - 1 star off your profile for that)

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Lets see how long we get away with this one, I am sure Sherlock moderator will be on to this like flees on a rat.

To be honest with you - I have visited the other side of the TV moon - it ain't pretty. Reminds me of the place people go to hide from the world.

Funny when I stumbled upon it by mistake recently and deficated a post or two, all shock and horror took place that I had found their secret garden.

(slap, smack bad James - 1 star off your profile for that)

Okay, your back up to 3 stars so you can smile again :)

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Lets see how long we get away with this one, I am sure Sherlock moderator will be on to this like flees on a rat.

To be honest with you - I have visited the other side of the TV moon - it ain't pretty. Reminds me of the place people go to hide from the world.

Funny when I stumbled upon it by mistake recently and deficated a post or two, all shock and horror took place that I had found their secret garden.

(slap, smack bad James - 1 star off your profile for that)

Okay, your back up to 3 stars so you can smile again :)

what's the old saying 1 star forward and 2 stars back? Begs the question though, what's the purpose of these Stars?

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