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Hi All,

Firstly i apologise if this has already been covered here but i can't seem to find it.

My question is, how many times can you visit Laos to get a double entry visit for Thailand?

I have had a double entry but it expires 24th May.

Thanks in advance,



You say your visa expires on the 24th. Have you used the 2nd entry yet? Or are you talking about your permit to stay stamp?

The visa expiring does not mean you have to leave and get another one. As long as you permit to stay is valid you don't have to leave.



Thankyou for the reply, yes i have used the second entry and 30 days up.

Do you know if i must go to the Laos Embassy for a visa here or can they be obtained from travel agency? and how long does it take?

Thanks again.

You say your visa expires on the 24th. Have you used the 2nd entry yet? Or are you talking about your permit to stay stamp?

The visa expiring does not mean you have to leave and get another one. As long as you permit to stay is valid you don't have to leave.


You need to make a trip to Vientiane for another 2 entry visa. It will still be free if you go by the 4th of June.

You might find some unscrupulous agents that for very high fee say they can get you a visa but it is illegal to get a visa without leaving the country.


I suspect, on second read, you are asking about a visa to Laos? That you can obtain at the border on arrival. No need to get early.



Again thankyou for the info, may i ask what you meant by free?


You need to make a trip to Vientiane for another 2 entry visa. It will still be free if you go by the 4th of June.

You might find some unscrupulous agents that for very high fee say they can get you a visa but it is illegal to get a visa without leaving the country.


Thai tourist visas are free until June 4th as part of the goverments efforts to promote tourism.

I also misread your post asking about the visa for Laos. I don't know if you can get them from a travel agent or not.

You can get it in Bangkok at the Lao embassy. If you pay 200 baht extra you can have in an hour.

Info here: http://www.bkklaoembassy.com/



A thankyou to all for the info.

Thai tourist visas are free until June 4th as part of the goverments efforts to promote tourism.

I also misread your post asking about the visa for Laos. I don't know if you can get them from a travel agent or not.

You can get it in Bangkok at the Lao embassy. If you pay 200 baht extra you can have in an hour.

Info here: http://www.bkklaoembassy.com/


Hi all,

I intend to go on the overnight train sleeper arriving in Nong Khai at 08.30am Thursday, but i have read the Thai Embassy in Laos has moved and now operates a numbering queue system. Does any one know if i will have enough time to make it to the Thai Embassy given my Nong Khai arrival time? Additionally my Thai wife will accompany me, will she have to queue at the border?

I should point out that i am going to get an entry visa for Laos here in BKK beforehand.

Many Thanks in advance.



If you take a taxi to the bridge you should have plenty of time since you are getting your visa in advance. But you will not have a lot of time to spare. All this will depend upon the train arriving on time.

If your wife has a pssport she will get a 30 day entry and it is free. She will go straight on through without any delay.


Hi All,

I just got my Laos entry visa from their Embassy in BKK (took 40minutes), my train is scheduled to arrive in Nong Khai at 08.30am but if its late i may have to buy a low number at the Thai embassy in Laos i have read about on here. Has anyone done this and how does it work?, i mean if the number has already been called and no-one came forward with that ticket. is it not binned?

Appreciate any info.


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